Judicial Review o A) Background Marbury v. Madison Rule: o The Supreme Court of the United States has the authority to review laws and legislative acts to determine whether they comply with the United States Constitution. o B) Introduction Interpretation Approaches: o 1) original intent Looks to the direct text of the constitution or what can be clearly implied from the framers intent when the constitution was written o 2) modified/abstract original intent piece by piece interpretation of how to apply constitution o 3) original meaning Not getting inside mind of framers, but instead get into meaning of constitution on the ground when it was enacted o 4) tradition Looks beyond courts original understanding of rights and looks to practice o 5) process-based theory Look to every advancement in process that has occurred and take that into consideration o 6) Aspirationalism Look to the aspirations of the society as a whole Basis of interpretation: o Constitutional Amendment to constitution only way to override o Prudential Congress can override with statutory legislation Policy Considerations Constitutional Avoidance only address constitutional concern if no other way Advisory Opinoins: o Must be an actual dispute with adverse parties o Must have an effect on controversy Constitutional Standing o Allen v. Wright To have standing to bring a lawsuit, plaintiffs must sufficiently allege that they have personally suffered a distinct injury, and the chain of causation linking that injury to the actions of a defendant must not be attenuated. o C) Standing Constitutional: Plaintiff suffers an Injury-in-fact o Concrete/in-fact o Segregate injury o Cases: Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife o Under Art III of the Constitution, a party does not have standing to litigate a generalized grievance against the government in federal court if she suffered no personal injury other than the harm suffered by all citizens. Considered an aesthetic injury is an injury in fact but must be imminent City of LA v. Lyons Lyons seeks injunction to end chokehold use by police injunction refused on grounds that he is unlikely to suffer from a subsequent chokehold o To prove he is in imminent danger he would have to show: 1) all police officers always use chokeholds in any situation they desire; or 2) city authorized chokeholds to be used Mass v. EPA Direct cause by defendant; traceable o Allen v. Wright Allen v. Wright To have standing to bring a lawsuit, plaintiffs must sufficiently allege that they have personally suffered a distinct injury, and the chain of causation linking that injury to the actions of a defendant must not be attenuated. o Mass v. EPA 1) for standing to be appropriate, an actual case or controversy must be present, which is characterized by a truly adversarial relationship. 2) the Clean Air Act provides the EPA with the statutory authority to regulate new motor-vehicle-emissions greenhouse gases as an “air pollutant” Redressable by courts o Warth v. Seldin Low income citizens seek injunction against multifamily home zoning not permitted in Penfield NY Majority shows no redressability because even if zoning ordinance wasn’t allowed, low-income persons would not likely be able to afford to live there Removing ban on multifamily houses would still result in low income persons being priced out of neighborhood o EPA Prudential: Third-party standing o Two exceptions: Third parties rights are affected by rights of injured party Genuine obstacles to third party asserting their rights D) Ripeness Justiciability doctrine that regulates when a pre-enforcement challenge can be brought to challenge in court Applies when specific enforcement can occur when speculation has been reduced by knowing: o o o o o Parties involved Actions in controversy Location of action E) Mootness 1) Defined when standing was permissible but the cause of standing has been removed o i.e. settlement, death, repeal of law, etc. 2) Rationale Designed to prevent courts from issuing advisory opinions 3) Exceptions A) capable of repetition/evade review o Events unfold so quickly that adjudication cannot be completed before resolution of event If reasonable expectation that problem would occur to the plaintiff, then the case can proceed B) Voluntary cessation o Allowed to proceed because alleged behavior may return C) Class Action o As a representative of a class you must represent the interest of the class Must have standing at offset of case But case can proceed if and only if they had standing initially and at least one member of the class still has proper standing F) Political Questions Courts tend to abstain from deciding political interests because of other interests these cases would be justiciable had there not been other branches of government that are better fit to resolve the conflict as stated by the constitution Four rationales o 1) courts need to step out of some disputes because some are so momentous, so deeply affected by a human being that no judge can make quality, neutral, decision making when it comes to rule of law. o 2) legitimacy court goes down the path of determining highly contentious