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Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompts

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© 2017 keithgeswein.com
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #1
(After “TV News”)
Summarize what we learn about Hà’s life in the first few sections of this story.
What is her life like at home and how does she feel about it? Give text evidence
to support your answers. Then write a few ways that her life is similar to yours.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #2
(After “The President Resigns”)
Hà’s mother is faced with an incredibly difficult decision about whether to
remain in Vietnam with her four children or leave. Summarize why this is such a
difficult decision, using text evidence to help illustrate your answer. Then write
what you would do if you were in this position. Remember, Hà’s mom is only
trying to do what’s best for her family. Use text evidence to help show why you
would stay in Vietnam or leave if you were Hà’s mother.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #3
(After “Saigon is Gone”)
Hà is allowed to choose one thing to put in her bag as her family prepares to
leave. Describe what Hà chooses to bring and why you think she chooses this.
Use text evidence to support the conclusions you draw about why she’s bringing
this item. Then describe the one thing you would bring with you if you had to
flee your home to move to a new country. Explain why you would bring this.
Remember, it would have to fit in the bag that you’re carrying.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #4
(After “A Kiss”)
Compare how people felt on the ship before and after the American ship found
them. Explain what causes these passengers to feel differently. Then predict
what new challenges these passengers are going to face.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #5
(After “Our Cowboy”)
Summarize why Mother changes their application to say they are Christian in
the section called “Another Tent City.” Use text evidence to help you illustrate
why Mother does this. How do you feel about Mother doing this? If you were
Mother, would you have done the same thing? Explain why or why not.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #6
(After “Fourth Rule”)
Summarize why English is so challenging for Hà to learn. Include text evidence to
show why learning English is so frustrating. Then describe a time that you had to
learn something that was very difficult. How does your experience compare to
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #7
(After “Chin Nod”)
Summarize what Hà’s first day of school was like. Then write what you would do
if you were in her class. What would you do to help Hà feel better? Explain why
you think this would help.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #8
(After “Can’t Help”)
What did we learn about the way Mother feels about life in Alabama in the
section titled “Can’t Help?” Describe the top three reasons why you think
Mother feels this way. Then predict if you think her feelings will change and why.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #9
(After “War and Peace”)
At the end of the section titled “War and Peace,” Hà writes, “No one would
believe me, but at times I would choose wartime in Saigon over peacetime in
Alabama.” Why do you think Hà feels this way? Include text evidence from any
section of the book to support your answer. Be sure to explain why Hà says, “No
one would believe me.”
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #10
(After “Confessions”)
In the section called “Confessions,” Hà tells her mother about the terrible things
kids at school say about Hà. Summarize Mother’s advice to Hà. Then explain
what Mother meant when she said, “At times you have to fight, but preferably
not with your fists.” Do you feel that Hà’s mother gave her good or bad advice?
Explain why you think this.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #11
(After “But Not Bad”)
Summarize Brother Khôi’s plan for protecting Hà when Pink Boy’s cousin is
threatening to fight her. Explain why Pink Boy leaves Hà alone after that. How
have things that Brother Vũ did in the past contributed to his success in keeping
Hà safe? How do you think things would have been different if Brother Vũ and
Hà fought back violently against Pink Boy?
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Writing Prompt #12
(After “1976: Year of the Dragon”)
Describe how the family’s attitude about Father changes near the end of the
book. Be sure to describe the events that lead to this change of attitude. Do
you feel as though this new attitude about Father is helpful for Hà’s family?
Explain why and include text evidence to support your opinion.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
The links on this page allow you to make copies of the writing prompts to your Google
Drive. You can then assign them digitally to your students. All prompts are the same as the
ones found in previous pages of this PDF file.
The prompts were created in Google Forms. Answers are on the next page. You will
need to grade your students’ responses.
To access each prompt, first be sure you are signed into your Google account. Then
click a link below. You will be prompted to make a copy of that prompt. Please do so. You’ll
then be able to access and edit them on any computer as long as you’re signed into your
Google account.
Prompt 1: Assign after “TV News”
Prompt 2: Assign after “The President Resigns”
Prompt 3: Assign after “Saigon is Gone”
Prompt 4: Assign after “A Kiss”
Prompt 5: Assign after “Our Cowboy”
Prompt 6: Assign after “Fourth Rule”
Prompt 7: Assign after “Chin Nod”
Prompt 8: Assign after “Can’t Help”
Prompt 9: Assign after “War and Peace”
Prompt 10: Assign after “Confessions”
Prompt 11: Assign after “But Not Bad”
Prompt 12: Assign after “1976: Year of the Dragon”
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Writing Prompts Answer Key #1
Prompt #1: Summarize what we learn about Hà’s life in the first few sections of this story. What is her life like at
home and how does she feel about this? Give text evidence to support your answers. Then write a few ways
that her life is similar to yours.
The first 25 pages of the story explain that Hà has a pretty normal life for a 10-year-old girl in Vietnam. The
first poem describes how she and her family prepare for the Lunar New Year. The first few sections describe
the ways that her brothers annoy her, and how she hides their sandals to get back at them. She also describes
going to the market on her own, and how she will purchase a tiny bit less than she’s supposed to so that she
can buy a few treats for herself...and how she feels smart for thinking of this. Her mom works as a secretary
during the day and makes things to sell at the market at night. She tells Hà that her brothers adore her, which
is why they say mean things to her sometimes. Hà’s father has been missing since she was one, so that’s a very
sad day when they honor the anniversary of the day he left home for a navy mission which he never returned
from. There are some clues that life is getting more difficult -- there are soldiers around to protect them from
the Vietnam War. Prices are getting much more expensive. The news is becoming so horrible that Hà’s
teacher at school no longer discusses current events. A pilot bombed the presidential palace. But for the most
part, the first 25 pages describe Hà as having a pretty normal life for a kid. Students should describe ways
their life is similar to what Hà’s is like in the first 25 pages.
