Hello! Thanks for buying this template. It's really easy to customize. 1. Open "01. Edit Comps" folder. 2. There are 2 versions of "Trendy Intro Opener" Template. 3. Edit your text in the sequences "Title 01-01" etc. Place your video footages or pictures in compositions "Images or Video 02" etc. Scale your media file as you want. 4. Place your audio track in composition "Music". 5. In the "Color and Other Controls" composition click on the layer with the same name. You can select any color for each element and configure the rest of the template parameters. If you don't see the Effect Controls panel, press F3. There are 2 ways to edit the color in the template. 1. Turn on the checkbox "All Slides Preview ON/OFF". All slides appear in the composition so that any color changes can be seen immediately throughout the project. 2. Turn off the checkbox "All Slides Preview ON/OFF". Now you can move the playhead on the timeline and watch at a particular time as all the colors change. 6. Place your logo or any text in composition "Logo". Put footage or picture in the composition of "BG", which will be logo background. Type website address or anything else in composition "Tagline", if you need it. 7. Open "02. Final Comps" folder. Render composition "Trendy Intro Opener - Version 1" and "Trendy Intro Opener - Version 2" to get the final result. This template has a modular structure. There are 10 modules in the "Slides Opener - Version 01" and "Slides Opener - Version 02" compositions. You can place them in a sequence "Final Comp" as you want. The folder "03. Others" contains files for the proper operation of the template. Ignore it, please. Soundtrack you can find here: 1. https://audiojungle.net/item/the-future-bass/19936786 - version 1 2. https://audiojungle.net/item/stylish-promo-opener-ident/21241979 - version 2 3. https://audiojungle.net/item/uplifting-acoustic-folk/22816837 - tutorial video of color change in the preview Font I've used: "Montserrat". You can find here: https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/montserrat/ If you have any questions - please, contact me via my personal page. That's all! If you like the project, please rate it with 5 stars. https://videohive.net/downloads Hope you like it and again - thanks for buying! MotionParsec