UNESCO-NIGERIA TECHNICAL & VOCATIONAL EDUCATION REVITALISATION PROJECT-PHASE II NATIONAL DIPLOMA IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS (II) COURSE CODE: EEC 234 YEAR II- SEMESTER III THEORY Version 1: December 2008 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Week 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1.1 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET 1.2 INTRODUCTION 1.3 Basic Operation Week 2-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.4 JFET Transfer Characteristic Week 3-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 1.5 MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE Week 4-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 1.6 Handling Precautions Week 5-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 1.6 Input Resistance 1.6.1Basic MOSFET Structure and Symbol 1.6.2 Depletion-mode MOSFET 1.6.3 Depletion-mode N-Channel MOSFET and circuit Symbols 1.6.4 Enhancement-mode MOSFET 1.6.5 Enhancement-mode N-Channel MOSFET and circuit Symbols 1.6.6 INPUT RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE Week 6----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 2. BIASING, AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAIN OF STAGES 2.1 DC BIASING 2.1.1 DC Load Line Week 7------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 2.2 INTRODUCTION 2.2.1 r- Parameters Week 8------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 2.3 COMMON EMITTER CONFIGURATION 2. 3.1 Power Gain 2.3.2 Voltage Gain 2.3.3Current Gain Week 9--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 2.4.3 COMMON COLLECTOR CONFIGURATION 2.4.1 Voltage Gain 2.4.2 Current Gain 2.4.3 Power Gain Week 10-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31 2.5 COMMON BASE CONFIGURATION 2.5.1 Voltage Gain 2.5.2 Current Gain 2.5.3 Power Gain Week 11-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33 3. TRANSFORMER COUPLING, POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS 3.1 INTRODUCTION 3.1.1 TRANSFORMER COUPLING 3.1.2 Complementary Symmetry Transistors 3.1.3 Crossover Distortion Week 12--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 INTRODUCTION RESISTANCE – CAPACITANCE COUPLING (RC) FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND BANDWIDTH Week 13--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------39 3.3 AMPLIFIERS & SMALL SIGNAL ANALYSIS Week 14--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------44 3.4 MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIERS 3.4.1Multistage Voltage Gain 3.4.2 Voltage Gain Expressed in Decibels 3.4.3 Loading Effects Week 15----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 3.5 COMPLEX AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION FETs are unipolar devices because, unlike BJTs that use both electron and hole current, they operate only with one type of charge carrier. The two main types of FETs are the junction field-effect transistor (JFET) and the metal oxide semiconductor field- effect transistor (MOSFET). Recall that a BJT is a current-controlled device; that is, the base current controls the amount of collector current. A FET is different. It is a voltage-controlled device, where the voltage between two of the terminals (gate and source) controls the current through the device. As you will learn, a major feature of FETs is their very high input resistance. The JFET (junction field-effect transistor) is a type of FET that operates with a reverse-biased p-n junction to control current in a channel. Depending on their structure, JFETs fall into either of two categories, n channel or p channel. Figure 1-1 (a) shows the basic structure of an n-channel JFET (junction field-effect transistor). Wire leads are connected to each end of the n-channel; the drain is at the upper end, and the source is at the lower end. Two p-type regions are diffused in the n type material to form a channel, and both ptype regions are connected to the gate lead. For simplicity, the gate lead is shown connected to only one of the p regions. A p-channel JFET is shown in Figure 1.l(b). FIGURE 1.1 Basic STRUCTURE OF THE TYPES OF FET’S 1 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 1 1.2 Basic Operation To illustrate the operation of a JFET, Figure 1.2 shows dc bias voltages applied to an nchannel device. V dd provides a drain-to-source voltage and supplies current from drain to source. V GG sets the reverse-bias voltage between the gate and the source, as shown. The JFET is always operated with the gate-source pn junction reverse-biased. Reverse- biasing of the gate-source junction with a negative gate voltage produces a depletion region along the pn junction, which extends into the n channel and thus increases its resistance by restricting the channel width. The channel width and thus the channel resistance can be controlled by varying the gate voltage. thereby controlling the amount of drain current, Id Figure 1.3 illustrates this concept. The white areas represent the depletion region created by the reverse bias. It is wider toward the drain end of the channel because the reverse-bias voltage between the gate and the drain is greater than that between the gate and the source. We will discuss JFET characteristic curves and some important CHARACTERISTICS AND PARAMETERS FIGURE 1.2 A BIASED N-CHANNEL JFET 2 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 1 FIGURE 1.3 EFFECT OF VGS ON CHANNEL WIDTH,AND DRAIN CURRENT(VGG = VGG) 3 