Prompt #2: Hà’s mother is faced with an incredibly difficult decision about whether to remain in Vietnam with
her four children or leave. Summarize why this is such a difficult decision, using text evidence to help illustrate
your answer. Then write what you would do if you were in this position. Remember, Hà’s mom is only trying
to do what’s best for her family. Use text evidence to help show why you would stay in Vietnam or leave if you
were Hà’s mother.
In the section called “Should We?” mother holds a family meeting where Hà and her three brothers express their
opinions about whether or not they should flee South Vietnam. Brother Quang says they would be scurrying like
rats if they leave. He feels they should stay because Vietnam will need people to help rebuild it after the war.
Brother Khôi says they need to stay home because he still holds hope that his father is alive and will one day
come home. Brother Vũ says they should leave, but Hà says everyone knows he just wants to go places where
famous martial artist and actor Bruce Lee has been. Then mother thinks about the dangers her family could
be in if they stay because the communist North Vietnam government would take over the south, where Hà’s
family lives. She is worried Hà will come home chanting communist slogans. She is worried her son will tell the
teacher bad things his family says about the government so he will get rewarded. Then, in a section titled “Early
Monsoon,” Hà describes that she can hear gunfire and explosions happening much closer to her home. So the
situation is clearly becoming dangerous. Students should then explain what they would do if they were Hà’s mom
-- would they stay or leave.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Writing Prompts Answer Key #2
Prompt #3: Hà is allowed to choose one thing to put in her bag as her family prepares to leave. Describe what
Hà chooses to bring and why you think she chooses this. Use text evidence to support the conclusions you draw
about why she’s bringing this item. Then describe the one thing you would bring with you if you had to flee your
home to move to a new country. Explain why you would bring this. Remember, it would have to fit in the bag that
you’re carrying.
Hà decides to bring a doll. The text states, “I choose my doll, once lent to a neighbor who left it outside, where
mice bit her left cheek and right thumb. I love her more for her scars. I dress her in a red and white dress
with matching hat and booties that Mother knitted.” Hà does not specifically state a reason why she brings her
doll, but it must mean something to her that this doll has clothes knitted by her mother. She likes the fact that
it has scars because Hà is feeling a lot of pain and sadness about having to flee her home so quickly. The doll is
tough like her. Students could also conclude a doll is a practical thing to bring because it can fit in Hà’s bag and it
will help keep her company as her life is about to change in unimaginable ways. Students should then write about
one thing they’d bring if they were in Hà’s position.
Prompt #4: Compare how people felt on the ship before and after the American ship found them. Explain what
causes these passengers to feel differently. Then predict what new challenges these passengers are going to
Before the US ship found them in the section titled “A Kiss,” the mood on the ship is very bleak. They had been
at sea for 26 days before they were rescued by the American ship on May 24. Since May 16, they had been
instructed to eat less food and drink less water because rations were running low. Plus, they did not know how
much longer they were going to be at sea until they were found by a rescue ship. However, once the American
ship found them, the Americans had tons of food and water for everyone. The American ship started towing the
Vietnamese ship, so people know they are being taken somewhere safe. The text states, “Our rescue now
certain, the party blossoms as food suddenly comes up from below.” While the mood has dramatically improved,
students should be able to predict some new challenges that passengers are going to face as the American ship
is towing them to someplace safe -- but someplace they’ve never been before.
Prompt #5: Summarize why Mother changes their application to say they are Christian in the section called
“Another Tent City.” Use text evidence to help you illustrate why Mother does this. How do you feel about
Mother doing this? If you were Mother, would you have done the same thing? Explain why or why not.
After they choose to move to America, they are flown to a new refugee camp in Florida. But they can’t leave
until they have a family who will sponsor them. However, Mother and Hà realize that people won’t be eager to
sponsor a possible widow and her four kids. (The term “possible” is used because Hà’s father has never been
confirmed dead. But he has been missing for nine years and by now they realize he was probably killed while
fighting in the war.) As Mother sees smaller families and couples being sponsored, she gets really worried that
no American will ever sponsor them. She learns that lots of Americans think a family with four kids is too large.
But then Mother learns that Americans are more likely to sponsor a family that is Christian. Therefore, Mother
changes their application to state they are Christian. Even though this is a lie, Mother feels like all religions are
basically the same beliefs. She is fine with lying about their beliefs because she is so focused on getting a family
to sponsor them so they can get out of the camp and into a home and start their life in America. Then students
should write how they feel about Mother lying about their religious beliefs and if they would have done the same
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Writing Prompts Answer Key #3
Prompt #6: Summarize why English is so challenging for Hà to learn. Include text evidence to show why learning
English is so frustrating. Then describe a time that you had to learn something that was very difficult. How
does your experience compare to Hà’s?