decisions that other branches have interest in o 3) court doesn’t have experience in deciding such actions o 4) too much of an interest to fairly adjudicate the dispute 1) Historical Development Marbury o Marshall difference between legal acts president is required to abide by and discretionary political judgements based on policy Baker v. Carr o Rule of Law: A challenge to malapportionment of state legislatures brought under the Equal Protection Clause is not a political question and is thus justiciable. o Reasoning: Six part test to determine if case is non-justiciable (must be one): 1) a textually demonstrable constitutional commitment of that issue to another political branch; 2) a lack of judicially discoverable and manageable standards for resolving the issue; 3) an impossibility of deciding the issue without making an initial policy determination of a kind not suitable for judicial discretion; 4) a lack of respect for the other branches of government in undertaking independent resolution of the case; 5) an unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a political decision already made; or 6) the potential for embarrassment for differing pronouncements of the issue by different branches of government. 2) 5 categories of Political Question: o A) Republican Guarantee Clause—Art 4 § 4 o B) Foreign Policy o C) Qualified for Congress o D) Impeachment Procedures o E) Political Gerrymandering Political Question Cases: Goldwater v. Carter o President Carter rescinded US treaty with Taiwan as part of recognizing Communist China; Goldwater said the Senate must rescind a treaty just as it ratifies the making of a treaty This is political and nonjusticiable because it involves the authority of the President in the conduct of the country’s foreign relations + extent to which Senate is authorized to negate actions of President Zivotofsky v. Clinton o Statute provided that Americans born in Jerusalem may elect to have “Israel” listed as place of birth on their passports, but State Dept. declined to follow that law, citing policy of not taking position on status of Jerusalem Court framed this as deciding whether the statute is Constitutional – decided that it is fully capable of determining that question. Political question doctrine not implicated here; this is not the Court deciding foreign policy but rather one’s right being enforced under the law Executive Power o A) Inherent Presidential Power: Youngstown: Black (majority): Affirmative Auth? o Key objection to President’s action of seizing mills == President’s power must arise from “affirmative authorization” – either by statutory or constitutional— for a president to do something Absent either, the seizure is invalid President can only act on express powers Douglas: Usurp legitimate authority? o It is within Congress’s power, not the President’s, to compensate for a “taking” Douglas is NOT saying there has to be affirmative/express power for the President to act, but the President CANNOT usurp aurthority of another branch Intermediate position less exacting than Black’s position Frankfurter/Jackson: Congress Disprove? o Congress has already acting on this matter and decided not to give President this power o o o Affirmative disapproval is required to stop a President from doing something In the absence of express Congressional disapproval, the President may act Fourth Model: National Emergencies o Not from Youngstown If there is a national emergency, the President can act as long as President does not violate some express provision of Constitution B) Executive Privilege Not absolute: Marbury set precedent of judiciary having access to material president claims privileged o The court has a vested interest in ensuring the constitution is not violated in the name of presidential privilege Exceptions to places where president can maintain privilege: o 1) National security o 2) Military interests o 3) Diplomatic U.S. v. Richard M. Nixon, President of the US o A presidential claim of privilege asserting only a generalized interest in confidentiality is not sufficient to overcome the judicial interest in producing all relevant evidence in a criminal case SCOTUS recognizes there is an executive privilege—but it has more to do with a claim of military or diplomatic secrets When it comes to production of evidence in a criminal proceeding, however, it is more important that President produce the communication C) Enlarging Executive Powe Line Item Veto Congress cannot delegate additional authority to the president o Congress allowed for the line item veto no longer allowed Clinton v. City of New York Line-item veto is unconstitutional o Even if congress and executive would like to re-allocate power between them, constitution forbids such an act D) Foreign Policy 1) Inherent Presidential Power United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corporation o An otherwise unconstitutional delegation of legislative power to the executive may nevertheless be sustained on the ground that its exclusive goal is to provide relief in a foreign conflict 2) Treat-making/executive agreements Dames & Moore v. Regan, Secretary of the