LaACES Program Preliminary Design Review Document for the Air Mass Flow Rate Experiment by Team Team Fly Boys Prepared by: David Branch Team Spokesperson Date Jared Pellegrin Team Member Date Team Member (replace with name) Date Team Member (replace with name) Date Team Member (replace with name) Date Institution Signoff (replace with name) Date Institution Signoff (replace with name) Date LAACES Signoff Date Submitted: Reviewed: Revised: Approved: PDR vFINAL i Team Fly Boys TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover ............................................................................................................................................. i Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................... ii List of Figures ............................................................................................................................. iii List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. iv 1.0 Document Purpose ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Document Scope .............................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Change Control and Update Procedures .......................................................................... 1 2.0 Reference Documents ............................................................................................................ 1 3.0 Goals, Objectives, Requirements ........................................................................................... 5 3.1 Mission Goal .................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 5 3.3 Science Background and Requirements .......................................................................... 6 3.4 Technical Background and Requirements ....................................................................... 9 3.5 Previous Methodologies and Measurements.....................................................................9 3.6 Expected Results.............................................................................................................12 4.0 Payload Design .................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Principle of Operation .................................................................................................... 17 4.2 System Design ............................................................................................................... 17 4.3 Electrical Design ............................................................................................................ 21 4.4 Software Design ............................................................................................................. 28 4.5 Thermal Design .............................................................................................................. 31 4.6 Mechanical Design......................................................................................................... 32 5.0 Payload Development Plan .................................................................................................. 34 8.0 Project Management ............................................................................................................ 35 8.1 Organization and Responsibilities ................................................................................. 35 8.2 Configuration Management Plan ................................................................................... 35 8.3 Interface Control ............................................................................................................ 36 9.0 Master Schedule ................................................................................................................... 37 9.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) ............................................................................... 37 9.2 Timeline and Milestones ................................................................................................ 38 11.0 Risk Management and Contingency .................................................................................. 40 12.0 Glossary ............................................................................................................................ 43 PDR Note: Sections 6, 7 and 10 will be provide in a later document. In addition, for PDR some sections of 4 and 9 need to be partially completed (see details in sections 4 & 9). PDR vFINAL ii Team Fly Boys LIST OF FIGURES 1. Plot of density and specific volume of air versus altitude ....................................................... 6 2. Psychometric chart ................................................................................................................... 6 3. Plot of Pressure versus Altitude ............................................................................................... 7 4. Plot of Temperature versus Altitude ........................................................................................ 8 5. Schematic of a hot wire anemometer ....................................................................................... 9 6. Photo of sonic anemometer .................................................................................................... 10 7. Sonic anemometer in water test for flow distortion ............................................................... 10 8. Picture of UVW anemometer................................................................................................. 11 9. Photo of vane mounted anemometer...................................................................................... 12 10. Flight profile for ACES-23.................................................................................................. 13 11.Balloon Velocity................................................................................................................... 14 12. Mean mass air flow versus altitude...................................................................................... 