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Centroids & Moments of Inertia: Strength of Materials

CTC / MTC 222
Strength of Materials
Chapter 7
Centroids and Moments of Inertia
of Areas
Chapter Objectives
• Define centroid and locate the centroid
of a shape by inspection or calculation
• Define moment of inertia and compute
its values with respect to the centroidal
axes of the area
Use the parallel axis theorem to compute
the moment of inertia of composite shapes
Centroid of an Area
• Centroid of an area – the geometric center of the area
• Centroid of simple shapes – circle, rectangle, triangle
Often, easily visualized
Centroids and other properties shown in Appendix A-1
• Centroid of complex shapes with axes of symmetry
If area has an axis of symmetry – centroid is on that axis
If area has two axes of symmetry – centroid is at the intersection
of the two axes
Centroid of complex shapes without axes of symmetry
Can often be considered as a composite of two or more simple
Centroid of complex shape can be calculated using centroids of the
simple shapes and the locations of these centroids with respect to
some reference axis
Centroid of an Area
• Centroid of complex shapes can be calculated
• AT ̅Y̅ ̅ = ∑ (Ai yi ) where:
• AT = total area of composite shape
• ̅Y̅ = distance to centroid of composite shape from some
reference axis
• Ai = area of one component part of shape
• yi = distance to centroid of the component part from the
reference axis
• Solve for ̅Y̅ = ∑ (Ai yi ) / AT
• Perform calculation in tabular form
• See Examples 7-1 & 7-2
Moment of Inertia
• Moment of Inertia - a measure of the stiffness of a beam, or of
its resistance to deflection due to bending
Sometimes referred to as the second moment of area, or the area
moment of inertia
• Moment of inertia of an area with respect to a particular axis –
the sum of the products of each (infinitesimal) element of the
area by the square of its distance from the axis
Approximately – I = ∑ y2 (∆A)
Exactly - I = ∫ y2 dA
Formulas derived from basic definition, shown in Appendix A-1
• Moment of inertia of simple shapes – circle, rectangle, triangle
• Moment of inertia standard structural shapes – wide flange
sections, channels, angles, pipe, etc.
Tabulated in standard references such as Steel Design Manual
Some in Appendix A
Moment of Inertia
Moment of inertia complex shapes
Can often be considered as a composite of two or more simple
If all component parts have the same centroidal axis
• Add or subtract the moments of inertia of the component parts with
respect to the centroidal axis
If all component parts do not have the same centroidal axis
• Moment of inertia can be calculated using the parallel axis theorem
Parallel axis theorem
• Moment of inertia of a shape with respect to a given axis is equal to the
sum if the moment of inertia of the shape to its own centroidal axis plus
the transfer term, Ad2, where A is the area of the shape and d is the
distance from the centroidal axis to the axis of interest
• I = I0 + Ad2
Moment of Inertia of
Composite Shapes
Perform calculation in tabular form
Divide the shape into component parts which are simple shapes
Locate the centroid of each component part, yi from some
reference axis
Calculate the centroid of the composite section, ̅Y̅ from some
reference axis
Compute the moment of inertia of each part with respect to its
own centroidal axis, Ii
Compute the distance, di = ̅Y̅ - yi of the centroid of each part
from the overall centroid
Compute the transfer term Ai di2 for each part
The overall moment of inertia IT , is then:
IT = ∑ (Ii + Ai di2)
See Examples 7-5 through 7-7
Radius of Gyration, r
• Radius of Gyration - a measure of a compression
member’s slenderness, or its resistance to buckling
due to compressive load
Buckling – Failure under compressive load by excessive
lateral deflection at a stress below the yield stress (elastic
Buckling will occur about the axis with the least radius of
• The tendency for a compression member to buckle is
directly proportional to its length squared and
indirectly proportional to its radius of gyration
• Radius of Gyration r = √ (I /A )