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Learning Unit 4 Review Questions

Learning Unit 4 Review Questions
DIRECTIONS: Answer the following review questions for the Learning Unit 4 Reading Assignments.
Highlight the correct answer in YELLOW. When you complete the Review Questions, upload the
assignment into the online classroom.
Chapter 12 – Spiritual Needs, Spiritual Caring, and Religious Differences
1) How did the origination of the nursing process in the 1950s change the course of nursing?
a) It provided a reasoning model.
b) It provided a specificity model.
c) It provided a quality model.
d) It provided a critical-thinking model.
2) Some RNs and instructors have questioned the value of teaching SPNs/SVNs nursing process and
critical thinking. Which statement provides a valid reason for including both in the SPN/SVN
a) Knowledge of the nursing process and critical thinking encourages postgraduate education
so that one day the LPN/LVN can be an RN.
b) LPNs/LVNs and RNs collaborate, assisting the patient to meet their outcomes. A common
language and thought process provides an organized way of understanding what is to be
c) Learning the nursing process and critical thinking provides the opportunity to be working on
both LPN and RN levels of nursing at the same time.
d) Learning the nursing process and critical thinking provides a cookbook method of learning
and provides time to deal with job stresses.
3) Which request by the RN will you refuse to do because it is beyond the LPN/LVN scope of
a) “Update Mr. Frederic’s plan of care, and we will discuss it as soon I get back from lunch.”
b) “Catheterize Mrs. Jones as soon as you can and report total output to me STAT.”
c) “Check Mr. Neap’s pressure sore on his right hip for changes since his admission.”
d) “Assist Sally (RN) by doing an assessment of our new admission on the south wing.”
4) Which action is within the LPN/LVN scope of nursing practice when a patient aspirates a piece of
meat and you are sitting opposite the patient in the dining room?
a) Ask someone to get help as you move quickly toward the patient to perform a Heimlich
b) Ask another patient to straighten up the patient while you go to get an RN or other qualified
staff member.
c) Immediately call the patient’s doctor for permission to perform the Heimlich and mention
you are an SPN/SVN.
d) Because you do not know if this patient has a do-not-resuscitate order on the chart, send
someone to check.
5) Which of the following is an important reason for verifying data? (Select all that apply.)
a) Patient and family account of what happened differ.
b) You believe that persons of this culture are dishonest.
c) Patient complains of fever, but the forehead feels cool.
d) You note that the patient’s body language and words match.
e) Patient indicates that they have no pain but they grimace when you touch their left leg.
6) A new patient has arrived, and the RN has asked you to begin data collection while she finishes
taking doctor’s orders. Prioritize the following steps.
a) Identify the patient. 2
b) Measure vital signs. 3
c) Introduce yourself to the patient. 1
d) Explain what you are planning to do. 4
e) Report information to the RN and ask for further instructions. 5
Chapter 13 – Nursing Theory, Research, and Evidence-based Practice
1) Elements of evidence-based practice in nursing do not include:
a) Best research evidence
b) Nurse’s clinical expertise
c) Patient preferences
d) Tradition in agency
2) An abstract found on a database or at the beginning of a research study is:
a) Something difficult to understand
b) Something designed to distract you
c) A summary of the research performed
d) A complete account of the research study
3) Which of the following statements is accurate regarding theories useful to nursing?
a) Orem’s interpersonal theory defines roles and steps in developing a therapeutic relationship.
b) Maslow’s culture care theory is concerned with how to meet cultural needs through nursing
c) Rosenstock’s needs theory focuses on meeting patient needs that may have no basis in fact.
d) In Maslow’s theory unmet needs create tension, which motivates the person to react to
meet the need.
4) Crystal is explaining qualitative research to a classmate. What response indicates a need for
clarification regarding qualitative research?
a) A cause/effect relationship of variables is confirmed.
b) Interviews are used to gather data.
c) Lived experiences (for example, pain) are studied.
d) Problem areas of participants’ lives are studied.
5) List in order the steps below that are implemented to identify best practices in nursing.
a) Find the latest, most relevant research evidence.
b) Formulate the clinical question being investigated.
c) Using critical thinking skills, combine the gathered evidence with clinical experience and the
patient’s preferences and values.
d) Evaluate the validity, relevance, and how you can apply the evidence to the clinical situation
already in order
6) Select the items that describe the LPN/LVN’s role in nursing research and evidence-based
practice. (Select all that apply.)
a) Collect data for research studies as requested by the registered nurse.
b) Collaborate to formulate clinical questions that need to be investigated for validity.
c) Follow protocols and procedures of the agency in which they are employed.
d) Gather data for evaluation of the effectiveness of evidence-based practices.
e) Support clinical interventions in practice with evidence-based nursing practices.
Chapter 14 – The Interdisciplinary Health Care Team: The Role of the Practical/Vocational Nurse
1) Which of the following nurses, identified by the initials after their name, is most likely to be the
Director of Nursing at a large-size long-term care facility?
a) RN
c) LPN
2) Select the statement that indicates an understanding of a major difference between the RN and
a) The LPN/LVN initiates all health teaching for patients.
b) The registered nurse formulates nursing diagnoses.
c) By law, the LPN/LVN functions in an independent role.
d) The LPN/LVN interprets the results of research studies.