17 13. BalloonSat system diagram.................................................................................................. 18 14. MA40S4R/S......................................................................................................................... 22 15. Two vertically aligned ultrasonic sensors ........................................................................... 23 16. Temperature sensor system diagram................................................................................... 24 17. Pressure sensor system diagram.......................................................................................... 24 18. Humidity integrated circuit system diagram........................................................................ 25 19. Ultrasonic sensor system diagram........................................................................................ 25 20. Payload system diagram....................................................................................................... 26 21. Power system diagram.......................................................................................................... 26 22. Battery discharge curve......................................................................................................... 27 23. Flight software flow chart..................................................................................................... 29 24. Air velocity sensor flow chart................................................................................................30 25. ¾ View of payload................................................................................................................ 32 26. Section of payload................................................................................................................. 32 27. Work Breakdown Schedule................................................................................................... 37 28. Gant Chart………………..................................................................................................... 38 PDR vFINAL iii Team Fly Boys LIST OF TABLES 1. Group Interfaces..................................................................................................................... 19 2. Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 19 3. Power budget ........................................................................................................................ 27 4. Weight budget ....................................................................................................................... 33 5. Risk detection ........................................................................................................................ 40 6. Risk severity matrix ............................................................................................................... 41 7. Contingency plan per risk ...................................................................................................... 42 PDR vFINAL iv Team Fly Boys 1.0 Document Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide the preliminary design for a payload that will measure the mass flow rate of air as a function of altitude by Team Fly Boys for the LaACES project. This document fulfills the LaACES project requirements for the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) to take place on February 7, 2012. 1.1 Document Scope The scope of this PDR document covers the scientific and technical background of measuring air flow. This document also serves as an outline for the development, design, and operation of the payload under the LaACES project. This includes what and how the payload will measure and calculations for analyzing these measurements. In addition, this document will address team objectives - both technical and scientific – and provide project management, timelines, word breakdown, and risk management in order to achieve these objectives. This document is a precursor to the Critical Design Review (CDR) and its contents are preliminary and are not finalized. 1.2 Change Control and Update Procedures Changes to this document shall only be made after the approval of both members of Team Fly Boys and LaACES staff. Document changes should follow the same version control guidelines established in team contract and members shall be notified of any changes made. 2.0 Reference Documents 200-81000 Ultrasonic anemometer. (n.d.). NovaLynx Corporation - Professional Quality Weather Instruments and Systems. Retrieved November 18, 2011, from Aber, J. S., & Aber, S. W. (2005, January). High-altitude kite aerial photography. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from Air - altitude, density and specific volume. (n.d.). The Engineering ToolBox. Retrieved November 14, 2011, from The atmosphere. (n.d.). Structure of the Earth's Atmosphere. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from Brooks, Cassidy, & Huff, Isabel (2006) The Effect of Altitude on Relative Humidity. Retrieved February 7, 2012, from Busch, N. E., & Kristensen, L. (1976). Cup anemometer overspeeding. Journal of Applied PDR vFINAL 1 Team Fly Boys Meteorology, 15(12), 1328-1332. Retrieved November 12, 2011, from Campbell, G. S., & Unsworth, M. H. (1979). An inexpensive sonic anemometer for eddy correlation. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 18(8), 1072-1077. Retrieved November 17, 2011, from Comte-Bellot, G. (1976). Hot-wire anemometry. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 8(1), 209231. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from 10.1146/annurev.fl.08.010176.001233 Coppin, P. A., & Taylor, K. J. (1983). A three-component sonic anemometer/thermometer system for general micrometeorological research. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 27(1), 27-42. Retrieved November 12, 2011, from l2u347j2p1021610/fulltext.pdf Downs, R. J., & Krizek, D. T. (1997). Air movement, chapter 6 (R. W. Langhans & T. W. Tibbitts, Eds.). Plant Growth Chamber Handbook, 94-96. