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Related Studies
Local Studies
The study of Peteros et. Al (2021) entitled “Understanding the Effects of Time
Management and Self-Efficacy on math Performance among High School Students
Working Part-Time in Cebu, Philippines” stated that although the government provides
free education, poverty is one of Filipino students' most common challenges in their pursuit
of basic education. To overcome financial constraints and to be self-sufficient while
studying, high school students choose to find errands. In Toledo City, Cebu, Philippines,
thirty-one public high school students working part-time were studied to find answers if
there was a link between time management, self-efficacy, and academic performance,
specifically, assessing the respondents' math performance, using the adopted survey
questionnaire. The results revealed that they performed satisfactorily in math while
practicing moderate time management and having moderate self-efficacy in the subject.
There was no significant relationship between time management and math performance;
however, self-efficacy and math performance had a significant weak positive correlation.
As a result, teachers are encouraged to create programs that boost students' self-efficacy
and time management abilities. It is strongly suggested that time management skills are
integrated into the subjects to form and promote students' positive reactions. From the
theoretical point of view, once the competencies have been learned and practiced, students
are expected to manage, strive for, and fulfill their life objectives more effectively.
The study of Peteros et.al (2021) is related to the present study because it covered
the effects of time management on math performance of 31 high school students who are
part-time worker. Same with the present study, it aims to tackle time management of
students. However, the overall academic performance of Senior High Students under the
Arts and Design Strand specifically Grade 12 level learners will be correlated to the time
management variable and whether the respondents are part-time worker or full-time
students, they will be accommodated as respondents. The study of Peteros et.al also utilized
a correlational research design like the present study to explore the nature of the
relationship or association between and among the variables involved in the study.
Marpa studied the correlation among time management, study habits and academic
achievement of the math major students in 2014. The main purpose of this study was to
determine the correlations among math major students time management, study habits, and
academic achievement in mathematics. This study also determines math major students’
time management, study habits, and academic achievement in mathematics when grouped
according to the selected variables such as year level, sex, number of siblings, and type of
school graduated during high school. In this study, the researcher utilized correlational
method of research. To determine math major student’s time management, the researcher
makes use of the “How well do you Manage you Time?’ developed by Markenzie et.al. On
the other hand, to determine the study habits of the respondents, 24-item Study Habit
Questionnaire was adopted by the researcher to the work of Chua. However, to determine
respondents’ academic achievement in mathematics, GPA was used, and this was
determined from the university registrar. Questionnaires adopted were administered to the
52 mathematics major students at Philippine Normal University Negros Occidental
Branch. Results in this regard show that the level of time management of the math major
students was average and likewise their academic achievement was also average, but they
establish a good study habit. Results also show that there a significant correlation between
math major students time management and study habits likewise with study habits and
academic achievement in mathematics. This result infers that time management is related
to study habits and study habits are related to academic achievement in mathematics. Along
this line, it is recommended that math major students are encouraged to maintain their good
study habits. They are also encouraged to exert extra efforts in their academic activities.
Establish a god habit of solving practice exercises and word problem solving to develop
their skills in the different competencies of mathematics.
The study of Marpa (2014) is the same with the present study since both utilized
correlational design to relate time management and academic achievement. However, the
related study was conducted in different locale but same country. The related study also
utilized tertiary students majoring in mathematics. On the other hand, the present study will
use Grade 12 Students-Arts and Design Strand. Both studies used a survey-questionnaire
with different structures.
Lorenzo et.al (2015) studied the time management skills related to clinical
performance among Level-IV nursing students of Colegio De San Juan De Letran
Calamba, A.Y. 2012-2013. The study determined the time management skills of Level-IV
Letran Nursing students. In light of the findings, the researchers therefore concluded that
the respondents had a time-attitudes time management skill. The researchers also learned
that the head nursing clinical performance of the respondents was 84.70%. On the other
hand, there was no significant relationship
between the time management skill and
clinical performance of the respondents. But there was a significant relationship between
the number 3 and 5 questions of the long-term time management skill as to the clinical
performance of the respondents. Future researchers could extend studies on adapting
different time management skills and determining factors related to the clinical
performance of the students, such as academic performance and co-curricular activities.
