AMG School of Licensed Practical Nursing FUNDAMENTALS SYLLABUS TITLE: PN-200 Fundamentals (Theory) CLOCK HOURS: 100 PRE-REQUISITES: PN-110, PN-111, PN-112, PN-113, PN-114, and PN- 115 CO REQUISITES: PN- 200 Fundamentals (Clinical) FACULTY: Dr. Wilson COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts as related to practical nursing across the lifespan and the role of a PN. The nursing process is utilized to identify and provide the building blocks of nursing care in a variety of health care settings. Emphasis is placed on developing basic nursing skills needed to assess, implement, and monitor selected nursing interventions and technologies. Concepts presented include beginning professionalism, therapeutic communication, documentation, life-span considerations, and basic introduction to skills for supporting patient care, physical assessment, infection control, patient education, safety and nursing interventions. These concepts are presented and practiced in the skills lab and in the clinical area. Upon completion, the students should be able to demonstrate beginning understanding of the nursing process to promote, maintain, and restore optimum health for diverse clients throughout the lifespan. COURSE OBJECTIVES: The student will: 1. Describe the development of nursing as a profession throughout history. 2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the PN. 3. Exhibit awareness of the safe, ethical, and legal responsibilities of the PN through the appropriate behavior and actions. 4. Discuss benefits of patient education and its role in nursing. 5. Describe and explain the role and relationship of the PN with the multidisciplinary health care team. 6. Demonstrate beginning competency in the use of communication and describe factors or conditions that create barriers to effective communication. 7. Identify emotional, cultural, religious, and spiritual influences on the patient’s health. 8. Develop care in consideration of the patient’s values, customs, culture and/or habits. Class 1 09/20/2021 Monday TOPICAL OUTLINE Ch. 31 Pain, Comfort, and Sleep Ch. 37 Caring for the Surgical Patient ATI Tutorials Pain Management Class 2 09/21/2021 Practicum Tuesday Class 3 Ch. 26 Concepts of Basic Nutrition and Culture Considerations 09/22/2021 Wednesday Class 4 09/23/2021 . Clinical Day Thursday Class 5 09/24/2021 Friday 27 Diet Therapy and Assisted Feeding Delivery ATI Tutorials ● Nutrition, Feeding, and Eating ● Enteral Tube Feeding EXAMINATION 1 (Ch 31, 37,26 ) Class 6 09/27/2021 Monday Ch. 28 Assisting with Respiration and Oxygen ATI Tutorials Airway Management ● Oxygenation ● Oxygen Therapy ● Closed-Chest Drainage Class 7 Clinical Day 09/28/2021 Tuesday Class 8 (Cont’d) Ch. 28 Assisting with Respiration and Oxygen 09/29/2021 ATI Tutorials Wednesday Airway Management ● Oxygenation ● Oxygen Therapy Closed-Chest Drainage Class 9 09/30/2021 Clinical Day Thursday Class 10 Ch. 29 Promoting Urinary Elimination 10/01/2021 Friday Class 11 10/04/2021 Monday Ch. 30 Promoting Bowel Elimination ATI Tutorials ● Urinary Catheter Care ● Ostomy Care EXAMINATION #2 (Ch. 27, 28, 29 Class 12 10/05/2021 CLINICAL DAY Tuesday Class 13 10/06/2021 Ch. 3 legal and Ethical Aspects of Nursing ATI Tutorials Wednesday Client Rights Class 14 10/07/2021 Clinical day Thursday Class 15 10/08/2021 Ch. 32 Complementary and Alternative Therapies ATI FUNDAMENTALS PRACTICE EXAM A/ Focus Review Friday 10/11/2021 Closed in observance of Columbus Day Monday Class 16 10/12/2021 Clinical Day Tuesday Class 17 Ch.8 Communication and the Nurse-Patient Relationship 10/13/2021 ATI Tutorials Wednesday Therapeutic Communication EXAMINATION #3 (Ch 30, 3, 32) Class 18 10/14/2021 Thursday Clinical Day Class 19 10/15/2021 Ch. 1 Nursing and the Health Care System Ch. 2 Concepts of Health, Illness, Stress, and Health Promotion Friday Class 20 10/18/2021 Ch 39 Promoting Musculoskeletal Function ATI FUNDAMENTALS PRACTICE EXAM B/ Focus Review Monday Class 21 10/19/2021 Tuesday Ch. 9 Patient Teaching for Health Promotion Ch. 15 Loss, Grief, the Dying Patient and Palliative Care Case Study: Loss, Grief, Death EXAMINATION #4 (Ch 8,1, 2, 39) Class 22 Ch. 10 Delegation, Leadership and Management 10/20/2021 Ch. 14 Cultural and Spiritual Aspects of Patient Care Wednesday ATI Tutorials Cultural Diversity Class 23 10/21/2021 Review Day Thursday Class 24 10/22/2021 ATI Exam Friday Class 25 10/25/2021 Monday COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM/ ATI RETAKE ATTENDANCE: Students must be present in class to participate in and receive credit for any group work, exams, or assignments deemed appropriate by faculty. Tardiness to any class may mean missing group work and/or exam, or reduced time to complete an exam. Students are responsible for any of the classes he/she may miss. Students are required to complete any missed simulated labs and other missed class assignments. TEACHING MATERIALS AND METHODS: The following will be used as the methods of teaching in this course: written course materials, lecture and group discussion, demonstration, role-playing, audio-visual materials to include films found in the simulated lab, and intensive independent GRADING: The total percentage of each course grade is summed up to 100%; below please find the breakdown of each allotted section: Theory, Clinical, Written Assignment and Lab: Percentage Theory Unit Exam 50% Theory Final Exam 40% ATI 10% Clinical Performance Pass/Fail Lab Performance Pass/Fail Total 100% GRADE SCALE: Below is a system of letter grades, number grades, to evaluate a student’s performance. Student is required to maintain an overall grade of 77 (C) or better in order to pass the course. COMPUTATION OF GRADES: NUMBER GRADE LETTER GRADE 90-100 A 80-89.9 B 77-79.9 C 0-76.9 F GRADING POLICY: This course is successfully completed when a cumulative grade of 77 (C) or above is achieved. Each of the three components of the course must be passed. A failure in one component will result in the automatic failure in all three components (theory, lab, and clinical). If for any reason the student is absent and unable to take the exam due to (death in the family or major accident/illness) a make-up exam will be given after documented proof is submitted to the administration. A student may repeat a general education course ONCE and a nursing course ONCE. Student is only allowed TWO courses through the entire program. Students will be required to take the NCLEX Predictor Test (ATI) Student will be given an ATI exam as part of each course. The ATI assessment will constitute 10 percent of the course grade on the first attempt. If the student scores below the recommended cutoff, the student will be required to complete a secondary ATI exam worth only 5 percent of the 10 percent of the overall grade. This will need to be completed prior to the completion of the course. EVALUATION OF COURSE: At the end of this course, students will be able to evaluate the course and instructor using the standard AMG School of LPN evaluation tool. All data collected from student evaluations will be analyzed by the course professor. This data will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of all components of the course. REQUIRED TEXT: ALL TEXT BOOKS MUST BE CURRENT EDITION DeWit. Susan C., Fundamentals Concepts and Skills for Nursing, St. Louis: Saunders Elsevier. 5th ED and Corresponding Study guide ATI Resource RECOMMENDED TEXT: Mosby, (Current edition): Mosby’s dictionary of medicine, nursing, and health professions. St. Louis: Mosby.