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 2 1.3 JFET Transfer Characteristic You have learned that a range of VGS values from zero to VGS(off) controls the amount of drain current. For an n-channel JFET. V GS(offj is negative. and for a p-channel JFET. V GS off) is positive_ Because V GS does control ID' the relationship between these two quantities is very important. Figure 2.1 is a general transfer characteristic curve that illustrates graphically the relationship between V GS and ID' FIGURE 2.1 Transfer Characteristic Curve (n – channel) Notice that the bottom end of the curve is at a point on the V GS axis equal to VGS (Off) and the top end of the curve is at a point on the ID axis equal to loss. This curve, of course. shows that the operating limits of a JFET are ID = 0 when V GS = VGS(off) and ID = IDss when V GS = 0 The transfer characteristic curve can be developed from the drain characteristics curves by plotting values of 10 for the values of V GS taken from the family of drain curves at pinchoff, as illustrated in Figure 1 for a specific set of curves. Each point on the transfer characteristic curve corresponds to specific values of V GS and ID on the drain curves. For 1 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 2 FIGURE 2.2 EXAMPLE OF THE DEVELOPMENTAL OF AN n-channel JFET TRANFER CHARACTERISTIC CURVE(BLUE) FROM THE JFET DRAIN CHARACTERISTIC CURVES(GREEN) example, when V GS = -2 V, 10 = 4.32 mA. Also, for this specific JFET, VGS(off) = -5 V and loss = 12 mA. A JFET transfer characteristic curve is expressed as With Equation above,ID can be determined for any V GS if VGS(off) and loss are known. These quantities are usually available from the data sheet for a given JFET. Notice the squared term in the equation. Because of its form, a parabolic relationship is known as a square law and therefore, JFETs and MOSFETs are often referred to as square-law devices. 2 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 3 1.4 MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE The forward transconductance (transfer conductance), gm' is the change in drain current (∆ID )for a given change in gate-to-source voltage ( ∆V Gs ) with the drain-to-source voltage constant. It is expressed as a ratio and has the unit of siemens (S). Other common designations for this parameter are gfs and Yfs (forward transfer admittance). As you will see, gm is imponant in FET amplifiers as a major factor in determining the voltage gain. Because the transfer characteristic curve for a JFET is nonlinear. Gm varies in value depending on the location on the curve as set by VGs ' The value for gm is greater near the top of the curve (near VGS = 0) than it is near the bottom (near VGS(off)' as illustrated in Figure 3.1 1 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 3 FIGURE 3.1 Illusration of Mutual Conductance A data sheet normally gives the value of gm measured at VGS = 0 V (gmo). For example, the data sheet for the 2N5457 JFET specifies a minimum gmo (Yrs) of 1000 S with VDS = 15 V. Given gmo, you can calculate an approximate value for gm at any point on the transfer characteristic curve using the following formula: When a value of gmo is not available, you can calculate it using values of lDss and VGS(off)' The vertical lines indicate an absolute value (no sign). 2 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 3 EXAMPLE 3.1 The following information is included on the data sheet for a 2N5457 JFET: typically. IDss = 3.0 mA. VGS(off) = -6 V maximum, and Yfs(max)= 5000 µS. Using these values, determine the forward transconductance for VGS = -4 V, and find ID at this point. 1.3.1 Drain-to-Source Resistance You learned from the drain characteristic curve that, above pinch-off, the drain current is relatively constant over a range of drain-to-source voltages. Therefore, a large change in VDS produces only a very small change in ID. The ratio of these changes is the drain-to-source resistance of the device, Data sheets often specify this parameter in terms of the output conductance, gas, or output admittance, 3 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 3 Data sheets often specify this parameter in terms of the output conductance, gas, or output admittance, Yos' 4 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 4 1.5 Handling Precautions All MOS devices are subject to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). Because the gate of a MOSFET is insulated from the channel, the input resistance is extremely high (ideally infinite). The gate leakage current, IGss, for a typical MOSFET is in the pA range, whereas the gate reverse current for a typical JFET is in the nA range. The input capacitance results from the insulated gate structure. Excess static charge can be accumulated because the input capacitance combines with the very high input resistance and can result in damage to the device. To avoid damage from ESD, certain precautions should be taken when handling MOSFETs: 1. MOS devices should be shipped and stored in conductive foam. 2. All instruments and metal benches used in assembly or test should be connected to earth ground (round or third prong of 110 V wall outlets). 3. The assembler's or handler's wrist should be connected to earth ground with a length of wire and a high-value series resistor. 4. Never remove a MOS device (or any other device. for that matter) from the circuit while the power is on. 3. The assembler's or handler's wrist should be connected to earth ground with a length of wire and a high-value series resistor. 