Lorenzo et.al in 2015 is a study that used correlational research design that focused
on time management skills of its respondents and relate it to their clinical performance.
The related study is the same as the present study since they both focused on time
management correlation to academic performances of their respective respondents.
Nevertheless, the related study’s respondents were taken from different locale and were
nursing students. The present study, on the other hand, will aim to cover all Grade 12
students under Arts and Design Strands this school year 2021-2022.
The study of Salcedo-Relucio (2019) entitled “Factors Affecting the Study Habits
of Grade Eleven Students in One National High School in Pangasinan, Philippine” shows
that due to the increasing nature of the below-average academic performance of the Grade
11 students of Senior High School in the first and second quarter, the School Head gathered
all the teachers in the SHS Department and conducted a brainstorming regarding the
performance of the students. This study sought to determine the factors affecting the study
habits of the 11th Grade of the Senior High in Maticmatic National High School, S.Y 20172018. In this study, a mixed-method approach was concurrently embedded. The included
participants in this study were the Grade 11 students at Senior High School. Females are
the most respondents of this research most of the respondents have low monthly family
income. For the study habits of the students in Grade 11, most of the respondents
sometimes do a reading, and the majority of them never take down notes. Over-all, the
respondents have poor study habits which led them to have poor academic performance.
Also, the majority of the respondents do not do homework at home and do not read their
notes during school hours. Lastly, the Majority of the respondents strongly agreed that
home environment, peer pressure and social media addiction, work and financial instability
and family stress are the most factors that affect the study habits of the grade 11 students.
The researcher recommends parents to improve the level of control and care of their
children, show more interest and concern in the academic work of their wards by way of
providing a conducive atmosphere for studies, proving materials for studies, and helping
students in their studies.
The study made by Salcedo-Relucio in 2019 is related to the present study since
one of its variables is academic performance. However, the former focused more on factors
affecting the study habits and the latter aims to explore the relationship of time
management and academic performance of its respondents. Both studies have senior highlevel learners as respondents, but the study of Salcedo-Relucio is Grade 11 while the
present study will be the Grade 12 Arts and Design Senior High Learners.
The study of Guinocor et.al (2020) entitled “Mathematics Performance of Students
in a Philippine State University” stated that teaching and understanding mathematics is a
significant concern in any educational system. Largish efforts are made by various
researchers to find out the causes of students’ performance in the subject. Despite every
one of these endeavors’ issues still, endure. The researchers used a descriptive-correlational
design to gather data through an adopted survey tool for study habits and attitudes. The
study was conducted at the Cebu Technological University San Francisco Campus, Cebu,
Philippines. The respondents were the 52 Education students who were enrolled in the
mathematics program; they answered the survey of study habits and attitudes. The gathered
data were treated using frequency, simple percentage, weighted mean, Pearson r, and t-test.
It was found out that there is a significant positive high correlation between the study
orientations of the students considering their academic performance in terms of their
Graded Point Average (GPA) in Mathematics subjects. It was concluded that the study
orientations of students differ. The researchers recommend conducting a further study on
the effectiveness of the developed research-based study strategies.
The study of Guinocor et.al (2020) is related to the present study since it utilized
correlational design to to gather data through an adopted survey tool for study habits and
attitudes. However, the related study combined the correlation design with descriptive and
heavily focused on study habits and attitudes, while the present study will look into the
relationship between time management and academic performance of its respondents not
just on one learning area. Both studies covered academic performances of respondents but
to be correlated with different variables.
Guinocor, Marvin, et.al (2020). Mathematics Performance of Students in a Philippine State
University. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education Vol. 15, No.
3. https://doi.org/10.29333/iejme/7859
Lorenzo, Mary Antonette T. et.al (2015). Time Management Skills Related to Clinical Performance
Among Level-IV Nursing Students of Colegio De San Juan De Letran Calamba, A.Y. 20122013.
Marpa, Eliseo. (2014). Correlation Among Time Management, Study Habits and Academic
Peteros, Emerson D. et.al (2021). Understanding the Effects of Time Management and SelfEfficacy on math Performance among High School Students Working Part-Time in Cebu,
Salcedo-Relucio, Maria Angelica (2019). Factors Affecting the Study Habits of Grade Eleven
Students in One National High School in Pangasinan, Philippines. Volume 4, Issue 1.