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Effective Study Strategies: Time Management & Memory Tips

TIME TABLE ....................................................................................................................................... 1
STUDY STRATEGI ............................................................................................................................. 2
MEMORIES METHOD....................................................................................................................... 4
RELAXING METHOD ........................................................................................................................ 6
TIPS FOR STUDY................................................................................................................................ 8
MOTIVATION ..................................................................................................................................... 9
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 10
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................... 11
Revise regularly
Revision should be continuous if you are to gain a deep understanding of the subject. It
should not be superficial and rushed. Camming might help you remember a few facts but it
will not give you the overall understanding of a subject, which you should be studying for in
your College Education.
Systematic and use varied techniques
You should begin organizing a study schedule as soon as possible in the start of the
semester. Besides making summaries of your lecture notes, use varying strategies for your
revision. Draw up schemes showing the relationship between the concepts you have studied in
your subject or form study groups with your fellow students to discuss the different topic and
the relationship between them to reinforce both understanding and recall.
Use relationship to memorize
Understanding the relationship between pieces of information, such as their similarities
and difference, and using their relationship to information already known is definite advantage
during stress of an examination.
Practices previous exam papers
You should obtain copies of previous exam papers as early as possible in the revision
process. Doing these exam in the required time limit will give you practice in applying what
you have learnt to specific topic and practice in examination techniques. This will also you a
good idea of the format, time limit and the number of question in the examination.
Time management
Make time for rest, relaxation, sleep, eating, exercising, and socializing in your
schedule. To avoid boredom and loss of concentration, divide your study time into reasonable
chunks. The most successful study sessions are 25 minutes and rest 5 minutes. Studying for
four rounds its good. 4 round is equal 2 hours. Do not put everything off until the last minute.
 Organize your space
To improve your memory, you need to be able to focus. Distractions of any kind
will prevent this, so make sure your space is clear of clutter and has all the materials you
need for your study session.
 Visualize the information
Use the Method of Loci. (The method of loci is a strategy of memory enhancement
which uses visualizations of familiar spatial environments in order to enhance the recall of
information. The method of loci is also known as the memory journey, memory palace, or
mind palace technique) this is a technique where you visualize a house, associating rooms
in the house with bits of information. New information goes into a new room. Open a
drawer to find a chemical formula. Open a closet to find the names of the bones in the foot.
 Use the chaining technique
Create a story or sentence around a bit of information so that it can be more easily
recalled. The story can be silly and fun, which will make it easier to remember.
 Use image-name associations
Recalling names can be easier by associating images and names in a clever, unique
way. Remember the names of the presidents by associating a facial feature with their name.
 Study in different locations
Your memory can be triggered by different way in your environment. If you are
having trouble remembering the material you are studying, try moving to a new spot to help
the information stand out in your mind.
 Get out of the house
Leave the place where you are studying in order to re-energize. Take your dog for
a walk or go alone and spend time in nature for a little while to relax your mind. Spend
some time thinking about something other than your study materials.
 6 best healthy drink
Meet a friend for a quick cup of coffee, or even better try one of these six healthier
drink options. Example, Coffee, Green tea, orange juice, Blueberry juice, Turmeric lattes
and the best is plain water.
 Do something you enjoy
Hobbies can help you relax. Put aside the books and take a few minutes or up to an
hour to put your stress towards an activity you enjoy. You take a time out and do something
completely different from the subject you studying, and, once you feel better, you get back
to studying,
 Relax your mind and muscles
Do some yoga. Give yourself a massage .Take a hot bubble bath. Imagine yourself
elsewhere for ten minutes. Example “I close my eyes, and I just imagine myself on a
wonderful beach, and I’m surrounded by fun people, we’re doing the limbo, just enjoying
the sun,” he described. “I’m enjoying that mental image for ten minutes and then I come
back to my studies and I feel relieved and can start my studies again.”
 Close your eyes and breathe
Take a deep breath in and hold it for five seconds. Now let it out. Tell yourself that
everything will work out in the end. Take a second to focus on the present and just chill
out, Sometimes all people need to do to calm down is breath. It really does help, take time
out to relax and put things into perspective chances are it’s over a test or something that in
the big picture of things is not going to change your life.
Listen song
Study Technique
Study group
Eliminate distraction
Self deception
Set a Timer
Listen to song
You can listen to song when you study or doing tutorial. It help you easily to
remember what you study.
Use any study technique
You should use any study technique. For example Pomodoro technique. It can
help you to manage time for rest and study.
Make a study group
You must do a study group with friends. If have study group we can ask and
answer each other. It also easy for do any assignment.
Eliminate distraction
The human mind has the ability to wander around whatever it finds a starting
point. If you want to study effectively then make sure you stay in a place where there are no
distractions at all.
Some student feel more comfortable getting bad grades then blaming the fact that
they did not study rather than studying and testing their real worth.
Keep an eye on time
One of the best studying tips you can follow is to keep an eye on time by putting
a clock beside you.
As a conclusion, I hope u can follow all the tips and method that I give. You can success
your exam. Keep practice your tutorials definitely its can help you in exam. Released your
stress first then you can focus on study’s.
1. Raj Bapna, B. (2020, January 20). Double you’re Exam Memory. Scribd. Retrieved
November 9, 2021, from
2. Napat-A, C. J. D. (2013, December 16). Effective Studying Tips for Exams.
Scribd. Retrieved November 9, 2021,
https://www.scribd.com/document/191727546/Effective-Studying-Tips-for Exams
3. A. (2019, May 2). Top 6 Ways to Decrease Stress from Studying. Oravec.
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4. A. (2019b, May 28). 8 Memory Techniques for a Better Study Session. Grade
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