The sections titled “First Rule,” “Second Rule,” “Third Rule,” “Passing Time,” and “Fourth Rule” all describe Hà as
she is learning basic English. They illustrate the challenges of learning the language because even though there
are many words that follow grammar rules, like adding an “s” to make a word plural, there are also many words
that don’t follow the rules. So Hà gets frustrated because once she learns rules of English, she learns other
words that don’t follow these rules. She also gets frustrated because she reads a sentence that says, “Jane
sees Spot run.” But when she looks up Jane in the dictionary it’s not there. When she looks up “Spot” it is
defined as a stain. She has no idea what this simple sentence could possibly mean. She then throws down the
dictionary in frustration. She is also frustrated because she has to teach herself how to make the -s sound at
the end of words. She says she feels like a snake. Later, she says that whoever invented English should be bitten
by a snake.
Prompt #7: Summarize what Hà’s first day of school was like. Then write what you would do if you were in her
class. What would you do to help Hà feel better? Explain why you think this would help.
Hà’s first day of school was terrible. She can’t communicate with her teacher, Miss Scott, who doesn’t
pronounce Hà’s name correctly. When Hà points at herself and tells Miss Scott her name, the teacher just
starts laughing. Then when Hà’s classmates introduce themselves, Hà can’t understand anything they’re saying.
She is startled at how different everyone looks. She has never seen a group of kids where everyone looks so
different than her. At lunch, she does not eat her food because she has no idea what it is or how to eat it. She
ends up sitting in the hall alone because she sees all the white kids on one side of the cafeteria and the black kids
on the other side. She feels like a “medium” kid and doesn’t know what to do. At recess, one student starts
poking her and pulling her arm hair. Hà walks away. This boy later follows her home. Even though Hà can’t
understand him, she knows he is making fun of her the whole way home. Students should then imagine they were
in Hà’s class and what they would do to help Hà feel better, explaining why they think this would help.
Prompt #8: What did we learn about how Mother feels about life in Alabama in the section titled “Can’t Help?”
Describe the top three reasons why you think Mother feels this way. Then predict if you think her feelings will
change and why.
In the section “Can’t Help,” Mother is doing things to honor Father. Hà is in bed, but can’t fall asleep, so she is
listening to what her Mother is saying. As Mother is honoring or saying a prayer for Father, Hà hears her ask if
they should keep hoping that Father is alive. She begs him to come home and see how the children have grown.
Hà hears her mother quietly sniffling and sighing the entire time. Finally, Mother says, “It’s more difficult here
than I imagined.” So while Mother has been forcing herself to stay strong in front of her kids, she is clearly
struggling with the transition to the US, especially without her husband. Hà remembered how her mother said
to focus on English above everything, even more than their missing Father. But now Hà realizes that even her
mother can’t do that. She realizes that her mother can’t help yearning for Father, like Hà can’t help tasting a
ripe papaya in her sleep. Students should then list three reasons why they think Mother feels discouraged about
living in the US and predict whether they think her feelings will change.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Writing Prompts Answer Key #4
Prompt #9: At the end of the section titled “War and Peace,” Hà writes, “No one would believe me, but at times
I would choose wartime in Saigon over peacetime in Alabama.” Why do you think Hà feels this way? Include
text evidence from any section of the book to support your answer. Be sure to explain why Hà says, “No one
would believe me.”
Hà makes this statement after Miss Scott teaches the students about the Vietnam War. Miss Scott shows
horrible pictures of suffering people. She shows pictures of hordes of people desperate to get on the last
helicopter out of Saigon. But Hà feels like Miss Scott should also show the class good things about life in Vietnam
instead of only images of suffering caused by the war. Then Hà realizes she’d prefer wartime in Saigon instead
of peacetime in Alabama. This statement illustrates how much Hà misses her home -- that she would prefer to
live in Vietnam during a war instead of living safely in Alabama. Hà realizes that even if she could communicate
this feeling to the class, no one would believe that she’d rather live in the middle of a war instead of Alabama.
Students should then cite evidence from anywhere in the text (there’s plenty!) that shows why Hà misses her
home and is unhappy in Alabama.
Prompt #10: In the section called “Confessions,” Hà tells her Mother about the terrible things kids at school say
about Hà. Summarize Mother’s advice to Hà. Then explain what Mother meant when she said, “At times you
have to fight, but preferably not with your fists.” Do you feel that Hà’s mother gave her good or bad advice?
Explain why you think this.
Hà has tried to keep all of the bad feelings inside of her so far. But in the section called “Confessions,” she
tells her mother many things that have been making her sad. This includes things that she did in Vietnam, like
buying less pork at the market so she could have money to buy herself a treat. Hà also tells her mother that
she was the first family member to tap the floor in their home during the Lunar New Year, even though a boy
was supposed to do that. Hà wonders if her mother will scold her. But instead, her mother patiently listens
to everything that Hà says. When Hà says tapping the floor on Lunar New Year gave the family bad luck, her
mother says it gave them good luck because it got them out of danger in Vietnam. She tells Hà not to take the
weight of the world on her shoulders. She tells Hà that everything will get better, she just needs to wait. She
tells Hà things aren’t as bad as they seem. She does not get angry. At the end, when Hà says the mean things
kids at school say about her, she asks Mother if she can hit them. Then Mother says not to fight with your
fists. The text doesn’t specifically state what Mother meant by this. But based on Mother’s calm personality,
the reader can conclude that Mother is telling Hà that there are other ways to stand up for yourself that don’t
involve hitting people. Students should then write how they feel about Mother’s advice and why they feel this
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Writing Prompts Answer Key #5
Prompt #11: Summarize Brother Khôi’s plan for protecting Hà when Pink Boy’s cousin is threatening to fight her.
