Uploaded by Shelley Gill

Of Mice and Men Essay: Loneliness, Prejudice, Failed Dreams

English 1P: Unit 6 Final Essay
Taking a Stance
Through our reading of Of Mice and Men, you should have gained knowledge of characters
and evidence that demonstrated the concepts of loneliness, prejudice, and failed dreams
throughout the text. Now you will write an argumentative essay, where you will convince
your reader that one or more of the characters within the novella experience at least one of
these elements. You may choose from one of the following prompts:
1. Topic: Are failed dreams to blame for people’s misfortune?
Choose two characters from the novel and discuss 1) their separate dreams, 2) how and
why each dream fails, and 3) if or how that failure contributes to the character’s choices
and misfortunes within the novella
2. Topic: Does loneliness create tragedy?
Choose two lonely characters from the novel and discuss 1) the problems each has due
to his/her loneliness, 2) how they cope with the problems of loneliness, and 3) how or if
that loneliness contributes to the characters’ personal tragedy
3. Topic: Does prejudice victimize people and create unnecessary hardships?
Choose two characters who experience prejudice and discuss 1) in what ways they are
victimized by prejudice, 2) how they cope with the problems of prejudice, and 3) how or
if unnecessary hardships are created as a result of the prejudice faced.
This is a standard 5 paragraph Argumentative essay. We have done several of these in
class this year. This will assess your knowledge of the format (MLA), as well as
Please remember:
1. 5 Paragraph minimum
2. Include a counter argument
3. Include a Works Cited Page (15 points will automatically be deducted if no page is
4. Use proper MLA format (You have been doing this all year long. If you need a
reminder use the owlpurdue website as a reference.) Points will be deducted for
incorrect formatting
**I will hand out an argumentative essay outline which you can use to help write your
essay. I will not be collecting this outline. It is your option. This is a final, culminating
essay on the unit, but also on the essay writing skills you have learned this year.
This essay is due May 31st, to turnitin.com by 11:00 PM. No exceptions will be made and
I will not accept essays that are handed to me or emailed to me. ESSAYS MUST BE
TURNED IN ON TIME TO TURNITIN.COM in order for the essay to be graded in time
before the semester ends. If your essay is not turned in on time and in this manner a
score of 0 will be received. You will not be able to make up this grade. Please make sure
that you see me ahead of time if you are having trouble turning it in and need
assistance. Do not wait until the last minute. This essay is worth 100 points.
Please read the following and sign and date on the lines provided, indicating that you
have read and understand assignment requirements:
I have read the information above and I understand that the final essay of the year is
due no later than May 31, 2017 at 11:00 PM. The essay must be turned in to
turnitin.com and there will be no exceptions made. If the essay is not turned in on
time and in this manner, a score of 0 will be given.
Parent signature: ________________________________ Date: __________________
Student signature: _______________________________ Date: _________ Period: _____