Treasury o The President of the US has authority to settle judicial claims through an executive order if the settlement of claims is necessary for the resolution of a major foreign-policy dispute with another country and if Congress acquiesces in the president’s action. Treaty must be submitted to senate for acquiescence Executive agreement exclusively through executives o Rejection of originalism 3) War-Making A) Congress & Executive Powers o Congress declare war and authorize treaties o President commander in chief and forms treaties War Powers Resolution 50 USC CH. 33, p. 355 o Has not been constitutionally tested cases typically dismissed on justiciability issues 4) War Powers Resolved Constitutional o Executive must inform president of military action within 48 hours o President must order withdrawal of troops within 60 days unless congress provides authority Enforceable o Regularly ignore war powers act o Congress can withhold funding to military Federalism o 1) Textual Basis Express: Art I § 8 all legislative power delegated to congress 10th amendment any power not given to congress is relegated to the states Implied: commerce clause 2 questions: 1) does congress have the authority under the constitution to legislate? 2) if so, does the law violate another constitutional provision or doctrine? o McCulloch v. Maryland Constitution specifically delegates to congress the power to tax and spend for the general welfare, and to make such other laws as it deems necessary and proper to carry out this enumerated power. Additionally, federal laws are supreme, and states may not make laws that interfere with the federal government’s exercise of constitutional powers. 2 Issues: o 1) Does Congress have the Authority to Create a Bank? 4 Arguments: 1) Past Practice o Past practices and acceptance of past practices provides legitimate grounds for acceptance 2) Sovereignty; states v. people o People grant power to federal government 3) Textual Authority o Silence on the matter no exclusion clause exists o Means v. power If the constitution gives certain powers to the federal government then there are implied means provided by the constitution to properly exercise those powers 4) Necessary & Proper Clause o Necessity based on context of situation o Limits reflected by needs of situation o Limits on attenuation of connection o 2) Can Maryland Tax the Bank? 1) power to tax derived from power to destroy States cannot tax federal government because states cannot destroy federal government 2) Power to tax unrepresented? If a state is allowed to tax the federal bans, then a party of the whole is allowed to tax the whole, which affects members of other parts of the whole o Two key underlying normative issues in the debate of power between state and federal governments: 1) how important is the protection of state sovereignty and federalism? 2) should it be the role of the judiciary to protect state prerogatives or should this be left to the political process? Commerce Clause o Gives congress power to “regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes” o 3 issues through the eras of interpretation 1) defining Commerce narrowly defined from 1890s-1937 and 1990s to present, broadly defined from founding to 1890 and 1937-1990s 2) defining “among the states” – narrowly defined from 1890s-1937 and 1990s to present, broadly defined from founding to 1890s and 1937-1990s 3) is the 10th amendment a substantive, independent restraint on federal power (or does it just define relationship between states and fed)? – Yes from 1890s to 1937 and 1990s to present, no from founding to 1890s and 1937-1990s o Era 1: Founding to 1890s Commerce Power broadly defined but rarely used Gibbons v. Ogden If a state and Congress both pass conflicting laws regulating interstate commerce, the federal law governs pursuant to Congress’s constitutional grant of power to regulate interstate commerce. Among the states broadly defined so that Congress can regulate entirely intrastate commerce so long as it has substantial economic impact outside the state o Commercial intercourse o Broadest conception of commerce clause o Era 2: 1890s-1937 “Lochner Era” Narrowly defined commerce power and 10th amendment used to limit Congress and promote laissez faire attitude Congress began advancing regulation that reflected needs of urbanized and industrialized society SCOTUS blocks Narrow definition of Commerce o Narrowly defined as one stage of business, separate and distinct from earlier phases such as mining, manufacturing, and production States could regulate resource extraction and good production “Among the States” o Congress to regulate only when there was direct effect on interstate commerce Congress can regulate intrastate activities if it is a part of a stream of commerce E.g. stockyards Even if an activity was commerce and was among the states, Congress would not be allowed to regulate if it intruded into the zone of activities reserved for the states o Cannot regulate economy child labor; can regulate morals lottery o Cases: Commerce Clause o E.C. Knight Manufacturing is not part of commerce. o Carter Coal Formalist