4. Never remove a MOS device (or any other device. for that matter) from the circuit while the power is on. 5. Do not apply signals to a MOS device while the dc power supply is off. 1.4.1 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS •Always preheat the FET (150oC for 2 minutes) to minimize the thermal shock and mechanical stress. •The temperature variation from the preheat stage to the maximum temperature should be less than 100oC. •Never exceed 230oC for 20 seconds, 220oC for 30 seconds and 200 oc for 60 seconds. •The device should be allowed to cool naturally for at least 3 minutes. Forced cooling may result in failure due to mechanical stress. 1.4.2 HANDLING The package has a source pad (base) at the bottom of the package and two source leads. Both the source leads and source pad should be soldered to the heat sink for better performance. The RF input and output leads should be soldered to the microwave circuit onthe PC board. AMCOM's Plastic Packaged Power FETs are very sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). AMCOM ships all Power FETs in electrostatic protection 1 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 4 packaging. Users must be very careful when handling the FETs and should be properly grounded by a wrist strap or equivalent technique. AMCOM's Plastic Packaged Power FETs have four pre-tinned copper leads and a pre-tinned base. Two of the copper leads are RF input and output leads. The other two are the grounding leads. The base of the package serves simultaneously as DC ground, RF ground, and thermal path. Personnel handling the FETs should be very careful to avoid the destruction of the coplanarity between the leads and the base. The FETs are shipped in a tray as shown in Figure 1. Be sure to pay careful attention to the handling precautions during removal. 2 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 5 1.6 Input Resistance As well as the Junction Gate FET their is another type of FET transistor available whose gate is insulated from the main current carrying channel. The most common type of insulated gate FET or IGFET is the Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor or MOSFET for short. The MOSFET type of field effect transistor has a "Metal Oxide" gate (usually silicon dioxide commonly known as glass), which is electrically insulated from the main semiconductor N or P-channel. This isolation of the controlling gate makes the input resistance of the MOSFET extremely high in the Mega-ohms region and almost infinite. As the gate terminal is isolated from the main current carrying channel "NO current flows into the gate" and like the JFET acts like a voltage controlled resistor. Also like the JFET, this very high input resistance can easily accumulate large static charges resulting in the MOSFET becoming easily damaged unless carefully handled or protected. 1.6.1Basic MOSFET Structure and Symbol We also saw previously that the gate of a JFET must be biased in such a way as to forward-bias the PN junction but in a MOSFET device no such limitations applies so it is possible to bias the gate in either polarity. This makes MOSFET's specially valuable as electronic switches or to make logic gates because with no bias they are normally nonconducting and the high gate resistance means that very little control current is needed. 1 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 5 Both the P-channel and the N-channel MOSFET's are available in two basic forms, the Enhancement type and the Depletion type 1.6.2 Depletion-mode MOSFET The Depletion-mode MOSFET, which is less common than the enhancement types is normally switched "ON" without a gate bias voltage but requires a gate to source voltage (Vgs) to switch the device "OFF". Similar to the JFET types. For N-channel MOSFET's a "Positive" gate voltage widens the channel, increasing the flow of the drain current and decreasing the drain current as the gate voltage goes more negative. The opposite is also true for the P-channel types. The depletion mode MOSFET is equivalent to a "Normally Closed" switch. 1.6.3 Depletion-mode N-Channel MOSFET and circuit Symbols 2 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 5 Depletion-mode MOSFET's are constructed similar to their JFET transistor counterparts where the drain-source channel is inherently conductive with electrons and holes already present within the N-type or P-type channel. This doping of the channel produces a conducting path of low resistance between the drain and source with zero gate bias. 1.6.4 Enhancement-mode MOSFET The more common Enhancement-mode MOSFET is the reverse of the depletionmode type. Here the conducting channel is lightly doped or even undoped making it nonconductive. This results in the device being normally "OFF" when the gate bias voltage is equal to zero. A drain current will only flow when a gate voltage (Vgs) is applied to the gate terminal. This positive voltage creates an electrical field within the channel attracting electrons towards the oxide layer and thereby reducing the overall resistance of the channel allowing current to flow. Increasing this positive gate voltage will cause an increase in the drain current, Id through the channel. Then, the Enhancement-mode device is equivalent to a "Normally Open" switch. 