The Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Guide by RDPresets 1 Let’s begin Welcome to the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 guide by RDPresets! In this guide we will help you understand everything that has to do with your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and get you ready to fly in no time! With the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 a lot has changed in the world of flight simulation and all differences are discussed and explained. This guide goes into the smallest detail for the most experienced flight simmers but is also accessible for all of the new flight simulator users that joined the community in the last couple of weeks with the release of this brand new simulator. We highly recommend trying out all of our recommendations and reading carefully for the best possible result! We have tested everything mentioned in this guide and we are certain we will be able to help you improve your simulator experience a lot! So, let’s get started and make your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 the best it can be! 2 Table of Contents 1) Clean Start ............................................................................... 9 1.1) General .............................................................................................................................................................. 9 1.1.1) Steam vs Microsoft Store ............................................................................................................................... 10 1.1.2) Where do I find my PC Specs? ................................................................................................................... 11 1.1.3) PC Specs .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 2) Installing MSFS 2020 ........................................................ 14 2.1) Steam version ............................................................................................................................................. 14 2.1.1) Install location ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 2.1.2) Access Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 folder .............................................................................. 16 2.1.3) Run as admin ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 2.1.4) Updating ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 2.1.5) Reinstalling ........................................................................................................................................................... 18 2.2) Microsoft store version......................................................................................................................... 19 2.2.1) Install location ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 2.2.2) Access Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 folder ............................................................................. 21 2.2.3) Run as admin .................................................................................................................................................... 23 2.2.4) Updating .............................................................................................................................................................. 23 2.2.5) Reinstalling ......................................................................................................................................................... 24 3) Things you should know as a P3D / XP user ............25 3.1) Differences .................................................................................................................................................. 25 3.1.1) Settings ................................................................................................................................................................... 25 3.1.2) Looks ........................................................................................................................................................................ 26 3.1.3) The world and airports ................................................................................................................................. 26 3.1.4) Camera ................................................................................................................................................................... 29 3.1.5) Performance ....................................................................................................................................................... 29 4) Windows .............................................................................. 30 4.1) Power plan .................................................................................................................................................. 30 4.1.1) Hard disk ................................................................................................................................................................. 31 4.1.2) Processor power management .............................................................................................................. 31 4.2) Defender ..................................................................................................................................................... 32 4.3) Other anti-virus programs ............................................................................................................... 33 4.4) Windows game mode........................................................................................................................ 33 4.5) Hyper-Threading .................................................................................................................................... 33 5) Nvidia .................................................................................... 34 5.1) Nvidia control panel .............................................................................................................................. 34 5.2) Nvidia driver version ............................................................................................................................. 35 5.3) Nvidia control panel settings .......................................................................................................... 36 5.3.1) Image sharpening ........................................................................................................................................... 36 5.3.2) Low latency mode .......................................................................................................................................... 36 3 5.3.3) OpenGL rendering GPU ............................................................................................................................. 37 5.3.4) Power management mode ..................................................................................................................... 37 5.3.5) Preferred refresh rate ................................................................................................................................... 37 5.3.6) Texture filtering – anisotropic sample option .............................................................................. 37 5.3.7) Texture filtering – negative LOD bias ................................................................................................ 38 5.3.8) Texture filtering - Quality........................................................................................................................... 38 5.3.9) Vertical sync ....................................................................................................................................................... 38 5.4) Shader cache ............................................................................................................................................ 39 5.5) FPS limiter .................................................................................................................................................. 39 5.6) VSync ............................................................................................................................................................. 39 5.7) Updating Nvidia drivers .................................................................................................................... 40 5.8) Nvidia control panel issues ............................................................................................................. 40 5.9) SLI ..................................................................................................................................................................... 41 5.9.1) Configure SLI ....................................................................................................................................................... 41 5.9.2) SLI Rendering mode ...................................................................................................................................... 41 6) AMD ....................................................................................... 42 6.1) Radeon settings ....................................................................................................................................... 42 6.2) Radeon driver version ......................................................................................................................... 43 6.3) FPS limiter .................................................................................................................................................. 43 6.4) Updating Radeon drivers ................................................................................................................. 43 7) Overclocking for FS2020 ................................................ 44 7.1) Does overclocking benefit your performance in FS2020? .......................................... 44 7.2) CPU overclocking................................................................................................................................... 45 7.3) GPU overclocking .................................................................................................................................. 46 8) Understanding your settings ....................................... 47 8.1) CPU vs GPU heavy settings .............................................................................................................. 47 8.2) VRAM .............................................................................................................................................................48 8.2.1) Texture resolution ...........................................................................................................................................48 8.2.2) Volumetric clouds ..........................................................................................................................................48 8.2.3) Terrain shadows ..............................................................................................................................................48 8.2.4) Screen resolution ...........................................................................................................................................49 8.3) What are our recommendations based on ........................................................................... 50 9) MSFS 2020 General Settings .......................................... 51 9.1) Graphics ......................................................................................................................................................... 51 9.1.1) General ..................................................................................................................................................................... 51 Display mode ............................................................................................................................................... 51 Full screen resolution ........................................................................................................................... 52 HDR10 ............................................................................................................................................................. 52 Global rendering Quality ................................................................................................................... 53 9.1.2) Advanced settings .......................................................................................................................................... 54 4 V-Sync............................................................................................................................................................. 54 Render scaling ......................................................................................................................................... 55 Anti-Aliasing .............................................................................................................................................. 56 Terrain level of detail ........................................................................................................................... 57 Terrain vector data ................................................................................................................................ 58 Buildings ..................................................................................................................................................... 59 Trees ...............................................................................................................................................................60 Grass and bushes...................................................................................................................................60 Objects level of detail ........................................................................................................................... 61 Volumetric clouds ............................................................................................................................... 62 Texture resolution ................................................................................................................................. 63 Anisotropic filtering ............................................................................................................................64 Texture super sampling ................................................................................................................... 65 Texture synthesis ................................................................................................................................. 65 Water waves ............................................................................................................................................ 66 Shadow maps ......................................................................................................................................... 67 Terrain shadows .................................................................................................................................... 67 Contact shadows.................................................................................................................................. 68 Windshield effects ............................................................................................................................... 68 Ambient occlusion ............................................................................................................................. 69 Reflections ................................................................................................................................................ 70 Light shafts ............................................................................................................................................... 71 Bloom ........................................................................................................................................................... 71 Depth of field ......................................................................................................................................... 72 Lens correction ..................................................................................................................................... 72 Lens flare ................................................................................................................................................... 73 9.2) Camera ......................................................................................................................................................... 74 9.2.1) Global Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 74 Camera selection .................................................................................................................................... 74 Quick view function ............................................................................................................................. 74 Smart camera ........................................................................................................................................... 75 Zoom function ......................................................................................................................................... 75 Focus mode ............................................................................................................................................... 76 9.2.2) Cockpit Camera ............................................................................................................................................... 76 Cockpit camera selection ................................................................................................................. 76 Free look mode ...................................................................................................................................... 77 Free look reset......................................................................................................................................... 77 Head up mode ....................................................................................................................................... 78 Height ........................................................................................................................................................... 78 Horizontal position ............................................................................................................................... 79 Zoom ............................................................................................................................................................. 79 Zoom speed .............................................................................................................................................80 Freelook speed .......................................................................................................................................80 Freelook momentum ........................................................................................................................ 81 Camera shake .......................................................................................................................................... 81 Flashlight mode ................................................................................................................................... 82 9.2.3) Instruments ........................................................................................................................................................ 82 Instrument view mode ....................................................................................................................... 82 Instrument view selection .............................................................................................................. 83 9.2.4) Chase Camera .................................................................................................................................................. 83 Instrument heads-up display (HUD) ......................................................................................... 83 POV reset ...................................................................................................................................................84 5 Zoom speed .............................................................................................................................................84 External freelook speed ................................................................................................................... 85 External freelook momentum ..................................................................................................... 85 9.3) Sound ............................................................................................................................................................ 