AKAPULCO USES/INDICATION The Akapulko leaves contain chrysophanic acid, a fungicide that is used to treat fungal infections. Because of Akapulko’s antifungal properties, it is a common ingredient in soaps, shampoos, and lotions in the Philippines. Leaves are also used as herbal medicine to treat bronchitis, coughs, and asthma, as well as for antiinflammatory and are used to alleviate symptoms of arthritis, gout, rheumatitis, bursitis, and other joint and muscle problems. PREPARATION 1) Fresh leaves are washed and cut in small pieces. 2) One glass of cooking oil or coconut oil is added before frying the leaves until it is crispy. 3) After frying, it is then removed and strained. Cut 2 white Esperma no. 5 candles into small pieces. In a cooking pot, pour the strained oil together with the candle pieces and stir until it has melted. 4) Pour the mixture into a container and cover. 5) After that, the akapulko herbal ointment is now ready to apply to affected areas twice daily. HOW TO TAKE CARE The location must be exposed to full sun and has a well draining soil. But when starting with seeds, start them indoors and water until they sprout. They require watering weekly to keep soil moist. To help in plant growth, feed the plants with a half-strength solution of balanced fertilizers. GROUP 1 - SUBGROUP 1 (SEC 201) Adan, Clara Valerie Adobo, Victoria Francois Erika Adriano Camille Anne Agor, Kevin Christian REFERENCES: 1) Cangao, E. & Soriano, T. (2016). In Vitro Propagation of Sambong (Blumea balsamifera Linn.). SpringerLink. https://link.springer.com/protocol/10.1007/978-14939-3332-7_15 2) Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia. (n.d.). Sembong. https://www.forestry.gov.my/images/infoperhutanan/tumbuhan-ubatan/Sembong_en.pdf 3) Medicinal Health Guide. (n.d.), Sambong | Blumea balsamifera Herbal Medicine. http://www.medicalhealthguide.com/articles/sambo ng.htm 4) MedicalHealthGuide. (2011). Akapulko (Cassia Alata) Herbal Medicine. http://www.medicalhealthguide.com/articles/akapul ko1.htm 5) Taculao, P., (2021, August 06). How to Grow Candle Bus, aka Akapulko, in Five Easy Steps. Manila Bulletin. https://mb.com.ph/2021/08/06/how-togrow-candle-bush-aka-akapulko-in-five-easy-steps/ M AN A L G A H GAMOT Sambong and Akapulco AKAPULCO Senna Alata or Cassia Alata COMMON NAMES: Akapulko, Andadasi, Asunting, Bayabasbayabasan, Bikasbikas, Bunibuni, Gamot sa Buni, Kabogisbogis, Kapurko, Kasitas, Pakayomkayon Kastila, Palotsina, Paralusina, Ringworm Bush, and Sunting DESCRIPTION: Akapulko is an erect, shrubby legume with dark green compound leaves. Akapulko leaves have orange rachis that has 16-28 leaflets. It produces an axis of golden yellow flowers that has 4-winged pods containing 50-60 flattened, triangular seeds. Flowers are enclosed by yellow-orange bracts that are later shed in time. SAMBONG USES/INDICATION Its roots and leaves are commonly used as therapeutic regimen.it is commonly indicated for fever, rheumatic, headache, colds, cough, wounds, diarrhea, and kidney stones. PREPARATION Its roots and leaves are pounded and dissolved with cold water to be applied with a soft cloth over the desired body parts to treat fever and wounds. Its leaves can also be pounded and applied to the forehead to treat headache. Its roots and leaves can also be boiled with water and used as a warm compress to treat rheumatic. Its leaves can be chopped and boiled with water and use as a tea for kidney stones. HOW TO TAKE CARE Plant the sprout of Sambong to a loam soil and water it everyday. Also, its roots and stolon's with three or more leaves can be propagated in water This plant should be exposed to sunlight daily. SAMBONG Blumea balsamifera COMMON NAMES: Blumea camphor and Ngai camphor Dalapot, Sob-sob, Gabuen, Kambibon, Subusub Philippines: Alibum,Lakad-bulan, Alimon, Lalakdan. Sambong DESCRIPTION: The Blumea Balsamifera or Sambong is commonly seen and used as hebral medicine in India, Africa, Malaysia, China, and Philippines. It is a small tree that can grow at a maximum height of 4 meters. The plant has a strong camphorous odor. DISCOUNT