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from Dyer, A. J. (1981). Flow distortion by supporting structures. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 20(2), 243-251. Retrieved November 17, 2011, from content/w641p226pm257518/fulltext.pdf Fox, R. W., McDonald, A. T., & Pritchard, P. J. (2009). Introduction to fluid mechanics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Hicks, B. B. (1972). Propeller anemometers as sensors of atmospheric turbulence. BoundaryLayer Meteorology, 3(2), 214-228. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from Horst, T. W. (1973). Corrections for response errors in a three-component propeller anemometer. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 12(4), 716-725. Retrieved November 11, 2011, from doi/pdf/10.1175/15200450%281964%29003%3C0194%3ADFFSAI%3E2.0.CO%3B2 Miyara, J. (1971). Measuring air flow using a self-balancing bridge. Analog Dialogue, 5(1). Retrieved November 12, 2011, from analogdialogue/archives/38-12/reader.html Morris, P. S. (n.d.). Air pressure and circulation. SMC Homepage. Retrieved November 20, 2011, from Murnan, J. (2011, April 15). Flight of the weather balloons. NOAA Weather Partners. Retrieved PDR vFINAL 2 Team Fly Boys November 27, 2011, from Nawi, Mohd. (n.d.). Current development of MEMS flow sensor. Underwater Robotics Research Group. Retrieved February 6, 2012, from com_content&view=article&id=191:current-development-of-mems-flow-sensor-&catid= 31:articles&Itemid=70 Pidwirny, M. (2009, May 07). Atmospheric Pressure. Geography : Physical Geography. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from /7d.html Quashning, V. (n.d.). Photo gallery: Solar and wind measurements. Retrieved November 17, 2011, from Ritter, M. E. (n.d.). The physical environment: An introduction to physical geography. National Council for Geographic Education. Retrieved November 19, 2011, from title_page.html Russell, R. (n.d.). Layers of the earth's atmosphere. Windows to the Universe. Retrieved November 20, 2011, from Shelquist, R. (n.d.). Equations - Air Density and Density Altitude. Wahiduddin's Web. Retrieved December 29, 2011, from Sonntag, R. E., Borgnakke, C., & Van, W. G. (2003). Fundamentals of thermodynamics. New York: Wiley. Surridge, A. D., (1982). On the measurement of atmospheric winds. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 24(4), 421-428. Retrieved November 12, 2011, from Urieli, Israel, (2011). Engineering Thermodynamics – A Graphical Approach. Retrieved February 07, 2012, from Williams, J. (2005, May 17). Understanding air density and its effects. Retrieved November 14, 2011, from Wood, R. C. (1964). Direct-flow filter sampler: An improved large-volume collector of radioactive stratospheric debris. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 3(2), 194-197. Wyngaard, J. C. (1981). Cup, propeller, vane, and sonic anemometers in turbulence research. PDR vFINAL 3 Team Fly Boys Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 13(1), 399-423. Retrieved November 12, 2011, from annurev.fl.13.010181.002151?journalCode=fluid PDR vFINAL 4 Team Fly Boys 3.0 Goals, Objectives, Requirements 3.1 Mission Goal Team Fly Boys’ mission goal is to design and construct a high altitude balloon sensor payload to measure the pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and flux of air as a function of altitude up to 30,480 meters in order to calculate the mass flow rate of air as a function of altitude. 3.2 Objectives 3.2.1 Technical Objectives Team Fly Boys will: • Comply with all LaACES requirements. • Complete PDR, CDR, FRR, and science presentation in accordance with requirements and deadlines. • Construct a payload that passes thermal, pressure, and shock testing before completion of FRR. • Operate within the given time constraints and budget allocated from LaACES management. 3.2.2 Science Objectives Team Fly Boys’ payload will: • Calculate the mass flow rate of air up to 30,480 meters. • Include sensors that measure the pressure, temperature, air velocity, and relative humidity of air during balloon ascent. • Be able to detect changes in the pressure, temperature, air velocity, and relative humidity of air to accurately calculate the air mass flow rate. • Be structurally sound and insulated to protect electrical components during ascent, descent, and impact. PDR vFINAL 5 Team Fly Boys 3.3 Science Background and Requirements This portion of the report provides an overview of atmospheric properties that will affect our experiment as well as an introduction to buoyancy. There are several properties of the atmosphere that impact the ascent rate of a balloon, such as air density, pressure, and temperature. 3.3.1 Airflow and Atmospheric Properties The study of how the mass flow rate of air changes as a function of altitude is an examination of how the properties of air change with altitude and its relationship to air velocity. One of the main properties of air that we will be studying is density. The density of air is essentially the measurement of how many molecules of air are present in a given area and is expressed in units of mass per unit volume (J. Aber & S. Aber, 2005). Density is dependent upon the relative humidity, pressure, and temperature of the air that is being taken into consideration. While all of these variables independently affect the density of air, Figure 1 shows that the density of air decreases at a near linear rate as altitude increases. In order to accurately determine the density of air, the effects that relative humidity, pressure, and temperature create must be understood and modeled. Figure 1: Plot of density and specific volume of air versus altitude (“Air altitude, density and specific volume,” n.d.) Figure 2: Psychometric chart (Urieli, 2011). Relative humidity or the amount of water vapor present in air compared to what the air can hold and plays a significant role in calculating the density of air. Water vapor molecules are less dense than air molecules and their presence results in an air density that is less dense than “dry air” (Williams, 2005). In order for humidity to be included in any air density calculations, a measurement of the percentage of water vapor molecules present in the air must be made. The relative humidity of air can range from 0-100% and can be dependent upon temperature. Figure 2 shows a Psychometric Chart used for determining relative humidity from wet and dry bulb temperatures. Although this method of calculating relative humidity will not be used for the PDR vFINAL 6 Team Fly Boys mission, Figure 2 shows that warm air molecules are more capable of holding a higher percentage of water vapor than cooler air molecules (C. Brooks & I. Huff, 2006). This relation to temperature provides an explanation as to why humidity levels drop as altitude increases. The pressure of air is also an important variable to consider when calculating air’s density. The pressure of air decreases as altitude increases and is expressed in terms of force per unit area (J. Aber & S. Aber, 2005). Higher air pressure compresses air molecules closer together and causes the air’s density to increase. Gravity plays a significant role in the Earth’s air pressure. It is worth noting that atmospheric pressure is reduced by nearly half as altitude is increased by 5,486 meters. To put this in perspective, the Exosphere, or the outer layer of the Earth’s atmosphere, is Figure 3: Plot of Pressure versus Altitude nearly 10,000 kilometers high. This equates to (Pidwirny, 2009) half of the Earth’s air pressure existing in 18 percent of the atmosphere. This is due to gravity pushing air molecules on top of one another near the Earth’s surface and causing a higher force per unit area. Figure 3 show the exponential decrease in air pressure as attitude increases. Team Fly Boy’s payload will ascend into the bottom of the Stratosphere (30,480 meters) where the pressure is expected to be very low. A reasonable question one could now ask is that if pressure decreases exponentially with altitude, then why does density remain linear? Temperature, the third variable in density calculations that we will be considering, will help answer this question. Warm air molecules have more thermal energy in them and therefor are more excited than cooler air molecules. This excitement allows air molecules to move around their environment more freely while cooler air molecules remain more stationary. This freedom of movement is why temperature should be considered when calculating air density. Near the surface of the Earth air is warmer. As discussed before, this air can hold more water vapor and can move around more freely. While the pressure is highest at the surface, humidity and higher temperatures counter balance the pressure and what results is what humans consider “normal” air density (which we have calculated to be around 1.2 kilograms per meter squared. As altitude rises, pressure, temperature and humidity decreases. Figure 4 shows how temperature changes with altitude. Although air pressure decreases and air molecules move further apart, they also become less energized and become more stationary. This explains why air density increases on a near linear scale. As Figure 4 shows, air temperature does begin to increase as altitude rises into the Stratosphere, or around 20 kilometers. This is a result of the amount of ozone present in this atmospheric layer. Ozone absorbs energy from the Sun, and the air molecules become more energized (Russel, n.d.). PDR vFINAL 7 Team Fly Boys Although ozone has a much higher enthalpy than air and can absorb more energy, the air pressure is very low at this altitude and air temperature only raises a few tens of degrees Celsius. The density of air can affect airflow, or the movement of air. Wind is the result of a pressure gradient force from uneven heating of the air from the Sun (Ritter, n.d.). This force varies along latitudinal lines due to surface exposure to the Sun. Because the air in lower latitudinal regions has more exposure to the Sun, it is warmer and is less dense with a lower pressure. This difference between low-pressure areas and high-pressure areas at the same altitude in the atmosphere causes the gradient force, which results in horizontal winds. Coriolis forces affect the direction of airflow Figure 4: Plot of Temperature versus Altitude ("The Atmosphere," n.d.) from high to low pressure systems. This is a result of the rotation of the Earth as air is deflected off of its linear path. The concept of the Coriolis force dictating the path of the wind is illustrated in Figure 4. The magnitude of this deflection is a result of its latitudinal distance from the equator and the particle’s velocity (Morris, n.d.). The farther away the air particle is from the equator and the faster the particle is moving, the more the Coriolis force will deflect it. Another force that affects the speed and direction of airflow is friction. Frictional forces exist in the lower atmosphere and resist the direction of the wind’s magnitude. As altitude increases, frictional forces become less prevalent as the density of air decreases. The amount of friction to the airflow is related to the density of the surrounding air. Although an understanding of how and why air moves is important, our study is focused on how many air molecules are available to be moved by atmospheric forces. The movement of air can also be nearly impossible to predict and expensive to measure. With this in mind, our payload will use the balloon’s vertical ascent to measure the amount of air it passes through. 