86 9.3.1) General ................................................................................................................................................................... 86 Communications selection .............................................................................................................. 86 Warning sound in external view .................................................................................................. 86 VHF signal degradation ..................................................................................................................... 87 Active windows spatial sound ....................................................................................................... 87 Text-to-speech settings .....................................................................................................................88 Subtitles .......................................................................................................................................................88 Music selection ........................................................................................................................................ 89 Mute audio in background ............................................................................................................. 89 9.3.2) Volume levels ....................................................................................................................................................90 9.4) Traffic .............................................................................................................................................................. 91 9.4.1) Aviation traffic .................................................................................................................................................... 91 Aircraft traffic type .................................................................................................................................. 91 AI Airliners traffic density................................................................................................................... 91 AI General aviation traffic density ............................................................................................... 92 Show traffic nameplates .................................................................................................................. 92 9.4.2) Airport life ............................................................................................................................................................ 93 Airport vehicle density ....................................................................................................................... 93 Ground aircraft density ..................................................................................................................... 93 Worker density .......................................................................................................................................94 9.4.3) Land and sea traffic ......................................................................................................................................94 Leisure boats ............................................................................................................................................94 Road vehicles .......................................................................................................................................... 95 Ships and ferries .................................................................................................................................... 95 9.5) Data ................................................................................................................................................................ 96 9.5.1) Data connection ............................................................................................................................................... 96 Online functionality ............................................................................................................................... 96 Bing data world graphics ................................................................................................................. 96 Photogrammetry ................................................................................................................................... 97 Live real world air traffic .................................................................................................................... 97 Live weather .............................................................................................................................................. 98 Multiplayer ................................................................................................................................................. 98 9.5.2) Data consumption ......................................................................................................................................... 98 Current data consumption .............................................................................................................. 98 Data tracking reset day ..................................................................................................................... 99 Data limitation ........................................................................................................................................ 99 9.5.3) Data bandwidth usage limit ................................................................................................................. 100 Bandwidth ................................................................................................................................................ 100 9.5.4) Rolling cache settings ............................................................................................................................... 100 Rolling cache .......................................................................................................................................... 100 Rolling cache limit .............................................................................................................................. 101 Rolling cache path .............................................................................................................................. 101 Delete rolling cache file .................................................................................................................. 101 9.6) Flight Model ............................................................................................................................................ 102 9.6.1) Flight model preset ..................................................................................................................................... 102 9.7) Accessibility ............................................................................................................................................. 103 6 9.7.1) User interface ................................................................................................................................................... 103 Minimum text size ............................................................................................................................... 103 Interface scale ........................................................................................................................................ 103 Show tooltips .......................................................................................................................................... 104 Background opacity .......................................................................................................................... 104 Main color ................................................................................................................................................. 105 Menu animations ................................................................................................................................. 105 Skip pre-flight cinematics .............................................................................................................. 106 Controller vibrations .......................................................................................................................... 106 10) MSFS 2020 Assistance Settings .................................. 107 10.1) Piloting ...................................................................................................................................................... 107 10.2) Aircraft systems................................................................................................................................... 108 10.3) Failure & damage ............................................................................................................................... 108 10.4) Navigation aids ................................................................................................................................... 109 10.5) Notification............................................................................................................................................. 109 10.6) User experience ................................................................................................................................... 110 11) FS2020 must know features ..........................................111 11.1) Flight planning .........................................................................................................................................111 11.2) Toolbar..........................................................................................................................................................113 11.2.1) ATC........................................................................................................................................................................... 114 11.2.2) Camera..................................................................................................................................................................115 11.2.3) Checklist .............................................................................................................................................................. 116 11.2.4) Basic controls .................................................................................................................................................. 117 11.2.5) AI Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 117 11.2.6) Fuel......................................................................................................................................................................... 118 11.2.7) Navlog .................................................................................................................................................................. 119 11.2.8) Objectives .......................................................................................................................................................... 119 11.2.9) VFR Map ............................................................................................................................................................. 120 11.2.10) Weather .............................................................................................................................................................121 11.2.11) Custom toolbar ..............................................................................................................................................122 11.3) Flight Training ........................................................................................................................................ 123 11.4) Activities.................................................................................................................................................... 124 11.5) 2D-Panels .................................................................................................................................................. 125 11.6) Preset views ............................................................................................................................................. 125 12) 3rd party addons and your simulator ....................... 126 12.1) Aircraft ........................................................................................................................................................ 126 12.2) Scenery...................................................................................................................................................... 126 12.3) In-game store vs online store ......................................................................................................127 12.4) Utilities .......................................................................................................................................................127 13) Simulator looks................................................................. 128 7 13.1) How to improve the look of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020............................... 128 13.2) Image sharpening ............................................................................................................................. 128 13.3) Nvidia Freestyle ................................................................................................................................... 129 13.4) Reshade .....................................................................................................................................................131 13.5) Low latency mode............................................................................................................................... 132 13.6) 3rd party addons .................................................................................................................................... 133 13.7) More to come ......................................................................................................................................... 133 14) Common issues and fixes MSFS 2020 ...................... 134 14.1) Things you MUST know before using MSFS 2020 .......................................................... 134 14.2) PC Troubles with MSFS 2020 ...................................................................................................... 134 14.2.1) When is my PC ‘Not good enough’.................................................................................................. 134 14.2.2) What can you do about it? ....................................................................................................................135 14.3) Bandwidth / Connection trouble with MSFS 2020 ........................................................ 135 14.4) It looks too ‘Arcady’ for me .......................................................................................................... 136 15) Let’s Fly! .............................................................................. 137 8 1. Clean start 1.1 General Before we start our guide, we recommend you start with a clean simulator. This means all of the essential files that your simulator uses to run are ‘reset’ to the default setting. We recommend you follow the steps below before continuing with the guide to set-up your simulator. Important to note is that when deinstalling most but not all of the files related to your version of Microsoft flight simulator 2020 are deleted. This can influence your performance, and we want to make sure you start with a completely fresh install of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 before you start setting everything up using our guide. We will differentiate between the Steam version and the Microsoft store a lot in this guide because the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 files are saved in a different location on your PC hard drive when using one version or the other. Make sure the following files are deleted This is important before continuing to chapter 2 about installing and updating your version of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Steam version: ► X:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\FlightSimulator ► X:\SteamLibary\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Or your own selected install folder) ► X:\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_xxxxxx_x64__xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ► X:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2465596884-3737215462-15205706641001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.DigitalOwnership_8wekyb3d8bbwe ► X:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2465596884-3737215462-15205706641001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe 9 Microsoft store version: ► X:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\FlightSimulator ► X:\MSFS 2020 (Or your own selected install folder) ► X:\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_xxxxxx_x64__xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ► X:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2465596884-3737215462-15205706641001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.DigitalOwnership_8wekyb3d8bbwe ► X:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2465596884-3737215462-15205706641001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe 1.1.1 Steam vs Microsoft Store When it comes to the differences between the 2, there is only one big difference, accessibility. When it comes to the Microsoft Store version, it is very difficult to access any of the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 files, and you have almost no choice on when the data related to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is installed on your PC. With the Steam version of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, you have a lot and easier access to all of your simulator files and a lot more choice when it comes to the install location of your simulator. If you haven’t already bought Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (We assume you have already done so), we highly recommend the steam version. However, if you did buy your version of the simulator via the Microsoft Store, no worries. We have a lot of tricks to still be able to access all of the files needed. 10 1.1.2 Where do I find my PC specs? Before we start, it is important to know the specifications of your PC. this because, in chapter 1.1.3, we give you four different PC specification classes so you can determine which settings are the best for you to use! But what if you don’t know what your PC specifications are? Don’t worry, we will explain where to find them. How to find your CPU and RAM specifications: ► Go to File Explorer ► Right-click on the This PC ► Click on Properties ► Here you can see your CPU and RAM information 11 How to find your GPU specification: ► To go Search ► Search for Device Manager and click on the application ► Expand Display Adapters ► Here you can see what GPU is in your PC (In this example a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti) We recommend writing down or saving your PC specifications somewhere on your PC so you can easily find it. It is important to have access to your PC specifications when using out Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Guide. 