Tech. Cap II Base week Meso 1/4 Technique and Capacity II Keep track of load used Day 1 Three Pos. High Pull + Three Pos. Snatch (Floor, Below knee, above knee) start at 50% go up 5% per set until 70% 5 sets total Super Pull (Sn Weight) Snatch Pull To Knees x 5 + Knee to hip x 5 + Snatch Pull x 5 Tempo OH Squat (Sn Weight) 10 Seconds Standing + 10 seconds descent + 10 Seconds Pause then stand Barbell OH Press 3 sets of 10 DB Rdl + Shrug 3 sets of 10 start at 50% go up 5% per set until 70% 5 sets total start at 50% go up 5% per set until 70% 5 sets total Day 2 Power Clean + Split Jerk Starting at 70% of CJ (1+3)*4 Back Squat (hips must go visibly below knees) 75% (5)*4 Narrow stance squats (belt squats, hack squats) 3 sets of 10 control eccentric Hamstring curl 3 sets of 10 Day 3 Power Snatch From Knee Blocks Starting at 70% of Sn. (3)*4 Power Clean From Knee Blocks Starting at 70% of CJ (3)*4 Deficit Clean Pull Emom 10 --- 90% of CJ for 3 reps as fast as possible Box Squat (max effort concentric) 70% (3)*10 --- 90 Seconds rest Day 4 Snatch to plates Start at 50% of Sn. (3)*5 Deficit Clean Start at 50% of Clean (3)*5 Weighted Sit Up 3*10 Banded TKE 3*20 each Day 5 Banded Glute Walk or X band Walk 2*20 each BB OH SQUAT 2*10 Snatch High Pull + Pwr. Snatch + Snatch Build to max complex Clean + FS + Jerk Build to max (1+1+3) Front Squat 75% (5)*4 This is intentionally a light day ---Perfect technique