direct/indirect test from E.C. Knight used even when the effect on commerce is greater, can’t apply C.C. to wholly intrastate activity o Schefter Poultry Congress has no authority to regulate local concerns with only indirect effects on interstate commerce under C.C. Pensions of railroad workers have indirect effect—see Railroad Retirement Board v. Alton R.R. Co. o Swift & Co. v. U.S. intrastate stockyards were in a current of commerce among the States and the purchase of cattle were found part of and incident of such interstate commerce o Shreveport Rate Case Commerce power extends to all matters “having a close and substantial relation to interstate traffic” th 10 amendment o Hammer v. Dagenhart (Child Labor Case) introduces the 10th Amendment as an external constrain on Congress’s Commerce Clause power o Champion (The Lottery Case) the only limitations on Congress to regulate interstate commerce are those external limitations supplied in other parts of the Constitution Era 3: 1937-1990s Expansively defined commerce power and, the court refuses to use 10th Amendment to limit Congress Significant effects test Although activities may be intrastate in character when separately considered, they can still have significant effect on interstate commerce if they have such a close and substantial relation to commerce, then congress cannot be denied the exercise of control over that process Cases: o NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp. Intrastate activity can be regulated by Congress if it has such a close and substantial relation to interstate commerce that control is essential or appropriate to protect commerce from burdens and obstructions Reasoning: labor disputes could disrupt interstate commerce o US v. Darby Overrules Hammer v. Dagenhart 10th amendment is not an external constraint on congressional power Court will not examine congressional motives for regulation of channels of interstate commerce and makes labor under the control of federal regulation o Wickard v. Filburn Wholly intrastate activity, even if it is not commerce, may be regulated by Congress if the activity has a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce Individual acts in aggregate can affect commerce o o Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States If it is interstate commerce that feels the punch, it does not matter how local the operation which applies the squeeze. o Katzenbach v. McClung Cites Heart of Atlanta Racial discrimination in restaurants has a direct and adverse effect on free flow of interstate commerce o Refusal of service to Black Americans imposes burdens both on the interstate flow of food and on the movement of products in general o 10th Amendment Cases: National League of Cities v. Usery Congress violates the 10th amendment when it interferes with traditional state and local government functions Hodel v. Virginia Surface Mining & Reclamation Association Cites Usery o Only applies when Congress is regulating State Government, not when Congress was regulating private conduct Garcia v. San Antonio Metro. Transit Authority Overrules National League of Cities v. Usery o 2 grounds to overrule: Workability the rule is not workable in implementation Structural Argument federal government needs to be separated from state government th Era 4: 1990s-Present revival of 10 Amendment as an independent limit on federal power Commerce and Among the States narrowly defined ; 10th amendment is substantive restraint on federal power 3 part test to determine what Congress can regulate: 1) channels of interstate commerce 2) instrumentalities of interstate commerce 3) activities that substantially affect or relate to interstate commerce Major Issues: 1) distinction between economic and non-economic regulated activity 2) role an encompassing regulatory scheme plays in permitting regulation of noneconomic activity that would otherwise be beyond the reach of the commerce clause power 3) commandeering concept that has been introduced into the 10th amendment jurisprudence US v. Lopez Congress may not, pursuant to its Commerce Clause powers, pass a law that prohibits the possession of a gun near a school. o No substantial effect on interstate commerce Gun regulation is non-economic o First time in 60 years SCOTUS found Congress to overstep its authority under Commerce Clause Creates 3 part test: 1) channels 2) instrumentalities 3) substantial relation Concurrences: o Economic nexus must be present o Regulation of education is under State authority o States are laboratories for experimentation Dissent: o Stevens: State school system and extracurricular public activities have traditionally ben regulated by states and localities o Breyer 3 problems with majority: 1) at odds with Heart of Atlanta and Katzenbach 2) Unworkable & Formalistic test 3) unnecessarily calls into question many federal laws US v. Morrison Rules: o 1) Congress does not have the authority under the Commerce Clause to regulate violence against women because it is not an economic activity. o 2) Under §5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress may only regulate the discriminatory conduct of state