Uploaded by Elena Oliver

Operation Order: Wolfhound Blue Sector, Atropia

Republic of Atropia
1 MAR 2021
(U) References: Rochester, Washington 1:50,000
(U) Time Zone Used Throughout Order: Rochester, WA, Local (Pacific Standard Time)
Grid Coordinates Used Throughout the Order: UTM MGRS 10T
(U) Task Organization:
C CO, 2nd BN 27th IN REG, 3rd BDE consisting of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th PLTs. Each PLT has three organic Rifle SQDs with two M249 LMG
per squad of ten personnel, and a Weapons SQD equipped with two medium machine guns (M240B).
1. (U) SITUATION. Two Platoon sized elements of Arianan 325th Special-Purpose Forces (SPF) Brigade have been conducting
offensive operations within the Captital State Forrest IVO Rochester, WA. Intelligence indicates that within the next 24 hours, 2
additional Rifle Squads of the 325th will enter Captital State Forest to support the Arianan effort. They have the task to disrupt CF
and HNSF to prevent us from slowing their efforts to maintain control throughout the AO. This would set conditions for Arianan
mechanized forces to counterattack into Atropia later this winter. Arianan forces receive intelligence support from CI agents, and
local civilian’s sympathetic to their cause and coordinate soft target attacks carried out by Arianan insurgents trained by a a third
party proxy military force.
Insurgents within the AO have proven to be well trained and resourced. They lack uniforms and wear garb that blends in with the
local inhabitants. If confronted or attacked, insurgents will fight in necessary. Whenever possible, insurgents try to provoke
confrontation while in the presence of locals to create civilian casualties, in hopes of weakening Coaltion Forces’ counter insurgency
efforts. Intelligence has indicated that Arainan, with insurgent support, is attempting to increase their presence in the AO in an
attempt to improve their indirect fires capabilities to target HN and CF in the AO.
a. (U) Area of Interest. The Area of Interest extends from the Chehalis Indian Reservation in the south up to Buck Ridge and Larch
Mountain in the north (approximately the 04 northing). Little Rock is the eastern limit and the western limit spans 30 km to Matlock
(adjoining sheet 1377 IV).
b. (U) Area of Operations. This operation will be conducted in the western region of Atropia along the Atropian border.
(1) (U) Terrain. The terrain is heavily wooded and mountainous with elevation ranging from 100 feet to 2659 feet above see
level. There are trails and gravel roads scattered throughout and MSRs along the north, east, and south side of our AO.
The enemy often occupies small buildings in order to continue moving and not allow USF to pinpoint their exact location.
(a) Observations of Fields of Fire. Observation varies greatly throughout the AO. Along the light vehicle trails provides
beneficial fields of fire on the roadway itself. In the wooded area observation is limited to no more than 150m at any one
(b) Avenues of Approach. These are limited to the MSRs and gravel roads spread throughout the AO. Even though the
unimproved roads do not allow for fast movement, it does allow any personnel to maneuver light skinned vehicles within
2-3 km of any point within the AO. Caution should be taken on our around these danger areas. Unimproved and
recreational trails are prominent in the AO, especially in the north.
(c) Key Terrain. All urban/suburban areas surrounding the AO are considered key terrain for the importance each community
plays in CFs counter insurgency lines of effort. The north portion of the AO has the highest elevation points. These, and
all high elevation mountain tops, are critical to enemy efforts to bring more indirect fires capability within the AO. The
Chehalis Indian Reservation to the is mostly low land and is suspected to be the Arianan main logistical supply route.
(d) Obstacles. Elevation gain, countours, and vegetation are the main obstacles within the AO. This vegetatation and
deadfall will be a burden to any ground force negotiating the terrain on foot. While possible to maneuver the AO on foot,
extra time should be planned for to move over the terrain. Streams in the low grounds in the mountain (draws and
valleys) provide additional obstacles in the forms of thick vegetation and occasionally marshy swamps. Due to CFs
immature logistical structure in the area, CFs have been forced to resupply water from natural water sources in the AO.
Arianan/insurgents have begen to lay IEDs in and around said water sources.
