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Informal English Phrases List

1- live it up
informal to do things that you enjoy and spend a lot of money
Sam was living it up in London.
2-knock it off
spoken used to tell someone to stop doing something, because it is annoying you
You kids, knock it off in there!
3-Chill out
4-never/not in a million years
spoken used to say that something is extremely unlikely
Never in a million years did I think we’d lose.
5-in a million
informal the best of all possible people or things
She’s a wife in a million.
He’s so generous. He’s one in a million.
6-my treat
spoken used to tell someone that you will pay for something such as a meal for them
Let’s go out to lunch – my treat.
7-go Dutch (with somebody)
to share the cost of a meal in a restaurant
8-in the pink
old-fashioned in very good health
9-under the weather
informal slightly ill
You look a bit under the weather.
10-over the moon
British English informal very happy
She’s over the moon about her new job.
11-shake a leg
spoken used to tell someone to hurry, or quickly start doing something
Cmon, shake a leg!
12-break a leg
spoken used to wish someone luck, especially just before they perform on stage
13-not breathe a word
to not tell anyone anything at all about something, because it is a secret
Don’t breathe a word; it’s supposed to be a surprise.
14-come clean
informal to finally tell the truth about something you have been hiding come clean about
The government should come clean about its plans.
15-clear the air
to do something to end an argument or bad situation, for example discuss a problem calmly
I think it's about time you called her to clear the air.
16-all ears
informal to be very keen to hear what someone is going to tell you
Tell me exactly what happened. I'm all ears.
17-come off it!
British English spoken used to tell someone that you do not believe what they are saying
Oh come off it! You can’t seriously be saying you knew nothing about this.
18-feel/look like a million dollars
especially American English informal to feel or look very healthy, happy, and beautiful
19-feel like 2 cents
20-get off my back
21-man up phrasal verb
Informal if a man mans up, he makes an effort to behave bravely
You need to man up and tell her to leave!
22-tit for ˈtat noun [uncountable]
informal something bad that you do to someone because they have done something bad to
23-Give me five
24-don’t give a hoot/don’t care two hoots
spoken to not care at all about someone or something
don’t give a hoot/don’t care two hoots about
It was clear that Owen didn’t care two hoots about her.
25-have a ball
informal to have a very good time
He and I just have a ball
26-cut/give somebody some slack
spoken to allow someone to do something without criticizing them or making it
more difficult
Hey, cut me some slack, man. I’m only a few bucks short.
27-beat about/around the bush
to avoid or delay talking about something embarrassing or unpleasant
Don’t beat around the bush. Ask for your account to be paid, and paid quickly.
28-hang (on) in there(also hang tough especially American English)
spoken to remain brave and determined when you are in a difficult situation
Don’t worry. Just hang on in there.
29-hit the sack(also hit the hay American English) informal to go to bed
I'm ready to hit the sack.
30-hush-ˈhush adjective informal very secret
Everything was very hush-hush.
31-out of the blueinformal if something happens out of the blue, it is very unexpected →
a bolt from/out of the blue
Out of the blue, he asked me to come with him to Europe.
33-once in a blue moon
informal very rarely
It only happens like this once in a blue moon.
34-dig in phrasal verb
informal to start eating food that is in front of you
Go on – dig in!
35-give (somebody) a hand
spoken to help someone do something
Can you give me a hand?
36-jinx noun [singular] someone or something that brings bad luck, or a period of bad
luck that results from this
The company had suffered so many disasters that some employees feared a jinx.
37-nuts1 adjective [not before noun]
informal crazy
Are you nuts?
38-keep somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb
1 to prevent the size, cost, or quantity of something from increasing or being too great
We need to keep costs down.
2 to succeed in keeping food in your stomach, instead of bringing it up again out of
your mouth, when you are ill
I could hardly keep anything down for about three days.
3 used to ask someone to make less noise
Keep your voice down – she’ll hear you! Can you keep it down – I’m trying to work.
4 to prevent a group of people from becoming as successful and powerful as the other people
in a society
Plantation owners kept slaves down by refusing them an education.
39-see eye to eye
[usually in negatives] if two people see eye to eye, they agree with each other
We didn’t exactly see eye to eye.
40-Hit the books
41-hit the road/trail
informal to begin a journey
Time to hit the road again.
42-a blast
informal an enjoyable and exciting experience
The concert was a blast. We had a blast at the fair.
43-call it a day
informal to decide to stop working, especially because you have done enough or you
are tired
Come on, let’s call it a day and go home.
44-Scardy cat
45-Cry baby /ˈkraɪˌbeɪbi/ noun (plural crybabies) [countable]
someone, especially a child, who cries too often without good reason – used to
show disapproval
Don’t be such a crybaby
46-know-it-all noun [countable] especially American English
informal someone who behaves as if they know everything – used to show disapproval
OK, if you're such a know-it-all, you try and do it, then.
47-fill in phrasal verb fill something ↔ in
to write all the necessary information on an official document, form etc
Don’t forget to fill in your boarding cards.
48-for a song
very cheaply
He bought the house for a song five years ago.
49-from scratch
if you start something from scratch, you begin it without using anything that existed or
was prepared before
We had to start again from scratch.
He had built the business up from scratch.
50-get even (with somebody)
informal to do something unpleasant to someone to punish them for something that they did
to you - get revenge (on somebody)
I’ll get even with him one day.
51-give me/it a break!
spoken used when you want someone to stop doing or saying something that is annoying you
52-knock me dead
53-know-how noun [uncountable]
informal knowledge, practical ability, or skill to do something
those who have the know-how to exploit the technology to the fullest .
the know-how needed by today’s practising lawyer.
No other company had the technical know-how to deal with the disaster.
54-by hook or by crook
if you are going to do something by hook or by crook, you are determined to do it, whatever
methods you have to use
The police are going to get these guys, by hook or by crook.
55-be a pain (in the neck)
spoken to be very annoying
There were times when Joe could be a real pain in the neck.
56-live wire noun [countable]
informal someone who is very active and has a lot of energy
she was like a live wire.
57-blow/blow me/blow it etc British English
spoken said to show annoyance or surprise
Blow it! I forgot to phone Jane.
58-Space (also space out) verb
[transitive always + adverb/preposition] to arrange objects or events so that they have
equal spaces or periods of time between them
Try to space out your classes and study in between.
59-time flies (also the hours/the days etc fly)
used to say that a period of time seems to pass very quickly
‘Is it midnight already?’ ‘Well, you know what they say – time flies when you’re
having fun!’
60-a ball of fire
informal someone who has a lot of energy and enthusiasm
Douglas was a ball of fire all season.
61-never/not in a million years
spoken used to say that something is extremely unlikely
Never in a million years did I think we’d lose.
62-sportsmanship noun [uncountable]
behaviour that is fair, honest, and polite in a game or sports competition
His sportsmanship and style of play are refreshing.
good/bad/poor sportsmanship (=good or bad behaviour in a sport)
We try to teach the kids good sportsmanship.
63-early bird/early riser
someone who always gets up very early in the morning
64-night owl noun [countable]
informal someone who enjoys staying awake all night
If you are a night owl this really is the place to come to.
65-two-ˈfaced adjective
informal changing what you say according to who you are talking to, in a way that
is insincere and unpleasant – used to show disapproval
He’s a two-faced liar.
66-cross-ˈeyed adjective
having eyes that both look in towards the nose
67-one legged