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Intern Interview Questions & Answers Guide

Interview Questions
1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
2. What is the most difficult adjustment you have ever had to make?
3. How would you describe your work style?
4. If you had a dispute with a co-worker, how would you handle it?
5. What has been your experience in working as a part of a team?
6. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of working as a part of a
team? And why?
7. Give me an example of something you had to learn that was difficult.
8. On a scale from 1-5(one being the lowest) how do you rate your communication skills?
9. If you found out that one of your co-workers was doing something dishonest, what
would you do?
10. What is your personal definition of success?
11. What are your plans for self-improvement and personal development?
12. How would you go about organizing yourself to accomplish goals?
13. What is your process for establishing priorities?
14. What is one thing about yourself that you would most like to change?
15. Which of your personal characteristics do you fell enhances your effectiveness in
communicating with others?
16. Why do you think you are good fit for this position?
17. If I had three people in here that you consider knowing you best, how would they
describe you?
18. What are one or two areas in which you think you could improve your performance?
19. Of what accomplishments in your life are you most proud?
Questions you might ask
1. What is your timeframe for filling this position?
2. What is the career growth potential for this position?
3. What does a regular day look like for this business?
4. How many people are on staff in this department?
5. Does this department work closely with any other internal department?
6. What is the customer service philosophy of your company?
7. What is your favorite thing about working here?
Common Interview Questions for Intern
“Thank you for the interview opportunity today.”
1. Tell me about yourself
- Don’t start by telling your name. The “present-past-future” formula is a way to share
key background point. Finish by touching on a goal for the future.
- Begin with a brief overview of where you are now(which could include your current
job along with a reference to a personal hobby or passion)
- Reference how you got to where you are(here you could mention education, or an
important experience such as a past job, internship or volunteer experience)
2. What were your responsibilities when you worked at job x?
- Go over every entry on your resume and memorize what you have put there.
- Connect your past accomplishments to the need of company in front of you.
- Demonstrate how you past job experiences will help your potential employer
3. What are your strengths?
- Highlights several strengths and shows the interviewer why those attributes are
essential for success in the job.
- Top strengths employers seek in employees
1) Analytics: Problem-solving, logical-thinking, creative thinking
2) Communication: Communication skill, interpersonal skill, customer service
3) Dependability: Accuracy, Organizational, Detail Oriented
4) Teamwork and Leadership: Decision Making, Management
5) IT Skills: IT, Computer Skills
4. What are your weaknesses?
- You can mention skills that aren’t critical for the job, discuss skills you have
improved on, or turn negative into positive.
- Even though the question is about weaknesses, your answer should always be
framed around the positive aspects of your skills and abilities as an employee
5. What is one accomplishment that you are most proud of? And why?
- You should use your accomplishment as an opportunity to shar the reasons that you
would thrive at the job you are interviewing for.
- Explain the specific strategy that you used or the steps that you took to meet your
- Mention any obstacles or challenges that you encountered and overcame.
6. Tell me about a challenging experience you’ve had working in a team, and how you
dealt with it?
- Situation: What was the problem and how did it come up? In one or two sentences,
create a clear picture so that hiring manager is able to visualize the challenge.
- Task: Talk about the task at hand and tell your interviewer what each person was
responsible for doing, so that they get a sense of how you fit into the team.
- Action: Explain the actions involved in overcoming the challenge. Talk about your
thought process and the steps you took to solve the problem.
- Result: Be sure to end on a positive note so that your interviewer sees you as a
proactive problem solver and a team player.
7. What do you know about our company?
- Understand what the organization does
- Mission, goals and values, what drives the company?
- Stay informed with recent news (Social Marketing: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram,
- Know your interviewer (Name, Title..)
8. Where would you like to be in your career 5 years from now?
Start with short-term goals, then move to long-term goals. Getting a job with the
company you are interviewing for. Start by describing these goals, then move to
long-term plans.
Explain the actions you’ll take. Steps you will take to achieve them.
Focus on the employer even though this question is about you, you want to convey
that you won’t abandon the employer anytime soon.