Explain why Pink Boy leaves Hà alone after that. How have things that Brother Vũ did in the past contributed to
his success in keeping Hà safe? How do you think things would have been different if Brother Vũ and Hà fought
back violently against Pink Boy?
Hà makes fun of Pink Boy because everyone is still teasing her by saying “Boo-Da, Boo-Da.” So she taunts these
kids by saying “Gee-sus, Gee-sus.” Then she calls Pink Boy “doo-doo head.” Even though she meant it as papaya
(du-du) head, she knew Pink Boy would interpret it as the English version of “doo-doo.” Since Hà insulted Pink
Boy (whose real name we don’t know) in front of everyone, the boy tells his older girl cousin to beat up Hà
after school. Hà hears about this rumor and her brothers promise to help. First, Hà trades coats with her
friend Pam. Then Hà goes home a different way. But she still runs into Pink Boy. When he tries to hit her, Hà
dodges his punch and Pink Boy falls to the ground because he’s running at Hà as he throws the punch. Then
Brother Vũ arrives on a motorcycle and takes off his helmet, staring at Pink Boy. The boy then runs away as
Brother Vũ takes Hà home on his motorcycle. Later, we learn that Brother Vũ offered the boy’s cousin a ride
on his motorcycle, which meant she no longer wanted to hurt Hà. It is clear that Brother Vũ has earned a lot
of respect in his new community. People seem to like his self-defense/martial-arts classes. He is letting people
ride with him on his motorcycle. It is clear that he is doing kind things for his new community. He gives Hà a ride
home on his motorcycle after school every day now. Since people respect Brother Vũ, and think his motorcycle
is really cool, Pink Boy does not bother Hà anymore. Brother Vũ has contributed to the community, which has
earned his family some respect. If they would have fought back violently, then people would have probably found
out and tried to hurt Hà’s family. Instead, they have earned respect for treating others kindly and helping out
without hurting anyone.
Prompt #12: Describe how the family’s attitude about Father changes near the end of the book. Be sure to
describe the events that lead to this change of attitude. Do you feel as though this new attitude about Father is
helpful for Hà’s family? Explain why and include text evidence to support your opinion.
In Part IV, Hà’s family accepts the fact that Father is dead and they are never going to see him again. They
receive a letter from Father’s brother in Vietnam. He can’t find any evidence that Father is still alive. Then on
December 29, Hà’s brothers discuss what might have happened to Father. But when Hà blurts out that he might
be dead, they all have sad looks on their faces, but Hà can tell they all know this is true. Then on January 14,
Mother loses the amethyst stone from the ring that Father gave her. This ring is an extremely important symbol
of Father. They all return to Mother’s work to look for the stone, but can’t find it. When they get home,
Mother announces that Father “is truly gone,” just like the stone. On January 17, the family holds a memorial
service for Father in their home. Mother tells them, “Father won’t leave if we hold on to him. If you feel like
crying, think at least now we know. At least we no longer live in waiting.” As the Lunar New Year begins a few
weeks later, it seems like the family is helped by accepting the fact that Father is dead. While they still face
many challenges in their life in Alabama, they have come a long way by staying together. But students could argue
that accepting Father’s death is bad for the family. Either argument is fine as long as it’s supported with text
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #1 (After “TV News”)
1. Reread the last seven lines of the section titled “1975: Year of the
Cat.” Which best describes the way Hà behaves here?
a. loudly
b. angrily
c. quietly
d. lazily
2. At the end of “TiTi Waves Good-bye,” Hà thinks, “I’m glad we’ve
become poor.” Summarize why Hà says this.
3. It is clear that March 10
a. is a very emotional day for Hà’s family
b. is the day that Hà’s neighborhood will be destroyed
c. is a day that makes Hà happy every year
d. is a day when Hà thinks her father will come back to life
4. There are a few details that indicate that Vietnam is about to
experience some major problems. Which detail would NOT support that
a. American troops have left.
b. The price of everything has increased tremendously.
c. A pilot has bombed the presidential palace.
d. Hà hid her brothers’ sandals.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #2 (After “The President Resigns”)
1. Reread the section titled “Birthday.” Using details in that section, describe how the
life of Hà’s mother was affected after Ho Chi Minh rose to power.
2. Which statement is NOT supported by details in the section titled “A Day
a. Hà’s mother is eager to receive the food after the president’s speech.
b. It seems to be an important day because Hà and her mother are dressed nicely.
c. Hà enjoys listening to the president’s speech.
d. The weather is hot.
3. In the section titled “Quiet Decision,” Hà is very pleased with herself while slicing
potatoes. What is clear about Hà’s mother at the end of this?
a. She is proud that her daughter is so skilled at slicing potatoes.
b. She is sad that they are so poor that Hà has to worry about how much of the
potato she slices off.
c. She is angry at Hà for always being so careless.
d. She realizes her family needs to stay in Vietnam.
4. President Thieu gives a speech on television in the section titled “The President
Resigns.” Which line best helps the reader understand what the word resigns means?
a. “His eyes brim with tears.”
b. “What has happened to his tan?”
c. “I can no longer be your president.”
d. “But I will never leave my people.”
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #3 (After “Saigon is Gone”)
1. What persuades Brother Khôi to agree to leave Vietnam with the rest of his family?
a. He will make his father proud by obeying his mother.
b. He will get a big punishment from his mother if he does not go.
c. His Uncle Son promises he will get to steer the ship for a few minutes.
d. He will get to carry the portrait of his father the entire journey.