officials, not private actors Extends prohibition of federal government from regulating behavior of private citizens under 14th amendment. o Non-economic activity that cannot be measured cannot be held in aggregate Only commercial activity can be regulated under the commerce clause using the aggregate principle Private behavior cannot be regulated under §5 of 14th amendment Gonzalez v. Raich Congress may regulate the use and production of home-grown marijuana as this activity, taken in the aggregate, could rationally be seen as having a substantial economic effect on interstate commerce. Seemingly non-economic activity can be treated as economic and be subject to aggregation o Combination of commerce clause and necessary & proper clause can justify regulating non-economic activity with broad goal of regulating interstate commerce. True if fungible goods Broad regulatory scheme might justify aggregation Scalia: o Congress can regulate marijuana under Necessary & Proper Clause triggered through enumerated powers O’Connor: o Congress needs to develop a regulatory framework if they wish to use the Necessary & Proper clause Commandeering Under the 10th Amendment Federal law applies to state government activities only if there is a clear statement from Congress that the law was meant to apply New York v. United States o Congress may not compel states to enact a federal regulatory program Problem with take-title provision o It is commandeering for Congress to direct the state legislatures to pass legislation and implement the federal statute Presents states with two unconstitutional options Printz v. US o Congress may not compel state officials to participate in federal programs Analysis looked at 3 elements: 1) history 2) structure of Constitution 3) Precedent o Dissent: SCOTUS ignores history of Congress relying on state officials o Commandeering state officials is prohibited in same way as commandeering state government Murphy v. NCAA o Congress may not issue direct orders to state legislatures o Congress cannot tell states that they cannot do something just like they can’t require a state legislature to do something Reno v. Condon o Congress may regulate states’ activities, using its Commerce Clause powers, provided that the regulation does not require the state to enact any laws or regulations and does not require state officials to assist in the enforcement of federal statutes regulating private individuals o One way to get around the commandeering issue is by regulating through laws that are “generally applicable” or laws “that apply to individuals as well as states” o Distinguishes New York and Printz Not requiring the states to regulate their own citizens; rather, it regulates the states as the owners of databases. It does not require the South Carolina legislature to enact any laws or regulations, and it does not require state officials to assist in the enforcement of federal statutes regulating private indviduals Taxing & Spending Power: Text of the Constitution Art I § 8 “Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.” 2 views on how Congress can tax and spend: o 1) Congress can only tax and spend for powers specifically enumerated under Article I. o 2) Congress has broad authority to tax and spend for the general welfare. Courts go with this approach US v. Butler Congress may not use its taxing and spending powers to obtain an unconstitutional result, such as invading the reserved rights of the states under the 10th Amendment. May the federal government use its tax power to impose production caps? o No Congress does have the power to tax and spend for the general welfare and this power is divorced from the powers enumerated to Congress under the constitution. However, congress’s power to tax and spend may not violate the 10th amendment. o Sabri v. United States Congress can enact criminal laws under taxing and spending power o Congress can criminalize corruption Congress has the power to spend for the general welfare and may enact, under the Necessary and Proper Clause, any provision rationally related to carrying out its spending powers for the promotion of the general welfare. Conditions on Grants to State Government Congress may place strings on grants, as long as the conditions are expressly stated and as long as they have some relationship to the purpose f the spending program Oklahoma v. Civil Service o Congress gave grant to Oklahoma on condition state officials stop engaging in political activity South Dakota v. Dole Upheld Fed gov’t withholding funds under spending power o 21+ alcohol or lose 5% funds 4 Part test o 1) exercise of spending power must be for general welfare o 2) congress must allow states to exercise clear choices with conditions on federal money and whether to take them conditions must be unambiguous o 3) Conditions on federal money must be connected to the underlying federal interest in furthering the general welfare o 4) Other Constitutional Provisions, like 10th Amendment, may provide an independent bar on this The receipt of federal funds may be conditional if the exercise of the spending power is for the general welfare, the