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Computer Fundamentals Review Questions

1. Digital system usually operate in ________ systems.
A. binary
B. decimal
C. octal
D. hexadecimal
2. An abbreviation for a binary digit is
A. byte
B. word
C. bit
D. bin
3. A group of 8 bits called a
A. byte
B. word
C. bit
D. nibble
4. What do you call a set of four bits?
A. nibble
B. byte
C. word
D. tribit
5. The largest binary number that can obtained with 16 bits in its decimal equivalent is
A. 16166
B. 16
C. 216
D. 56535
6. The number of bytes in 48K memory is
A. 50000
B. 49152
C. 48000
D. 46538
7. The highest element that a number system on base 6 can use
A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 6
8. Covert the binary number 1110101.11 to decimal
A. 117.0
B. 117.75
C. 118.0
D. 117.5
9. Convert (198)12 to decimal
A. 198
B. 200
D. 260
C. 10
REE - Apr. 1996
10. The hexadecimal number B6C7 is equal to the decimal number
A. 4671
B. 47691
C. 49761
D. 49671
11. Convert the decimal number 41.6875 to binary
A. 101001.0
B. 101001.1011
C. 11.101101
D. 101001.0100
12. Convert decimal 225 to its binary, octal and hexadecimal equivalent
A. (01110001)2, (341)8, (E)16
C. (10001110)2, (143)8, (1E)16
B. (011100001)2, (341)8, (E)16
D. (100011110)2, (143)8, (E1)16
REE - Apr. 2001 / Apr. 2003 / Sep. 2005
13. For the base 10 number of 30, the equivalent binary number is
A. 1110
B. 0111
C. 1111
D. 11110
REE - Apr. 2001 / Apr. 2004 / Apr. 2007
14. What in binary is A base 16?
A. 1110
B. 1000
D. 1011
C. 1010
REE - Apr. 2001
15. The number of 17 base 8 is equivalent to binary
A. 1110
B. 1111
C. 1110
D. 10000
REE - Sep. 2007
16. 35 base 8 + (1011) base 2 = ______________ base 2
A. 101001
B. 101111
C. 101000
D. 101001
REE - Sep. 2006
17. E base16 times 4 base 8.
A. 111111
B. 111000
D. 100111
C. 101111
REE - Sep. 2001
18. What is the octal equivalent of the hexadecimal number EE?
A. 378
B. 375
C. 356
D. 376
REE - Sep. 2001
19. Convert octal (3458) to the equivalent binary coded decimal (BCD16). Select the nearest answer
A. 1011011001
B. 001101000101
C. 001000101001
D. 11100101
REE - Sep. 2001
20. In digital codes, how do you identify codes running from 1 - 10 or from 0 - 9?
A. Decimal
C. gray
B. standard base 10
D. octal
REE - Sep. 2001
21. Determine the decimal value of 23.4 base 8
A. 27.5
B. 17.0
C. 17.5
D. 19.5
REE - Apr. 2002
22. The binary representation 10101 corresponds to which base 10 number?
A. 8
B. 16
C. 21
D. 10,10
REE - Apr. 2003
23. When a binary point of a binary number is moved one place to the right, what happen to its
A. divides by2
C. increased by 10
B. multiplies by 2
D. multiplies by 10
24. Convert binary number 11010111 to its decimal, octal and hexadecimal equivalent.
A. (215)10, (320)8, (d7)16
C. (215)10, (320)8, (D6)16
B. (216)10, (327)8, (D7)16
D. (215)10, (327)8, (D7)16
25. Find the sum of 34 and 5 and 23 base 5
A. 112 base 5
B. 134 base 5
C. 222 base 5
REE - Apr. 2001
26. The division of 11000 base 2 and 100 base 2 gives
A. 90
B. 108
C. 110
D. 123 base 5
D. 220
REE - Apr. 2001
27. In the digital codes, how do you identify codes running from 0 to 1 or run from 0 - 7?
A. Base 10
B. octal
C. binary
D. gray
REE - Sep. 2002
28. What is the binary equivalent with sign bit of -5 in 2's complement?
A. 1.0011
B. 1.1011
C. 1.0000
D. 1.0001
REE - Apr. 2003
29. What is the equivalent 4 digit octal code 2 to graycode?
A. 1000
B. 1100
C. 0011
D. 1001
30. Determine the value of base x if (211)x = (152)8.
A. 7
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4
REE - Oct. 1996
31. Decimal 5436 when converted to radix minus one complement will become
A. 4555
B. 4356
C. 4563
D. 4653
REE - Sep. 2006
32. What is the radix minus one complement of (BABE) base 16?
A. 5444
B. 4541
C. 4511
D. 4561
REE - Sep. 2006
33. What is the 7's complement of (1234) base 8?
A. 6522
B. 6512
C. 6588
D. 6543
34. Determine the 9's complement of 12349876
A. 67894321
B. 87650123
C. 99019765
D. 12349876
35. Find the true complement of 11100
A. 00001
B. 00111
C. 00100
D. 01010
36. Find the 5's complement of 32154 base 6
A. 23401
B. 12321
C. 12323
D. 3521
37. The 10's complement of 123900
A. 876100
B. 001678
C. 900123
D. 987654
38. The 1's complement of 10101110 is
A. 01010001
B. 0100101
C. 01110101
D. 00011100
39. The 2's complement of 10000001 is
A. 00000011
B. 0100101
C. 1111111
D. 01110001
40. Represent decimal number 8620 in BCD
A. 1010110101000000
B. 0000010011010000
C. 10000011000100000
D. 11111110000000000
41. A logic gate is an electronic circuit which
A. makes logic decision
B. works on binary algebra
C. allows electron flow in one direction
D. alternates between 0 and 1
42. Boolean algebra is essentially based on
A. Symbols
B. logic
C. truth
D. numbers
43. Different values in Boolean algebra can have values of
A. 0 or 1
B. high or low
C. true or false
D. on or off
