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Analysis of the Impact of Culinary Tourism Experiences CHAPTER 3 METHOD

Analysis of the Impact of Culinary Tourism Experiences, and Tourist satisfaction in
3.1 Research Design
In this study the authors using descriptive quantitative research method where descriptive
according to Bambang (2013) is to give a more detailed picture of a symptom or phenomenon).
While according to Wardiyanta (2006) quantitative approach is research that using quantitative
data as analysis material.
Descriptive research is conducted to describe a symptom, event, and incident that occurs
factually, systematically, and accurately. In this study, the authors tried to describe the events
that became the center of the study without giving special treatment to these events. According
to Sugiyono (2008), descriptive research is research conducted to determine the value of
independent variables, either one or more (independent) variables without making comparisons
or connecting with other variables.
This descriptive research is one type of non-experimental quantitative research which is
relatively easy. This study describes the quantitative data obtained regarding the state of the
subject or the phenomenon of a population. In descriptive quantitative research known as the
descriptive hypothesis. Descriptive hypotheses are determined by setting certain criteria or
limits based on theoretical studies by researchers.
A. Research Location
This research will be carried out at the prominent and famous food culinary tourist
attraction in Indonesia As for the distance from the city center would not be more far than 45
kilometers, can be reached in about 1 hour use a motorbike or private car.
B. Research Time
While the time of the author's research takes time estimated from March – June 2022.
C. Population and Sample
Population is territory generalization consisting of objects and subject that has quantity and
certain specified characteristics by researchers to study and then draw conclusions. Sugiono
(2005) stated that Population that what the author means is a visitor or unassigned travelers and
managers in the field on the implementation of the research, namely in the one of prominent
culinary tourist attraction not more far than 1 hour ride from city center.
3.2 Data collection design
A. Primary Data
Primary data is source of data obtained by directly from the original source (not through
intermediate media). Primary data can be in the form of subject (person) opinion individual or
group, results observation of an object (physical), events or activities, and results testing. So in
this research, the primary data obtained are the results of the data at the time of the researcher
conduct observations, interviews and distributing questionnaires (questionnaires) in the object
of prominent and famous culinary tourist attraction near city center
B.Secondary Data
Secondary data used to complete this research are supporting data from primary data not
from the source directly live. In this study, the data secondary obtained from the library that is
by collecting data to compare between theories what is there with what is in the field based on
supporting books as well as other written sources such as websites from the internet. Besides
that, This secondary data is also obtained from related agencies with this research.
C. Data Collection Techniques
As for data collection techniques used in this study is as follows :
a. Literature review
In this study the author obtain secondary data based on books and literature that is
theoretical. And also data obtained from the agency related with research.
b. Field Study
In this study, the author get primary data in the following way:
Questionnaire Method, this is how to collect data by spreading questions about the
object of research by researchers which aims to get written answers to questions
proposed by the researcher. Questionnaire will be given by the researcher to
respondents, namely visitors who come to the culinary tourist attraction object.
Questionnaire as tools used to find out visitor satisfaction with the object regarding
availability, as well as the condition of the facilities at the culinary tourist attraction,
Questionnaire distribution will be started in April until May 2022. Tools the data
collector that the author uses is a variety of equipment written (paper, pen, pencil) also
Google Form for online data collection
Primary data is source of data obtained by directly from the original source (not through
intermediate media). Primary data can be in the form of subject (person) opinion
individual or group, results observation of an object (physical), events or activities, and
results testing. So in this research, The primary data obtained are the results of the data
at the time of the researcher conduct observations, interviews and distributing
questionnaires in the object
Secondary data used to complete this research are supporting data from primary data
not from the source directly and live. In this study, the data secondary obtained from
the library that is by collecting data to compare between theories what is there with
what is in the field based on supporting books as well as other written sources such as
websites from the internet. Besides that, This secondary data is also obtained from
related agencies with this research.
b. Observation
Observation is collecting data by observing the object will be investigated directly.
According to Sudijono (1998) in general the notion of observation is a way collect information
(data) which is carried out by conducting observations and systematic recording of current
phenomena be the target of observation. Observations made by researchers namely by doing
research and direct observation on the condition, capacity, quantity, comfort, cleanliness and
equipment and infrastructure of the object.
c. Interview
Interview is a process to obtain information for the purpose of research by question and
answer while face to face interviewer and informant or interviewee. Interviews were conducted
with how to interview the authorities in charge of the object, namely Department of Culture,
Tourism, Youth and the stakeholders related about Tourist Satisfaction of the object.
3.3 Data Analysis
Rangkuti (2013) revealed that SWOT analysis is a tool for formulating strategies for
various factors systematically to formulate strategies from a research. This analysis is based on
logic that can maximize strengths and opportunities, but simultaneously minimize weaknesses
and threats. The strategic decision-making process is always related to the development of the
mission, goals, strategies, and policies for tourism development.
Thus, a strategic plan in the form of developing traditional food in several region as a
culinary tourism attraction must analyze strategic factors related to strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats based on current conditions. This is known as situation analysis, while
the most popular model used for situation analysis is SWOT analysis.
Data were collected, processed, and analyzed descriptively by adopting and adapting the
SWOT analysis model which is a qualitative analysis by examining internal and external
factors. Internal factors in this case are strengths (strengths or potential) and weaknesses
(weaknesses and constraints). External factors consist of opportunities and threats. SWOT
analysis was used to obtain information related to strategies for developing traditional food as
a culinary tourism attraction in several region.
Each quadrant has its own strategy as follows. a) SO Strategy (strengths-opportunities) in
Quadrant I. This strategy uses the strengths of traditional food in the object to seize and take
full advantage of opportunities in culinary tourism. b) ST Strategy (strengths-threats) in
Quadrant II. The strength of traditional food in the objects on the one hand, on the other hand
there are also many external threats. The strategy used in these conditions is diversification
where traditional foods with all its strength used to build more promising long-term
opportunities. c) WO (weaknesses-opportunities) strategy in Quadrant III. Traditional food in
the object is faced with both external opportunities and internal weaknesses. Traditional foods
must eliminate the weaknesses they have by trying to take the existing opportunities. d) WT
strategy (weaknesses-threats) in Quadrant IV. The condition in this quadrant is the worst
condition for traditional food in the object, because apart from weaknesses there are also
threats. The strategy taken is to try to minimize weaknesses and avoid threats.
The results of data analysis are presented in an interpretative descriptive manner, meaning
that the results of the analysis are presented as they are, while in certain sections they are
interpreted according to the prevailing theory and framework. sentences and statements). Thus,
a clearer and more in-depth picture of this research will be obtained.
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