conditions are unambiguous, the conditions are related to a federal interest in a particular national project or program, and the conditions do not violate any other constitutional provisions such as the 10th Amendment. NFIB v. Sebelius Rule: o 1) Individual mandate can be upheld under Congress’s taxing & spending power Mandate not a tax for purposes of anti-injunction act Mandate not within commerce clause power or necessary and proper clause because congress cannot regulate commercial inactivity Invokes canon of construction to uphold the mandate as a ‘tax’ under tax & spending power o Looks at legislative history o 2) MEDICAID expansion is unconstitutional coercion of the states prohibited by 10th amendment Medicaid accounts for 10% of state budget on average Threatening to take away money leaves states with no choice Federal government cannot use taxing and spending power to force states into policy without a reasonable alternative o Distinguished from Dole, as Medicaid is a much higher portion of revenue than highway funds o 1) The individual mandate contained in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is a valid use of Congress’s power to tax. o 2) The Medicaid expansion provision of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 is an unconstitutional use of Congress’s spending powers. Powers Under Post-Civil War Amendments o 3 amendments: 13th Amendment abolished slavery and indentured servitude Applies to private behavior 14th Amendment states may not abridge rights of any citizen Applies only to state governments th 15 Amendment US and states may not bar individuals from voting based on previous conditions of servitude o 2 questions: 1) who may congress regulate (private persons v state government) 2) what is scope of Congress’ power th o 14 amendment cases: Guest Congress may regulate private discrimination Morrison two rationals for striking down VAWA 1) stare decisis 2) judicial dicta o All judges that ruled on 14th amendment were appointed by Lincoln or in Reconstruction era o 2 views on Congress’s Scope of power 1) Broad interpretation Congress can expand individual rights 2) Narrow Interpretation Congress can remediate and protect existing rights Scope of power cases: Katzenbach v. Morgan & Morgan o Congress may pass legislation to enforce the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment even when the legislation conflicts with state law. City of Boerne v. Flores o In exercising its remedial and preventative power to enforce a constitutional right under §5 of the 14th amendment, Congress may enact only legislation that utilizes congruent and proportional means for achieving that legislative purpose. o Prior to Boerne Constitutional test for free exercise If any legitimate religious practice is seriously encumbered by government policy, then the government would have to provide extensive justification for such encumberment according to public policy or objectives of government. o Cite Employment Division v. Smith o Use of power must be: Remedial only Congruent & Proportional o Congress can now only enforce the rights that courts have determined are conferred by constitution Shelby County, Alabama v. Holder o A federal law that departs from the fundamental principles of federalism must be justified by current needs Limits on State Regulatory and Taxing Power o o o Two possibilities when considering whether a state or local law is invalidated because of restrictions imposed by existence of federal laws 1) Congress has acted If congress has passed a law and it is a lawful exercise of Congressional power, the question is whether federal law preempts state or local law o Article IV of Constitution federal law supreme to state and local law 2) Congress has not acted or judiciary has determined federal law does not preempt state or local law Can still be challenged even if not preemption o 1) Dormant Commerce Clause State and local laws are unconstitutional if they impose undue burden on interstate commerce o 2) Privileges and Immunities Clause Article IV §2 “Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the Several States.” Supreme Court interprets as limiting the ability of states to discriminate against out-of-staters Preemption of State and Local Laws Article IV Supremacy Clause Gibbons v. Ogden exemplifies such power 2 major situations where preemption occurs: 1) federal law expressly preempts state or local law 2) preemption is implied by a clear congressional intent to preempt state or local law Gade v. National Solid Wastes Management Assn. Pre-emption may be either express or implied and is compelled whether Congress’ command is explicitly stated in the statute’s language or implicitly contained in its structure and purpose. o 2 types of implied preemption: 1) field pre-emption scheme of federal regulation is so persuasive as to make reasonable the inference that Congress left no room for the States to supplement it 2) conflict pre-emption where compliance with both federal and state regulations is a physical impossibility, or where state law stands as an obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of the full purposes and objectives of Congress 3rd type also recognized) state law impedes achievement of a federal objective Implied Preemption 1) Conflicts Florida Lime & Avocado Growers, Inc. o When both federal law and state law are on point, federal law preempts state law if there is a conflict between the two laws such that compliance with both is impossible. 