BODY IMAGE Lesson 1 *How are people different? *Strengths & weaknesses *Video: 50 people, 1 question (4:30min) Lesson 2 *Mixed messages in media *Photoshop Effect (dig.Fakery) *Dove Campaign Lesson 3 *Nature vs Nurture *notes in IN *Dove Videos *Disney/Shrek messages Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 *Car vs Body fuel *I Know, I Know *Nutrition notes *various campaign food/diet recommendations *My Healthy Plate *Nutrition Discovery video and reading NUTRITION *optional: “Marshmallow Temptation” video (3:30 min) Lesson 4 Reading a Label Various nutrient label practice Ben and Jerry’s Label practice Need chrome books HW: if not finished with worksheet Lesson 5&6 Food Truck! I went to Etsy and bought a 3-d food truck template. They will create it on a 3D model! Lesson 7 Station Work station1: sugar content station2: Fast food lunch station 3: portion sizing station 4: catch-up station station 5:What’s in a label station 6: sodium content station 7: caffeine crisis station 8: catch-up station station 9: nutrient video **I added comments in YELLOW on student worksheet (last pages) for the stations to help you set things up! Nutrition #1 – What do you know? Materials: student workbook Students will do the following: 1. Identify information they start with and building from there. 2. recognize the importance of proper fuel for the human engine. Class Procedure: 1. As they walk in, have the “What is your dream car?” question on the board. Encourage them to mingle and share details. As a group, share some details! **How would you care for your dream car? (wash, vacuum the inside, park carefully, high test gas, keep it out of the elements such as salt on road, take it to a professional if needed) Now use your WR sheet and answer the question: **How is caring for your dream car similar to caring for your body? After collecting the WR, allow for outloud sharing of answers. **we need fuel, we cannot work efficiently with poor ‘gasoline’, dings and dents can be repaired, we have professionals for help 2. Open to page 40 and fill in the notes for “What is nutrition?” 3. People Search Activity (I know! I know!). Give each student a people search activity and approximately 10 minutes to cruise the class finding people who know the answers to the basic Nutrition information. Follow up with the answers on the board and a gentle overview discussion. Closure: optional watch the “Marshmallow Temptation” (3:30min) video. A humorous look at when we say “I can’t eat that!” the craving goes up! However on the reverse, if we postpone instant gratification, then the reward can be so much better! NutritionLessons.doc Nutrition #2 : Nutrition facts and info Materials: Students will do the following: 1. Recognize the purpose for the 6 essential nutrients 2. Identify basic information on the importance of eating these nutrients. 3. Recognize the guidelines for a healthy plate. 4. Learn common foods within the FDA guide. Class Procedure: 1. Open class with going over the notes on the I Know! I know! activity from last Class. 2. Define “diet” *the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats. *special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons. ***For our class purpose, we are using diet to relate to our daily intake of energy and nutrients. Example: Koala bears have a specific “diet” they eat. Eucalyptus leaves **Look at the 2019-20 fires and how is this affecting their diet? 3. Our daily diet is crucial to our healthy lifestyle. Over the years several campaigns have tried to make it easy for us to eat healthy by creating programs that are easy to follow. Use the slides to reflect on guidelines and campaigns 1. Go-Slow-Woah program this concept places foods in one of three categories. So essentially there are no “NO” foods, but rather WHOA, meaning slow down. 2. Food Guide Pyramid the bottom of the pyramid is what you should eat, whereas the top is minimal 3. Strive for 5 try to eat 5 fruits/veggies per day 4. a healthy hero 5 fruits/veggies; 2 hours or less of screen time, 1 hour of physical activity, 0 sugary drinks a day **My Plate (NOTES to take in workbook) 4. Flip notes page and complete the information using the slides Closure: Discuss ways to incorporate more healthy choices in our daily diet. Nutrition #3 Nutrient Discovery on webpage Materials: individual computers, headphones and worksheet Warm-up: Large Class: 1. Students will each get a computer and a set of head phones 2. They will work independently and complete the worksheet on the 6 essential nutrients. They can work in any order they want. If they run out of time, it will be homework to finish. 