(e) Cover and Concealment. The thick forestation and vegetation allow for excellent cover and concealment. The vegetation
varies within the AO from sparse in the lowlands to heavlily wooded in the hills, draws, and valleys. In many locations,
vegetation in draws with a water source is so thick that visibility can be less than 5 meters. Due to dense pine tree
growth, many places in the AO are completely unobservable with UAS platforms. The thick pine canopy can also pose a
hinderance to MEDEVAC landing procedures, and also making jungle penetrator attempts almost impossible in some
(2) (U) Weather.
High: 60
Wind: SSW 5MPH
Low: 44
Precip: 20%
Sunrise: 0621
Sunset: 1932
c. (U) Enemy Forces. Southern Atropian People’s Army (SAPA) insurgents and limited Arianan conventional forces are currently
operating in the Regimental AO in Hardin Province. Additional elements of Arianan foreces are expected to enter the AO in the next
24 hours. Additionally, some Atropian civilians in the AO are sympathetic to Arianan and SAPA forces and are willing to provide
Enemy forces have been known to emplace IEDs and attempt ambushes on HN forces at trailheads and common choke points in
trails. Each attempt has been unsuccessful, but Arianan/insurgent forces have shown they are adapting their TTPs to counter HN/CF
(1) (U) Disposition. Within the Regimental AO there is a reinforced rifle company with up to five Infantry PLTs. These PLTs are
extremely motivated for their cause of gaining control of the local population.
(a) Within the C CO AO we are facing two Arianan Rifle PLTs operating at the SQD and TM level throughout Capital State
Forest. The Arianans distribute plans via locals/couriers, insurgents, and squad sized elements.
(b) Additionally, we believe that we have located the Arianan HQs vicinity 10T DS 9543 9178 where local leadership in the
CO AO develops all plans and gathers critical intelligence against USF.
(2) Composition:
(a) Arianan PLTs consists of 38 personnel, arranged in four squads of 8-9. Fire teams of 4-5 personnel. One of the two fire
teams in each squad is equipped with a DP-27 LMG. They also have 2 organic DShK within their weapons squads. Each SQD has
portable FM radio with a range of up to 1km.
(3) Most Likely Course of Action: Arianan forces will continue to conduct offensive operations in the AO attacking US forces
whenever possible. We can expect them to conduct a hasty defense when attacked and trying to hold key terrain. Their goal is to
inflict casualties on US forces restricting our freedom of movement and then forcing our withdrawal. When possible, Arianan
insurgents will provoke a fight in populated areas in hopes of creating civilian casualties and damaging HN and CFs COIN momentum.
(4) Most Dangerous Course of Action: Arianan forces maneuver capability within the AO is left unchecked and are able to
grow their indirect fires capability, significantly hindering the efforts of HN and CF in the AO.
d. (U) Friendly Forces.
(1) (U) Higher Headquarters Mission and Intent.
(a) (U) Higher Headquarters Two Levels Up.
(1) (U) Mission. 3rd BDE conducts offensive operations in the AO commencing in the next 24 hours to set the conditions
for the transfer of security responsibility to Atropian Security forces.
(2) (U) Commander’s Intent.
(a) The purpose of our operations is to assist the Atropian security forces in eliminating threats to their people, lands
and government so that they may secure their country from internal and external threats without direct coalition intervention.
(b) Key Tasks
(1) Defeat Arianan forces in Atropia.
(2) Establish positive relationships with Atropian security forces, local civil officials and host nation personnel to
provide coalition forces legitimacy and LUTE of action in the AOR.
(3) Defend Coalition and Atropian forces and civilians from Arianan attacks.
(4) Partner with host nation security forces to train, advise, and assist these forces to improve their ability to conduct
security operations.
(c) End state. The 3rd BDE AO is under the control Atropian Security Forces and Atropian security forces can accomplish
basic security tasks throughout the AO. No Arianan forces exist in the BDE AO; SAPA does not have the support of the majority of
the population. No civilian humanitarian crisis exists.
(b) (U) Higher Headquarters.
1. (U) Mission. 2-27 IN BN attacks to destroy enemy forces in AO WOLFHOUND NLT 22 1800 April 20 to prevent enemy
forces from disrupting host nation security force operations.
2. (U) Commander’s Intent (U)
(a) The purpose of our operations is to eliminate resistance to the Atropian security forces in AO SABER to allow the
Atropian Security Forces to establish security in the AO.
(b) Key Tasks
(1) Aggressively locate and eliminate Arianan Forces in the BN AO.
(2) Partner with Atropian security forces whenever possible and establish mutually supporting relationships.