3) Which of the following statements best describes team nursing as a method of delivering
nursing care?
a) The method is based on the level of staff skill and patient need.
b) Task-oriented efficiency is divided among staff across all shifts.
c) The RN plans and is accountable for total patient care 24 hours a day.
d) This method uses scarce nursing resources in a cost-effective way.
4) The following describe likely job settings and the job role of an LPN/LVN working as a vital
member of the interprofessional team (Select all that apply.)
a) Community: Team member for a chronically ill pediatric patient in their home
b) Long-term care: Charge nurse on the evening shift of a skilled care facility
c) Acute care: Charge nurse on a surgical unit
d) Community: Team member in a geriatric clinic
e) Long-term care: Director of Nursing supervising skilled care and personal care units
5) Which of the following statements differentiates the role of the LPN/LVN from the professional
nurse? (Select all that apply.)
a) The LPN/LVN is responsible for formulating all nursing diagnoses.
b) The LPN/LVN has a collaborative role in health teaching for patients.
c) The LPN/LVN is not employed in any charge/management positions.
d) The LPN/LVN is responsible for triaging patients in an urgent care setting.
e) The LPN/LVN is responsible for all members of the health care team.
6) Which of the following are methods of delivering nursing care in acute care agencies? (Select all
that apply.)
a) Primary care
b) Case method
c) Team method
d) Functional method
e) Delegation method
Chapter 15 – Health Care Settings: Continuum of Care
1) Which of the following health agencies is most likely to be a major resource if you have a
measles outbreak at your health care institution?
a) WHO
b) CDC
c) NIH
d) FDA
2) Which statement best describes how official and voluntary agencies differ?
a) Official agencies are proprietary.
b) Voluntary agencies are tax supported.
c) Official agencies provide primary care.
d) Voluntary agencies emphasize research.
3) What quality/skill set described below would indicate a need for staff training when working
with hospice?
a) Knowledge of the physiologic process occurring as death approaches.
b) Ability to sit without the need for dialogue, if desired by the individual.
c) Feeling the need to tell the individual your beliefs about life after death.
d) Willingness to honor the person’s request for food, conversation, visitors, and so on.
4) Indicate which statements accurately describe differences between community health nursing
services and home health agencies. (Select all that apply.)
a) Home health agencies provide direct nursing services to people in their home.
b) Community health nursing services work on prevention and case finding.
c) The Visiting Nurse Association and the County Health Department are examples of home
health agencies.
d) Home health agencies have an increased focus on family and the patient’s environment.
e) Home health agencies focus on population health versus individual health.
5) How do new new elder living models differ from traditional nursing homes? (Select all that
a) Traditional homes provide personal care by assigning an LPN/LVN to give total care to the
b) New elder living models follow strict schedules for eating, bathing, and so on to provide a
sense of security.
c) In new elder living models, elders have flexibility in when they get up, eat, bathe, go
outdoors, and receive visitors.
d) New elder living models home design could minimize the need for wheel chairs.
e) Traditional homes establish time frames for meals that meet the needs of the majority of the
6) How will you explain the different levels of long-term health care to someone planning to seek
placement for an elderly relative? (Select all that apply)
a) Personal care can provide assistance with basic care needs and supervision to maintain a
safe environment.
b) Assisted care facilities offer 24-hour supervision and support the elderly to “age in place” providing a flexible menu of services.
c) Specialty hospitals can provide rehabilitation services following a major neurological event
(i.e., stroke).
d) Skilled care facilities can provide 24-hour supervision and access to many health care
services, including dementia care.
Chapter 16 - The Health Care System: Financing, Issues, and Trends
1) A driving force in delivering health care today is:
a) Safety concerns
b) Patient demands
c) Technological explosion
d) Labor negotiations
2) Select the statement that best describes the impact Medicare has as a prospective payment
a) Hospitals have increased revenue as a result of the prospective payment system.
b) When the patient is discharged, the hospital calculates the bill and sends it to the federal
c) The hospital is paid based on the DRG (diagnostic-related group).
d) Physician office visits cannot be covered by Medicare funding.
3) A patient tells the LVN about the new HMO that his employer has chosen to cover employees
with health care benefits. Select the statement that indicates that the patient understands the
coverage of an HMO.
a) “Each time I go to the doctor, I pay the charges as I leave the office, and I send the bills to the
HMO for reimbursement.”
b) “Having an HMO allows me to choose the specialist I prefer to see, based on my colleagues’
c) “The doctors hired by the HMO submit their bills to the HMO and receive reimbursement for
the services they provided.”
d) “I must carefully choose a specialist from the list provided or I may incur additional costs.”
4) Indicate which statement is accurate regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
a) The ACA was implemented to expand health care insurance coverage to all people in the
U.S., irrelevant of their lawful status.
b) The ACA mandates that all employers provide health insurance to all employees.
c) The ACA replaces Medicare coverage.
d) The law prohibits insurance companies from denying coverage if you have a preexisting
5) Capitation plans include all of the following: (Select all that apply.)
a) HMOs
b) PPOs
c) POSs
d) Fee for Service
e) Joint Purchasing