“Reading in Science Fiction” Presentation Rubric Group___________ Book ______________________________________________________ Structure Discussion of story elements (characters, conflict, setting, plot & resolution) Cohesion & Coherence Theme Source text Personal experience Questions & Answers 4 3 2 1 Presentation was a clear introduction, body and conclusion which mirrors the hook and offers and final thought Main characters are compared and contrasted, the plot, conflict and setting resolution are explained. Presentation has a clear structure but with one or two missing elements Presentation has a clear structure with multiple missing elements The presentation has no clear structure Aspects of story are described adequately and contains most of the information Some aspects of story are incomplete or inadequate Little or no information The presentation works ‘as a whole’ including a strong takeaway message, original points, and effective transition and rapport between presenters. One or more themes are presented and contextualized with reference to current affairs, literature, politics, history, music or philosophy. Critical engagement shown. Presenters skillfully use relevant dialogue and description throughout the presentation which add meaning to the presentation. Presenters relate the aspect of story, or the theme of the story to their own personal experience, including their experience of reading the story. Presenters invite the audience to ask questions at the beginning and/or end of the presentation, and deal with audience questions knowledgeably. Good transitions and coherent message with one or more aspects of coherence and cohesion missing Somewhat disjointed presentation with some interesting point arranged out of sequence or without a clear structure Inadequate and incoherent points. One or more themes are presented and discussed, but the argument is not completely developed. One or more theme is alluded too but not coherently fleshed out in a comprehensive way. Themes are at most only alluded to, or not discussed at all. Presenters use some descriptions or dialogue but fail to do so with the utmost relevant, or occasionally inappropriately. Presenters, in moments, relate the story to their own personal experience, but not in a meaningful or consistent way. Presenters use dialogue or description on a hand full of occasion, but in a lazy way which doesn’t support the coherence of the presentation. Some mention of experience of emotion is made, but entirely unsystematically or without deeper penetration. Presenters fail to use dialogue and description or do so in a way which does not support the coherence of the presentation. Presenters invite the audience to ask questions but responses show some degree of uncertainty or confusion. Presenters invite the audience to ask questions but responses are largely inadequate. Presenters do not invite the audience to ask questions and when they do fail to appropriately answer questions. Very scarce or no reference to one’s own personal, subjective engagement with the story. Total Oral Slides Time Grade total Presenters speak clearly, concisely, fluently, with the appropriate voice tone in a way that add meaning to the message Slides are pleasing on the way, with images that support the speaker’s message and contain enough text to aid understanding. Presentation is no shorter than 8 minutes and no longer than 10 minutes. Presenters are mostly fluent and appropriate voice tone but with occasional pronunciation errors Presenters are somewhat fluent but make regular pronunciation errors Presenters make many pronunciation errors rending large swathes of the presentation difficult to understand. Some slides are well made but with garish design and/or too much/a lack of information to aid understanding. Presentation 10-30 seconds outside of allotted time Most slides contain unhelpful visual design or too much/too little supporting text. Almost all slides are inadequate and fail to aid audience understanding. Presentation 31-60 seconds outside of allotted time Presentation more than 1 minute outside of allotted time. Total /40