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Curriculum Analysis PowerPoint

Standards Awareness
Day Three Agenda
Learning Cycle
Curriculum Adoption:
Curriculum Implementation
Introduction to the
Curriculum Analysis Tool
12:00 - 12:30
Brown Bag Lunch
Using the Curriculum Analysis
AFTERNOON Evaluating the Curriculum
Analysis Process
5 E Learning Cycle
Thinking through Analogy
Human Activity
Human Activity
Human Activity
Human Activity
Curriculum Adoption is a lot
like ______ because…
A Procedure for Analyzing
Curriculum Materials
It is much harder to
compose a symphony,
choreograph a ballet,
or develop a…
curriculum than it is to
criticize any one of
Rodger Bybee
Just another part of the job
Integral part of the job: professional
Topic alignment
Standards alignment
Breadth of content/Range of topics
Depth of content
Holistic/impressionistic (style features)
Analytic (deep features)
One size fits all
Test item banks
Comprehensive assessment systems
Curriculum Adoption Models
Individual Teacher
• reviews and selects their own instructional materials.
Selection Committee
• each individual reviews (pilot tests) different materials.
• instructional materials selected on basis of individual
Selection Committee
• materials reviewed and evaluated as a group using
established criteria found in published checklists.
• adoption decision based on number of established criteria
met by each program.
Selection Committee Works as a Collaborative Group
• establishes their own evaluation criteria.
• designs or adapts selection scoring rubrics.
• collectively examines and evaluates all materials.
• uses quantitative data to compare programs and justify selection
Standards, Research, Instruction,
and Curriculum
The two major themes…”standards and
cognitive research have parallel
implications for classroom instruction
which then suggests a translation of
those implications into curriculum
(and, assessment) materials.”
BSCS, AIM Process
Research-Based Curriculum Development
Research-Based Curriculum Analysis
Standards Alignment
How People and Students Learn
Students often have considerable prior
knowledge about how their world works
To become accessible, new facts and ideas
must be integrated into a student’s
conceptual framework
Competence is associated with deep and
usable understanding of key concepts
Student metacognition should be
Curriculum Analysis: A Professional
Development Opportunity
Curriculum analysis gets teachers to think
seriously and systematically about standards
and their implications for curriculum content
and instruction.
Preparing for the Analysis
Conducting the Analysis
Preparing for Curriculum Analysis
Teachers often make
textbook decisions on
factors unrelated to
learning, teaching or
standards. Instead they
choose materials that
look and feel familiar…
Bush, et al
AIM Process
Conducting the EvidenceBased Analysis
1. Standards
2. Assessment
3. Instruction
4. Learning
Step I - Select Topic and Grade or
Course Level Expectation
What specific topic and related
GLE/CLE will you be using to analyze
all of the curriculum materials?
Note: Use this same topic and GLE/
CLE to analyze all of the curriculum
Step II - GLE/CLE:
Look for Evidence of Alignment
Where in this curriculum material did
you locate specific connections to the
particular topic and CLE/GLE that
you selected?
Enter information in the Curriculum
Analysis Tool.
Step III - Assessment Plan:
Look for Evidence of Alignment
What approaches does this curriculum
material use to Check for Student
Understanding of the particular topic
and GLE/CLE that you selected?
Enter information in the Curriculum
Analysis Tool.
Step IV- Instructional Plan:
Look for Evidence of Alignment
What instructional approaches does
this curriculum material recommend
to develop student understanding of
the particular topic and learning
expectation that you selected?
Enter information in the Curriculum
Analysis Tool.
Step V - Learning Activities:
Look for Evidence of Alignment
What student activities does this
curriculum material recommend to
develop student understanding of the
particular topic and learning
expectation that you selected?
Enter information in the Curriculum
Analysis Tool.
Gather Other Important Evidence
Approaches to inquiry
Attention to ELL
Methods of differentiation
Reading level
Equal access
Evidence of bias
Step VI - Apply the Rubric
Step VII - Examine Scores
Step VIII - Summarize Results and
Make Recommendations
An Example: BSCS Biology A Human Approach
Step I - Select a Topic and TN CLE
Biology I Standard Number 2.0:
Course Level Expectation
CLE 3210.2.1 Investigate how the dynamic
equilibrium of an ecological community is
associated with interactions among its
Publisher: Kendall Hunt, 2006
Reviewer: Richard Audet
Look for Evidence of Alignment
Step II: Topic and Learning Expectation
Ch. 9: 316, 367, 381-389
TE: 343
Step III: Assessment Plan
315, 319
TE: XIV, 326,334, 342-345
Step IV: Instructional Plan
TE: 325-337
Step V: Student Activities
12, 316
Analyze the Evidence
Step VI - Apply the Rubric
Step VII - Examine Scores
Step VIII - Aggregate Data, Summarize
Results, Make Recommendations
The High Stakes of
Curriculum Selection
Many teachers rely on textbooks
to provide some or all of their
content and pedagogical content
Kesidou & Roseman
“Textbook purchases
constitute a significant
portion of school
district budgets…
Depending on the
subject, a single
elementary textbook
can range in price from
$30 to $100.”