44. According to absorptive law of Boolean algebra, expression (A+AB) is
A. A
B. B
D. A'
45. Simplify x'y' + xy + x'y
A. x + y'
D. x' + y'
B. x' + y
C. x + y
46. Simplify (x + y)(x + y')
A. x + y
B. y
47. Simplify x'y + xy' + xy + x'y'
A. 1
B. x'y
C. x + y'
D. x
C. x
D. y
48. Reduce to minimum number of literals x' + xy + xz' + xy'z'
A. x'y' + xz
B. x + y
C. x
D. x' + y + z'
49. Reduce xy + x'y'z' + x'yz'
A. x
B. xz + x'y'
D. y'
C. x'z' + xy
50. Reduce F(x,y,z) = Σ (0, 1, 5, 7) to its minimum numbers of literals
A. x'y' + xz
B. xy + x'z
C. y
D. x
51. Reduce F(x,y,z) = Σ (1, 2, 3, 6, 7) to its minimum number of literals
A. x' + y'
B. x'z' + y'
C. x'z + y
D. y'
52. The NOT symbol at the output of an OR converts it into what?
53. A 3 input AND gate followed by a NOT gate has three inputs X = ON, Y = OFF and Z ≠ ON. Its
output would be
C. don't know
D. don't care
REE - Sep. 2001
54. In the logic circuit, what is the output of an XOR circuit, when inputs A and B is 0, 1 respectively
when f = A (+) B.
A. 00
B. 1
C. 11
D. 0
REE - Apr. 2005
55. In a logic circuit with input A & B in an OR gate. If A = 0 and B = 1. What is f?
[f = A + B]
A. 0
B. 01
C. 1
D. 10
REE - Apr. 2006
56. The binary coding scheme most commonly used in microcomputers is _________.
A. Binary code
C. Baudot code
57. ASCII stands for
A. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
B. American Standard Code for Installation Information
C. American Standard Code for International Industry
D. American Standard Code for International Information
58. Find the value of J in the program
J = J^2 + I^2
If (I = 3) GOTO 16
I = I +1
A. 34
B. 9
C. 40
59. What would be the value printed output as a result of the following?
10 DEF FNA (X) = X^2 + I/X
20 PRINT FNA (2)
30 END
A. 7.2
B. 4.5
C. 6.5
D. 15
D. 483.14
REE - Sep. 2006
60. A _______ is programmable, multi-use machine that accepts data-raw facts and figures and
processes, or manipulates, it into information we can use, such as summaries or totals.
A. Cash Registration B. Calculator
C. Adding Machine
D. Computer
REE - Sep. 2005
61. _________ are round pieces of flat plastic that store data and program as magnetized spots.
A. Hard disk
B. Floppy disk
C. Compact disk
REE - Apr. 2005
62. _________ is a secondary storage medium, generally non-removable disk made out of metal
and covered with a magnetic recording surface. It holds data in the form of magnetized spots
are usually built into the computer system cabinet.
A. Hard disk
B. Floppy disk
C. Compact disk
REE - Sep. 2004
63. On personal computers the data storage device with the largest capacity is most likely to be
A. Hard disk
C. Random Access Memory
B. 3 ½" DD Diskette
D. 3 ½" HD Diskette
REE - Sep. 2005
64. What does ALU means?
A. part of nand
B. part of chip
C. part of power supply
D. part of CPU where data is manipulated
REE - Sep. 2004
65. Resides in the main memory while the computer is on and directs after application.
A. Files
C. Supervisor
D. Options
REE - Sep. 2005
66. What allow to choose command from menu?
A. Files
C. Storage
D. Menu Driven Interface
REE - Sep. 2005
67. A _______ is a list of instructions that the computer must follow in order to process data into
A. Program
B. Pseudocode
C. Flowchart`
D. File
REE - Sep. 2003
68. A non-impact printer that forms images with little dots to produce high quality image.
A. ink-jet printer
B. dot-matrix printer C. card printer
D. computer printer
REE - Apr. 2005
69. _________ is a process of using microcomputer, mouse, scanner, laser printer that combines
highly digital text and images to produce a high quality output.
B. Desktop Publishing
REE - Apr. 2003 / Apr. 2006
70. A software that allows users to have fast and flexible access to large information and documents.
A. internet
B. e-mail
C. hypertext
D. hyperlink
REE - Sep. 2005
71. Network computers has three roles. Which one of this?
A. Hard disk
B. Fax Modem
C. Peers
D. Plotters
REE - Oct. 2000
72. A network of networks where the people can retrieve information, communicate, entertain, do
remote purchasing from the comfort of a personal computer called.
A. Internet
B. e-mail
C. fax
D. home TV shopping
REE - Apr. 2004 / Sep. 2005
73. A _______ is one in which all microcomputers and other communication devices are connected
to a central hub, such a file server or host computer.
A. Star Network
B. Ring Network
C. Bus Network
D. Hybrid Network
REE - Sep. 2006
74. A __________ is one in which all microcomputers and other communication devices are
connected in continuous loop.
A. Star Network
B. Ring Network
C. Bus Network
D. Hybrid Network
REE - Sep. 2003
75. A parity bit is also called _______ which is used to check the accuracy.
A. check bit
C. silicon type
D. driver
REE - Sep. 2003
76. A two-way parallel path which connects the processor and memory containing addresses.
A. cache memory
B. control bus
C. address bus
D. buffer