2. What surprises Hà when they first arrive at the port in the section titled “Sour
a. the ships are enormous
b. her mother seems really scared
c. there are thousands of people at the port
d. Hà sees Bruce Lee
3. Reread the section “One Mat Each.” It is clear that there are far too many people
on this ship. How do people feel about this?
a. People are trying to shove others overboard. No one wants to leave on such a
crowded ship.
b. Lots of people get off the ship. They realize that even though there are bombs
going off nearby, it’s safer than being on the ship.
c. Hà’s mother gets really angry at Uncle Son for putting them in such a dangerous
situation. Lots of people on the ship are yelling at each other and fighting.
d. People realize the ship is too crowded. But they let more people on. They don’t
want to turn away people who are trying to escape.
4. Use text evidence to illustrate what it’s like for people on the ship. Describe what
Hà sees on this ship and describe how people feel.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #4 (After “A Kiss”)
1. In the section called “Routine,” which best summarizes Brother Quang’s feelings about
leaving Vietnam?
a. He says they must pretend like they never lived in Vietnam. This will prevent his family
from being attacked.
b. They must think about the embarrassment of running away from Vietnam because
they will have to start over as poor, lower-class people in a new country.
c. They must all learn to speak and write English perfectly before arriving in the United
d. They will probably return to Vietnam in a few years. So they just have to be patient
until then.
2. Summarize the section titled “Once Knew.” Explain why it has that title.
3. Which best describes how Brother Vũ reveals that Brother Khôi has a dead chick that is
causing a terrible smell on the ship?
a. He uses physical force to make Brother Khôi reveal his dead chick.
b. He persuades Brother Khôi to reveal the dead chick by saying how the horrible smell is
making everyone upset.
c. He waits until Brother Khôi is sleeping, then sneaks the chick out of his pocket.
d. He tells his mother because he knows she will make Brother Khôi get rid of it.
4. Which statement describes what it is like on the ship between May 16 and May 24?
a. People are nervous they will never be found, so there are fights happening everywhere.
b. People have to eat less food and drink less water because they aren’t sure how long it
will be until a rescue ship finds them.
c. People are happy because they know that a rescue ship will come soon.
d. People are celebrating because they are in no danger of being bombed.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #5 (After “Our Cowboy”)
1. How does Hà feel about the man who helps them onto the boat in the section
“Golden Fuzz?”
a. She is afraid of him because he might be a communist spy.
b. She wishes he would give her some fish sauce.
c. She is sad because the man reminds Hà of her father.
d. She is intrigued by the hair on his arm.
2. How does Brother Quang feel when Mother says she wants to sell the
amethyst ring? Include text evidence to support your answer.
3. What is the real reason why Mother does not want to go to Canada?
a. It is too cold there.
b. She hates Uncle Son.
c. She knows Uncle Son’s wife does not want them there.
d. She only wants to move to a place where she can buy lots of fish sauce.
4. Hà is thrilled with her family’s sponsor from Alabama. Why is Hà confident
this man is going to be an amazing sponsor?
a. He tells Hà that he will teach her how to ride a horse.
b. He is from Alabama, a place Hà has always wanted to visit ever since she
was a young girl.
c. He looks like a typical American.
d. Hà can tell that he has a lot of money. He will probably buy her lots of
expensive gifts.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again Name:
Quiz #6 (After “Fourth Rule”)
1. Summarize what Mother tells the kids in the section titled “English Above All” and how Hà
feels about this message.
2. What best summarizes how Hà’s family responds when the cowboy (Mr. Johnston) gives
them fried chicken?
a. They are angry at him for feeding them such disgusting food.
b. They appreciate his kindness, but they think the fried chicken tastes terrible because
they’ve never eaten anything like it before.
c. They decide to return to Vietnam because American food is so bad.
d. They think the fried chicken is delicious. They want Mr. Johnston’s wife to like them so
she will make fried chicken for them more often.
3. In the section titled “American Address,” Mother tells Brother Quang, “People living on
others’ goodwill cannot afford political opinions.” What does she mean by this?
a. Brother Quang wanted to join the US military to fight the communist soldiers in
Vietnam. But Mother wants him to understand he can’t because they just moved to
the United States.
b. Brother Quang wants to hurt Mr. Johnston’s wife because she is so mean to them. But
Mother tells him it would be foolish to hurt people who have helped them.
c. Brother Quang thinks the US government is giving sponsors money because they feel
bad about losing the Vietnam War. But Mother says this money is a huge help, so he
should not complain about it.
d. Brother Quang has always wished he served the communists in Vietnam. But Mother
reminds him he has received so much help from the US that he can never return to
4. What is challenging for Hà and Mr. Johnston in the section called “Neigh Not Hee?”
a. communicating
b. finding their way to the school
c. registering Hà for school
d. how tired they feel on the long walk
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #7 (After “Chin Nod”)
1. Why does Mother sigh after her conversation with Hà in the section titled “The
2. In the section titled “Sadder Laugh,” Hà writes, “I wake up with dragonflies
zipping through my gut.” What does she mean by this?
a. Hà is illustrating how seriously ill she is. She needs to see a doctor
b. Hà is illustrating how nervous she is about her first day of school in Alabama.
c. Hà is illustrating how she enjoyed watching dragonflies fly around her last
d. Hà is illustrating how much her English has improved.