3 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 5 1.6.5 Enhancement-mode N-Channel MOSFET and circuit Symbols Enhancement-mode MOSFET's make excellent electronics switches due to their low "ON" resistance and extremely high "OFF" resistance and extremely high gate resistance. Enhancement-mode MOSFET's are used in integrated circuits to produce CMOS type Logic Gates and power switching circuits as they can be driven by digital logic levels. 4 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR(FET) Week 5 Enhancement-mode MOSFET's make excellent electronics switches due to their low "ON" resistance and extremely high "OFF" resistance and extremely high gate resistance. Enhancement-mode MOSFET's are used in integrated circuits to produce CMOS type Logic Gates and power switching circuits as they can be driven by digital logic levels. 1.6.6 INPUT RESISTANCE/CAPACITANCE As you know, a JFET operates with its gate-source junction reverse-biased. which makes the input resistance at the gate very high. This high input resistance is one advantage of the JFET over the BJT. (Recall that a bipolar junction transistor operates with a forward-biased base-emitter junction.) JFET data sheets often specify the input resistance by giving a value for the gate reverse current, IGss, at a certain gate-to-source voltage. The input resistance can then be determined using the following equation, where the vertical lines indicate an absolute value (no sign) 5 2. BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND Week 6 GAINOF STAGES 2.1 DC BIASING Bias establishes the dc operating point for proper linear operation of an amplifier. If an amplifier is not biased with correct dc voltages on the input and output. It can go into saturation or cutoff when an input signal is applied. Figure 6-1 shows the effects of proper and improper de biasing of an inverting amplifier. In part (a), the output signal is an amplified replica of the input signal except that it is inverted, which means that it is 1800 out of phase with the input. The output signal swings equally above and below the dc bias level of the output, V DC(out). Improper biasing can cause distortion in the output signal, as illustrated in parts (b) and (c). Part (b) illustrates limiting of the positive portion of the output voltage as a result of a Qpoint (dc operating point) being too close to cutoff. Part (c) shows limiting of the negative portion of the output voltage as a result of a dc operating point being too close to saturation. FIGURE 6.1 Examples of linear and nonLinear operation of inverting Amplifier Graphical Analysis The transistor in Figure 6-2(a) is biased with variable voltages Vcc and VBB to obtain certain values of lB' Ic, IE, and VCE ' The collector characteristic curves for this particular transistor are shown in Figure 6-2(b); we will use these curves to graphically illustrate the effects of dc bias. 1 2. BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND Week 6 GAINOF STAGES FIGURE 6.2 A dc-biased transistor circuit with variable bias voltages (VBB and Vcc ) for generating the collector characteristic curves shown in part (b). In Figure 6-3, we assign three values to IB and observe what happens to Ic and VCE ' First. V BB is adjusted to produce an I B of 200 /-LA, as shown in Figure 6-3(a). Since IC = βDCIB, the collector current is 20 mA, as indicated, and 2.1.2 DC Load Line Notice that when I B increases, Ic increases and V CE decreases. When IB decreases, Ic decreases and V CE increases. As VBB is adjusted up or down, the dc operating point of the transistor moves along a sloping straight line, called the dc load line, connecting each separate Q-point. At any point along the line, values of IB' Ic, and VCE can be picked off the graph, as shown in Figure 6-4. 2 2. BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND Week 6 GAINOF STAGES The dc load line intersects the VCE axis at 10 V. the point where VCE = Vcc . This is the transistor cut-off point because I B and Ic are zero (ideally). Actually. there is small leakage current, I CBO , at cut off as indicated, and therefore VCE is slightly less than 10V but nomally this can be neglected. FIGURE 6.3Illusration of Q Point Adjustment 3 2. BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND Week 6 GAINOF STAGES FIGURE 6.4 the DC LOAD LINES 4 2. BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAIN OF Week 7 STAGES 2.2 INTRODUCTION Dc quantities were identified by nonitalic uppercase (capital) sub- scripts such as Ic, IE, VC and VCE Lowercase italic subscripts are used to indicate ac quantities of rms, peak, and peak-topeak currents and voltages: for example, IC, Ie, Ib,VC, and VCE (rms values are assumed unless otherwise stated). Instantaneous quantities are represented by both lowercase letters and subscripts such as iC,ie, iB, and vCE . Figure 7.1 illustrates these quantities for a specific voltage waveform. FIGURE 7.1 SHOWING PARAMETERS In addition to currents and voltages, resistances often have different values when a circuit is analyzed from an ac viewpoint as opposed to a dc view point. Lowercase subscripts are used to identify ac resistance values. For example. R, is the ac collector resistance, and R c is the dc collector resistance. You will see the need for this distinction later. Resistance values internal to the transistor use a lowercase r'. An example is the internal ac emitter resistance, r´e 1 2. BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAIN OF Week 7 STAGES To visualize the operation of a transistor in an amplifier circuit. it is often useful to represent the device by an equivalent circuit. An