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Microstructural Analysis Lab Assignment

ID; 202003798
When analyzing the microstructure of metals, a process called metallography is carried out.
According to Merriam Webster online dictionary (September 24, 1847) metallography is a
study of the structure of metals and their alloys using microscopy. Since the grain sizes are too
small to be observed by a naked eye, an electron microscope is used to observe these
structures. Grain sizes and patterns are physical properties of materials that play a role in
determining performance of materials. Before a metallic sample is observed, it has to be
prepared first through sectioning, mounting, grinding, polishing and etching. After a mirror-like
finish is obtained, the specimen will be ready for viewing and a photomicrograph is captured of
the microstructure of the specimen.
The mechanical properties of metals depend on the grain size which is observed during
microscopy. This relationship between the mechanical properties of metals and their grain
structure was earlier established by Hall (1951) and Petch (1953). They outlined that a decrease
in grain size leads to an increase in the yield strength. During microscopy, a horizontal beam of
light will be reflected by the mirror-like finish of the specimen and magnified 50 times, 100
times, 200 times and 400 times and a photomicrograph is taken.
The photomicrograph will illustrate etch pits, slip lines and grain boundaries. Etch pits indicate
that there was a surface defect and a slip line shows that there was slide deformation where
sliding occurs between blocks of crystals within the metal. These two indicate that there were
dislocations within the material which determine the plastic deformation. Grain boundaries tell
whether there will be twins and cracks in the structure.
The objective of this experiment is to understand the fundamental procedures in preparing a
sample for microscopic observation of the microstructure of metals and to know the
Importance of each step. Also, to compare the different microstructures of metals.
Abrasive Cut-Off Wheel Machine
Specimen Mounting Press
Belt Linishing Machine
Grit belts (120, 180, 240, 320, 400 and 600 grit belts)
Polishing Machine
This section of the experiment was divided in to major parts being sample preparation: which
ensures that the sample is free from scratches, stains and any other imperfections with mark
the surface, retain non-metallic inclusions, have no evidence of chipping and be free from
traces of disturbed metal. And also microscopic viewing.
The large sample material was shaped in to a smaller sample using an abrasive cut-off wheel in
order to avoid disrupting the microstructure of the sample. The abrasive cut-off wheel was
attached to a cutting machine and the sample was held using a vice. Water was applied during
cutting in order to avoid heating up as this may alter the microstructure. The abrasive cut-off
wheel breaks the bonding of the grains and this depends on the hardness and workability of
the metal sample, the size and speed of the wheel, the power of the driving motor, the type
and amount of coolant and its method of application, the amount of pressure by which the
wheel is applied to the sample and the amount of vibration in the machine.
During sectioning the following proceedings were followed;
The sample was placed on the table so that it was at the center of the swing of the
The locking lever was placed in the forward position to allow the control rod to be
moved to the further,
The rear vice was moved closer to touch the rear face of the sample and the front vice
was moved to a position closer to front face of the sample,
The nuts that secure the vice section of the table were fastened,
The control rod was pushed to make full contact with the sample and the locking lever
was pulled down to secure the sample in place,
The coolant was turned on the cool and also to clean the cutting area,
Stead and moderate pressure applied until the specimen was sectioned.
Small samples are mounted in a transparent polymer for easy handling and also to avoid
chipping off the edges of the sample. A thermosetting plastic called Bakelite was used to
mount the sample on using hot-mounting process.
During hot-mounting, the following proceedings were followed;
- Liquid soap was applied at the walls and base of the plastic cylinder cavity for easy
- The sample was placed at the base of the plastic cylinder cavity ensuring that it is at the
- The Bakelite mixture was prepared and poured into the plastic cylinder cavity,
- The set-up was left for an hour for the Bakelite to solidify.
The sample, (now a mounted piece) is then filed using a belt linishing machine to create a flat
surface subsequent for polishing.
During this step, the following was carried out;
- The motor was turned on,
The water was allowed to flow steadily creating a thin film,
The 120 grit belt was used at first, the face of the sample was placed on the exposed
side of the belt gentle securing it in place with hands,
Moderate pressure was applied while moving the sample slowly left and right,
Grinding is continued until parallel scratches are achieved on the face of the sample,
After parallel scratches are achieved, the sample is rinsed with tap water and dried with
a paper towel,
The same proceedings are carried with the 180, 240, 320, 400 and 600 grit belts.
In this part the sample was abraded with an abrasive suspension on a cloth-covered rotating
wheel. The abrasive suspension was Aluminum powder and water mixture and the polishingcloth was a nylon cloth. This will leave the face of the sample with a mirror-like surface. It is
important to ensure thorough washing of the sample and the operators before proceeding to
polishing, even between each polishing step.
During this step, the following was carried out;
- At first, a small amount of water was applied to the wheel, and it was cleaned off with
- Abrasive suspension of 5 micrometers was applied to the wheel,
- The sample was then placed face down on the wheel while gently gripping it. Then it
was moved in a circular motion against the direction of the wheel while applying small
pressure to it,
- After some time, it was held in one position to ensure parallel scratches that will clearly
indicate that the damage from grinding was removed,
- The sample was then examined under a microscope to make sure that the scratches are
the same size,
- The same procedure was repeated with a 0.3 micrometer abrasive suspension,
- The sample was then washed in methanol and dried for the final step.
Etching allows grains to be seen under a microscope as it attacks different grains. Since grains
differ in angles and composition, etching will lead to different appearance on them. The
etchant used was Nital, which is a mixture of nitric acid and alcohol.
During this step, the following proceedings where followed;
- The sample was placed in the etchant for some time,
- Then it was rinsed with water.
Now the sample was an ideally prepared metallogical sample, I was ready for microscopic
The sample was then placed under a microscope and a microphotography was captured of the
microstructure of the sample.
The different microstructure of metals observed where, ferrite, pearlite and martensite.
- They have
They have round plain grey
They are ductile
They are soft
They have little carbon in
Grain boundaries marked with
black lines,
Their grains are lined with
scratch-like marks
They are made from combined
ferrite grains
They are brittle and hard
They contain a lot of carbon in
Grain boundaries marked with
white lines,
They have no grain
boundary in sight
Their grains appear
needle-shaped instead of
being round
They result from rapid
cooling of steel
They are very brittle and
Brittleness depends on the
time of cooling.
From the results, it can be observed that the microstructure of steel differs due to the different
carbon composition which leads to either brittleness when the carbon is too much or ductility
when the carbon is limited. Another factor that affects the microstructure of steel is the
cooling time: when the steel is given a much longer cooling time, it becomes more ductile as
the grain boundaries have enough time to strengthen whereas a shorter cooling time will lead
to brittleness since the grain boundaries did not have enough time to strengthen.
During sample preparation, the following precautions were observed. The coolant was made
available during sectioning and grinding to avoid heating up which may alter the grain
structure of the sample. The plastic cylinder cavity was cleaned before placing the sample to
avoid dirty sticking on the face of the sample thus denting the face. During polishing the
sample had to be held firm to avoid accidents. After the sample was prepared, it was not
touched on the face to be viewed as it was susceptible to damage.
Research gate online website on Metallography
I would recommend that the same experiment be repeated with a different carbon to iron
composition alloy.