12 1.1.3 PC Specs Before we start with everything related to your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, we want to make clear what we mean when we talk about a Low-end, Medium-end, or High-end PC’s. We have listed baseline PC specifications below so you can compare your PC specifications with the baselines stated and determine where your PC fits in. Keep in mind that with every version of a new flight simulator, the minimum specification to run the software is getting better and better, meaning with every new flight simulator that is released, you need an even better PC to even be able to run it. This is especially the case with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 compared to other flight simulators like Prepar3D or X-Plane. We have adapted our PC spec classes to these recommendations by Microsoft / Asobo while also combining it with our personal experience and testing. Low-end Med-end High-end Ultra CPU I3 8XXX Series / Ryzen 3 3XXX I5-7XXX series / Ryzen 5 3XXX I7-6XXX Series / Ryzen 7 2XXX I9-9XXX Series / Ryzen 9 3XXX GPU GTX 1650 / GTX 1050TI / RX 5500 XT GTX 980 / GTX 1660TI / RX 5600 XT GTX 1080TI / RTX 2070 / RX 5700 XT RTX 2080 / Better RAM 8 GB 16 GB 16 GB 16+ GB Storage Slow/Fast HDD Fast HDD / SSD Fast SSD Fast SSD Also, keep in mind that your PC may fall in the middle of 2 of these classes. In that case, you can try some different settings from the two classes your PC is in the middle of to see what works the best for you. 13 2. Installing FS2020 The process of installing and updating Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is quite straightforward, but there are some things you can do to improve the way your simulator runs on your PC with the tricks we will discuss in this chapter. These things are things that everybody should know when using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 2.1 Steam Version 2.1.1 Install location To start the Installation, we click on the big blue button install. How to Install Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 in a different location: (Note: This install location will only affect the content folders. The application folder will always be installed in the same windows apps folder) ► If you want a desktop/start menu shortcut, you can select it here. ► Click on the drop-down menu ► Here you can select your install location ► We can now choose between locations that already exist, or you can create a new folder for installation 14 We recommend creating a separate folder for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 ► Select the: Create new steam library on the drive X:\ ► Here we have the option to select any folder or any disk to Install on. If you found your location, you can click on New folder and name the folder to your liking. Now click next, and the install will commence 15 2.1.2 Access Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 folder There are a few ways to access your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 folder the easiest one is as follows: ► Open steam. ► Right-click on Microsoft Flight simulator 2020 ► Click on properties. ► Select the LOCAL FILES tap. ► Select: browse local files. 16 2.1.3 Run as admin You must always run Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 as admin. This will give the simulator the necessary permissions in windows to do what it has to do and use the files it has to use without being held back by windows because it’s not running as admin. There is an easy way to set run as admin as default for MSFS 2020, Follow the steps below. ► Find your FlightSimulator.Exe (See chapters 3.1.2 & 3.2.2 for location) ► Right-click on the FlightSimulator.Exe ► Click on Properties ► Now click on Compatibility ► Look for the Run this program as an administrator setting ► Make sure the box in front of Run this program as an administrator is ticked ► Now click Apply ► And now click OK Now every time you launch your simulator, it will, by default, run as admin, and it will always have the necessary permission it needs without you having to think about launching as an admin every time you want to start a flight. 2.1.4 Updating Updating Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 will be done by steam automatically. Updating MSFS 2020 is a lot easier compared to the older version of the flight simulator, no need to fully uninstall and reinstall your simulator for every update. 17 2.1.5 Reinstalling Sometimes when your simulator gets corrupt or isn’t working properly, a reinstall might be the best solution. The reinstalling process has been made a lot more simple than the previous version of the flight simulator because of the stores (Steam & Microsoft Store) that the new MSFS 2020 uses. Most of the uninstall reinstall process goes via these stores. However, you do have to check if all the folders and files related to the simulator are deleted after the uninstall. Sometimes files and folders can be left behind, and with these files and folders left behind, your reinstall will be useless if these files and folders are the cause of your problems. How to reinstall Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Steam edition): ► Open steam. ► Right-click on Microsoft Flight simulator ► Click on properties ► Select LOCAL FILES ► Click on the Uninstall game button. When uninstalled, please check if the following folders are no longer present: ► X:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\FlightSimulator ► X:\SteamLibary\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Or your own selected install folder) ► X:\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_xxxxxx_x64__xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ► X:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2465596884-3737215462-15205706641001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.DigitalOwnership_8wekyb3d8bbwe ► X:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2465596884-3737215462-15205706641001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe If 1 of these folders are still on your computer, please delete them manually before you start the installation process. 18 2.2 Microsoft Store Version 2.2.1 Install location When installing Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 using the Microsoft Store, you don’t have much choice when it comes to the install location (compared to Prepar3D or the steam edition of MSFS 2020). We recommend installing Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 on a Solid-State Drive (SSD). This because of the faster loading times you can achieve when using an SSD. After selecting a drive to install Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 on you can find your main simulator folder in the following location: ► Usually X:/WindowsApps After installing, you will be able to start up your simulator. You still have 90 GB left to download and install. This will be done when first starting up your simulator, and the speed of this task obviously depends on your internet speed. Before installing the rest of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 you can choose a different install location for the simulator content, we recommend creating a separate folder on your disk for this data so you and your simulator can get easy access to this data. 19 Click on browse… to select the folder you have created for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. When done, select update, and the full installation will start. 20 2.2.2 Access Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 folder To get access to the Microsoft Flight Simulator roots folder is more difficult than with any previous flight simulator you may have used (When using the Microsoft Store version). The simulator has two main folders. One for the application data and 1 for the content in your simulator (Airports/aircraft). The content folder is easily accessible without any hurdles. The application folder, on the other hand, is protected and not accessible by default. However, it can be the case that you want to access your application folder regardless. We have found a way to do this and change the permission of the folder so our users can access the main application folder and customize your simulator like you are used to with other flight simulators How to access the application folder: ► Find your WindowsApps folder (Usually C:/WindowsApps) ► Right-click on the folder ► Now click on Properties ► Go to security ► Click on advanced ► Now click on change 21 ► Find the Enter the object name to select section (White box) ► In that box, type: users ► Now click on check names, and if all goes well your PC name will appear ► Now click on OK until you have closed all of the windows. ► Now you have access to the WindowsApps folder. This is where the application folder of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is located. 22 2.2.3 Run as admin You must always run Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 as admin. This will give the simulator the necessary permissions in windows to do what it has to do and use the files it has to use without being held back by windows because it’s not running as admin. There is an easy way to set run as admin as default for MSFS 2020, Follow the steps below. ► Find your FlightSimulator.Exe (See chapters 3.1.2 & 3.2.2 for location) ► Right-click on the FlightSimulator.Exe ► Click on Properties ► Now click on Compatibility ► Look for the Run this program as an administrator setting ► Make sure the box in front of Run this program as an administrator is ticked ► Now click Apply ► And now click OK Now every time you launch your simulator, it will, by default, run as admin, and it will always have the necessary permission it needs without you having to think about launching as an admin every time you want to start a flight. 2.2.4 Updating Updating Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 will be done by the Microsoft store automatically. Updating MSFS 2020 is a lot easier compared to the older version of the flight simulator, no need to fully uninstall and reinstall your simulator for every update. 23 2.2.5 Reinstalling Sometimes when your simulator gets corrupt or isn’t working properly, a reinstall might be the best solution. The reinstalling process has been made a lot more simple than the previous version of Microsoft Flight Simulator because of the stores (Steam & Microsoft Store) that the new MSFS 2020 uses. Most of the uninstall reinstall process goes via these stores. However, you do have to check if all the folders and files related to the simulator are deleted after the uninstall. Sometimes files and folders can be left behind, and with these files and folders left behind, your reinstall will be useless if these files and folders are the cause of your problems. How to reinstall Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Microsoft Store edition): ► Use the search function in windows to find ‘Add or remove programs’ ► Find Microsoft Flight Simulator ► Click on Microsoft Flight Simulator ► Click Uninstall When uninstalled, please check if the following folders are no longer present: ► X:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\FlightSimulator ► X:\MSFS 2020 (Or your own selected install folder) ► X:\WindowsApps\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_xxxxxx_x64__xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ► X:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2465596884-3737215462-15205706641001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.DigitalOwnership_8wekyb3d8bbwe ► X:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2465596884-3737215462-15205706641001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe 24 3. Things you should know as a P3D / XP user Most of our users have probably used either Prepar3D or X-Plane in the past when flying in the virtual skies. These 2 are great simulators in their own right. There are a lot of changes made in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 compared to these previous simulators. In this chapter, we will go over the main differences you need to know about when using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 3.1 Differences 3.1.1 Settings When it comes to settings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, there has been a big change compared to Prepar3D / X-Plane. These settings are easier to understand and use. This because almost all of the settings are configurable from Off to Ultra. Compared to Prepar3D / X-Plane, where there were a lot more names for the different settings you could choose, the ground texture resolution went from 60 cm to 5 cm compared to the low to ultra-settings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Behind the low to ultra presets, the settings are still as complex as they were in Prepar3D / X-Plane but easier for the users to understand (Although the low to ultra-settings still have a lot of secrets, we go over these in detail in chapter 10). Another thing to remember is that the settings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 are more based on ‘How good does something look’ than ‘How much of it is rendered in your simulator.’ Let’s take the buildings setting as an example so you get a good view of what we mean by this. The amount of buildings that will be rendered is not controlled by the ‘Buildings’ setting like you would expect if you come from the world or Prepar3D / X-Plane, where the autogen setting does increase the number of buildings seen out of the window. Instead, the buildings setting in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 controls the sharpness of the edges and the resolution at which the buildings are displayed in your simulator. This is a different we have obviously worked with a lot when writing and designing this guide, nothing for you as a pilot to worry about. But something to keep in mind when working with the settings in chapter 10. 25 3.1.2 Looks The look of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is different from anything we have seen before, it looks very good, and a lot of features we have wished for years in Prepar3D / X-Plane are default features in this brand-new simulator. The new lighting engine is amazing, and you can survive a cruise from Amsterdam to Los Angeles, just looking at the beautiful clouds out of the window. This is a huge step from Prepar3D / X-Plane where you had to use a lot of addons to get a better and realistic looking simulator, this is no longer the case, and we think they did a great job when it comes to the graphics engine of the new simulator. Some people have been complaining that the simulator looks too ‘Arcady’ and want to find a way to make it look more realistic. We see the point these people want to make, and if at RDPresets we find a way to change/improve the look of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, we will undoubtedly make use of this and start making ‘Presets’ for the new simulator. For now, we have not found a real way to change the look of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, but when we do, our customers will be the first to know. 3.1.3 The world and airports The scenery is something that has changed dramatically but has also remained the same in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We world and everything apart from the airports are directly loaded from Bing Maps. This is an amazing feature (Maybe the best feature of the simulator). It gives you the feeling you are in the real world. You are now able to do REAL VFR flying via points of interest and use the VFR charts that are used in real life in your simulator. However, there is one very important thing to remember about this world you see out of the window. The data that is used to create this beautiful world is from 2003. This means that a lot of things in the world are very outdated. This is something you have to keep in mind when flying, especially for the VFR pilots. If you do want the most accurate and up-to-date cities, you have to buy a 3rd party addon to implement this into your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Speaking of 3rd party sceneries, this brings us the airports in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. In total, 40 airports in the world are handcrafted by the Asobo team, the rest of the airports are auto-generated and are far from ‘True to real-life.’ 26 The following handcrafted airports are included in your version of MSFS 2020: Standard edition of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 includes: 27 The extra five handcrafted airports included in the Deluxe edition are: The extra five handcrafted airports included in the Premium edition are: When it comes to the airports, Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is quite similar to the other simulators. If you want to fly to an airport you don’t own, you can either fly to the default version of that airport (Which is automatically generated and doesn’t look good) or you will have to you the airport you want to fly to separately from a 3rd Party developer. More and more handcrafted airports will be available when time progresses, and more developers release their sceneries for MSFS 2020. 28 3.1.4 Camera The camera system in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is very different from the default camera systems from any of the simulators you are used to. It is very much focused on switching views using shortcuts. The camera system in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has a lot more features than any previous camera system in other simulators, which is great. You do, however, have to configure everything properly to have a camera that feels good and is nice to use. We go into much more detail about the camera system in chapter 10.2, make sure you follow the instructions in chapter 10.2 closely. This because camera settings can make a huge difference in your MSFS 2020 experience. 3.1.5 Performance Performance is a big subject when it comes to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and probably 1 of the reasons why you bought this guide. Important to remember when it comes to performance is that you shouldn’t expect any big FPS numbers from the new simulator. It is modern software, which is a big step in the right direction, but with this come a lot of new features and graphic enhancement that will take up the extra resources now available for the simulator to use. Expect your CPU and GPU to be driven to the max when running Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. When it comes to what to expect around the subject of performance in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, it is quite simple. About the same as with the older simulators. The important things haven’t changed. Smoothness, FPS and VRAM are the most important factors when it comes to your performance in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and doesn’t think you have a ‘bad performing’ PC when you are flying around with 30 FPS, this is completely normal because all of the new visuals take their toll on your PC. In conclusion, the FPS numbers will be the same compared to the older simulators, but you will have a lot more beautiful visuals to look at. The Visuals/performance ratio has increased dramatically with this brand new simulator. 29 4. Windows Windows settings can also play a massive part in the performance of your simulator. Because everything you do runs on windows, you have to make sure that your windows settings are optimal for your use, in this case, running Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 with the best performance possible. In this chapter, we will make sure that all the settings in your windows are the optimal ones for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and make sure Windows will not hold your simulator back from giving you the best possible experience. 4.1 Power plan Setting the right Power plan in for your operating system can help improve performance in your simulator by making sure the components in your PC get the maximum amount of power so they can provide the best possible performance. By default, your operating system will try to turn down the power supply when it thinks it’s not needed. But in our case, we never want windows to turn down the power and, as an effect, turn down the performance in Prepar3D. To prevent this from happening, we will switch to a different power plan in windows. Follow the steps below. ► Open search ► Search for Choose a Power Plan ► Choose the Power plan called: High Performance After selecting High Performance as your new power plan, we can edit this plan in detail to optimize it even more for Prepar3D. Follow the steps below ► Click on change plan settings ► Click on Change advanced power settings 30 4.1.1 Hard disk To prevent windows from turning down your hard disk, make sure the setting is as followed: 4.1.2 Processor power management To make sure your CPU is running on 100% and not be turned down by windows so it can to provide the best performance in your sim match the following settings: 31 4.2 Defender To people who use Windows Defender as an Anti-Virus program, we recommend adding an exception for Prepar3D.exe and other folders related to Prepar3D V5. The defender can cause your simulator to stutter when Defender is scanning for viruses in your simulator folders. Follow the steps below to add exceptions to Defender for Prepar3D. We recommend the following folders/programs you exclude from the defender. ► Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Installation main folder (Folder) ► Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 content folder How to add an exception to Windows Defender: ► Open search ► Search for Windows Defender Settings ► Click on Virus & Threat protection ► Click on Virus & Threat protection settings ► Scroll down to Exclusions and click on Add or remove exclusions ► Click on Add an exclusion and select the type of thing you want to exclude (File, Folder, Process) ► Now locate one of the three things above that we recommend you exclude ► When found, click on the folder to mark it blue as ‘selected.’ ► Then click open in the right lower corner 32 4.3 Other anti-virus programs To people who use other Anti-Virus programs to protect their PC. We recommend you too to exclude Prepar3D and the following folder from your anti-virus program. ► Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Installation main folder (Folder) ► Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 content folder This because of the same reasons mentioned above, preventing your simulator from stuttering while flying because your anti-virus program is scanning the files in your Prepar3D folder 4.4 Windows game mode We at RDPresets get a lot of questions regarding Windows Game Mode. People ask if they should use it with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 to boost performance in their simulator. We don’t recommend the use of game mode with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 because we think game mode isn’t optimized for use with a program like Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and you are better off not using game mode and running the settings for windows that can be found in this guide. 4.5 Hyper-threading There are a lot of myths about hyper-threading in the flight simulator community. We will explain what it does, and if you should use hyperthreading with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 or not, Processors that have the hyper-threading feature will use processor resources more efficiently and will enable multiple threads to be run on a single core. This will result in improved performance. In the 32-bit period of Flight Simulators like FSX or FS2004, some people were suggesting that running without hyper-threading would improve performance in-sim. However, this may have been the case for a few back in the 32-bit days. With the very modern software that Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is, there is no reason not to use hyper-threading. We recommend running hyperthreading if your processor is equipped with this feature. 33 5. Nvidia GPU drivers and settings can play a significant role in the performance of your simulator. However, in the last few years, with the new generation of flight simulators, the Nvidia drivers have become less critical. This, however, does not mean there is nothing to gain in the Nvidia settings department, as some people suggest. There are still quite some tricks/settings you need to apply to your system to get the most out of your GPU. 5.1 Nvidia control panel Nvidia control panel is the software on your PC that controls most settings when it comes to your GPU drivers. Here you are able to change the settings of your GPU when running Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. This will give you better performance when flying. How to find/open the Nvidia control panel: ► Right‐click the Windows desktop ► click NVIDIA Control Panel from the menu ► Manage 3D settings ► Select program: FlightSimulator.Exe 34 5.2 Nvidia driver version We recommend the use of the latest version of the Nvidia drivers available. This because the latest Nvidia drivers are created for use with the modern software that is Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Nvidia driver version 452,06 is a driver optimized for use with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Make sure when checking your Nvidia driver version, you have version 452,06 or newer. In the past older Nvidia drivers may have performed better when used together with the older simulator like FSX, but nowadays, the latest Nvidia drivers are the best ones to use. 35 5.3 Nvidia Control Panel settings The Nvidia control panel can add a lot to your simulator when it comes to performance and visuals. We have put a lot of hours into testing different settings in the control panel to improve the simulator in most areas possible, and we think we have found setting that really well when it comes to performance as well as visuals. Not all of the settings we discuss in this chapter are available for every GPU. Don’t worry if 1 or 2 of the settings don’t appear in your Nvidia control panel. Make sure you apply all of the settings that do appear in your Nvidia control panel 5.3.1 Image sharpening The Image Sharpening filter that was first released in NVIDIA Freestyle has now been added to the NVIDIA Control Panel. This addition provides an easy one-click method of applying Image Sharpening globally to all DirectX 9, 10, 11, 12, Vulkan, and OpenGL games. Sharpness can be adjusted, and it is a great extra sharpening to have in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 5.3.2 Low latency mode Low latency mode reduces latency by limiting the number of frames the CPU can prepare before the frames are processed by the GPU. This improves FPS in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 36 5.3.3 OpenGL rendering GPU OpenGL rendering GPU lets you select which GPU to use for OpenGL applications. If one GPU from an SLI or Mosaic group is selected, then all GPUs in that group are used. It improves performance when you select your own GPU from the list. 5.3.4 Power management mode Power management mode lets you set how your graphics card's performance level changes when running most DirectX or OpenGL 3D applications. This way, Nvidia will give priority to giving you the best performance possible, and this is obviously what we want when flying. 5.3.5 Preferred refresh rate The preferred refresh rate setting lets you override the refresh rate limitations imposed by the 3D application for the indicated monitor. This is particularly useful when viewing games in 3D stereo. We obviously want the highest refresh rate possible in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and this setting helps with achieving just that. 5.3.6 Texture filtering – Anisotropic sample option Anisotropic sample option improves performance by limiting trilinear filtering to the primary texture stage where the general appearance and color of objects is determined. This improves performance with minimal loss in image quality. This setting only affects DirectX programs. With this setting on, we improve the FPS in your flight simulator with a minimal loss in image quality, which is great! 37 5.3.7 Texture filtering – negative LOD bias Negative LOD bias determines if a negative level of detail bias is used to sharpen texture filtering. This setting on allow will determine what is best when running Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and does a great job at improving performance. 5.3.8 Texture filtering - Quality Texture filtering quality allows you to decide if you would prefer performance, quality, or a balance between the two. The NVIDIA Control Panel will make all of the appropriate 3D image adjustments based on your preference. High performance offers the highest frame rate possible, resulting in the best performance for your applications. This setting in the Nvidia control panel improves performance with the minimal amount of visuals quality loss (Not noticeable) 5.3.9 Vertical sync We don’t want to use Vertical sync with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 because it only limits performance in our case, it may have provided you with a smooth gaming experience in other software, but we highly recommend not using it with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 because it only limits performance. 38 5.4 Shader cache When using older flight simulator software like FSX, there was a benefit in turning shader cache off because it reduced VAS and decreased the risk of OOM. Because all software nowadays is 64 bit, turning shader cache off has no real benefit for PCs with enough RAM. The minimum VRAM for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is 2 GB. It is. However, a real struggle staying below this 2 GB and avoiding an out of memory error during flight. If you are struggling with out of memory errors, you can turn this setting OFF and save some VRAM when flying. (Important to note is that this setting does help a little bit with saving VRAM, but if you are really struggling with this subject, you should continue to chapters: 9.2 and 14.2 to find out more to fix your issues). 5.5 FPS limiter Together with Vsync, FPS limiters are something from the past and not useful anymore in the current generation of flight simulators. There is not much more to say about FPS limiters than that without the use together with Vsync, and syncing it with your monitors refresh rate only limits your performance, and we obviously don’t want that. So stay away from FPS limiters when using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 5.6 VSync In the past, with the older software flight simulators and lower FPS numbers, using Vsync was a good thing to do, so the FPS you were getting was more synced up with your monitor resulting in a better and smoother looking simulator. However, with the higher FPS numbers and modern software that is Flight Simulator 2020, this is no longer necessary. We recommend not using Vsync. Avoid both the NVidia control panel Vsync as well as the in-game VSync. This only limits your in-sim performance 39 5.7 Updating Nvidia drivers When updating your Nvidia drivers, we recommend you use the DDU tool, short for Display Driver Uninstaller. This tool will make sure everything to do with the driver is removed before you install the new driver. This tool will give you the best possible install and will prevent any corruption or issues you might otherwise have. Which can result in weird performance drops in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. You can download this freeware tool on the Guru3D site when you search for the DDU tool on Google. When you have downloaded the DDU tool, we recommend you use the ‘Clean and restart’ setting. To get the best possible result. One last tip, make sure you download the new Nvidia driver before you uninstall your old driver, without any drivers installed after the uninstall it can be challenging to navigate on the internet and download the driver. 5.8 Nvidia control panel issues Adjust image settings with preview is a setting in the Nvidia control panel that, in the past, could give you some extra FPS in your flight simulator. When testing this setting in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, we noticed that everything becomes blurry in the simulator. This is a tweak you shouldn’t be used with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, so if you were running this setting with your previous simulator, make sure you select ‘Use the advanced 3D image settings’ setting. 40 5.9 SLI For people running more than one GPU (using SLI) in their system, it’s key to get the most out of both GPU’s so you get the best possible performance in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. There are a few key settings and features in the Nvidia control panel that will help you achieve this and get the most out of your SLI setup 5.9.1 Configure SLI In the Nvidia control panel under the Configure SLI, Surround, PhysX tab, you will find some significant settings regarding SLI. Make sure that the SLI configuration is set to Maximize 3D performance. Otherwise, your simulator will not get the most out of your SLI setup. And for PhysX settings, we recommend you set it to auto-select as this is the recommended setting and works well Recommended setting: [SLI configuration]: Maximize 3D performance [PhysX settings]: Auto-select (recommended) 5.9.2 SLI Rendering mode Another setting that is important for you as an SLI user is to make sure that the SLI rending mode is set to Nvidia recommended. You will find this setting in the Nvidia control panel when you go to Manage 3D settings and in the global settings list. Recommended setting: [SLI Rendering mode]: Nvidia recommended 41 6. AMD Radeon drivers and settings can also play a significant role in the performance of your simulator. However, in the last year with the new version of Prepar3D, the Radeon drivers have become less critical, there are still some tricks/settings to get the most out of your Radeon GPU drivers. 6.1 Radeon settings How to open the AMD Radeon Settings Panel: ► Right-click the Windows desktop ► Click AMD Radeon Settings from the menu ► Click on the Gaming tab ► Click on the add button ► Click on the Browse button ► Now search for your FlightSimulator.exe ► Click on the open button ► And now you can click on the FlightSimulator.exe profile 42 6.2 Radeon driver version We recommend the use of the latest version of the Radeon drivers available. This because the latest Radeon drivers are created for use with the modern software that is Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. In the past older Radeon drivers may have performed better when used together with the older simulator like FSX, but nowadays, the latest Radeon drivers are the best ones to use. 6.3 FPS limiter Together with VSync, FPS limiters are something from the past and not useful anymore in the current generation of flight simulators. There is not much more to say about FPS limiters than that without the use together with VSync, and syncing it with your monitors refresh rate only limits your performance, and we obviously don’t want that. So, stay away from FPS limiters when using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 6.4 Updating Radeon drivers When updating your Radeon drivers, we recommend you use the DDU tool, short for Display Driver Uninstaller. This tool will make sure everything to do with the driver is removed before you install the new driver. This will give you the best possible install and will prevent any corruption or issues you might otherwise have. Which can result in weird performance drops in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. You can download this freeware tool on the Guru3D website when you search for ‘the DDU tool’ on Google. When you have downloaded the DDU tool, we recommend you use the ‘Clean and restart’ setting to get the best possible result. And last but not least, make sure you downloaded the new Radeon driver before you uninstall your old driver, without any drivers installed after the uninstall it can be complicated to navigate on the internet and download the driver. 43 7. Overclocking for FS2020 Overclocking is a heavily discussed subject in the Flight Simulation community. There are a lot of myths out there about the effect of overclocking on Flight Simulation software and how you should be or should not be doing it. We will give you all of this information in this chapter. However, overclocking is a difficult subject for us at RDPresets, we have tried to expand this chapter as much as possible throughout the version of our guides, but we will never be able to go in too much specific detail when it comes to overclocking. This because every component (Even your PC case) influences how your PC performances with different kinds of overclocks and the fact that the combination of components our users are using are endless means we can’t go into as much detail as we may have wanted in this chapter. Nevertheless, this chapter is still very useful if you are trying to decide if you even should consider overclocking your PC when it comes to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 7.1 Does overclocking benefit your performance in MSFS 2020 Yes, but the extent to which it improves framerates will depend on the CPU and GPU. The overclocking of the CPU is likely to give the right amount of boost to your fps (The FPS increase depends on the GPU in your PC). But don’t forget the GPU, the GPU was a less important part of your PC in other flight simulators like Prepar3D, but with the new graphics introduced in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 The GPU overclock will for sure give you an FPS boost (The FPS increase depends on the GPU in your PC). Keep in mind that not all CPU or GPU’s can be overclocked. Also, keep in mind you can if you’re not careful enough, you will damage your CPU / GPU. 44 7.2 CPU overclocking Overclocking your CPU can give your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 a boost in performance. But when you overclock a CPU, a couple of things happen. The chip runs hotter and uses more power. Both factors can lead to problems if you are using the stock cooler supplied with the CPU. We DON’T recommend using the overclock feature in this guide if you use a stock cooler. Overclocking your CPU can void its warranty. AMD and Intel typically don`t cover overclocking. Motherboard manufacturers may or may not cover overclocking. If you`re concerned, check the warranty wording before trying. Before you start overclocking, you need to determine what you have. The CPU may not even support overclocking. Most recent CPU`s from AMD, especially Ryzen can overclock. For Intel, you can only overclock if there is a ‘K’ or an ‘X’ at the end of the CPU name. For example, if the name of the CPU is: I7-9700K, you can overclock it. If the name is like I5-9600, you can`t overclock it. Because there are so many variables when it comes to CPU overclocking, we will not go into detail in this guide. We can’t give recommendations/suggestions that will work for everybody and on every system. We do recommend you keep within the logical limits of your hardware not to damage your hardware because that’s not worth to potential few extra FPS you will see in your simulator. 45 7.3 GPU overclocking Overclocking your GPU can give your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 a boost in performance and faster loading times on textures. The effect of a GPU overclock is less noticeable than a CPU overclock but can still be relevant for you if your GPU is capable of being overclocked. When you overclock a GPU, a couple of things happen. The chip in the GPU runs hotter and uses more power. Both factors can lead to problems if you are not careful, and you use too much power. Your GPU can crash and the same thing for the heat. But don’t worry. Its failsafe mechanism will kick in before it burst into flames. The worst that can happen is crashes, freezes, or black screens. Overclocking your GPU can void its warranty. If you`re concerned, check the warranty wording before trying. Every GPU is different. For example, your GTX 1080 may be able to safely overclock to a higher speed than your friend’s GTX 1080. As a result, you must test your overclocking speeds to find the sweet spot. Like we said in the CPU overclocking section, we will not go into detail in this guide. We can’t give recommendations/suggestions that will work for everybody and on every system. We do recommend you keep within the logical limits of your hardware not to damage your hardware because that’s not worth to potential few extra FPS you will see in your simulator. Most GPU’s can easily be overclocked via the tools/drivers that come with the GPU from the GPUs brand (MSI, ASUS, etc.), we highly recommend using those tools when overclocking your GPU and maybe even select the ‘Overclock’ profile that is already saved and provided in that tool, so you don’t have to worry about it yourself and still be able to enjoy the extra bit of performance that comes from overclocking your GPU 46 8. Understanding your settings 8.1 CPU vs GPU heavy settings In this chapter, we show you which settings depend on what part of your PC. Some of the settings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 depend/use the GPU others the CPU, and some use both equally, we have used these test results when determining the recommended settings for the different PC classes, so you yourself don’t have to worry about this. However, we thought this information is still very much worth sharing. One general pattern we saw when testing is that the GPU is more important with this brand new flight simulator than ever seen before in any other flight simulator (Prepar3D, X-Plane), other simulators are usually much more CPU dependent. 47 8.2 VRAM 8.2.1 Texture resolution The texture resolution setting is another one of those sets where you can easily the same some VRAM by turning the setting down without sacrificing too much of the great visuals Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has to offer. If you are having issues with VRAM usage, we recommend turning this setting down to easily save in the hundreds of MB’s of VRAM Recommended setting: [VRAM save setting]: 1 setting below your recommended setting in chapter 10 8.2.2 Volumetric clouds The volumetric clouds in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 do impact your performance as well as your VRAM. Luckily the clouds in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 always look good no matter what setting you are running. Only when you get up close and personal with the clouds, you start to see a big difference between the settings. We recommend if you are having issues with VRAM usage, you turn this setting to down. Recommended setting: [VRAM save setting]: 1 setting below your recommended setting in chapter 10 8.2.3 Terrain shadows Terrain shadows can also save you some VRAM when flying. This setting sets the resolution at which the terrain shadows are drawn. If you are having VRAM issues, this is a setting you get lower to get rid of your out of memory errors Recommended setting: [VRAM save setting]: 1 setting below your recommended setting in chapter 10 48 8.2.4 Screen resolution Last but not least is your screen resolution. If you are running Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 on anything above the 1K resolution and after tying every VRAM save setting stated below, you should consider running your simulator with a lower resolution. By reducing the number of pixels, your GPU has to render. It also reduces the amount of VRAM your GPU needs to do so. Recommended setting: [VRAM save setting]: 1080p 49 8.3 What are our recommendations based on? Our recommendations in chapter 10 are based on a balance between visuals and performance. Keep in mind that we did not take VRAM into account in chapter 10, this is something that is discussed in chapter 9 separately because VRAM is something that differs from PC to PC within PC classes. This is why if you have issues with running out of VRAM when using our recommended settings for your PC class in chapter 10, you can use the recommendations in chapter 9 on top of the settings you set following the chapter 10 recommendations. Back to the subject, ‘What our recommendations are based on.’ We aim to have to best balance between performance and visuals by looking at when the performance loss is for a setting and what you get in return when it comes to the extra visuals. Some settings don’t impact FPS at all but help to improve your visuals a lot, and other settings have a significant impact on your FPS but add so little to the visuals of your simulator that it is not worth running with this setting in a high category. Apart from the performance/visual’s ratio, we use for our recommendations. We also use the information we shared with you in chapter 9.1. To determine what settings have to be turned down when running Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 with a lower spec PC compared to running with a higher spec PC. Users of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 often make the mistake that users with a lower-end PC think they have to turn down every setting to make their simulator run well, this isn’t the case. Some settings have more of an impact on performance than others. This means that some settings don’t have to be run on a minimum when using a lower-end PC; this has all been taken into account in our recommendations in chapter 10. And maybe most importantly is all of the testing with the different PC specs to see what works and what doesn’t work! After hundreds of hours of testing, we are confident we can provide our users with the best settings to use with their PC and enjoy their Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 to the maximum. These factors, together with a lot of others, are the base for our recommendations. Now you know what our recommendations are based on continue to chapter 10 and enjoy our recommendations in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020! 50 9. MSFS 2020 General Settings 9.1 Graphics 9.1.1 General IMPORTANT NOTE: When changing any settings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, you have to restart your simulator to have your new settings implemented. Not all settings can be changed when the software is running. So if you want to check the results of your new settings, restart your Microsoft Flight Simulator after you have changed the settings. VFR vs IFR In the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, we recommend different settings for flying IFR or VFR. This because something settings are more important than others when it comes to these two different flight rules. Also, we have taken into account that when flying IFR, you most likely are flying a complex airliner into a busy international airport, which is a lot harder on your PC than flying VFR with a Cessna into a local airport. This gives you the best possible visuals during your low altitude VFR flights and the best combination of visuals and performance when flying your complex airliners into big-name destinations such as Los Angeles. We also recommend you switch between these settings when switching between these 2 flight rules. Or choosing one you do the most and fly with those settings, both VFR and IFR. Display mode When it comes to display mode, it is all up to your own preference. There is no performance difference between the settings anymore like there was in Prepar3D or FSX. So, you can choose what you like best with this setting. We do recommend and use windowed mode ourselves. This because it is much easier to switch to other applications when flying (Looking at charts as an example) Recommended setting: [All users]: Own preference 51 Fullscreen resolution To have your Microsoft Flight Simulator display in the same resolution as your monitor, you have to select your monitor's native resolution, going higher has no visual gain but only a big performance loss. One thing for the 4K users to keep in mind is that running a 4K resolution in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has a big influence on the performance in-sim. And during testing, we found no ‘Big’ gain in visuals when using 4K. So, if you are running MSFS 2020 and you struggle with FPS (Not reaching numbers above 30 fps), consider lowering your resolution to 2K. This will easily save you a few frames per second. These are the numbered resolutions used in most monitors: ‘1k monitor’ = 1920x1080 ‘2k monitor’ = 2048x1440 ‘4k monitor’ = 3840x2160 Recommended setting: [All users]: Native Monitor Resolution HDR10 One of the latest graphics enhancements is High Dynamic Range (HDR). This feature affects your gaming experience in multiple ways: manifold color performance, deeper saturation, more diverse contrast, brighter highlights, and darker shadows. All these individual tweaks upgrade your immersive experience to the next level with more realistic and lifelike pictures. But not only does the improved quality result in an immersive feeling and eye candy, but it can also give you a cutting edge in-game, too. HDR can’t be switched off in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and if you could, we still would highly recommend running with HDR on. 52 Global rendering quality Here you can select global setting presets from low to ultra and this will give you a preset of settings when it comes to the advanced settings below because these settings are far from optimal we will be changing the advanced settings extensively, meaning you don’t need this global rendering quality setting and should continue to the advanced settings. When changing any setting in the advanced settings, tap this setting will automatically be switched to Custom, which is the setting we want. 53 9.1.2 Advanced settings The advanced settings tab in Microsoft Flight simulator 2020 is where it gets interesting, and we get a lot of freedom to change whatever we want. This is also where visuals/performance is gained and very much lost. We will go through every setting extensively and tell you everything you need to know and what setting to use, starting with V-Sync. IMPORTANT NOTE: When changing any settings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, you have to restart your simulator to have your new settings implemented. Not all settings can be changed when the software is running. So, if you want to check the results of your new settings, restart your Microsoft Flight Simulator after you have changed the settings. V-Sync V-Sync was an interesting setting to use in older simulators but when it comes to Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, we recommend everybody to turn it off. It only limits the performance in your simulator, and without your FPS being 1 to 1 synced with your monitors refresh rate, it has no use being ON and will only decrease the amount of FPS you will get in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 54 Rendering scaling Render Scaling is a strange setting. Put simply. This modifies the resolution at which Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 renders the graphics you see relative to the native resolution you've selected. So if you're playing at 1080p and choose 50 percent scaling, the actual render resolution is 960 x 540 or is you are playing on 1080p and select 150, your actual render resolution will increase to 2048x1440. This setting can go up to 200%, but we have found that the performance in your simulator drops dramatically when setting anything above 100 without any real visual difference. We recommend never exceeding that no matter how good your PC is. If you want to use a higher resolution, do it via your PC itself and not via scaling up rendering in-simulator. The 100% setting will give you rendering at your native monitor resolution. 55 Anti-Aliasing Anti-Aliasing is another interesting setting. We have done a lot of testing with this setting because it can be very annoying when your Flight Simulator is full of shimmers and blocky lines. Aliasing in images can be described as stair-stepping lines or jagged edges that are often found in lower-resolution displays. The jagged edges are visible because the monitor or other output device isn't using a high enough resolution to show the smooth line. Anti-aliasing, then, is a technology that attempts to resolve the aliasing found in the image. What we have noticed is that there is no performance difference between any of the settings, meaning you should always run this setting on its maximum of TAA. This will give you the best possible look without any performance impact! 56 Terrain level of detail Terrain level of detail is a very important setting in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, What it does is it sets how detailed the edges of terrain will be in your simulator, this means that terrain and the rest of the world (Borders between water and land, etc.) are sharp and defined like in the real world. However, there are two things you need to know about this setting. The first thing is that buildings are also included in the ‘Terrain.’ Meaning that the higher this setting, the sharper and more defined your building in the world will be (This makes a huge difference). The second thing you need to know is that up until 100%, there is a big difference between the settings and an acceptable decrease in performance when increasing the setting. When going past 100, there is almost no visual difference and a huge performance decrease. We recommend never going above 100% with this setting. When running 100%, you get an amazing looking world out of the window without losing too much in-sim performance / FPS. 57 Terrain vector data When testing the Terrain vector data setting, we have discovered quite a few weird things. We noticed that modern GPU’s 900/1000 series of GPU’s there was no impact on the performance in the simulator when running the Ultra setting here. But when looking at the lower end machines, we noticed that there was a huge impact on the performance in-sim. 58 Buildings The building's setting is very different from the building settings you are used to from other flight simulators like Prepar3D, X-Plane, or any other. The number of buildings will always be the same in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Some of you may expect that this setting changes that. The only thing this setting changes are the objects, extra details, and shading on the buildings. It does not influence the number of buildings you see out of the window. If you want to know how to change the sharpness of the buildings, you should go back to Terrain level of detail because this setting changes nothing to do with the amount of definition the buildings have. When flying VFR, this setting is more important than when flying IFR because you can more clearly see the difference and extra detail on the buildings when flying VFR, this is why we have chosen for different recommendations for the different flying types when it comes to this setting. 59 Trees The Trees setting in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has a lot in common with the building's setting. Meaning the number of trees you see in your simulator will always be the same no matter what setting you are running. But the quality of the Trees increases when you increase this setting. When running the low settings, the trees look weird and flat, but when switching to medium, the trees become 3D a much more good look. The ultra-setting increases the amount of 3D elements even more compared to medium, but we don’t think you notice that when flying and we rather save some performance with this setting. Grass and bushes This setting affects the amount of grass and bushes visible next to the runway and other areas of the airports. It’s a nice little detail when flying but not worth the FPS drop when going any further than the ‘High’ setting. This is why we also recommend turning it off completely when your PC is on the lower end. 60 Objects level of detail This is a setting that works hand in hand with Terrain level of detail, and we recommend using the same value you have set for the Terrain level of detail here as well. We recommend not going above 100% because of the same reasons we discussed with other settings. The visual doesn’t change much/ at all above 100, but there is a big performance hit, so keep it at or below 100, and it will look and perform perfectly. 61 Volumetric clouds Volumetric clouds in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is something that sets this new simulator apart from any other than has come before it. With all of this new technology and innovation, the clouds have never looked so good, and we enjoy looking at them every flight. However, the volumetric clouds also have a big influence on your performance in the simulator, as well as a negative influence on your VRAM usage. When turning this setting to the max, the texture resolution of the clouds change, meaning you get a lot more definition in the clouds compared to the lower settings, this is the cause of the VRAM increase. When it comes to the performance decrease, it is down to the GPU having to render all of the fluffy clouds in the sky. This takes a lot of power and effort from your GPU. We have chosen our recommendations based on these facts, and with these settings, you can still enjoy the new good-looking clouds Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 has to offer without turning your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 into a stop motion video. If you are struggling with out of memory errors and you don’t have enough VRAM, this is one of the settings you really want to turn down. You can read more about this in chapter 9.2. 62 Texture resolution When it comes to the Texture resolution setting, we have found that it doesn’t have any influence on your performance, but it does make your cockpit textures A LOT sharper than with this setting on low. There is only one thing that is affected by this setting on ultra, and that is your VRAM usage. In our testing, the difference between low and ultra is about 1 GB of VRAM. If you are struggling with VRAM and out of memory errors, turn this setting down. If not, set it to ultra. For more info on VRAM usage go to chapter 9.2 63 Anisotropic filtering With the Anisotropic filtering option, you indicate how sharp your land and water textures should be. The higher the value, the better the filtering. This Filtering ensures that all textures in the distance are also clearly displayed. The method behind this works as follows, if a texture in the distance is not sharp enough, then Anisotropic Filtering ensures that the values of the texture are changed. The surface stretches like this, but because your field of vision also extends in the distance, the texture is sharper. Again, we have tested this extensively, but there is no difference between any of the settings, so we recommend running 16x because of the increased beauty without any performance loss. 64 Texture super sampling Texture super sampling makes the lines in your Microsoft Flight Simulator less laggy and blocky. This way, the textures in your simulator look smooth. But this setting does have a huge impact on your performance, and the AntiAliasing setting discussed in chapter achieves the same result without any impact on your in-simulator performance. We recommend running Anti-Aliasing on TAA like in chapter and Texture super sampling off to prevent any performance loss without visual gain. Texture synthesis Texture synthesis is the process of algorithmically constructing a large digital image from a small digital sample image by taking advantage of its structural content. This is a modern game feature you really want to have on ultra. Texture synthesis doesn’t have any effect on your performance but does improve your visuals. We recommend everybody running this setting on ultra. 65 Water waves As the name suggests, this setting determines the number of waves drawn on the water in the simulator. In the past, water in a flight simulator could really impact your performance. In this new version of Microsoft Flight Simulator, this is still sort of true but not as much as in the past version. Running Water waves on the medium setting will make the water look good and natural without any performance hit. Going above medium and you find out that there is not much to gain in terms of visuals, but you will lose quite a few frames per second. We recommend running this setting on medium, no need to go any higher. 66 Shadow maps Shadow maps determine in which resolution the aircraft shadows are drawn on the ground. Shadows are less of a problem now in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, so you can now enjoy much better-looking shadows at a lower performance cost. The 768, 1024 and 1536 all gave us the same performance result, stepping up to 2048 will give you an extra loss (On average) of 4 fps. Based on this, the difference between 2048 and 1536 is not big enough to take that step and lose an extra four fps, so we recommend staying at 1536. Terrain shadows The terrain shadows setting has a lot in common with the shadow maps setting. This setting determines the resolution shadows will be drawn on the terrain by other terrain or clouds. In this case, there is not too much difference when it comes to visuals between the option except the sharpness of the edges. Follow the recommendations below for the best results. 67 Contact shadows Contact shadows add great extra visuals and depth to your simulator without almost any impact on your performance. We noticed a drop of 1 FPS when testing between the off and Ultra settings. We recommend selecting Ultra because of this. There is no use in setting anything lower than Ultra. You only lose visual without any performance gain. Windshield effects This setting increases the density of the raindrops and other effects/visuals on your windshield during flight. The low medium and high settings gave us almost the same performance but with high looking much better than low. This is why we recommend everybody using at least high. The ultra-setting adds even more drops and detail to effects on the windshield but does really affect performance. Only try ultra is you really want, and you are using a very good PC, otherwise, keep this setting at the high preset. 68 Ambient occlusion In 3D computer graphics, modeling, and animation, ambient occlusion is a shading and rendering technique used to calculate how exposed each point in a scene is to ambient lighting. This setting can really impact your performance by using up all of your GPU recourses. This effect makes using the ultra-setting for most PC’s impossible (Tests showed a decrease of 25% when it comes to FPS compared to the off setting). We recommend not going higher than the High setting. When it comes to the other settings, we FPS impact is not as extreme as with the ultra-setting. If you are still experiencing FPS using when using our recommendation below, select one setting lower (From High to Medium as an example). This can help you relieve some load from your GPU, and by that, make your simulator run smoother. 69 Reflections Reflections are an important part of the visuals in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. It makes it look very realistic and alive. This setting influences the quality of the reflections everywhere in the simulator, most notable are aircraft reflections and water reflections. But all of this reflection greatness comes at a price. This setting mostly influences the GPU usage and will lose you around 4/5 FPS (On the medium/high setting). If we start with the low-end users, we don’t recommend turning on this setting at all. You will lose a lot of FPS that is better spent elsewhere (Implemented in our recommendations). For the other user, be careful with this setting. If your PC is in between 2 PC classes, we recommend you try both and see (Make sure you restart your simulator between changing settings) to see if your GPU can handle the reflections. 