equivalent circuit uses various internal transistor parameters to represent the transistor's operation. Equivalent circuits are described in this section based on resistance or r parameters. Another system of parameters, called h parameters, are briefly described. After completing this section, you should be able to · Identify and apply internal transistor parameters · Define the r parameters . Represent a transistor by an r-parameter equivalent circuit . Distinguish between the dc beta and the ac beta . Define the h parameters 2.2.1 r- Parameters The resistance, r; parameters are the most commonly used for BJTs. The five r parameters are given in Table 7-1. The italic lowercase letter r with a prime denotes resistances internal to the transistor. TABLE 7.1 r - PARAMETER An r-parameter equivalent circuit for a bipolar junction transistor is shown in Figure 7.2(a). For most general analysis work, it can be simplified as follows: The effect of the ac base resistance (r) is usually small enough to neglect, so it can be replaced by a short. The ac collector resistance (r;) is usually several hundred kilohms and can be replaced by an open. The resulting simplified r-parameter equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 7.2(b)_ The interpretation of this equivalent circuit in terms of a transistor's ac operation is as follows: A resistance (r;) appears between the emitter and base terminals. This is the resistance "seen" looking into the emitter of a forward-biased transistor. The collector effectively acts as a current source of αacIC, or, equivalently, ' βacIbThese factors are shown with a transistor symbol in Figure 7.3. 2 2. BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAIN OF Week 7 STAGES FIGURE 7.2 r PARAMETER OF EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT FIGURE 7.3 RELATION OF TRANSISTOR SYMBOL TO r PAREMETER Figure 7.4 shows a common-emitter amplifier with voltage-divider bias and coupling capacitors, C1 and C 3 , on the input and output and a bypass capacitor, C2 , from emitter to ground. The circuit has a combination of dc and ac operation, both of which must be considered. The input signal, Vin , is capacitively coupled into the base, and the output signal, Vout is capacitively coupled from the collector. The amplified output is 1800 out of phase with the input. 3 2. BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAIN OF Week 7 STAGES FIGURE 7.4 COMMON EMITTER CONFIGURATION An emitter-follower circuit with voltage-divider bias is shown in Figure 2-10. Notice that the input signal is capacitively coupled to the base, the output signal is capacitively coupled from the emitter, and the collector is at ac ground. There is no phase inversion, and the output is approximately the same amplitude as the input. 4 2. BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAIN OF Week 7 STAGES FIGURE 7.5 COMMON – COLLECTOR CONFIGURATION A typical common-base amplifier is shown in Figure 7.6. The base is the common terminal and is at ac ground because of capacitor C 2 ' The input signal is capacitively coupled to the emitter. The output is capacitively coupled from the collector to a load resistor. FIGURE 7.6 COMMOM BASE CONFIGURATION WITH VOLTAGE DIVIDER BIAS 5 BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAINOF STAGES WEEK 8 2.3 COMMON EMITTER CONFIGURATION 2.3.1 Voltage Gain The ac voltage gain expression for the common-emitter amplifier is developed using the equivalent circuit in Figure 8.1 The gain is the ratio of ac output voltage at the collector (Vc) to ac input voltage at the base (Vb)' 8.1EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT FOR OBTAINING VOLTAGE GAIN BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAINOF STAGES WEEK 8 Equation Above is the voltage gain from base to collector. To get the overall gain of the amplifier from the source voltage to collector, the attenuation of the input circuit must be included. Attenuation means that the signa voltage is reduced as it passes through a circuit. The attenuation from source to hase multiplied by the gain from base to collector is the overall amplifier gain. Suppose the source produces 10m V and the source resistance and input resistance is such that the base voltage is 5 m V. The attenuation is therefore 5 mV/10 mV = 0.5. Now assume the amplifier has a voltage gain from base to collector of 20. The output voltage is 5 m V x 20 = 100 m V. Therefore, the overall gain is 100 m V /10 m V = 10 and is equal to the attenuation times the gain (0.5 x 20 = 10). 2.3.2Current Gain The current gain from base to collector is Ie/lb or βac However. the overall current gain of the common-emitter amplifier is BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAINOF STAGES WEEK 8 2.3.3 Power Gain The overall power gain is the product of the overall voltage gain (Av) and the overall current gain (Ai). BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAINOF STAGES WEEK 9 2.4 COMMON COLLECTOR CONFIGURATION 2.4.1 Voltage Gain As in all amplifiers. the voltage gain is Av = Vout/Vin The capacitive reactances are assumed to be negligible at the frequency of operation. For the emitter-follower, as shown in the ac equivalent model. Since the output voltage is at the emitter, it is in phase with the base voltage, so there is no inversion from input to output. Because there is no inversion and because the voltage gain is approximately 1, the output voltage closely follows the input voltage in both phase and amplitude; thus the term emitter-follower. 