Learn From Legendary Investors One of the greatest ways for investors to learn about stocks is to look up to successful investors. This involves reading books, on the subject, and actively researching the topic. It takes years to become a great investor. Along the way, you will make plenty of mistakes, but in order to get there faster it is easier to have advice, and a good knowledge basis to turn to. Warren Buffett Warren Buffett is by far the most successful to ever live. His ability to pick undervalued stocks is completely unmatched. It has allowed him to amass a sizeable fortune, and to help thousands of Berkshire Hathaway investors achieve their little share of success. Looking through his life, and his investment decisions are one of the most simple ways of learning about investing. By following close his decisions, you will learn what is the thought process of successful investors. What does it take to get there, and how decisions are made. Charlie Munger Charlie Munger is Warren Buffett’s right hand, and he has helped shape not only Berkshire Hathaway but also Buffett’s investment process. His ability to pick quality companies over deep-value stocks has directly influenced Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway's future. Charlie is not only one of the most iconic investors ever, but also someone that is willing to share his knowledge and wisdom. Learning directly from these investors will allow you to improve your investment process, and benefit tremendously. Reading books on the subject, as well as Charlie Munger quotes is one of the simplest ways of absorbing all of this knowledge. Conclusion Remember that investing is a long-term journey, and it takes a long time to become successful at it. Every investor makes mistakes, even the most successful investors are often faced with complicated situations. The key is to keep learning.