70 Light shafts Light shafts are the light beams you see coming out of, for example, the landing lights. This setting seems to be an on/off switch. Nothing changes when changing from low to the ultra-setting. You can turn this setting off if you are a low-end user really struggling with GPU usage and FPS, but otherwise, we recommend setting light shafts to ultra and enjoy the extra visuals. Bloom Bloom is a graphics effect that attempts to recreate the effect bright light has on vision. The bloom setting has no impact on your performance in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and we leave it up to our users to decide if they want to use bloom or turn it off 71 Depth of field The depth of field setting only affects your view in the main menus and drone mode. We have noticed no performance impact at all when using this setting, but when in drone mode and trying to make a great screenshot, it looks very good to have this on, so we recommend setting the depth of field to ultra, so your screenshots look even better. Lens correction We have found no real purpose when using lens correction other than it making your camera look cleaner from time to time, but there is no real visual gain when using lens correction nor a performance impact, so we recommend having lens correction off so you are sure it doesn’t affect your simulator at all. 72 Lens flare Lens flare is a setting that was also present in Prepar3D, and it simulates the camera lens artifact when looking at bright objects (Sun as an example). It depends on your own preference if you want to use Lens flare or not. We recommend turning it off because we want to simulate what you see as a pilot out of the cockpit window and when looking at the sun with your own eyes (With hopefully sunglasses), you wouldn’t see any lens flare. So, for the most realistic look, we recommend turning it on, if you think it looks better on you can also do so without any performance impact. 73 9.2 Camera 9.2.1 Global settings Camera selection This is the camera you start off in when starting any flight (You can also look at this as your ‘default view’. This is obviously your own preference, but we recommend the Cockpit for the most realistic experience. Quick view function If you use the quick view buttons on your joystick or keyboard, you can choose if the view returns to the default position when releasing the button, or you have to select the button again to go back to the default view. We recommend Hold because you can look at different things and take your mouse of the hold press button to do other things in the cockpit without the view automatically switching back when you release your quick view button. 74 Smart camera This setting is the same as the quick view function setting, but for the smart camera in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, We recommend the same settings as with quick view function. Zoom function The zoom function is a weird one. In manual mode, you can zoom in and out using the scroll wheel on your mouse. This is the most natural way of zoom in and out. In the focus mode, this changes, now you can zoom into the middle of your screen when clicking on your right mouse button. This feels very unnatural when testing, and we recommend to always have this setting on manual to be able to control the amount of zoom yourself. 75 Focus mode With this setting, you can focus on 1 part of the cockpit. Here you have two options, toggle. We recommend using the toggle setting here so you can use your mouse for using different instruments in focus mode. When you are done in that view, you can again select your focus mode toggle switch to switch back to your previous / default POV. 9.2.2 Cockpit camera Cockpit camera selection Here you can choose what view you want to start off as a default in the cockpit. This is obviously all your own preference and doesn’t need much explanation. 76 Freelook mode With the free look mode setting, you can again choose between the toggle or hold settings. For this one, we recommend using toggle so you can look around in free look mode, and when done, you can switch back to your previous / default POV. In hold mode, you have to hold your free look mode key down while using this feature, which isn’t ideal. Freelook reset Here you can choose if you want your view to reset to your previous POV before using free look mode or you want the view to return to your default view when exiting free look mode. We recommend the Manual setting. We find it very weird and annoying when this setting is in the auto position, and it automatically resets you back to the default POV when you just want to look around the cockpit. Always choose manual in our opinion 77 Head up mode Again you can choose between toggle and hold mode when it comes to the head-up mode setting. Here we like to use the hold mode so we can just look at what’s in front of the aircraft, and when done, just release the switch, and your POV is reset. Height Now we have arrived in very interesting settings. When it comes to the next couple of settings, we can change values related to the default view in the cockpit. We have done a lot of testing with this with a lot of different aircraft, and we have tried to make the default position as realistic as possible. This means you will sit in the aircraft like a real pilot would sit in the aircraft. This makes flying a lot easier because you will be able to see outside properly and read of your instruments at the same time. When it comes to the camera height, we have gone a little bit higher compared to default because we found that you are too much in front of the screens with the default height of 50, and now with this setting at 60, you are in a much more realistic POV. 78 Horizontal position The horizontal position in the cockpit is correct by default in all aircraft, so there is no need to change this based on a realism point of view. If you like to sit in the middle of the cockpit by default, you can by setting this setting at 100, but we recommend 50 for the most realistic view. Zoom The default zoom is 50 in MSFS 2020. We have looked at this setting in different aircraft and found that 55 just looks a little bit more realistic, in our opinion. This setting also depends on the size of your monitor, when you have a bigger monitor, you may want to zoom out a bit more for a more realistic look. But on most of our test screens, the zoom level 55 by default looks best. 79 Zoom speed Zoom speed is a very interesting setting because this allows you like the name suggests changing the speed at which you zoom in and out in the cockpit. We tested a few different options and liked 80 the best. It is quite a bit faster than the default value of 50, but we think it is great that when you are ‘working’ in the aircraft, you can easily zoom in and out quickly so you can manage and fly the aircraft at the same time without any problems. Freelook speed Freelook speed is the speed at which your view moves when using your mouse to look around the cockpit. We have found that this setting at 40 gives you a good balance between speed and precision. It can be very annoying when you are struggling with your view. You want your view to be direct, fast, and precise. Especially in stressful moments in the air, and you quickly have to check, change, or look are something. 40 is by far the best setting when it comes to freelook speed. 80 Freelook momentum Freelook momentum is the amount your view will continue to move when you let go of your button you use to look around the cockpit. With freelook momentum at a high setting, your view gets a lot of ‘Weight,’ meaning your view will continue to move when you have stopped moving your view around the cockpit. We have set this setting to 10 to get a very direct and modern feel to your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. This is one of the most important settings when it comes to the in-sim camera and really changes how your simulator feels. Camera shake This is a feature that wasn’t included with any of the previous flight simulators (Without any 3rd party camera addons). We are glad this setting is now in the simulator by default. It looks very realistic when you move around in the cockpit in turbulence or when taxing on the apron. We do recommend turning this setting off if you are suffering from motion sickness when using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 81 Flashlight mode With this setting in auto, it will automatically switch on the flashlight mode if you are, for example, in a cold and dark cockpit at night, and you need to find the battery switch. We find this a very useful option and recommend having it in auto. 9.2.3 Instruments Instrument view mode Instrument view mode is a camera mode that automatically zooms in on your aircraft’s instruments. This can be useful if you want to use a shortcut on your hardware to look at your instruments in more detail or train IFR flying. We recommend using toggle mode, so you don’t have to hold down your instrument view mode switch when you want to use it, instead, you press it once, and your view will stay zoomed in on your instruments until you press it again and it will return to your default POV. 82 Instrument view selection In instrument view mode, you can choose which instrument to zoom in on. When instrument view selection is in the auto setting, it will automatically switch to the instruments your cursor is closest to. We don’t think this is very useful and recommend switching though the different instrument views manually. 9.2.4 Chase Camera Instrument heads-up display (HUD) With this setting, it is quite obvious what it does. It turns on and off the instrument HUD in the external camera. This setting is part of many discussions within the flight simulation community. We leave you to decide if you want to use it or not. From a ‘realism’ point of view, we recommend turning it off and enjoying the world around you when in the external view and focusing on the instruments within the cockpit. 83 POV reset Here you can choose if you want your view to reset to your previous POV before using free look mode or you want the view to return to your default view when exiting free look mode. We recommend the Manual setting. We find it very weird and annoying when this setting is in the auto position, and it automatically resets you back to the default POV when you just want to look around the aircraft. Always choose manual in our opinion Zoom speed This is the same as the zoom speed, the ones that controls zoom speed in the cockpit. We have again tested a lot of different settings for the cockpit camera as well as for the external camera, and we think that is the best zoom speed to use in the chase camera. 84 External freelook speed Like zoom speed, freelook speed is the same setting as freelook speed in the cockpit, but this second one controls the value of freelook speed in the chase camera. The same value used in the cockpit is also applied in the chase camera because we feel it’s nice to have the same speed and response from your camera on the inside and outside. External freelook momentum Freelook momentum is also the same setting in the internal and external camera. Like freelook speed, we have kept this value the same for both the internal and external settings because 10 is the best freelook momentum setting for both the internal and external camera. 85 9.3 Sound 9.3.1 General Communications selection Communications selection is a very interesting setting. A brand new feature in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is headphone simulation. And it sounds a bit saying a headphone will be simulated, but that’s exactly what happens, and we love it. When turning communications selection to headphone simulation, MSFS 2020 will simulate as if you are sitting in the cockpit with noise-canceling headphones on your head. This is normal practice in real life to use a noise-canceling headphone, and this setting will give you the most realistic sound experience in your simulator. We love this feature and very much recommend it. Warning sound in external view With the communications selection setting in the headphone simulation mode, this setting will be grayed out and not be available for you to change. This because in real life, you don’t hear the warning sounds outside of the aircraft, and you can’t enable this in the headphone simulation mode. If you do choose to use default as your communications selection setting, you can choose your own setting here. We recommend turning it off because it is unrealistic to have this setting on, but if you are a pilot that controls the aircraft from outside a lot, you might consider leaving this setting on so you know/hear when something is not right in the cockpit. 86 VHF signal degradation With this setting on, the VHF signals will degrade with distance from the transmitter. This is very much the case in real life, and we recommend you to fly with this setting on for an extra bit of realism. Active windows spatial sound Windows spatial sound is the windows surround sound system and enables Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 to give you the illusion that sounds are all around you like in the real aircraft. This is a very good feature to have enabled to, for example, notice when one of the engines is spooling down. 87 Text-to-speech settings The text-to-speech setting has everything to do with the simulator converting text to speech when it comes to ATC. You have different options here, but the best quality of text-to-speech is azure (Which is an online platform). If you are flying offline, windows offline will automatically switch on, but we recommend you use Azure for the best quality of text-to-speech. Subtitles We wouldn’t go into subtitles because it’s straight forward on and off. We do recommend if you don’t use the subtitles to turn them off because of it blocking your screen when flying. 88 Music selection We don’t recommend running with any music on in your simulator (See chapter 10.3.2), but if we have to choose 1 of the tunes available, we have to go with the legacy tune from the old days. Apart from that, this is obviously your own preference. Mute audio in background When mute audio in background is on, all audio from your simulator will be muted as soon as you click on a different application. We recommend turning this setting off because you don’t want the sound of your simulator to disappear every time you look at your charts in a different application or doing anything else on your PC. 89 9.3.2 Volume levels We have tested a lot of different combinations and settings when it comes to the sound levels in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We have found that the following settings are the most realistic and enable you to differentiate between all the different sounds in the cockpit without one being too loud and over the top. When flying in real life, it is very common to use a noisecanceling head seat this is one of the reasons why we turned the engine sounds down, to prevent them from overruling a lot of other sounds you would otherwise not be able to hear. When it comes to the user interface and music, we think that there is no need for any music or user interface sounds in a flight simulator. If you do enjoy those sounds and music, then, of course, go ahead and turn them on, but when it comes to our recommendations, we recommend turning them both to 0. 90 9.4 Traffic When it comes to traffic, a lot has changed compared to other flight simulators. The traffic in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is more advanced than ever before. However, traffic in your simulator can still cost you a lot on performance. We recommend being careful with traffic in your simulator because it can easily become to cause of stutters and lower FPS than expected. 9.4.1 Aviation traffic Aircraft type traffic When it comes to the type of traffic, you have three options, 1 is no traffic at all, 1 is offline AI that is generated by the simulator, and one which is the most popular is real-time traffic based on real-life traffic movement at the time you are flying. You can choose which model suits you best and switch between the modes when doing different types of flights. Keep in mind that if you want to use real-time traffic, you need a good and stable internet connection for the best result. AI airliners traffic density Here you can select how much % of the max 100% of the airliners will be flying in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 world. This setting really affects your performance, and we recommend the following max values. (When Realtime online is selected for aircraft type traffic this option is not available) 91 AI general aviation traffic density Here you can select how much % of the max 100% of the general aviation traffic will be flying in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 world. This setting really affects your performance, and we recommend the following max values. (When Real-time online is selected for aircraft type traffic this option is not available). Show traffic nameplates With this setting, you can enable or disable the nameplates above all of your traffic. We recommend turning this off because of the ‘Arcady’ look it gives to your simulator. If you personally like this setting, you can always turn this on. There is no performance difference between the options here. 92 9.4.2 Airport life Airport vehicle density This setting controls the number of vehicles driving around at the airport. This setting makes the airports feel much more alive, but it comes at a performance impact. We recommend the same maximums as the previous settings so you can enjoy airport vehicle traffic if you want to this an acceptable amount of FPS decrease. Ground aircraft density As the name suggests, this setting controls the amount of aircraft on the ground at airports. These are static aircraft and wouldn’t move. This can add to the immersion of operating out of big busy airports, and you can use this setting if you want to do so with the recommended max values below. We do recommend turning this setting off completely when using real-time online traffic or when flying on Vatsim. 93 Worker density Worker density controls the number of people walking around at the airport. This obviously improves the feel of your simulator but also decreases performance quite a bit. We recommend the following max values if you do want to use this setting. However, our choice would be to turn this setting off completely to save some FPS. 9.4.3 Land and sea density Leisure boats This setting controls the number of leisure boats that will be displayed in your simulator. It can be cool to fly over private yachts when coming into land at an airport near the water. We recommend the same max. Values as with the previous settings, but keep in mind you can always save FPS by not running this setting at all. 94 Road vehicles This setting controls the number of road vehicles that will be displayed in your simulator. It’s nice to have highways with cars driving up and down. This makes the world feel alive and real. For road vehicles, we recommend the same max. Values as with the previous settings, but keep in mind you can always save FPS by not running this setting at all. Ships and ferries This setting controls the number of ships and ferries that will be displayed in your simulator. This setting will, however, be less noticeable than the previous traffic settings. We recommend the same max. Values as with the previous settings, but keep in mind you can always save FPS by not running this setting at all. 95 9.5 Data 9.5.1 Data connection Online functionality This setting controls all of the settings below, with online functionality off you can’t use any of the online-based features below. We highly recommend running with this setting on because it makes your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 the best it can be. With the online functionality on, you can use all of the beautiful new features introduces with the brand new simulator. Bing data world graphics This feature enables your simulator to download the beautiful world from Bing to make it as accurate as possible when you choose to run with this off an offline version will be loaded, which is of lower quality. This setting controls the 2D aspect of the world (The photo-realistic ground textures). We highly recommend running with this setting on. 96 Photogrammetry This feature enables your simulator to download the beautiful world from Bing to make it as accurate as possible when you choose to run with this off an offline version will be loaded, which is of lower quality. This setting controls the 3D aspect of the world (Buildings. Trees and other 3D objects in the world). We highly recommend running with this setting on. Live real-world air traffic With this setting enabled, you will be able to run online real-world traffic in your simulator. You don’t enable the real-world traffic with this setting. You only give the simulator permission to download the necessary data to do so when you switch on the real-world air traffic in the traffics tap (See chapter 97 Live weather This setting enables you to give your simulator permission to download data when you turn on live weather. Like the previous setting, this online enables the simulator to be allowed to download data related to the setting. You still have to manually select live weather if you want to enable live weather in your simulator. Multiplayer This setting enables you to give your simulator permission to download data related to multiplayer activity in your simulator. Like the previous setting, this online enables the simulator to be allowed to download data related to the setting. You still have to manually select multiplayer mode if you want to fly around with your friends. 