2.4.2 Current Gain The overall current gain for the emitter-follower is Ie/Iin ,You can calculate Iin as Vin/Rin(tot). If the resistance of the parallel combination of the voltage-divider bias resistors RI and R2 is much greater than Rin(base). then most of the input current BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAINOF STAGES WEEK 9 goes into the base; thus. the current gain of the amplifier approaches the current gain of the transistor, βacwhich is equal to Ic/Ib This is because very little signal current is diverted to the bias resistors. Stated concisely. If 2.4.3 Power Gain The common-collector power gain is the product of the voltage gain and the current gain. For the emitter-follower. the overall power gain is approximately equal to the current gain because the voltage gain is approximately 1. Ap= AvAi Since Av = 1 the overall power gain is Ap=Ai BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAINOF STAGES WEEK 10 2.5 COMMON BASE CONFIGURATION 2.5.2 Current Gain The current gain is the output current divided by the input current. ICis the ac output current, and Ie is the ac input current. Since IC =Ie, the current gain is approximately I. Ai= I 2.5.3 Power Gain BIASING,AC EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND GAINOF STAGES WEEK 10 Since the current gain is approximately 1 for the common-base amplifier and Ap = AvAi' ,the power gain is approximately equal to the voltage gain. Ap=:Av. TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 11 3.1 INTRODUCTION Power amplifiers are large-signal amplifiers. This generally means that a much larger portion of the load line is used during signal operation than in a small-signal amplifier. In this section, we will cover two classes of power amplifiers: class A, and class B, These amplifier classifications are based on the percentage of the input cycle for which the amplifier operates in its linear region. Each class has a unique circuit configuration because of the way it must be operated. The emphasis is on power amplification. Power amplifiers are normally used as the final stage of a communications receiver or transmitter to provide signal power to speakers or to a transmitting antenna. 3.1.1 TRANSFORMER COUPLING Transformer coupling is illustrated in Figure 11.1 The input transformer has a center-tapped secondary that is connected to ground, producing phase inversion of one side with respect to the other. The input transformer thus converts the input signal to two out-of-phase signals for the transistors. Notice that both transistors are npn types. Because of the signal inversion, Q1 will conduct on the positive part of the cycle and Q2 will conduct on the negative part. The output transformer combines the signals by permiting current in both directions, even though one transistor is always cut off. The positive power supply signal is connected to the center tap of the output transformer. 11.1 Transformer coupled push-pull amplifiers TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 11 3.1.2 Complementary Symmetry Transistors Figure 11.1 shows one of the most popular types of push-pull class B amplifiers using two emitterfollowers and both positive and negative power supplies. This is a complementary amplifier because one emitter-follower uses an npn transistor and the other a pnp, which conduct on opposite alternations of the input cycle. Notice that there is no dc base bias voltage (VB = 0). Thus, only the signal voltage drives the transistors into conduction. Transistor Q1, conducts during the positive half of the input cycle. and Q2 conducts during the negative half. 3.1.3 Crossover Distortion When the dc base voltage is zero, both transistors are off and the input signal voltage must exceed VBE before a transistor conducts. Because of this, there is a time interval between the positive and negative alternations of the input when neither transistor is conducting, as shown in Figure 3-3 The resulting distortion in the output waveform is called crossover distortion. FIGURE 11.2 CLASS B PUSH PULL AC OPERATION TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 11 FIGURE 11.3 CROSSOVER DISTORSION IN CLASS B PUSH PULL AMPLIFIER TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 12 PRINCIPLE AND METHOD OF INTER STAGE COUPLING IN MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIERS 3.2 INTRODUCTION The three various of the signal stage transistor amplifier, namely the common emitter, common – safe and common collector have seen analyzed and discussed in previous chapter. How ever, a signal stages by insect may not provide enough gain or the input and output resistances may be unsuitable for a particular application. In these situations, the required performance can be obtained by coupling two or more single – stages together to form a multistage amplifiers . The most important of any method of coupling stages together is that it most not interfere with the d.c operating points set for each stages. This applies, of course not only to bipolar transistors but also to all active devices, 3.2.1 RESISTANCE – CAPACITANCE COUPLING (RC) The RC coupling method simple means the connection of a capacitor at the input of am amplifier. The connection of the capacitor is series with the input impedance of the amplifier give use to how frequenting response while that of the parallel connection given rise to high frequency response of the amplifier. 