3. What is the first thing Hà notices about her classmates during her first day
of school?
a. their appearance
b. the way they talk
c. how well they can read
d. how respectfully they treat everyone
4. What persuades Brother Vũ to teach Hà self-defense moves?
a. Brother Vũ sees the boy who was being mean to Hà.
b. Hà yells.
c. Hà cries.
d. Brother Vũ was tripped by a boy at school.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #8 (After “Can’t Help”)
1. Describe how Hà feels in the section called “Feel Dumb” and why she feels this way.
2. Which best describes how Miss Washington treats Hà’s family compared to the
rest of their neighbors?
a. Miss Washington welcomes them and agrees to tutor them. The rest of the
neighbors refuse to talk to Hà’s family.
b. Miss Washington treats Hà’s family terribly and says mean things to them. The
rest of the neighbors are nice to Hà’s family.
c. Miss Washington is going to make the boys at school stop saying mean things to
Hà. The rest of the neighbors encourage those boys to treat Hà badly.
d. Miss Washington is going to teach Hà’s family to like American food. The rest of
the neighbors understand Hà’s family will never like American food.
3. How does Hà feel when she begins to understand the mean things kids at school are
saying to her?
a. She wants to kick them in the face.
b. She wants to tell Miss Scott so she will punish them.
c. She wants to return to the time when she could not understand them.
d. She wants to run away from home.
4. The section titled “Can’t Help” states, “Mother can’t help yearning for Father any
more than I can help tasting ripe papaya in my sleep.” What does the word yearning
mean here?
a. sleeping for a long time
b. eating delicious food
c. a family member
d. a strong desire for something
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #9 (After “War and Peace”)
1. In the section titled “Someone Knows,” Miss Washington says, “I’ll fix that.” After
reading that, the reader can conclude
a. Miss Washington will fix the window at Hà’s home that was destroyed by a brick
b. Miss Washington is going to learn how to cook Vietnamese food
c. Miss Washington will ask Miss Scott to let Hà eat lunch in the classroom
d. Miss Washington is going to tell Hà’s mom that her daughter sneaks food into the
2. Summarize what happens in the section titled “Most Relieved Day” and why it has
that title.
3. In the section titled “Hair,” Hà writes, “Walking home, my shadow shows eels
dancing on my head.” What does this show?
a. Someone put eels in Hà’s hair at school when she wasn’t paying attention.
b. Hà realizes she needs to get a haircut because her hair is too long.
c. Hà realizes that she should be happy about her new life in Alabama because her
family is safe from the war.
d. Hà thinks the braids in her hair look very strange.
4. Which statement is NOT supported by the details in the section “The Busy One?”
a. Mother is happy to see Brother Vũ teaching people something he loves.
b. Brother Vũ’s class has helped improve his family’s relationship with their
c. Brother Vũ is eager to teach martial arts because he wants to beat up the other
kids in his class.
d. Hà and her brothers participate in Brother Vũ’s class.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #10 (After “Confessions”)
1. During Halloween at school, the kids tease Hà by calling her “pancake face.”
Describe the differences between the way Mother, Miss Washington, and Mr. Johnston
(Cowboy) handle this situation.
2. Which best describes how Miss Washington’s son, Tom, felt about Vietnam before
he was killed in the war?
a. He hated Vietnam and wanted to return to Alabama as soon as possible. But since
he was serving in the US Army, he could not come home.
b. Tom loved Vietnam and persuaded Miss Washington to come visit him there.
c. Tom loved Vietnam because it was a beautiful place, but he hated fighting in a
war there.
d. Tom enjoyed fighting in the war, but wished he could fight in a different country.
3. Why do the kids make fun of Hà in the section titled “Boo-Da, Boo-Da?”
a. They are making fun of the way Hà says the word “Buddha.”
b. They are making fun of her because they don’t believe in Buddha.
c. They are making fun of her because she runs home after school.
d. They are making fun of the way Hà’s hair looks.
4. In the section titled “Hate It,” how does the author show that Hà is calmer by the
end of the chapter?
a. She writes, “Hands grip my shoulders” to show that Miss Washington has grabbed
b. She writes the phrase, “I hate everyone” in much smaller letters and with fewer
exclamation points.
c. She writes that it feels like a lion’s paw is ripping up Hà’s throat.
d. She writes that Miss Washington crosses her eyes and puckers her lips.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #11 (After “But Not Bad”)
1. In the section called “NOW!” how does Mother persuade the butcher to help
a. She has Hà ask the butcher to please grind their pork.
b. She speaks very sternly in Vietnamese.
c. She pushes the buzzer a second time.
d. She says “please.”
2. Explain why Hà’s feelings about the dried papaya change from when she first
gets them to the end of the section titled “But Not Bad.”
3. What is the first thing that helps Hà feel better after she throws the papaya
in the trash?
a. Someone has soaked the papaya in hot water.
b. Hà looks at photos of papaya trees.
c. Hà realizes the hot water has washed the sugar off the papaya.
d. Hà hears the gong and smells the incense.