2) Impediment Intent matters two statutes do not clash but operate in same field and state statute undermines federal objective Pacific Gas & Electric Co. v. State Energy Resources Conservation & Development Commission o A federal law may preempt a state or local law, even if the laws are not mutually exclusive, if the state law is deemed to impede the achievement of a federal objective California cannot regulate safety of nuclear power because federal government regulates California can regulate economics of nuclear power because federal government does not regulate economics 3) Field US v. Arizona o AZ passes law allowing state and local law enforcement officials to detain any individual on suspicion of immigration violations AZ law was found to be pre-empted because of federal government occupying the entire field of immigration Hines v. Davidowitz o PA cannot require aliens to register with the state and carry a state issued registration card Dormant Commerce Clause o state and local laws are unconstitutional if they place an undue burden on interstate commerce. Inferred power by the supreme court conferred upon congress under Article I §8 (commerce clause) o Rationales 1) historical argument framers intended to prevent state laws that interfered with interstate commerce 2) economic justification economy is better off if state and local laws impeding interstate commerce are invalidated 3) political justification states and their citizens should not be harmed by laws in other states where they lack political representation o Critiques Dormant commerce clause follows the spirit but not the letter of the Commerce Clause Requires judges to act as legislators o Judges must evaluate: 1) whether a particular statute serves a legitimate local public interest 2) whether the effects of the statute on interstate commerce are merely ‘incidental’ or ‘clearly excessive in relation to the putative benefits’ 3) the nature of the local interest 4) whether there are alternative means of furthering the local interest that have a lesser impact on interstate commerce, Partially rooted in argument regarding separation of powers Partially rooted in argument regarding federalism o Analyzing whether a law violates the Dormant Commerce Clause A) Determining Whether a Law is Discriminatory 3 types of discriminatory laws: o 1) facially discriminatory o 2) facially neutral but has discriminatory purpose o 3) facially neutral but has discriminatory effect Balancing prescribed by Supreme Court is not same in all dormant commerce clause cases o Depends upon: State or local law treats out-of-staters different than in-staters; or o o state or local law treats out-of-staters the same as in-staters threshold question: o does local or state law discriminate against out-of-staters concern because out-of-staters have no representation in political process if local or state law treat out-of-staters and in-staters the same then discriminated party had representation in political process Facially Discriminatory Laws City of Philadelphia v. New Jersey A state may not discriminate against other states’ articles of commerce on the basis of origin. Reciprocity requirements When a state requires states to engage in reciprocal trade in order to allow their goods to enter the market o Supreme Court has held facially discriminatory in nature Analysis of Discrimination 2 part test 1) Serves Important interest o Maine v. Taylor & US States may prohibit the importation of out-of-state goods moving within the flow of commerce so long as the prohibition serves a legitimate local purpose, and there are no available less discriminatory means to accomplish that same purpose. 2) Necessary to achieve it o Dean Milk Co. v. City of Madison, Wisconsin A statute that discriminates against interstate commerce will be held invalid if there are other less-discriminatory means by which the state legislature can accomplish its objective. Analysis if a law is deemed non-discriminatory If a state law is deemed non-discriminatory, then it is subjected to a much less demanding test. Upheld so long as benefits to government outweigh burdens on interstate commerce 1) Balancing Test Loren J. Pike v. Brush Church, inc. o A state law that furthers a legitimate local public interest and only incidentally affects interstate commerce will be upheld unless the burden imposed on such commerce is clearly excessive in relation to the putative local benefits. Because plaintiff lost large amounts of money because of regulation courts held regulation was excessive in relation to putative local benefits. If the state were to succeed they would have to show that local putative gain is high and cost of implementation is low Bibb, Director, Department of Public Safety of Illinois v. Navajo Freight Lines, Inc. o