3.2.2 FREQUENCY RESPONSE AND BANDWIDTH. The term frequency response refers to the gain of an amplifier over a band or range of frequencies. A plot of gain verses frequency is commonly called a frequency – response curve. TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 12 Gain (voltage current) Frequency F1 F0 F2 Figure 12.1 Frequency response curve Fig 12.1 above shows a frequency – response curve for an audio frequency amplifies. Note that the gain appears reasonable flat or level over much of the cover but falls off at how and high frequency. There are three important point (frequencies) on he response curve . i. ii. iii. iv. Mid frequencies point (Fo) :- this is the point where the gain is maximum. In audio either 400 or 1000 HZ are commonly used in proactive as to, the mild – frequencies point to which the nest of the response work is referenced. The low frequency half power point (F1):- this is the low – frequency point at which the output power falls to one – half its valve at the mid frequency point. It is further identified as the point at which the output voltage (and current) falls to 70.7% of it’s mid frequency value. Hart – power point and -3db point are used interchange easly. The hight frequency half – power point:- this is the high frequency point at which the output falls to one –half its mid frequency value. As at the low frequency that –power point voltage and current are 70.7% of this mid frequency values. Bandwidth:- this is the difference in frequency between the halfpower points. That is TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS Bw = F2 – F1 Where F1 = the frequency that power point F2 = the high – frequency half power- point WEEK 12 TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 13 3.3 AMPLIFIERS & SMALL SIGNAL ANALYSIS The great majority of amplifiers, whether transistor or vacuum tube type, may be considered as three-terminal devices from the signal standpoint, this is true even though other terminals often exist, to bring to the device special voltage that aid or improve the basic amplification function. Another basic fact about electronic systems; the vast majority of electronic systems consist functionally of an input transducer, a signal processor, and an output transducer. A transducer is a device that changes energy from one form to another. An input transducer in an electronics system changes energy (sound, motion, temperatures, etc.) into on electrical signal. Some examples are microphone, a phonograph pickup and a thermocouple). The signal processor amplifies or modifies the signal in some desired way. Finally, the output transducer (load) changes the electrical energy coming from the signal processor into what ever form serves the purpose of the equipment. Let us illustrate and clarify the concept of gain through the following example: Example 1.0 If signal source from a microphone that produces an output of 50mv and 20µA (ac. Effective value). The output of the amp to the speaker is 3V and 300mA. Find (a) the voltage gain (b) the current gain (c) the power gain Solution (a) voltage gain = Vout = 30 Vin (b) current gain (c) power gain = = 60 50 x 10-3 50mV = Iout = 300mA 3 = 300x10-3 Iin 20µA = Pout = Vout . Iout Pin Vin . Iin 20 x 10-6 = 3 x 300 x 10-3 50 x 10-3x 20 x 10-6 = 15, 000 TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 13 = 0.9 1 x 10-6 = 9 x 105 Another approach For power gain = voltage gain x current gain = 60 x 15000 = 9 x 105 In almost all acts in order to obtain amplification a d.c voltage of appropriate level must first be brought (from one or more power source) to the transistor or vacuum tube terminals i.e. proper d.c static conditions must be established as a prerequisite to designed signal amplification. Subsequently, variations are created in the applied dc level by the input transudes; these variation late introduce fluctuations in the previously established state d.c conditions and are called rippling on top of the d.c component a resort source what reminiscent of the ripple voltage in the d.c output of a filtered power supply. It is this as signal component that is usually of primary importance and that we will amplify to higher power levels. 3.3.1 BETA (B) AND ALPHA () In all the three basic transistor circuit configuration; common – base, common – emitter and Common –collector (as already discussed above emitter current (IE) divides in the transistor with part flowing through the base (IB) and part flowing through the collection (IC). Thos, JE is always equal to the sum of IB and IC ie. IE = IB + IC This relationship is fundamental and a very important one to mention because it is true for solution D.C static conditions and for are , signal conditions. In typical transistors, IC is 20=200 times larger than IB. ie. Approximately 95-99.5% of IE goes to the collection and only 0.5 – 5% of IE goes to IB. TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 13 Another most important characteristic of every transistor is the ratio of IC to IB. this ratio is called beta (), and it should be thoroughly understood by every one working with electrums. Since values of d,c and a.c currents differ in both base and collector, we find there are two value of beta for every transistor. To hind the d.c value of beta, we use static conditions and fixed points, B d.c. = IC/IB Where IC is the d.c collector current at fixed point and IB is the corresponding d.c base current. Another important characteristic, alpha () is the ratio of collector current to emitted