3.3.2 Overview of Buoyancy The principle of buoyancy is the core science behind why helium balloons rise in air. The knowledge of buoyancy is therefore critical to modeling the ascent rate of a balloon, which is an important variable in calculating our expected results. Buoyancy was first defined by Archimedes around 220 B.C.E. ( Fox, McDonald, and Pritchard, 2009). Archimedes’ principle states that an object completely immersed in a fluid will experience an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced fluid (Fox et al., 2009). The buoyant force that gives a balloon lift is due to the displacement of the air that the balloon is occupying. Further discussion of how buoyancy and the aforementioned atmospheric properties affect the vertical ascent rate of helium filled balloons is to follow in the expected results portion of this report. PDR vFINAL 8 Team Fly Boys 3.3.3 Scientific Requirements • • • To design and implement circuitry and sensors to measure the humidity, pressure, and temperature of air (in order to calculate the air’s density) as well as the air’s flow rate. Implement sensors that can detect small changes in the environment and produce accurate measurements. To determine how the air mass flow rate changes as a function of altitude and how the properties of air affect this change. 3.4 Technical Background and Requirements 3.4.1 Technical Requirements • • • • • • The payload circuitry must be able to operate in temperatures ranging from -70°C - 25°C or be insulated enough to operate within manufacturer’s suggested temperatures. The payload must record the following every 20 seconds: Air pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and the minimum, maximum, and average air velocities during 20 second event. The power budget must support all circuitry contained in the payload for at least four hours. The payload must be capable of connecting to flight strings that are separated by 17 cm and not exceed 500 grams. The payload must be able to withstand an impact of 6.1 meters per second. The payload’s EEPROM must be able to survive payload impact for download to external software. 3.5 Previous Methodologies and Measurements 3.5.1 Hot Wire Anemometers A hot wire anemometer is a device consisting of a metal wire that is heated up by an electrical current to temperatures above the ambient air temperature. Figure 5 shows a schematic of a common hot wire anemometer. The device measures air speed by the air’s cooling effect on the wire. Different arrangements of hot wire anemometers with respect to air flow provide different information about the wind speed. For instance, to strictly measure the longitudinal component of the wind speed a single wire is used and is oriented normal to the direction of air flow. To measure both the longitudinal and transverse components, two wires are placed a small distance apart and form an “X” along their common Figure 5: Schematic of a hot wire anemometer normal plane (Comte-Bellot, 1976). The arrangement (Nawi, n.d.) of hot wire anemometers is important since they are directional devices, meaning they do not measure air PDR vFINAL 9 Team Fly Boys velocity equally from all directions. The measured value can vary as much as 50% depending on the orientation of the hot wire (Downs and Krizek, 1997). There are three types of hot wire anemometers: constant-current anemometers, constant-voltage anemometers, and constant-temperature anemometers. In constant-current and constant-voltage anemometers, the air flowing over the heated wire causes a decrease in temperature and an increase in electrical resistance. This change in resistivity is then used to measure the wind speed. The anemometers differ in that constant-current anemometers have the potential of burning themselves up at low wind speeds due to natural convection currents generated by their own heat and constant-voltage anemometers increase the resistance with the temperature change making them safe to operate, but they are relatively insensitive at low air speeds (Downs and Krizek, 1997). Both constant-current and constant-voltage anemometers depend on the temperature of the wire to change in order to detect a change in air speed. This dependence results in a delay in detecting the wind speed, resulting in slow response to changes and small temperature changes to be undetected (Miyara, 1971). Air temperature changes will cause outputs that are not related to the velocity in upper altitudes, resulting in some error as well (Downs and Krizek, 1997). However, keeping the wire temperature high relative to the air temperature can minimize this error. The third type of hot wire anemometer is the constanttemperature anemometer. In this device, resistance is held constant by altering heater current or voltage to maintain constant temperature of the wire. The change in current or change in voltage is then used to indicate the wind speed. In general, this method has a greater sensitivity than both the constant-current and constant-voltage methods described above (Downs and Krizek, 1997). 3.5.2 Sonic Anemometers Sonic anemometers are designed to measure wind speed by using the speed of sound. A photo of one such anemometer is shown in Figure 6. The device injects sound waves into the atmosphere and measures the time it takes for the waves to be carried over a fixed distance. The variation in the travel time of the sound wave is dependent upon the wind speed. The travel time of the sound wave may also be obtained by measuring a phase-shift, either by using two pairs of transducers transmitting sound waves in opposite directions or a single pair of transducers and switching their functions (Coppin & Taylor, 1983). Since this method measures the time of flight, the output is a linear response. This method measures wind speed along all three axes (u, v, w) providing good directional characteristics (1983). There are no moving parts in sonic anemometers, and they can reverse sound direction around 60 times a second. This allows for the Figure 6: Photo of sonic anemometer anemometer to be capable of measuring rapid vibrations in ("200-81000 Ultrasonic anemometer," wind, hence, at high wind speeds (Campbell & Unsworth, n.d.) 1979). Although very accurate, commercial sonic anemometers are expensive. Campbell and Unsworth (1979) designed a new sonic anemometer that would be less expensive and have low power PDR vFINAL 10 Team Fly Boys consumption. Their anemometer consists of a phase-lock loop integrated circuit as well as a voltage controlled operator. The operator