(3) Treat the local populace with dignity and respect, engage them when appropriate and further isolate Arianan
from the support of the population.
(4) Strict adherence to the Rules of Engagement to prevent unnecessary loss of civilian life and property.
(3) (U) Adjacent Unit Missions:
(a) (U) A Company destroys Arianan forces in N side of BN AO to secure the CO AO and set the conditions for handover of
security functions to host nation security forces. O/O A Company supports stability operations in the AO.
(b) (U) B Company destroys Arianan forces in E side of BN sector to secure the CO AO and set the conditions for handover
of security functions to host nation security forces. O/O B Company supports stability operations in the AO.
a. (U) Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Nongovernmental Organizations. None are known at this time but may be present.
d. (U) Civil Considerations. Avoid causing civilian casualties or causing damage to civilian property or infrastructure whenever
feasible. The erosion of civil support will impair our ability to complete our mission.
e. (U) Attachments and Detachments. None.
2. (U) MISSION. Charlie Company conducts simultaneous offensive operations IVO OBJ Blackjack, Chestnut, and Dragoon NLT 21
2300 April 21 IOT degrade Arianan abilities to conduct operations and set the conditions for the defeat of Arianan forces to prevent
them from disrupting local security force operations.
a. (U) Commander’s Intent.
(1) (U) Purpose: The purpose of this operation is to reduce the enemy capabilities and reduce enemy freedom of movement
within the AO.
(2) (U) Key Tasks:
(a) (U) Conduct aggressive operations to eliminate Arianan Forces and their support material in the AO.
(b) (U) Take advantage of unanticipated opportunities to engage and destroy the enemy in the AO when possible; be
relentless in your pursuit of victory within the intent and ROE.
(3) (U) End state: At the end of our initial operation the enemy in our AO will have reduced capabilities and reduced freedom
of movement. Friendly forces are poised to conduct additional operations based on intelligence gained from the initial operation
and the civilian population and Atropian security forces will see our operation as a positive event in the AO.
b. (U) Concept of the Operation. We will accomplish this by destroying the enemy HQs and known enemy locations. Decisive
to this operation is the destruction of the Ariana HQ facility and personnel. This is decisive because without a HQ’s, Arianan forces’
ability to conduct operations will be severely degraded, providing USF with increased freedom of maneuver throughout the AO. We
assume tactical risk by conducting operations without a dedicated company reserve. We will mitigate this risk by overwhelming
each expected enemy force with the greatest economy of force.
1st PLT, the Decisive Operation (DO) will raid the enemy HQ to degrade their ability to communicate by, thru, and with insurgents
under their control. 2nd PLT, Shaping Operation (SO1) will conduct an ambush IVO 10T DS 8297 9178 to enable 1st PLT operations.
3rd PLT (SO2) will ambush 10T DS 8529 9098 to reduce enemy capalities and freedom of movement. The purpose of indirect fires is
to severely degrade the enemy’s ability to conduct a successful counter attack against our operation.
c. (U) Scheme of Movement and Maneuver.
(1) PLTs will simultaneously conduct refit, mission planning, and preparation here at FOB LUTE over the next 7 days before
the company uses bus transportation to FOB Spartan. The entire company will depart FOB SPARTAN located at 10T DS 83400 88211
by foot.
a. 1st PLT (DO) conducts a raid on OBJ BLACKJACK IVO 10T DS 8634 8939 NLT 21 2300 April 2020 to destroy enemy
personnel and gather intelligence on enemy capabilities and strength IOT facilitate future operations in the AO.
b.2nd PLT (SO1) conducts an ambush on OBJ CHESTNUT IVO 10T DS 8297 9178 NLT 21 2300 April 2020 IOT destroy enemy
within the AO.
c. 3rd PLT (SO2) conducts an ambush on OBJ DRAGOON IVO 10T DS 8529 9098 NLT 21 2300 April 2020 IOT enable 1st PLT
operations and eliminate potential enemy QRF.
d. Scheme of Fires:
(1) The purpose of indirect fires is to destroy enemy forces prior to our raid
(2) Priority of fires is DO1 to neutralize enemy positions.
(3) TRPs will be established 200m to and from the main avenues of approach. Mortar fire will initiate the support element to
engage enemy targets.
e. (U) Tasks to Subordinate Units.
(1) 2PLT (SO1)
(a) Aggressively clear OBJ CHESTNUT
(b) All All captured items will be brought back to S2 for analysis.