9.5.2 Data consumption Current data consumption Here you can see how much data is stored on your PC when it comes to data used by all of the features mentioned in chapter 10.5.1. This is a temporary number and will change a lot when flying. 98 Data tracking reset day With this setting, you can select the day of the month your data used for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 will be reset. This is to prevent any data not being used, taking up space on your PC. Data limitation With data limitation, you can select a maximum limit to the data you simulator can store on your PC. When it reaches this limit, the oldest data will be deleted and replaced by the newest data. We recommend not having a limit set on the data to prevent your simulator from having to download the scenery data over and over again, which can cause stutters. It will improve loading times with this setting in the unlimited position. 99 9.5.3 Data bandwidth usage limit Bandwidth Here you can limit the bandwidth Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 can use when flying and downloading the world from Bing. If you have limited internet bandwidth, you can limit it here. However, the recommended internet speed to be used with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is at least 50 Mb/s. We recommend running with this setting in unlimited for the best possible visuals in your simulator. 9.5.4 Rolling cache settings Rolling cache Rolling cache limit is the amount of RAM that can be used by Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, 100 Rolling cache limit Rolling cache limit is the amount of RAM that can be used by Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, This obviously depends on the amount of RAM in your PC and how many different programs you are running while flying. We recommend keeping this at the default value or setting a higher value if you have more than 16 GB of RAM (Users with 32 or more RAM may increase this value to 16.) Rolling cache path Here you can choose where all the temporary data used by Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 will be stored. We highly recommend leaving this unchanged to prevent any issues. Delete rolling cache files With this setting, you can delete all the rolling cache currently on your PC to let your simulator start all over again with downloading this data. 101 9.6 Flight model 9.6.1 Flight Model preset We are a bit disappointed when it comes to this setting. We wanted to customize the flight model settings ourselves to make it more usable for our users, but Microsoft has made this setting in a way that we are unable to do so. We can only edit the parameters in ‘Legacy.’ We do want all of our users to use the modern flight model, but this means that we have to deal with the fact that crashes can’t be turned off. In this past, when flying in Prepar3D or FSX, you could, by accident, drive into a bugged scenery file or a pole on the apron you weren’t ware off. This is why we always turned crashes off in the older simulators, to prevent your flight being ruined by a silly crash. We unfortunately, cannot change this in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We hope this will be changed/updated in the future. As soon as that is the case, the guide will also receive the updated flight model settings. If you do experience issues with crashes during your flights, you can turn the flight model preset to legacy mode and turn crash realism down to 0, so you wouldn’t have these issues. 102 9.7 Accessibility 9.7.1 User interface Minimum text size This is a setting for people that have difficulties when reading the fonts in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 18 is the smallest font size selectable. For users with reading difficulties, you can select a bigger font here. Otherwise, we recommend leaving 18 as your selected setting. Interface scale This is a new feature that was added with the full release version of the simulator, enabling you to scale the interface down to your liking. We think the default interface is too big and ‘In your face,’ so we recommend scaling it down to 80. This will give the UI a more modern look and make it easier to navigate! 103 Show tooltips Show tooltips with adjusting the placing and spacing of the elements in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We weren’t able to detect any big changes between on and off. We recommend turning it off to prevent any issues. Background opacity The opacity property controls how opaque an element is on a scale of 20 to 90. The lower the value, the more transparent the element is. We find the default setting of 20 to be a bit too much transparency and recommend turning this setting up to 40 to still have some transparency but also be able to use the menu’s effectively and quickly when flying and setting up. 104 Main color This setting is only meant for people with a form of color blindness so you can change the color set to be able to see all of the different colors in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. The users that don’t suffer from color blindness can look through the settings to see how it looks but recommend leaving this setting in the default position when flying. Menu animations New with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 are the menu animations, these can look great and make the software look like more modern software. However, when using the menu’s and settings during flight or pre-flight, we feel like turning menu animations off makes the menu more responsive and easier to use. This is up to your own preference, but our choice at RDPresets is to turn it off. 105 Skip pre-flight cinematics At RDPresets, we don’t really see the point in having a preflight cinematic before every flight. We think it can sometimes be annoying when you want to go flying, and you have to wait and look at the pre-flight cinematics. If you like the pre-flight cinematics, you can, of course, turn this off and have them enable, but our RDPresets choice is to skip the pre-flight cinematics Controller vibrations When using a controller that supports vibrations when flying, this can be a very useful setting. It gives you more of a feel for the aircraft, and this is why we highly recommend if you are using something like an XBOX controller to have this setting on 100%. For users using Saitek / Logitech yoke as an example wouldn’t notice any difference with this setting on 0% or 100% 106 10. MSFS 2020 Assistance settings Assistance settings in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 are very different from any other simulator you have used before. There are many more assistance settings included in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 to enable beginners to use the simulator and help them with their start in flight simulation. These settings are based heavily on personal preferences and skills. If you have been using flight simulators for years or are a pilot in real life, you don’t need any assistance from your simulator to help you. But if you are new to flight simulation and are struggling with having to do everything at the same time and need some assistance, you can turn on the settings you want to use. We have included recommended settings below for the pilots that do have experience and want the most realistic experience. If you do want to use the assistance settings, we recommend to first select our settings, and when you have done so, turn the on the assistance settings you think will help you during your flights. 10.1 Piloting The piloting assistance settings have everything to do with controlling the aircraft and procedures related to it. If you are very new to flight simulation and have never flown an aircraft before you can use these assistance settings to get started and learn to fly, we do, however, recommend switching to all of these settings off as soon as possible to really learn how to fly. Flying with assistance is great to start with, but make sure you turn these settings down the more flight hours you accumulate (For all of our experienced users, please copy the settings below). 107 10.2 Aircraft systems The assistance settings related to aircraft systems can be very useful even for experienced flight simmers. Four systems that are sometimes annoying systems to deal with during flight can be automated here. If you just want to fly and don’t want to worry about gyro drift in little aircraft or worry about the fuel mixture during the flight but just want to look out of the window you can. The settings listed below are the most realistic settings, but don’t hesitate to turn the settings on that you think help you enjoy Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 even more. 10.3 Failure & damage Failures & damage have always been a weird one in flight simulation. Most of the time, the failures and damage are annoying and don’t add anything to the experience. Damage and failures are quite unrealistic out of the box, and when flying around on a daily basis, we recommend turning them off except for the icing effect. If you want to look at the failures and damage in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, you can always turn it on for a change and see what happens, but as we did in previous flight simulators, we recommend not messing with the default failures and damage and leaving them disabled. 108 10.4 Navigation aids The navigation aid assistance helps you navigate around the world in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. There will be nameplates displayed where airports are located. And also cities, points of interest will be shown to the pilot using fictional nameplates. If you want to use these settings, you can. If you are struggling with navigation and want to reach your destination without any problems, the route & waypoints option can help you out. The most realistic is to obviously turn everything off. That is what we have done and recommend, but these assistance settings will always be determined mostly by your own preference and experience in the world of flight simulation or real-world flying. 10.5 Notification Notifications in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 will help you with many different things during the flight. They will, for example, notify you when you are exceeding 250 knots below FL100 or any other flying tips will be displayed with these settings enabled. If you are a beginner, we recommend turning these settings on so the simulator will notify you if you are doing something you shouldn’t be doing. If you are experienced with other flight simulators or have real-world experience, the most realistic experience will be achieved with all of these settings off. 109 10.6 User experience User experience settings are settings heavily dependent on your own preference. Do you want the ATC UI panel to be automatically opened when you start a flight or do you prefer to do it yourself? We recommend looking at these settings for yourself and configure these based on your own preference. The user experience settings used by the RDPresets team are the ones you can see below in the picture for reference. 110 11. MSFS 2020 Must know features With the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, there are A LOT of featured added you have never seen before in any other simulator before. This because Microsoft / Asobo has tried to make the world of flight simulation more accessible for everybody. We will explain the features everybody should know how to find and use. Some are practical, and others are more for fun. 11.1 Flight planning The flight planning menu in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is one of the best features for beginners to flight simulation. Most experienced flight sim users are used to using flight planning software like PFPX or Simbrief, and we highly recommend these tools for the most realistic way of flight planning, but the default flight planning menu can be very useful for people starting out. In this window you can select the type of flight you are planning to do, there are a few different options here: ► VFR Direct ► VFR VOR to VOR ► IFR (Low-altitude airways) ► IFR (High-altitude airways) Select the one you are planning to fly before doing anything else. When you have chosen the type of flight you want to do, you can now select your departure and arrival airports. You can also select the departure/arrival runway and departures/arrivals (Departures and arrivals are only available for IFR flights). When you have finished putting in all of the information related to your flight, you can now look at your flight plan and how your route will take you to your destination. Below is an example of an IFR (High-altitude airways) route from EHAM to LPMA. 111 Here you find all of the runways and airways you will be using to reach your destination. When you click ‘Fly now,’ you will start loading in. When the loading process is completed, the flight plan you have just created in the flight planning phase will automatically be loaded in your FMS system when it comes to airliners or your GPS system when it comes to smaller aircraft. When using this method, your aircraft is ready to go (When it comes to navigation) from the moment you enter the aircraft. 112 11.2 Toolbar The toolbar in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is your go-to menu when in flight, here you can find everything you will ever need when flying. You can find the toolbar in the upper half of your monitor in the middle (A triangle with a white bar below it is the indication of a closed toolbar when you move your cursor over it the toolbar will expand) We will go over all of the features included in the toolbar and explain them in more detail. This style is something we haven’t seen before in any flight simulator and may get some getting used to. You can compare this menu with the menu in the top bar of the screen in Prepar3D and X-Plane, where you could manage everything related to your simulator. This is the same menu but in a different style. 113 11.2.1 ATC The ATC window is something all experienced flight simmers will be familiar with as this is a window that was also included in Prepar3D and X-Plane, here you can control the ATC transmission and talk with the generated ATC in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. The frequencies you see in this window are linked to the frequencies you have set in your aircraft's radio panel so you can use both at the same time. The amount of communication frequencies that are available to you is dependent on what aircraft you are flying; modern airliners have three communication radio transmitters/receivers that can all be active at the same time. Most VFR aircraft have only one communication radio. This means when flying smaller aircraft, only one frequencies tap will appear in the ATC window. 114 11.2.2 Camera Here you find all of the controls related to your camera in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. This is quite different from what you may have been used to when flying in other simulators. We don’t think flying using this tap works very well and highly recommend using shortcuts on your keyboard/yoke/joystick to easily zoom in / out and change between the cockpit and external camera’s. One interesting feature new to flight simulators is the showcase mode. This is a mode you can use to freely move your camera around your aircraft (Like a drone flying around). This way, you are able to create gorgeous screenshots from every angle. To unlock your drone from being centered around your aircraft, select the drone follow mode to the off position so the drone wouldn’t move together with your aircraft, and you are able to freely look around the beautiful world of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We recommend leaving the cockpit and external settings, as is this because you have already changed these in the main settings menu during your read in chapter 10. You can, however, change the settings of the showcase mode to your liking, these settings are not included in the main settings menu. These settings related to the showcase mode are only accessible via the camera window. 115 11.2.3 Checklist The checklist tap is a new feature in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, which allows you to use a digital checklist while flying. This can be very helpful for beginners if you want to make sure you are doing everything correctly. But this feature can also be very useful for experienced pilots to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything. For the time being, you are not able to manually add or remove any items from the checklists. We hope we will be able to create our own custom checklists in the future based on real procedures. 116 11.2.4 Basic controls Basic controls shows you which of your hardware is currently being used for your main aircraft controls. You can’t change controls here or change anything else that we have found. 11.2.5 Ai control Ai control is a new feature in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and works a bit like a first officer. You can enable multiple AI processes to help you during your flight. With the checklist assist enabled, your virtual first officer will check every item on the checklist and complete the tasks if they haven’t been completed by you. When you enable the manage radio comms feature, your virtual first officer will automatically switch the radio frequencies to the correct/next frequencies you will be in contact with via the ATC window. The last feature available when it comes to AI is the control aircraft option. With the control, aircraft enabled your virtual first officer will fly the route programmed in the flight management computer and continue the climb/descent via the flight planned route. 117 11.2.6 Fuel Via the fuel window, you can customize the amount of fuel loaded into the aircraft. This window is quite straight forward, but we recommend checking the fuel display unit (Gal or LB). The last thing to keep in mind when it comes to the fuel window is that you can always change the amount of fuel loaded in the aircraft. There is no confirmation message or lock on the amount of fuel during flight. We recommend leaving this window alone during flight because the aircraft doesn’t respond well to sudden load changes in the air. 118 11.2.7 Navlog The Navlog is a tool used mainly by VFR pilots to determine their position based on the reference points chosen during the flight planning phase. Like in real life in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, it works the same way. During the flight planning phase of you flying, you can choose VFR ‘Waypoints’ along the route. The ‘Waypoints’ you have selected will appear in this Navlog window automatically. You will be able to determine your position based on the heading, distance and ETE information given in this window (Navlogs are mostly used when flying without the use of GPS or as redundancy during VFR flight) 11.2.8 Objectives The objectives window is mostly used during flight training or other activities besides free flight. Here you can find what your next objective is for your flight. This can be very useful if you forgot what to do next. We recommend having this window open in the corner of your screen during your flight training and other activity flights. During your own flights, this window can be hidden because nothing useful will be displayed. 119 11.2.9 VFR map The VFR map is another new feature in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and like the name suggests, great for VFR flight. In real life, it is common to have an iPad with GPS onboard to help you determine your position. This is the integrated map for all of the VFR pilots to use during their flight. The isoline map option will enable the lines on the map that add depth to the map. By adding these lines, you can easily see terrain/mountains on the map. 120 11.2.10 Weather Here you can find everything related to the weather in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. The weather engine in the new simulator is amazing. The weather and clouds look better than ever before in a flight simulator. In this window, you can customize the weather and change the weather currently displayed in your simulator during flight. If you feel like looking at some overcast clouds, you can. If you want to fly in clear skies and look at the scenery, you can, without any loading screens in between changes. Keep in mind that your aircraft may respond to weather/wind changes, and you will have to correct for these weather changes yourself. Apart from all the preset weather settings, you can also customize everything related to the weather by yourself. Temperature, snow depth, and cloud high are some of the parameters you can change in this window. At RDPresets, we mostly use the real-life/live weather option when it comes to weather to have a realistic experience during our flights. However, these different settings and all of the customization possible is great if you have a specific weather situation in mind or want to make the ultimate screenshot! One thing to keep in mind with the weather is Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is that the ‘live’ feature isn’t really ‘live’ there is quite a big delay between 121 the weather in your simulator and real-life (This isn’t the case with weather engines you are used with other flight simulators like HIFI Active Sky). This means that you can’t always look at the real-life METAR & TAF and expect them to be the same in your simulator like you may have been used when flying in Prepar3D or X-Plane. We hope the ‘Live’ weather will be more up to date in the future by Microsoft updating the simulator or a weather engine becoming compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 11.2.11 Custom toolbar With the custom toolbar option, you can choose what of the menu options mentioned above will be displayed in your toolbar. We recommend removing the toolbar options you don’t use to make the toolbar a little bit smaller and being able to easily find the items you want to use instead of selecting the wrong item from your toolbar. 