current since IE = IC + IB, it is clean that IC will always be less than IE as long as any IB exists. We recall that IC is typically 20 – 2% limits large than IB. the d.c value of alpha is defined as d.c = IC/IE = IC IC + IB Thus, the value of alpha () is very near (d.t always less than) unity, or 1 for example. If IB of 40NA produce IC of 4mA, d.c = Ic = IC + IB 40 x 10-3 4 x 10-3 x 40 x 10-6 0.99 And d.c = IC/IB = 4 x 10-3 40 x 10-3 = 100 Also under action operating or signal concditions, we have veriational or are value for and. These values do not usually have precisely the same values as for direct correction because now we are dealing with a range of values rather than fixed points. A.C valve of and are written without subscript. Ie = ΔIC/ΔIB Or = ic /ib TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 13 Where DIC is he small change in d.c collection current from one value to another, and DIB is the small change in d.c base comment that lased DIC. Ic is the collector current and Ib is the base current that produce it (ic) We also define are alpha as = ΔIC /ΔIB As before 1 but always less than one ( < 1) there is a numerical relationship between and that is often useful, = and = 1- 1 + Example II In an operating transistor cct, a change of 16µA in IB causes a change of 1.6mA in IC. Find and. Solution = DIC/DIB = 1.6 x 10-3 = 100 1.6 x 10-6 IC - = IE Ie Ie + IB = - 100 = 0.99 1 + 7 + 100 Example III Specification of a transistor called for minimum = 20, maximum = 60. Calculate minimum and maximum values of. Solution min = = 20 = 0.952 TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS 1 + 1 + 20 max = = 60 1+ = 0.984 1 + 60 WEEK 13 TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 14 3.4 MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIERS Two or more amplifiers can be connected in a cascaded arrangement with the output of one amplifier driving the input of the next. Each amplifier in a cascaded arrangement is known as a stage. The basic purpose of a multistage arrangement is to increase the overall voltage gain. Although discrete multistage amplifiers are not as common as they once were, a familiarization with this area provides insight into how some circuits affect each other when they are connected together. 3.4.1Multistage Voltage Gain The overall voltage gain, A;.. of cascaded amplifiers, as shown in Figure 14.1, is the product of the individual voltage gains. A = AVIAv2AV3 .. - AVN where n is the number of stages. FIGURE 14.1 CASCADED AMPLIFIERS 3.4.2 Voltage Gain Expressed in Decibels Amplifier voltage gain is often expressed in decibels (dB) as follows: AV(dB) = 20 log AV This is particularly useful in multistage systems because the overall voltage gain in dB is the Sum of the individual voltage gains in dB. Av'(dB) = AV1(dB) + A v2 (dB) + ... + AVN(dB) TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 14 A certain cascaded amplifier arrangement has the following voltage gains: Av 1= 10, AV2 = 15, andAV3, = 20. What is the overall voltage gain? Also express each gain in decibels (dB) and determine the total voltage gain in dB. AV = AV1Av2,AV3 = (10)(15)(20) = 3000 AV1(dB) = 20 log 10 = 20.0 dB AV2(dB) = 20 log 15 = 23.5 dB AV3(dB) = 20 log 20 = 26.0 dB AV'(dB) = 20.0 dB + 23.5 dB + 26.0 dB = 69.5 dB For purposes of illustration, we will use the two-stage capacitively coupled amplifier in Figure 14.2 Notice that both stages are identical common-emitter amplifiers with the output of the first stage capacitively coupled to the input of the second stage. Capacitive coupling prevents the de bias of one stage from affecting that of the other but allows the ac signal to pass without attenuation because Xc ≈ 0Ω at the frequency of operation. Notice, also, that the transistors are labeled Q1, and Q2' FIGURE 14.2 TWO STAGE AMPLIFIER TRANSFORMER COUPLING,POWER AND MULTISTAGE OF AMPLIFIERS WEEK 14 3.4.3 Loading Effects In determining the voltage gain of the first stage, you must consider the loading effect of the second stage. Because the coupling capacitor C) effectively appears as a short at the signal frequency, the total input resistance of the second stage presents an ac load to the first stage. Looking from the collector of Q1 the two biasing resistors in the second stage, R5and R6 appear in parallel with the input resistance at the base of Q2' In other words, the signal at the collector of Q. seesR3 R5, R6, and Rinbase of the second stage all in parallel to ac ground. Thus. the effective ac collector resistance of Q1 is the total of all these resistances in parallel. COMPLEX AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT Week 15 3.5 INTRODUCTION Power amplifiers are large-signal amplifiers. This generally means that a much larger portion of the load line is used during signal operation than in a small-signal amplifier. In this section, we will cover two classes of power amplifiers: class A, and class B, These amplifier classifications are based on the percentage of the input cycle for which the amplifier operates in its linear region. Each class has a unique circuit configuration because of the way it must be operated. The emphasis is on power amplification. Power amplifiers are normally used as the final stage of a communications receiver or transmitter to provide signal power to speakers or to a transmitting antenna. FIGURE 12.1 COMPLEX AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT 1 COMPLEX AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT Week 15 2