SCIENCE ASSESSMENT TASK 1 Year 8 Science – Paper Planes Practical Skills Assessment March 2018 Name: _______________________________________ Teacher: ________________________ Group members: _______________________________________________________________ Outcomes Assessed SC4-4WS identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes predictions based on scientific knowledge SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems SC4-7WS processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary sources to identify trends, patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions SC4-9WS presents science ideas, findings and information to a given audience using appropriate scientific language, text types and representations Task Description and Instructions Your task is to plan and conduct and experiment to investigate a variable that affects the flight of a paper plane. This will involve brainstorming variables, planning and conducting an experiment, data collection and analysis of experimental results. Assessment Criteria /Guidelines The best assignments will: • Demonstrate your understanding of reliable, valid and accurate experimental design. • Organise, analyse and explain your first-hand data, using appropriate tables, graphs. • Identify trends, patterns and relationships and draw evidence-based conclusions. • Use scientific language throughout. All My Own Work Declaration By completing and handing in an assessment task you are certifying that it is all your own work. No one else completed the work for you. You have referenced any work used from other sources and have not plagiarised the work of others. Student signature: _________________________________ I have kept a copy of my task: Yes / No Teacher Feedback/Comments (Areas of Strength & Areas for Improvement): ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Please refer to the School Assessment Policy for information regarding i) the task schedule ii) malpractice iii) illness/misadventure guidelines. SCIENCE ASSESSMENT TASK 1 Marking Rubric Stage 4 Area for Assessment Questioning and predicting (20%) Research Question Hypothesis Planning and conducting investigations (50%) Variables Planning Conducting (Collaborative practices & active participation) Data collection Processing and analysing data and information (20%) Processing data Analysing data & Drawing Conclusions Communicating (10%) Communication of ideas (as above) A (Outstanding) B (High) C (Sound) identifies and proposes valid scientific hypotheses, asks questions and makes evidence based predictions Asks a valid research question that guides investigation. Applies appropriate scientific terminology and formatting. 5 Question is developed into a clear and concise hypothesis that clearly relates independent and dependent variables and offers an explanation identifies and proposes coherent hypotheses, asks questions and makes logical predictions Asks valid research question that guides investigation. Applies appropriate formatting. 4 Hypothesis is formulated from question and clearly relates independent and dependent variables and offers an explanation. 4 identifies and proposes related hypotheses, asks questions and make predictions Asks a valid question that guides investigation. 5 creates, plans and organises appropriate, risk-assessed, safe, and ethical first-hand scientific investigations both individually and collaboratively Identifies and manages the independent, dependent and all possible control variables. 5 Experimental design provides a valid plan to investigate the research question, test predictions and collect reliable data. Includes enough detail for the experiment to be reproduced. Experimental setup and measurement techniques are described. 10 9 Demonstrates leadership while working collaboratively with group to complete task. 5 Data table properly constructed. 5+ trials conducted, appropriate data collected and recorded (including units), averages calculated. All measurements accurate and precise. plans and organises appropriate, risk-assessed, safe, and ethical first-hand scientific investigations D (Basic) E (Limited) asks questions and makes some predictions asks questions and attempts prediction With guidance, asks a question for testing. Inquiry question is provided. 3 Hypothesis clearly relates independent and dependent variables. 2 With guidance, formulates hypothesis. 1 Hypothesis is given. 3 2 plans and performs safe, ethical first-hand scientific investigations performs safe, ethical first-hand scientific investigations Identifies the independent, dependent and at least 3 control variables. 3 Experimental design provides a valid step-bystep plan to investigate the research question, test predictions and collect data. Experiment could be reproduced but may require a few explanations. 6 5 Works with group members to complete task. Identifies some variables relevant to the investigation. 2 Experimental design provides a step-by-step plan to investigate the research question, test predictions and collect data. Experiment requires explanations to reproduce. 4 3 Works independently to complete task. 1 performs safe, ethical first-hand scientific investigations with guidance With guidance, identifies some relevant variables. 1 With guidance, produces a plan for investigation. 3 Data table constructed. 3+ trials conducted, appropriate data collected and recorded, averages calculated. Measurements are mostly accurate. 5 Identifies and manages the independent, dependent at least 5 control variables. 4 Experimental design provides a valid plan to investigate the research question, test predictions and collect reliable data. Experiment could be reproduced with only a few questions. Measurement techniques described. 8 7 Actively engages with group members to collaboratively complete task. 4 Data table well-constructed. 3+ trials conducted, appropriate data collected and recorded (including units), averages calculated. All measurements accurate and precise. 4 3 2 Data table constructed with guidance. Trial(s) conducted, some data collected and recorded. Measurements may not be accurate. 2 uses critical thinking skills to evaluate trends, patterns and relationships to draw evidencebased scientific conclusions uses critical thinking skills to explain trends, patterns and relationships to draw scientific conclusions explains trends, patterns and relationships to draw scientific conclusions describes trends, patterns and draws some conclusions Constructs an appropriate graph of data (averages) collected. Graph includes all elements (SALUTE – scale, axes, labels, units, title, evenly spaced numbers) and key, if necessary. Data accurately plotted. 