4. By the end of the section “But Not Bad,” how has Hà compromised?
a. Even though the papaya is not as tasty as what she had in Vietnam, she
enjoys eating it.
b. She realizes she needs to be kinder to the other students at school.
c. She has apologized to Miss Washington for acting so rudely when she
received the gift.
d. Hà refuses to eat the dried papaya, but she has planted a papaya tree in
their yard. She will show everyone in the neighborhood what fresh papaya
tastes like.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Quiz #12 (After “1976: Year of the Dragon”)
1. Which best describes how Hà’s family feels after they read the letter from Father’s
brother on Christmas Eve?
a. They feel like a letter from a relative in Vietnam is the best Christmas present they
could have received.
b. They are sad because the information in the letter shows that no one knows anything
about Father, which provides more evidence that he is dead.
c. They are sad because they realize they will not be in Vietnam for the Lunar New Year.
d. They are determined to return to Vietnam so they can find Father.
2. In the section titled, “What If,” Hà thinks, “From the sad look on their faces I know
despite their brave guesses they have begun to accept what I said on a whim.” What does
the word whim mean here?
a. quickly, or without thinking
b. something that your parent tells you to say
c. when a parent dies
d. in a happy, joyful way
3. According to the things that Miss Washington says in the section, “Start Over,” what
does she think is the best thing Hà can do to improve her English?
a. read lots of books and don’t speak until her English is perfect
b. laugh at the boys in her class when they say something foolish
c. keep speaking English often even if you make mistakes because you can learn from
those mistakes
d. hope for better luck during this new year
4. After the last chapter, there is a note from the author. She tells the reader, “I also
hope that after you finish this book that you sit close to someone you love and implore that
person to tell and tell and tell their story.” Write about someone whose story you would like
to hear. Why would it help this person to tell their story? Why would it help you?
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
The links on this page allow you to make copies of the quizzes to your Google Drive.
You can then assign them digitally to your students. All quiz questions are the same as the
ones found in previous pages of this PDF file.
The quizzes were created in Google Forms. Answers to all multiple-choice questions
are embedded in each quiz. Answers to the written-response questions are on the next
page. You will need to grade the written-response questions.
To access each quiz, first be sure you are signed into your Google account. Then click
a link below. You will be prompted to make a copy of that quiz. Please do so. You’ll then
be able to access and edit the quizzes on any computer as long as you’re signed into your
Google account.
Quiz 1: Assign after “TV News”
Quiz 2: Assign after “The President Resigns”
Quiz 3: Assign after “Saigon is Gone”
Quiz 4: Assign after “A Kiss”
Quiz 5: Assign after “Our Cowboy”
Quiz 6: Assign after “Fourth Rule”
Quiz 7: Assign after “Chin Nod”
Quiz 8: Assign after “Can’t Help”
Quiz 9: Assign after “War and
Peace” Quiz 10: Assign after
“Confessions” Quiz 11: Assign after
“But Not Bad”
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Quiz 12: Assign after “1976: Year of the Dragon”
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Answer Key #1 (Multiple-Choice Questions)
Quiz #1
1. C
3. A
4. D
Quiz #2
2. C
3. B
4. C
Quiz #3
1. A
2. C
3. D
Quiz #4
1. B
3. A
4. B
Quiz #5
1. D
3. C
4. C
Quiz #6
2. B
3. C
4. A
Quiz #7
2. B
3. A
4. C
Quiz #8
2. A
3. C
4. D
Quiz #9
1. C
3. D
4. C
Quiz #10:
2. C
3. A
4. B
Quiz #11
1. B
3. D
4. A
Quiz #12
1. B
2. A
3. C
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Answer Key #2 (Written-Response Questions)
Quiz #1 -- In this section, Hà’s best friend is leaving Vietnam. Hà is very upset and cries a lot. She says
she would have stood there crying if her brother didn’t take her hand and tell her that Titi’s family
is going to a place where “the rich go to flee Vietnam on cruise ships.” Then Hà thinks that she
is happy her family is poor so they don’t have to leave. It is clear that the situation in Vietnam
is becoming more dangerous, but it’s also clear Hà wants to continue living in her home with her
Quiz #2 –- Hà’s mother grew up in northern Vietnam. Her family had lots of land. Her only duties
were to look pretty and write poetry. She married at 16. Then Ho Chi Minh came to power. The
text says “Everyone’s future changed upon hearing the name Ho Chi Minh.” Her family’s land was
taken away and her home became property of the government. Then the country was split in
half. Hà’s mom and dad moved to the south because they thought it would be better to live away
from communism. Hà’s mother’s dad was supposed to come later after his son’s wife had their
baby. But before he could move, the border was closed. So Hà’s grandfather could not come. Hà
writes “No more letters. No more family.” Hà feels like her mother carries so much sadness in her
eyes. Probably a lot of it is because she hasn’t seen many of her relatives in years.
Quiz #3 -- The atmosphere on the boat is very tense. Even though a lot of people got off and onto
another boat right before it left, it is still very crowded. The captain has ordered everyone below
deck because there are planes dropping bombs nearby. They can’t afford to be seen. Hà’s family
only has one mat to share...that’s the only space that’s theirs. Hà’s mother is also getting seasick
from the boat rocking back and forth. The boat pulled away in darkness and is taking a river
route to the sea that the captain feels is safer. People panic when a helicopter flies over the ship
because they are afraid it’s a communist and will start attacking them. But it turns out the pilot
had abandoned the helicopter by jumping into the water and is now on the ship. He says that the
south capital of Saigon is gone because North Vietnamese leaders have overtaken it.
Quiz #4 -- The section titled “Once Knew” has that title because Hà is remembering things she was
once able to see and do. They have been on the ship for 14 days. When Hà looks around and sees
only water, she has a difficult time remembering what land looked like. She says seeing water
everywhere for so many days makes her think that land is something she “once knew.” Then she
describes other things she “once knew,” like napping, watching her mom write, bathing without
salt, laughing for no reason, kicking up dust, smelling the sun, and wearing clean night clothes. She
misses all these things, just like she misses seeing land.