automatically adjusts its frequency to maintain a phase shift of 90 degrees between signals (1979). Sonic anemometers of this type have a maximum sensitivity to wind speed when they are operated at the instruments resonant frequency. Changes in temperature result in changes in frequency of the operator shifts. As the operator deviates from the resonant frequency, the efficiency decreases, limiting the range of temperatures where the instrument can operate effectively. While operating at the resonant frequency, this anemometer has a high sensitivity for wind speed with a maximum resolution of one centimeter per second (1979). Figure 7: Sonic anemometer in water test for flow distortion (Dyer, 1981) A downside to using a sonic anemometer for measuring vertical wind speed is the structure of the device. To investigate flow distortion of wind speed measurement, A.C. Dyer conducted an experiment in a water tank using a die tracer on a sonic anemometer. As shown in Figure 7, the supporting structure of the sonic anemometer distorted the flow, causing the horizontal flow to interfere with the vertical flow (Campbell & Unsworth, 1979). When utilizing sonic anemometers for measuring vertical winds, an error may be introduced into the measurement as a result of this distortion. The structure disrupts the horizontal component of flow, resulting in an upward flow that is not a part of the vertical component of the wind speed (1979). They may also fail when water or ice is present. The speed of sound is a varying function of atmospheric pressure, temperature, and humidity, and an instrument that uses the speed of sound for measurement may show error in these parameters (Coppin & Taylor, 1983). 3.5.3 Force and Drag Anemometers The amount of force or drag caused by wind is directly related to the speed of the wind. From this relationship, wind speed can be calculated from a known drag force. Two types of anemometers that use this method to measure wind speed are propeller and cup anemometers. Propeller anemometers are a propeller connected to a tachometer through a shaft. The rotation of the propeller turns a shaft, which is monitored by the tachometer. The tachometer provides an analog signal directly proportional to the rotation speed, thus measuring the air velocity. There are two types of mountings for a propeller anemometer: on a fixed axis and on a vane. The UVW propeller anemometer is a fixed array of three propeller anemometers, each on an axis of rotation oriented on one of the three orthogonal directions (u, v, w) of the wind PDR vFINAL 11 Figure 8: Picture of UVW anemometer (Campbell & Unsworth, 1979) Team Fly Boys speed (Horst, 1973). A UVW anemometer is pictured in Figure 8 and shows how the propellers are oriented. Since each propeller is positioned in one direction, the wind speed of each propeller is proportional to the component of the wind speed along the axis of the propeller. A vane mounted propeller anemometer orients the propeller to the wind, making the propeller omnidirectional. This also allows the wind speed vector to be resolved into horizontal components, giving both wind speed and direction (Wyngaard, 1981). A vane mounted propeller is shown in Figure 9. The angle at which the air flow hits the propeller is important. When a propeller anemometer’s axis is normal to the wind flow, the anemometer does not give an accurate result (Hicks, 1972). Corrections need to be made in the output data of the tachometer for this error of the instrument. If no corrections are made, then errors may result in up to four degrees in wind direction and 12% in wind speed (Surridge, 1982). Sudden increases in wind speed also may induce errors. The larger the magnitude of fluctuation of Figure 9: Photo of vane mounted wind speed, the longer it takes for a propeller anemometer anemometer (Quashning, n.d.) to respond. A cup anemometer is a smaller version of a propeller anemometer consisting of three to six conical cups in place of a propeller. Cup anemometers are used because they are simple in design, sturdy, and require little maintenance. Contrary to propeller anemometers, cup anemometers do not need to be aligned into the wind direction, making them ideal for continuous measurements (Busch & Kristensen, 1976). However, over speeding may occur with fluctuating winds and induce error in the measurement of the wind speed. This is due to the fact that cup anemometers respond faster to an increase in wind speed than to a decrease in wind speed of the same magnitude. An example of a previous measurement performed using a propeller anemometer is the study performed by Woods, which was discussed in the filters section of this report. The direct-flow filter sampler is a device that was designed to collect particles in the air at high altitudes. It utilizes a high-volume blower to pull air through filter paper at high velocities and a propeller anemometer as a flow meter to measure the total volume of air sampled (Wood, 1964). The next section of the report includes the results we expect to obtain from the data measured using one of the aforementioned methods. 3.6 Expected Results There are several published studies with information pertaining to our experiment, which provide an idea of what to expect from our results. The expected average vertical wind speed can be found by determining the rate of ascent of the high altitude balloon. Our sensor will be attached to our balloon payload and thus the vertical speed of the payload will equal the vertical wind speed measured by the sensor. A plot of the flight profile from ACES- 23 is shown in Figure 10. This figure shows the balloon’s vertical displacement versus time. By differentiating the displacement with respect to time, the velocity is obtained. The instantaneous velocity is represented graphically by the slope of the tangent line at any point on Figure 10. The vertical PDR vFINAL 12 Team Fly Boys ascent velocity has approximately two constant values shown by the two unique slopes shown in the ascending portion of Figure 10. Figure 10: Flight profile for ACES-23 3.6.1 Balloon Ascent A theoretical approximation of the ascent rate can be calculated by assuming the balloon ascent rate is the terminal velocity (Fox et al., 2009). Terminal velocity is reached when the upward and downward forces acting on a falling or rising object are equal. By the neglecting the vertical wind forces, the forces acting on a high altitude balloon are the buoyant force, FB, drag force, FD, and the force of gravity, FG. For terminal velocity to be reached, Equation 1 must be satisfied. 