5 Uses critical thinking skills to evaluate trends, patterns and relationships in data to draw insightful evidence-based scientific conclusions. 5 communicates comprehensive understanding of scientific ideas, and related evidence for a particular purpose and audience using scientific units, language conventions and text types. Constructs an appropriate graph of data (averages) collected. Graph includes most elements (SALUTE). Data accurately plotted. Constructs an appropriate graph of data collected. Graph includes most elements (SALUTE). Most data accurately plotted. 4 Uses critical thinking skills to explain trends, patterns and relationships in data to draw scientific conclusions. 3 Provides sound explanation of trends, patterns and relationships to draw scientific conclusions. With some guidance, constructs a graph of data collected, including SALUTE elements. Most data accurately plotted. 2 Describes trends, patterns and draws some conclusions. 4 3 communicates well-developed understanding of scientific ideas to an audience using scientific units and language conventions. 5 4 Overall Mark (%): __________________ 2 1 With guidance, works to complete task. 1 Data table provided. With guidance, collects data and completes calculations. 1 recounts conclusions Graph setup, including SALUTE elements, provided. Data plotted on graph may not be accurate. 1 Limited description of data. May draw a conclusion from data. 2 1 communicates sound understanding of scientific ideas to an audience. communicates basic scientific understanding to an audience. with guidance, communicates elementary scientific information to an audience. 3 2 1 Overall Grade (A-E): _______________ See previous page for teacher feedback/comments. Please refer to the School Assessment Policy for information regarding i) the task schedule ii) malpractice iii) illness/misadventure guidelines. SCIENCE ASSESSMENT TASK 1 Year 8 Practical Skills Assessment Your task is to plan and conduct and experiment to investigate a variable that affects the flight of a paper plane. This will include: working collaboratively with your group to complete the planning and conducting of the task brainstorming variables and choosing the variable you will investigate constructing a research question and a hypothesis planning the experiment and constructing a data table conducting the experiment and collecting data analysing data (calculating averages, construct a graph of your data) drawing a conclusion Brainstorming and Identifying Variables Use the table below to brainstorm factors that can affect the flight of a paper plane. (Hint: Will you measure distance of flight, or the time it spends in the air? Place this variable in the centre.) Data to collect: Select one variable from your brainstorm that your group will investigate, and keep everything else the same. Record your variables below: Independent variable (to investigate): ________________________________________________________ Dependent variable (data to collect): _________________________________________________________ Controlled variables (everything else): ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Research Question Using your variables, construct a research question. (Hint: Use the following format How will changing ____ affect ____?) Question: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Hypothesis Construct a hypothesis for your experiment. (Hint: Use the following format If _______ then _______ because _______.). _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please refer to the School Assessment Policy for information regarding i) the task schedule ii) malpractice iii) illness/misadventure guidelines. SCIENCE ASSESSMENT TASK 1 Materials list What do you need to complete your experiment? Make sure you include how many of each item. • • • • • • Procedure What will you do to complete the experiment and collect data? Remember to use steps and to be very, very specific. (See your rubric for extra hints!) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Results Construct a results table to collect your data. (Hints: What data are you collecting? How many times will you do each test? Do you need to calculate averages? What units are you using?) Please refer to the School Assessment Policy for information regarding i) the task schedule ii) malpractice iii) illness/misadventure guidelines. SCIENCE ASSESSMENT TASK 1 Data Analysis Construct a graph of your data. Don’t forget to SALUTE! (See rubric for graphing hints/reminders!). Description of data (describe any trends/what you see in your graph): _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Conclusion What is the answer to your research question/what can you conclude? Was your hypothesis correct? If so, why? If not, why? What was your range of data? What evidence do you have to support your conclusion? _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please refer to the School Assessment Policy for information regarding i) the task schedule ii) malpractice iii) illness/misadventure guidelines. SCIENCE ASSESSMENT TASK 1 Student Reflection Student Name: __________________________________________________________________________ PART 1: to accompany the submitted task Circle a number: 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree) I understood the task I used the guidelines to complete the task I was organised This is my best work 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 Complete the following: 1. What I have learned from this task is: 2. The most challenging part of this task was: 3. I spent ?? hours on this assessment task: 0 – 1; 2 – 3; 4 – 5; 6 – 7; 8+ hours (circle one) 4. My strengths in the task were: 5. What I can do to improve in the next task is: PART 2: to be completed upon the return of the assessment task Area for Improvement Method of Improvement (how will you do this?) I would like further clarification or assistance with: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Please refer to the School Assessment Policy for information regarding i) the task schedule ii) malpractice iii) illness/misadventure guidelines.