Quiz # 5 -- Mother says she is thinking about selling the amethyst ring that Father brought back from
America when he did military training there. Hà loves this ring. She can’t imagine her mother
without it. The ring clearly has a lot of meaning to the family, but they don’t have any money.
Mother wants to buy a needle, thread, fabric, and sandals from the market of their refugee
camp. Brother Quang angrily yells “NO!” when his mother discusses selling the ring to get money
for these things. He feels like it is a symbol of his father’s love and no material things could ever
take its place. Nothing that Mother could buy would equal the love of that ring. Brother Quang
tells Mother, “What’s the point of new shirts and sandals if you lose the last tangible remnant of
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Answer Key #3 (Written-Response Questions)
Quiz #6 -- When they first move into the house, the cowboy’s wife makes it clear that she does not
want them there. So Hà and her family must stay in the lowest level of the house and never be
seen by the wife. Mother then calls a family meeting and says it’s better than a mat on a ship. Hà
wishes Mother wouldn’t try to pretend their living situation is good when it’s actually bad. Mother
then tells her children that they must do everything they can to master English. They can’t think
about anything else -- not even Father -- until they master English. Hà says that even though
Mother tried to mean it when she said English is more important than Father, Hà knew they were
just words. She knew even though Mother tried to emphasize the importance of learning English,
Mother couldn’t actually believe it’s more important than remembering Father.
Quiz #7 -- The section titled “The Outside,” explains that everyone in Hà’s family will either start
working or attending school tomorrow. Mother tries to tell Hà that it’s important she get enough
sleep because she can’t nap during the day. She also says Hà will eat lunch at school with her
friends. Hà contradicts or questions every statement her mother says. For example, Hà then
replies “What friends?” Then when Mother tries to reassure Hà that she will make friends, Hà
replies “What if I can’t?” Mother then makes several more statements to reassure Hà that she
will be fine at school, but Hà questions her each time. After five or six rounds of this, Mother
sighs and just walks away because nothing she says to try to reassure Hà is helping.
Quiz #8 –- In the section “Feel Dumb,” Miss Scott makes Hà say the letters of the alphabet and count
to 20 in front of the whole class. Miss Scott makes everyone clap when Hà completes these tasks.
But it makes Hà feel terrible because she is much smarter than this. It makes her feel dumb that
her classmates are clapping for her completing such a simple task. She wishes she could tell them
that she knows fractions and how to purify river water. She is actually really smart, she just
doesn’t know how to communicate all that she knows using English. Hà says “this is what dumb
feels like” and she hates it.
Quiz #9 -- The section is called “Most Relieved Day” because there are several things that happen
that cause Hà to feel relieved. She was hoping to save this title for the day her father returned,
but instead realizes that if he ever returns she will call that day “Life’s Best Day.” She applies
the title “Most Relieved Day” to the events on October 14 because Miss Washington makes her
a delicious lunch, she gets to eat lunch in the classroom (Hà had been eating in the bathroom
because she is afraid of the noisy cafeteria) and two students named Pam and Steven join her for
Quiz # 10 -- After Hà reveals that she was called “pancake face” at school on Halloween, Mother tells
her to chant some words in Vietnamese that will help her calm down. Hà wishes she could be as
calm as her mother. When Hà tells Miss Washington, she shows Hà a book of pictures that her
son took while he was fighting for the US in Vietnam. Hà loves seeing these pictures of everyday
life and scenery of Vietnam. Then they laugh when Hà tells Miss Washington the Vietnamese word
for papaya (du du) because then Miss Washington tells Hà what “doo-doo” means in English.
Cowboy calls a meeting in the principal’s office to punish the boy who called Hà “pancake face.”
Unfortunately, Hà notices this just makes the boy angrier.
© 2017 keithgeswein.com
Inside Out & Back Again
Answer Key #4 (Written-Response Questions)
Quiz #11 -- Miss Washington knows Hà loves papaya. So she gets Hà three packages of dried papaya as
a Christmas present. But when Hà gets this gift, she is sad because she doesn’t know what it is.
(Maybe fresh papaya wasn’t available in their town at this time of year, so this is probably the
best Miss Washington could do.) Hà says it just looks like “something orange and dried.” Later,
she realizes it’s papaya and is sad because it tastes nothing like the fresh papaya she was used
to eating in Vietnam. Hà says it’s chewy, sugary, waxy and sticky. She is so angry she throws it
in the trash. But Hà’s mother slaps her hand and said Hà needs to learn to compromise. Hà later
feels guilty and goes to get the papaya out of the trash. But someone has already gotten them
out of the trash and soaked them in hot water. This made the papaya much better and even
though it’s nowhere near as good as the fresh papaya she ate in Vietnam, she says it’s not bad
and enjoys eating it.
Quiz #12 -- After the last chapter, author Thanhha Lai asks the reader to listen to a person’s story,
just like we read about her story about fleeing Vietnam and moving to Alabama. She says it was
very important for her to tell her story. One benefit is the author’s nieces and nephews can get
a feel of the emotional experience of growing up in Vietnam, then having to flee to safety, and
starting a new life in Alabama. Students should think of someone whose story they should listen
to, then explain how listening to this person’s story would be good for them and good for the
person sharing it.
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