𝐹! = 𝐹! + 𝐹! Equation 1 Where, assuming a spherical balloon profile, the values of 𝐹! , 𝐹! , and 𝐹! are given in Equations 5, 6, and 7 (Fox et al., 2009). ! 𝐹! = ! 𝜋𝑅! 𝜌!"! 𝑔 Equation 2 Where 𝑅 is the radius of the balloon, 𝜌!"# is the density of the surrounding air, and 𝑔 is the acceleration due to gravity. Equation 3 Where 𝑅 is the radius of the balloon, 𝜌!!"#$% is the density of the helium in the balloon, 𝑔 is the acceleration due to gravity and 𝑚!"#$ is the total mass of the balloon material and payload. PDR vFINAL 13 Team Fly Boys ! 𝐹! = ! 𝜌!"# 𝑉 ! 𝐶! 𝐴 Equation 4 Where 𝜌!"# is the density of the surrounding air, V is the velocity of the balloon, 𝐶! is the coefficient of drag, and 𝐴 is the surface area of the balloon. Substituting Equations 5, 6, and 7 into Equation 4 and solving for V yields an approximate expression, Equation 5, for the ascent speed of the balloon. Equation 5 This theoretical approximation for the rate of ascent for the balloon is dependent upon several values that vary with increasing the altitude. In order to model the velocity as a function of altitude, our group must know how the variables in Equation 5 vary with altitude. In Figure 11 Team Fly Boys has constructed a graph that will estimate the balloon velocity as a function of altitude. This balloon velocity will be close but not exact to the air velocity that will be seen in vertical ascent. Balloon Velocity 14 Velocity (m/s) 12 10 8 6 Balloon Velocity 4 0 0 304.8 609.6 914.4 1219.2 1524 2133.6 2743.2 3657.6 5181.6 6705.6 8229.6 9753.6 11277.6 12801.6 14325.6 16764 19812 25908 28956 2 Al:tude (Meters) Figure 11: Balloon velocity as a function of altitude. 3.6.2 Density, Pressure and Humidity versus Altitude With a theoretical balloon ascent we can now incorporate different variables to ensure accurate calculations. In order to model the velocity as a function of altitude, Team Fly Boys must know the density of the air. Air is composed of 78.1% Nitrogen, 20.95% Oxygen, and .95% of other components (Sonntag, Borgnakke, & Van, 2003). These base values are given at a low altitude PDR vFINAL 14 Team Fly Boys and vary with altitude; this density will also vary with altitude. Density of air is the mass per unit volume of the earth’s atmosphere (Equation 6). Equation 6 The composition of air is not solely responsible for the changes of air’s density. The ideal gas law (Equation 7) helps to further evaluate the variables that affect a change in air density with a change in altitude. Equation 7 In which P is the absolute pressure, V is unit volume, m is the mass of gas, R is the specific gas constant, and T is the temperature of the gas (Sonntag et al., 2003). With the arrangement of these equations an equation relating density with pressure and temperature is derived (Equation 8). Equation 8 This equation is used for the dry air of the standard atmospheric conditions. However, for realworld situations it is necessary to understand how the moisture in the air affects the density. The density of a mixture of dry air molecules and water vapor molecules is taken into consideration in Equation 9 (Shelquist, n.d.). Equation 9 In which Pd is the pressure of the dry air, PV is the pressure of water vapor, P is total air pressure, and Rd is the gas constant for dry air. For this equation to be useful, the dry air and water vapor pressures must be known. These can be measured through the use of sensors and data can be collected and used to determine relative density. In order to calculate water vapor pressure, we must first calculate the saturation vapor pressure (Shelquist, n.d.). To do this we use Equation 10. Equation 10 Where Es is the saturation vapor pressure, Tc is the temperature in Celsius, C0=6.1078, C1=7.5, and C2 =237.3. Being able to calculate the saturation vapor pressure one can now determine the vapor pressure. In Calculating the vapor pressure it is often more accurate the use the dew point temperature instead of the relative humidity, which is strongly affected by the ambient PDR vFINAL 15 Team Fly Boys temperature. The dew point temperature is much more stable and close to constant for a given air mass. Relating the dew point as the measurement of humidity allows for a more accurate and stable result (Shelquist, n.d.). To determine the actual vapor pressure using the dew point, one must first know the temperature. Using that temperature in Equation 10 produces the saturation vapor pressure (Es). At the dew point the pressure of the water vapor equals the saturation vapor pressure. Once the pressure of water vapor is known one can use Equation 11 to determine the dry air pressure. Because the total air pressure is known, the derivation calculations just become algebraic. Equation 11 Once the variables in Equation 9 are known, the derivation of density is also known. With an accurate measurement of density one can compare the ideal behavior of density at an ideal temperature and pressure with the gathered data. Figure 1 shows the normal density of air versus altitude behavior. 3.6.3 Mass Flow Rate of Air From our experimental velocity data, we will calculate the two unique constant velocities to use in further calculations of mass flow rate of air. The mass flow of a fluid is related to the fluid’s density, velocity, and cross sectional area through which it is flowing by Equation 12 (Fox et al., 2009). 