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KS3 English: Literary Devices & ICEBERG Sentence Structure

KS3 Brief Notes Sheet
Brief Notes
Use the space below to note down any prompts you think you will need when you write in test
conditions. These should not run to more than five bullet points/100 words.
 Literary devices: Hyperbole, metaphor, use of pronoun, exclamatory
 ICEBERG Sentences:
1. Topic sentence “[Writer] presents/portrays/shows [subject of
answer] as [adjective or statement about subject] in the extract
[name of extract]. He/she uses [language feature] to show this.
2. Quote from extract: “ A quote to show this/this is evident in the
quote [quote that shows the language feature and topic]
3. Explanation of quote: “From this we can infer that/this suggests
that [explain what the quote means and what it reveals]
4. {OPTIONAL} Zoom in on one word from the quote to back up the
language feature
5. Link it to writers purpose and topic sentence: “This links to the
writers purpose of showing/portraying that [the topic sentence
mentioned in the paragraph].
6. Sequence the paragraphs by introducing the next