(c) Routes to and from OBJ
(d) Orient your ambush North
(e) Identify TRP locations
(f) CCP location
(2) 3 PLT (SO2)
(a) Aggressively clear OBJ DRAGOON
(b) All captured items will be brought back to S2 for analysis.
(c) Routes to and from OBJ
(d) Orient your ambush North
(e) Identify TRP location
(f) CCP location
(3) 1 PLT (DO)
(a) Aggressively clear OBJ BLACKJACK
(b) Routes to and from OBJ
(c) Orient your raid E
(d) If EPW exist bring back to FOB LUTE IOT be interrogated by HUMINT team
(e) All paperwork, computers, CDs, hard drives will be brought back to S2 for analysis
(f) Identify TRP location
c. (U) Coordinating instructions.
(1) CCIR:
(a) PIR
(1) PIR 1: What types of weapons systems does the enemy have?
(2) PIR 2: When and where will the enemy attack friendly forces in our CO AO?
(3) PIR 3: What civilian personnel are actively aiding the enemy?
(4) PIR 4: What is the location of enemy defensive positions (patrol bases, hasty defensive positions, checkpoints,
(5) PIR 5: When will the enemy be operating in an occupied or unoccupied village in the AO?
(6) PIR 6: What is the location of enemy mortar systems in the AO?
(7) PIR 7: What components the enemy is using for IEDs.
(8) PIR 8: Where is enemy propaganda and what does it state?
(a) FFIR.
(1) FFIR 1: Physical or operational loss of a weapon system or Soldier or combat loss of a fire team or more.
(2) FFIR 2: Loss of civilian life or destruction of civilian infrastructure by friendly or enemy actions
(3) FFIR 3: Death or serious Injury to any Soldier
(4) FFIR 4: Troops in contact (Aerial, CBRNE, direct fire, electronic, obstacles).
(3) ROE. No Change from published theatre ROE Card.
(4) Tentative timeline:
14 1800 April 2020
14 1800 – 20 1800 April 2020
20 1800-1845 April 2020
21 April 2020
21 2300 April 2020
Receive CO OPORD
TLPs on FOB Lute
Bus Transportation to FOB Spartan
SP FOB Spartan for mission execution
NLT Actions On
(5) Priority of Rehearsals. Actions on OBJ, Actions on Contact (Direct, Visual, IED, Indirect), Primary/Alternate setup of security
and support elements, Movement Formations, Crossing an LDA, ORP setup, withdrawal plan.
(6) Coordinate with Cadre if you need any assistance in planning and writing your OPORD.
a. Logistics.
(1) Ration cycle at FOB SPARTAN Is M-M-M. Unlimited Water available at FOB SPARTAN. All personnel depart FOB SPARTAN
with camelback and canteens full. Water resupply available in AO. Ration cycle in AO is M-M-M. All personnel depart FOB with a
minimum of three MREs per person for first 24 hours of rations.
(2) Class II. Limited Resupply Available for expendable CL II. Al Soldiers deploy from FOB with established packing list.
Modifications to the published packing list approved by BN CDR.
(3) Class III. All Soldiers deploy from FOB with individual CLP Bottle full as part of weapons cleaning kit.
(4) Class V. 4,500 5.56 loose available per PLT, 3600 5.56 link available per PLT, 2,000 7.62 available per PLT Ammunition
Resupply coordinated through CO HQ. No resupply until 2200 10 OCT 18.
(4) Class VIII – Each Soldier deploys with IFAK and each PLT deploys with CLS Bag with medical supplies, VS-17 Panel, and two
pole less litters.
(5) Class IX. PVS-14 1/Soldier
b. Transportation. None.
c. Medical Evacuation
(1) CO CCP is at the FOB SPARTAN until CO departs, then PLTs establish PLT CCPs based on the tactical situation.
(2) Request medical evacuation (ground or aerial) as required using the standard 9-line format for serious casualties (life, limb,
eyesight). Routine casualties are evacuated to the PLT CCP.
(2) BPT establish and secure LU Point for ground evacuation or HLZ for air evacuation.
(1) Command. CO CDR will move with support element and remain in the ORP during OPS.
(2) Signal.
(b) Code Words
(c) Signals
(1) FAR RECOGNITION: FM w/running password (DAY AND NIGHT)
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