If a statute is facially neutral, the judiciary will balance the putative local benefits with the burden the statute places on interstate commerce, and will find the statute invalid if the burden substantially outweighs the local benefits 2) Problems with Balancing Highly discretionary inquiry o Requires court balancing things that are incomparable 3) No regulation beyond borders o States cannot enact regulations that have the effect of controlling out of state activity Exceptions to Dormant Commerce Clause o 1) Congress can approve a state law Congress has express authority to regulate commerce can approve law that comes in conflict with interstate commerce as exercise of power to regulate commerce If congress acts then dormant commerce power become commerce power o Congress has power to overrule supreme court decision on interstate commerce this way o 2) Market participant exception a state may favor its own citizens in receiving benefits from government programs or in dealing with government-owned business If the state is literally a participant in the market, such as with a state-owned business, and not a regulator, the dormant commerce clause does not apply Hughes v. Alexandria Scrap Corp o MD sought to purchase scrap vehicles from public Different purchasing requirements for in state v out of state Allowed because state acting as market participant Privileges and Immunities Clause, Art IV o Different from Dormant Commerce Clause because it only protects rights of individuals not corporations Non-citizens cannot invoke privileges and immunities clause o Limitations: 1) May not impede with fundamental right to earn a livelihood 2) Economic Activities Toomer o South Carolina cannot virtually exclude out of staters from earning a living Camden o City cannot require 40% of city employees live in the city Develop 2 part test: 1) substantial interest that is implicated by provision 2) pursuit of common calling (livelihood) Baldwin o Privileges and Immunities Clause does not apply to recreational activities 3) Interests Sufficient to Overcome limitations? Supreme Court of New Hampshire v. Kathryn A. Piper o States may discriminate against rights of out-of-state residents as long as there is substantial reason for the difference in treatment, and the discrimination practiced against nonresidents bears a substantial relationship to the state’s objective. Court holds state must employ least restrictive conditions needed to achieve objective of ensuring counsel has close proximity to court houses in times of need. Employing relation of local counsel can overcome such a concern out of state attorney can contract with in-state attorney to serve as local council in times of emergency 4) no exceptions to Privileges and Immunities Clause 4 differences between privileges and immunities clause and dormant cc 1) privileges and immunities clause applies to fundamental rights and with respect to economic activities applies to limited subset of discrimination against earning a livelihood Dormant Commerce Clause market participant exception 2) Privileges and immunities must have discrimination present must apply to out-ofstaters Dormant Commerce Clause does not need discrimination, can function on balancing test 3) Dormant Commerce Clause has exceptions o Market participant Privileges and Immunities Clause has no exceptions 4) Dormant Commerce Clause generally applicable to anyone engaging in any economic activities within the country Privileges and Immunities Clause only applies to citizens (not corporations) in their ability to earn a livelihood. Dormant Commerce Clause: o How to answer the essay: o 1) Pull out plaintiffs and assess justiciability concerns for each plaintiff and with respect to each potential claim you identify? Standing, ripeness, mootness, political question o 2) Ask whether the fact pattern involves executive power or executive privilege Possibly assess executive power per Youngstown opinions formulation while keeping in mind the view of some that the executive has virtually unfettered power wen it comes to foreign affairs. E.g., Curtiss-Wright. If privilege, assess under US v. Nixon o 3) Is there a federal statue involved? If so. . . A) Does it regulate private actors? o If so, is it within Congress’s article I powers to have enacted the statute? Evaluate whether it could have been enacted under the CC under Lopez/Sebelius; evaluate whether it could have been enacted under the Taxing and Spending power under Butler, Sabri, and Dole/Sebellius; evaluate whether it could have been enacted under the Necessary & Proper Clause under McCulloch/Sebilius. B) Does it regulate the States by taking away their immunity from suit for money damages in federal or state court? If so, does the statute comply with City of Boerne test applicable to Congress’s use of its § 5 authority? C) Does it create a 10th amendment commandeering problem under NY v US or Printz? 4) Is there a state statute involved? If so. . . A) is it either preemptd or authorized by a federal staute? B) Does it run afoul of dormant commerce clause doctrine or violate article IV’s Privileges and Immunities Clause?