3. This will be collected next class. Navigate to my school website on using the following steps: * *schools, Martha Brown *classroom pages *Maura Kerkezis *“MORE” (upper right) *“LINKS” at bottom SCROLL down to bottom of page click on ANY ORDER you want to do Answer the question sheet Nutrition #4: Reading a Label Materials: Ben & Jerry’s containers, calculators or their phones Students will do the following: 1. Today we will look at the nutrient density in foods. Use the LAYS CRISPS slide to show a label and have students identify parts we need to focus on. 2. Practice with the next two food labels until they are comfortable. 3. When ready, distribute the Ben & Jerry’s containers. Half of the containers have 270 calories and half have 280 calories! They changed their formula so the ingredients vary slightly. Have them identify the following on their label: **How large is one serving? (½ cup) **How many servings in this entire container? (4) **What does the order of ingredients mean? (The first listed has the most, and the last item is the least in the item) **What does ‘percent daily value’ mean? (amount of that nutrient recommended each day) **What does someone need to do if they eat the entire container? (multiply by 4!) 4. Have each student calculate the CALORIES, FAT, SODIUM and SUGAR for their container. On the bottom is a number. That is the number of SERVINGS the person ate! 5. If time allows, continue and practice with some google image nutrient practice. Closure: quick individual summary as you see appropriate from the information given. Nutrition #5-6 FOOD TRUCK RODEO! Materials: computers, papers, markers... Students will do the following: 1. Today they will work in pairs designing their new Food Truck to be added to the Fairport Homecoming Pep Rally! 2. They must include the required pieces of information. 3. NO PERSONAL NAMES ON FRONT OF TRUCK 4. I went to Etsy and purchased 3-D food truck template (around $6). I will make copies on white card stock and they will cut and create their food truck for submission. Nutrition #7-8 Nutrition Discovery Museum! Materials: Stations of information, student worksheet, chromebooks, calculators Class Procedure: 1. Students will be given time to rotate through the stations of information. They will complete the packet as they move around. 2. Stations are as follows: Station 1: Sugar content match up **match the drinks to the equivalent amount of sugar in the food items Station 2: eating at a fast food restaurant Various menus from restaurants 3 laptops to look up online menus Station 3: Portion Sizing Match up **match the portion size of the food items to objects we already know Station 4: Catch Up station view extra info (5 lbs of fat) Food Label- ingredient match up! Station 5: What’s in a Label **Calculate the necessary info from your label Station 6: Sodium Content in a snack Station 7: Caffeine Crisis! Caffeine article Station 8: Catch Up! food servings comparisons (cereal, pasta, grapes) Station 9: Activity: A-Z challenge! Give each student an alphabet sheet. Allow 4 minutes of time. Have them write a fruit or vegetable for each letter! Have a brief discussion about nutrients that fruits and vegetables give us. Station 10: Portion Distortion (If time permits) Use slide #14 and discuss portion distortion! Over the years we have become glutinous- the more the better. Our dinner plate has grown and we sometimes eat way more than recommended. Open the Portion Distortion powerpoints to show the comparison Station #11: Food Truck Rodeo Name_______________________________________ Period ____ Online search has sugar in popular drinks Station 1: Sugar Content Look and compare the sugar content in common drinks we consume! Station 2: Fast Food Lunch! Pick just two items to eat at the restaurant of your choice. Restaurant___________________________ Food Item Calories Fat Sugars Protein What is one healthy substitute you can make at this restaurant? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Station 3: Portion Sizing Match Up Match a serving size of foods to ordinary objects. Example: deck of = meat, CD = pancake etc. Look online for ideas Station 4: Catch-up station **If you need to calculate or extra time, use this station to do so. Otherwise, take a look at the portion distortion powerpoint! Station 5: What’s in a Label? What is the serving size? How many grams of protein in two servings? How much sugar in one serving? If you ate the entire package, how many servings did you eat? Station 6: Sodium Content Collect a box of various food items (chip bags, milk container, cookie bag, cereal box, microwave dinner, soup can…etc Complete the information for your stated food items! Food Item mg of sodium (1 serving) mg of sodium (3 servings) Station 7: Caffeine Crisis We use the Choices magazine What are 3 signs you have had too much caffeine? article on Caffeine crisis 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________ Station 8: Catch-up