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Clarix Contract

DocuSign Envelope ID: 9306A2B6-58C2-49CD-B313-F37F2BD7EDAF
Player Contract
The player(s) listed on this contract agreed to play under the name Clarix Esports The players of
Clarix Esports receive limitless amounts of editing and graphic design free of charge, paid for by
the Clarix Esports Organization. The Clarix Esports Organization will also cover all tournament
fees, entry fees, and provide any other necessary funds with regards to competitive play on a per
request basis and to a certain extent, Clarix Esports reserves the right to deny a request for
funding. Clarix Esports will provide marketing and promotions for the listed player(s) free of
charge to give them more exposure. Members of Clarix Esports are issued free merch and
controller and mouse grips from our sponsors.
The players of Clarix Esports Fortnite teams agree to play under the name Clarix Esports at all
online, LAN, matches, scrimmages, practices, and social events and competitions that they
attend. The Player must Play Under the Clarix Name ingame and on socials
While representing Clarix Esports team members may not be asked to do anything else other
than play, represent, create videos if instructed, advertise sponsors, practice, do interviews upon
request or post blogs, and stream live on social media websites. The Clarix Esports organization
can place a performance requirement on the Clarix Esports Team. The Clarix Esports team will
agree to play in tournaments. Failure to place within the performance requirement will result in
lower funding.
Note that Clarix Esports has the choice to terminate the contract if proof is not given for the
above circumstances. Proof must be provided if requested by Clarix Esports. Players must wear
Clarix Esports shirts, gear, products of sponsors, while streaming, or inside a tournament venue
at all times if provided by Clarix Esports. Clarix Esports team above is expected and obligated to
participate in events requested by Clarix Esports. Any player having caught a negative attitude
toward an opposing player, team, fellow member, staff member of Clarix Esports, or owner
himself are subject for review and dismissal of the team and contract will be null and void.
Note that Clarix Esports is subject to a percentage of player earnings to be paid within 21 days of
the player receiving the funds unless otherwise negotiated. All players of Clarix Esports are
required to abide by this, failure to, may result in legal action. Should a Clarix Esports player
team up with someone outside of the Clarix Organization, only the player belonging to Clarix
Esports is subject to this rule. See splits below.
FN Hosted Events:
Other Events:
DocuSign Envelope ID: 9306A2B6-58C2-49CD-B313-F37F2BD7EDAF
This agreement is contingent after the player signs the Clarix player contract and shall be due
monthly. This aswell confirms Clarix esports promise to pay, due in monthly installments below:
Payment schedule: Monthly payments (After the contract is signed) beginning on 08/30/21 and
continued until 11/30/21
Total amount due monthly : $70 AUD
Payment of $70 on 08/30/21
Payment of $70 on 09/30/21
Payment of $70 on 10/30/21
Clarix Esports holds the right to remove or prosecute any player violating such terms at will.
Clarix Esports team above will be expected to follow a set of guidelines when representing
Clarix Esports, their sponsors and partners. Each player is expected to be in good shape with no
body impairing substances in the body during LAN events, or online competitions, or live
streaming or social events representing Clarix Esports or their sponsors. These substances
include the following: illegal drugs, legal imitation plants like substances of any kind that impair
judgment, and overdosed prescriptions. A player may not be held accountable for use of drugs
prescribed by a doctor for any medical condition he or she may have.
No player shall use foul language in any official event that is represented by Clarix Esports and
their sponsors no matter what kind of venue or online.
If a team is labeled dead, inactive, underperforming, moved down online out of a professional
invite status, LAN, or other various competitive league or competition, Clarix Esports has the
right to enable this contract null and void for the players listed above. Clarix Esports is not
responsible for any injury or crime committed by any of the players on the Clarix Esports team.
Following the signing of this contract, the player who signed this document/contract is hereby
obligated to play/represent/ and is with Clarix Esports for 3 months. If this player chooses to
leave, prior to the 3 months, it may be discussed only with Clarix Esports, through my email
07benc@gmail.com. Only Clarix Esports has the right to terminate this contract at any given
moment. Clarix Esports has the right to hold the player's contract until the 3 months is up.
Clarix Esports has the right to release the player. If Clarix Esports declines a player's request for
termination of contract, then the player has the right to buy out the remainder of his contract.
Contract buy-out price stands at $175.00 USD per remaining month of the contract, calculated on
the remaining days of the current month. The total for the purchase of the contract will be
DocuSign Envelope ID: 9306A2B6-58C2-49CD-B313-F37F2BD7EDAF
calculated by Clarix Esports. After 3 months have ended, both parties may renegotiate and sign
Players, team, and everyone signing this contract retain the following rights: 1. All roster
changes are left up to the CEO stated here: Ben Chu And Clarix Esports. If he or she is unable to
perform his or her duties, they may be passed to the back-up leader that will be assigned by
Clarix Esports. Clarx Esports has the right to dismiss a player only if a part of the code of
conduct has been breached. 2. Players above practice, will have match times, dates, and lengths
to be decided by the leader, co-leader, or by Clarix Esports when requested. 3. If the above leader
or co-leader or scheduler for online matches fails to do their duties Clarix Esports the right to
schedule events or matches or social meetings.
In the case that a player breaks the code of conduct at a tournament in which there is a prize, or
their sponsors are in any which way are financing then that player forfeits their share of the
ending prize. If a situation is not included in this contract, Clarix Esports may take the matter to
court. Person or persons signing this contract may not take any member of Clarix Esports to
court for any legal matter. Should a player break the code of conduct only that player will have
the right to dismissal. If the player begins a LAN event at a venue, he has the right to finish the
final or LAN event and collect his rightful share of the prize. If this is not the case, the player
may be dismissed instantly. Legal action may not be taken upon Clarix Esports.
Legal name of player: Ahmed Essa
GamerTag Oahmedo
Clarix Oahmedo
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Contract Length
Three Months
Electronically signed by Ben Chu
Player signature_________________________________________________