122 11.3 Flight training Flight training is a brand-new feature in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. This new ‘game mode’ is very useful for the new pilots who joined the virtual skies with this brand-new simulator (A lot). In-flight training, you will learn everything you would during a private pilot license training course (In Europe). You will fly eight different flights, all with the same Cessna 152. Everything from your first take off to your first ‘solo’ flight from A to B. We highly recommend completing all 8 flight training flights successfully as a beginner in the world of flight simulation to get up to speed with how everything works in aircraft. For the more experienced flight simmers, Flight training is mostly focused on VFR flight and not on using your instruments as you would during IFR. If you don’t have too much experience with VFR flight and want to learn, you can still use this training to get up to speed with VFR (Which is worth doing with this beautiful world of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 around you). However, if you want to practice IFR flight, we recommend reading 12.4 about activities in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 123 11.4 Activities For the people that have used FSX in the past, activities in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is the modern version of missions you may have flow / completed in FSX. There is a big list of activities available in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 for you to improve your flying skills or to just have some fun if you don’t feel like doing a complete flight. Activities are very useful if you want to improve your flying skills in different areas, there is a specific list of challenges when it comes to landing with strong winds. You can also choose a challenge using an airliner to train flying using your instruments. The flight training discussed in chapter 12.3 is mostly focused on VFR flight like you do in the activities with the smaller aircraft, but the landing at KJFK (New York) with a Boeing 747-8 is great for flying the approach only using instruments as IFR practice. 124 11.5 2D-panels Like in other flight simulators you are able to have a 2D pop-up of any screen in the cockpit, there is a little trick related to this you have to know to be able to use these 2D panels. One thing to keep in mind with these 2D-Panels is that our testers reported a significant performance of up to 5 FPS when using 2D-Panels. We will explain how to get these 2D screens, but keep this in mind. ► Get the screen you want to pop out on your screen ► Hold right ALT key on your keyboard ► When hovering your cursor over cockpit displays, a cyclops will appear ► Left-click to pop up that specific screen 11.6 Preset views A new and very useful feature in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is being able to save preset views in the cockpit and switch between them while flying. This is very useful and by far the easiest way to switch between views. You can save a preset view by moving your camera to the view you want to save, and selecting CTRL + ALT + a number from 1 to 9. When you have done so, you have saved that specific view to the number you selected. You can save up to 9 different views in the cockpit. You can select the view you want by selecting ATL + the number of the view. This way, you can easily and quickly switch between views in the cockpit and have easy access to every panel. 125 12. 3rd party addons and your simulator 12.1 Aircraft Although there are any aircraft yet available for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, we can expect lots of them to come in the future. Lots of developers have already started the development of their flagship aircraft for this brand new simulator, and we can’t wait to fly with these masterpieces in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. When it comes to these 3rd party aircraft, a lot will be the same compared to the other simulators you may have been used to. They will be installed into your ‘Simobjects’ folder and will work the same as you are used to. We have to wait and see how these realistic and PC heavy aircraft perform in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, but we will test every single aircraft that releases and provide free updates to this chapter with all the information you need to know about 3rd party aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 12.2 Scenery Not many sceneries are yet available for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Most that are available are converted from other simulators to this brand new simulator. However, these seem to perform very well with minimal effect on performance. We highly recommend buying your addons directly from the developer's website. This way, all of the money you spend on addons goes directly to the developer of your scenery. This will support them in the future when developing even more and better sceneries. We will continue to expand and upgrade this chapter when more sceneries become available, and we find more useful information for our users to use when it comes to 3rd party sceneries. 126 12.3 In-game store vs online store When buying scenery via the in-game store, payment is handled by the Microsoft Store, and the scenery will be downloaded and installed via Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. When via the developer's online store, you will download a separate installer that installs the scenery for you. Most add-ons you buy will be installed in the following location: ► X:\WpSystem\S-1-5-21-2465596884-3737215462-15205706641001\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\Lo calCache\Packages When sceneries are installed, they will be automatically added to your library, and you can load up the specific airport and start flying. When more sceneries release in the future and more ways to install sceneries become available (Developers choose other ways to install their products), we will update this chapter immediately to always provide you with the latest information when it comes to 3rd party addons in your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 12.4 Utilities At the moment of writing, there are almost no utilities available for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We do, however, expect a lot of utilities to come for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 to improve numerous things in the simulator. We would love to see a camera addon like Chaseplane or Ezdok for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. As soon as these utilities release, we will test them into the greatest detail and tell you everything you need to know about them in a future version of this guide. 127 13. Simulator looks 13.1 How to improve the look of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 At RDPresets, we love making your simulator look as realistic as possible, we have done this in the past, and we will continue to do so in the future. There are, however, not too many ways we can change the look of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 at this moment in time. This is because, for one, the simulator already looks very realistic out of the box, and number 2 is that we don’t have too many ways (On the technical side of things) to be able to change much in the simulator. We have found a few ways you can improve the look of your simulator for now, and we will continue to update this chapter with new findings and features to improve the looks of your simulator over time. For now, the methods we discuss in this chapter will improve your Microsoft Flight Simulator experience. 13.2 Image sharpening Image sharpening is available to be used with some Nvidia GPU’s and can be enabled in the Nvidia control panel. This feature will add some sharpness to your simulator without any performance decrease. Unfortunately, this feature is not available for everybody, but if this option is available in your NVidia control panel, we highly recommend using it. (Discussed in more detail in chapter 6.3.1) 128 13.3 Nvidia freestyle When searching for a way to improve the look of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We have discovered a brand new way to do so. With the latest Nvidia drivers being compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 comes the possibility to use Nvidia Freestyle with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Nvidia Freestyle is the modern and more stable version or Reshade and can be used with compatible software only. We have created a great preset for our users to use with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, which will dramatically improve the look of your simulator. This is a must-try! Our testers don’t want to fly without it anymore. How to open Nvidia Freestyle? ► Open Nvidia Experience ► Click on open in-game overlay ► And click on Game filter *Note that you can only open Nvidia Freestyle if you are in a supported game (Meaning you have to have Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 running in order to open Nvidia Freestyle) Now you have opened Nvidia Freestyle. You can add four different filters to the first preset. ► Details ► Color ► Brightness / contrast ► Sharpen Now you have added all four filters we will give you the values you need to put in to achieve the RDPresets Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 preset for Nvidia Freestyle. 129 ► Details: ► Color: ► Brightness / contrast: ► Sharpen: 130 It is very difficult to give you an idea of the difference in your simulator. You have to apply it and see it for yourself. With Nvidia Freestyle, your simulator looks even better and more amazing! You can always turn it off by clicking on OFF next to the preset numbers in Nvidia Freestyle. Give it a try and send us your best screenshots using our Nvidia Freestyle preset via Facebook. 13.4 Reshade Reshade is a post-processing injector that can change colors and depth and much more in your simulator. At RDPresets, we have used Reshade quite a lot in other flight simulators to change the look. This is, however, only possible when using the Steam version of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. The .EXE file present on your PC when you are using the Microsoft Store version is locked, and we haven’t yet found a way to install Reshade into the Microsoft Store version of MSFS 2020. But when it comes to the steam version owners, Reshade can be a possibility. One important thing before we explain more about Reshade. If you have an NVIDIA graphics card and you are able to use Nvidia freestyle, we recommend using Nvidia freestyle over Reshade every day of the week. Nvidia freestyle does the same thing but in a much more stable way. We have seen no evidence that Nvidia freestyle has any negative impact on your simulator. When it comes to Reshade, however, Reshade can sometimes make your simulator a little less stable and more exposed to crash to 131 desktops. This is, however, not always the case, so if you are unable to use Nvidia freestyle because you are an AMD user or your GPU isn’t strong enough to run Nvidia freestyle we recommend trying out Reshade and seeing if the simulator runs stable enough for you to be able to use it. How to delete Reshade? This is something many people don’t know and struggle with because when installing Reshade files are dropped into your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 main folder, and people don’t know what files to delete to remove Reshade, we have listed all the files you need to delete below so when Reshade is not working for you, and you want to get rid of it, you can. Delete the following files and folder: ► Go to your main Prepar3D folder ► Delete the following ► Reshade-shaders (Folder) ► Both ‘.ini.’ (Files) ► All related ‘dxgi’ (Files) ► Launch Prepar3D to check if Reshade is indeed not starting up. 13.5 Low latency mode Low latency mode can be selected/enabled via the Nvidia control panel and helps you with a smoother experience in games that are running on 80 FPS or lower. We have found that Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 runs smoother with this setting on ultra (When flying with around 20 – 35 fps). We highly recommend using this setting (Discussed in more detail in chapter 6.3.2). This will improve the look of your simulator when it comes to smoothness. 132 13.6 3rd party addons 3rd party addons are a different way to improve the look of your simulator. Your experience when flying to an airport can be dramatically improved by the use of a 3rd party handcrafted airport. Or by using a 3rd party aircraft to fly in the most realistic aircraft available. These addons are available via many channels. They are available to be bought via the developer’s website or sometimes via the in-game store. We discuss 3rd party addons in more detail in chapter 13. 13.7 More to come We have discussed all of the possibilities at the moment of writing that enables you to modify the look and realism of your Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We think we have already improved the look of Microsoft Flight Simulator a lot, but there is still more to come. During the lifecycle of this brand-new simulator, new methods and ways will be discovered to improve/change the look. All of these new ways/methods will be added to the guide as soon as they become available! 133 14. Common issues and fixes MSFS 2020 14.1 Things you MUST know before using MSFS 2020 Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is a brand-new simulator and comes with its own challenges when it comes to the technical side of things. There are quite some issues we discuss in this guide, and we are convinced that we have been able to solve many of these issues for you in this guide. However, there are still some issues we have less control over. We will discuss these common issues and fixes in this chapter. Important to know when switching to / using Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is that in the past, flight simulators were mostly based on old software, which resulted in the simulator not utilizing all of the resources your PC had to offer. This is far from the case with this brand-new simulator because this brandnew software will easily use up all of your PC’s recourses. Meaning that the visuals you are able to achieve in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 are much greater than ever seen before. This, however, means that the limitations of your PC or bandwidth are now limiting your performance instead of the software not being able to use your hardware to its fullest potential. 14.2 PC Troubles with MSFS 2020 14.2.1 When is my pc ‘not good enough’? This is a very difficult question to answer, but we have some ideas on when your PC is not ‘good enough.’ At RDPresets, we feel that flying around with 20 FPS is the absolute minimum when it comes to FPS in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. If your PC is not able to run Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 at least a stable 19/20 fps (Using everything you have applied to your settings and PC when using this guide), we feel your PC is not good enough to run Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We are convinced that almost everybody is able to run at least a stable 20 fps in their simulator after they have applied everything suggested in this guide. If not, you must consider upgrading your PC or buying a completely new PC to start logging flight hours in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. 134 14.2.2 What can you do about it? When you are not happy with the performance in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 and your PC is not good enough, we highly recommend upgrading your graphics card. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 is more graphics card dependent than any flight simulator ever before. In other flight simulators, the CPU is the component that is stressed the most when flying, but with all of the brand-new eye candy in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, your graphics card is almost always the issue when it comes to low FPS. This doesn’t have to be the case for everybody, and we highly recommend your check the CPU and GPU usage during your flight to see which of the two components is constantly used up to 100%. 14.3 Bandwidth / Connection trouble with MSFS 2020 Bandwidth/connection problems are something we haven’t really seen before in the flight simulator community, and I quite difficult to fix. When you want to use all of the online features of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Highly recommended). The minimum internet speed recommended by Microsoft / Asobo is 50 Mb/s download speed. When you have at least 50 Mb/s download speed, you shouldn’t be experiencing any connections/internet troubles with MSFS 2020. If you are below this number, you could be experiencing issues like blurry ground textures, low detailed buildings, or lagging online traffic. There aren’t too many ways to fix connection issues without simply upgrading your internet speed to achieve 50 Mb/s+ download speed. There are, however, two ways you can save on your bandwidth being completely used up by the scenery loading in. One is to use the offline data available for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 (Not recommended). This will disable your simulator from downloading the earth data and using the local data stored on your hard drive. The second way to improve your connection is to download the world data before you go flying. This is a feature in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 that allows you to download the world data to your PC before you commence your flight. This way, your connection can be used for other things when flying. This will, however, take up a lot of hard drive space. 135 Some users were suggesting that loading times would decrease when the scenery data is downloaded locally. During our testing, we found no evidence that this is the case. And if there was any difference (Which there wasn’t in our tests), it would have been so small that all of the extra hard drive space taken up by all of this data is not worth it for this small difference. 14.4 It looks too ‘Arcady’ for me We can agree with you here. At RDPresets, we think Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 looks really good, and it is by far the best look flight simulator ever released. But we can’t help but feel like the simulator looks a bit ‘Arcady’ / game-like. We put a lot of hours into finding solutions to fix this ‘Problem.’ The solution came with the latest Nvidia drivers being compatible with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 gave us the possibility to change the look of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 via Nvidia Freestyle. We HIGHLY recommend trying out Nvidia Freestyle preset in your simulator discussed and explained in chapter 14.3, so your version of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 looks much better and more realistic. 136 15. Let’s fly! You have come to the end of the RDPresets Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. We hope we have helped you with setting up your simulator the best way possible, and you have learned a lot from our guide! If everything went as it should, you now have a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 you can be very pleased with and use with confidence. If you still have any questions or issues. You can always contact us via the website, and we will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you have with your simulator. We want to thank you very much for buying our product. And now it is time to start flying! After all of this tweaking and working on your simulator, it’s time to enjoy and fly higher than ever before! Happy flying! – RDPresets 137