station **If you need to calculate or extra time, use this station to do so. Otherwise, take a look at what is on display. Station 9: Watching the video on chromebook Find a nutrition game or quick video Body Image #6 – Identifying sugar in foods Materials: Sugar, teaspoon, Worksheet, Dietary handout, food labels Students will do the following: The students will be aware that most of the foods we eat contain sugar and that sugar comes in many different forms. Students will have a better understanding of reading labels. Class Procedure: 1. Have students put homework on their desk and as I check it, they will use the handout called “7 Dietary Guidelines” to independently answer the questions on page 36 in their workbook. (10 minutes) Then go over as a class. **Were any of the guidelines surprising to you? **Raise your hand if you already use 3 of the guidelines. 2. Go over the homework (page 39). Use the smartboard slides to help answer the questions. Discuss the following: **What food items did you evaluate? ** What surprised you when you read the label on the food that you choose? **Why did you look at that food label? **What can you tell your family about this type of food? (Is it a go, slow or whoa food) 3. Identifying sugars in foods : **Why do we need sugar? Sugar is a source of energy **Where do we get our sugar from? Natural vs. processed SMARTBOARD ACTIVITY- move the pictures to the correct side of natural vs. processed **What is the difference between a natural and a processed sugar? Natural: sugar that occurs on their own; example like in fruit, vegetables and other plants. Processed: It manipulated to take on a different texture like cubed sugar and brown sugar. 4. Calculating sugars in food Use the Smartboard slide with the Ice Cream example, show how to calculate grams of sugar into tsp of sugar. Ex. 15 g of sugar per ½ cup of ice cream. If someone eats 2 cups, you would need to multiply by 4! The total grams of sugar would be 60 grams. Divide 60 by 4.2 and this equals 14.3 tsp of sugar. Now scoop sugar and show them what this REALLY is! 5. Pair Share work Give each pair a food label and have them calculate the tsp of sugar given the SmartBoard example of amounts consumed. Once they have calculated it, they can write the answer on the board. Closure: sugars are a necessary nutrient Homework: finish their Body Image project Extra Info is needed: What are the components of sugar? There are 2 types of sugars: simple sugars that are found in sweets, honey, jams and desserts and complex sugars are found in cereals, breads, rice and pasta. Simple sugar is a carbohydrate that is easily and quickly absorbed into the blood stream and converts to energy. Any excess of sugar is stored in the liver or fat around our body. Remember sugars are energy nutrients and should be consumed in moderation to avoid our body from storing the sugar as fat. BodyImageLessons.doc Body Image OPTIONAL LESSON – McDonald’s/Pantyhose Materials: McDonald’s meal, salad, water, pantyhose, diagram of digestive system Students will do the following: 1. Identify the role of the digestive system. 2. Recognize the difference between healthy foods and processed foods Class procedure: 1. Review the Nutrient labeling activity using the “Go Lean” cereal label. Focus on the FIBER in the product…why is fiber important? 2. Describe the digestive system *Use the SmartBoard diagram and show that digestion starts in the mouth. 2. How the body responds to foods. *Why are fruits/vegetables and “pure” foods recommended for your system? 3. Pantyhose and Foods! Cut a pantyhose into two 12” sections. Display #1: McDonald’s Food Holding a pantyhose long ways, squish a few bites of the Big Mac and push it into the pantyhose. Add some French fries, then some soda. Continue as the pantyhose fills up. *The food gets botched in the system, giving us a bloated feeling Display #2: Healthy food Using a new pantyhose (stretch it a bit for width), pour some salad (cut small) into the pantyhose. It will fall right through. Add some water. Add a granola bar. 3. Using food items, review nutrient labeling with half sheet and partner. They will choose a food item and evaluate for one serving. Then switch to another food and continue on the worksheet. Eventually they will record the nutrients in eating the WHOLE package!. Discussion: *What is the difference between the two chosen meals? *Is it OK to eat McDonald’s-type food? Closure: Bring a calculator for next class BodyImageLessons.doc Optional Lesson– Watch “To Be Fat Like Me” Materials: Movie- To Be Fat Like Me Students will do the following: 1. Students will view the movie and develop compassion for people who are obese. 2. Students will understand the stereotypes placed on individuals. Class Procedure: 1. Use the two days to view the movie