𝑚 = 𝐷𝑉𝐴 Equation 12 Where 𝑚 is the mass flow rate, 𝐷 is the density of the fluid, 𝑉 is the velocity of the fluid, and 𝐴 is the cross sectional area through which the flow is moving. Since we do not know the area through which the fluid is flowing, we will find the mass flow rate per unit area, which is shown in Equation 13. 𝑚 = 𝑚! = 𝑉𝐷 𝐴 Equation 13 Where 𝑚! is the mass flow rate per unit area, 𝑉 is the velocity of the fluid, and 𝐷 is the density of the fluid. Our calculated value of 𝑚! can then be used to find the total mass flow rate through a known area by multiplying 𝑚! by the cross sectional area of interest. Using a constant vertical velocity and a decreasing density model in Equation 12, we anticipate our results to show a continuous decrease in the mass flow of air as the balloon acends higher into the atmosphere. Figure 12 is the mean mass air flow that was calculated from these equations and from know data given to us from the LaACES staff. PDR vFINAL 16 Team Fly Boys Mean mass air flow 0.12 Velocity (m/s) 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 Mean mass air flow 0 0 304.8 609.6 914.4 1219.2 1524 2133.6 2743.2 3657.6 5181.6 6705.6 8229.6 9753.6 11277.6 12801.6 14325.6 16764 19812 25908 28956 0.02 Al:tude (Meters) Figure 12: Mean mass air flow versus altitude. 4.0 Payload Design 4.1 Principle of Operation Team Fly Boys’ payload will determine the mass flow rate of air as a function of altitude. To achieve this goal the payload will incorperate various sensors to measure air temperature, pressure, velocity and relative humidity. With the use of the BalloonSat’s Basic Stamp Microcontroller and Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), analog data from the sensors will be gathered at pre-determined times kept by the Real Time Clock (RTC), converted to digital data, and stored, along with the corresponding time, to the Electrically Erasable Programmable ReadOnly Memory (EEPROM). After flight and payload retrieval, data stored on the EEPROM can be interfaced with external software via the RS-232 Serial Port located on the BalloonSat. Once data is compiled onto the external software, it is then arranged in a spreadsheet in which the rows correspond to the altitude where the time of the data point matches the time of the altitude. The LaACES beacon payload will measure the altitude and store that information with its corresponding time. The beacon time and altitude will be used to compare data point times to determine the altitude where data points were taken. After all data is collected and arranged on the spreadsheet, formulas from the Technical Background and Requirements will be used to determine the mass flow rate of air. 4.2 System Design The main component for the payload is the BalloonSat, which is a custom design prototyping board. The BalloonSat board contains the Basic Stamp Microprocessor, the RTC, the EEPROM PDR vFINAL 17 Team Fly Boys Memory Storage, the RS-232 Serial Port, the four channel ADC, the four Light Emitting Diode (LED) indicators, voltage regulator, and a prototyping area. EEPROM +12 V RS-232 Seriel Port Microcontroller ADC Real Time Clock Figure 13: BalloonSat system diagram 4.2.1 Functional Groups Central processing unit (CPU): The BS2P24 Basic Stamp Microprocessor is a programmable microcontroller that will execute the commands of the software design and control all data reading and storing. The Basic Stamp editor software from parallax will be used to write programs with the language PBASIC. The Basic Stamp on the BalloonSat features four free digital Input/Output (I/O) pins. Real time clock (RTC): The DS1302 RTC is a time keeping integrated circuit that interconnects with the CPU via synchronous serial interface. The RTC can registers the year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, but for Team Fly Boys requirements only the time stamp HH/MM/SS is needed. The RTC includes on-chip 31 x 8 bit RAM for scratchpad data storage. The RTC will be calibrated before take-off and will be set with beacon on the LaACES flight vehicle. Data entries will be put into context with the time-stamp so the altitude of data collection is known. Memory (EEPROM): The 24LC64 series CMOS Serial EEPROM is an integrated circuit that interconnects with the CPU via synchronous serial interface. The 24LC64 provided is a 64K chip organized as 8 blocks of 1K x 8-bits. The EEPROM will store all data entries collected during flight and store a time-stamp with each entry. Connection to computer: The RS-232 Serial Port connection from the BalloonSat allows the computer, loaded with the Basic Stamp editor software, to write to the CPU. The Serial Port also allows flight data to be loaded onto external software and analyzed after flight completion. Analog to digital converters (ADC): The BalloonSat includes a 4 channel ADC, ADC0834 MICROWIRE synchronous serial interface, with selectable 2.50 or 3.00 VDC reference. The ADC will convert analog sensor data to digital data to be processed by the CPU and stored in the EEPROM. The ADC will convert measurements to a binary number in a range of 0 to 255. PDR vFINAL 18 Team Fly Boys LED indicators: Team Fly Boys will use the LED’s as visual components that will help denote whether a process has or will commence. Power: The BalloonSat requires a voltage supply range of 9-15VDC, which is then regulated by a precision voltage reference AD780. With the use of a voltage reference the components of the BalloonSat are supplied with 5V. The power source will be a DC battery that will supply power to the sensor boards as well as the BalloonSat board. Prototyping Area: The BalloonSat board features a prototyping area that will be used by Team Fly Boys to interface the humidity integrated circuit as well as supply power to the circuit. 4.2.2 Group Interfaces Table 1: Group interfaces. Interface Serial Data Analog Data Digital Data Timing Information Power Mechanical Description Data sent from the serial port. Data sent from the sensors. Data from the ADC that is stored. Information stored with measurements DC power source. Structural integrity between payload and components. Quality control of parts and building supplies to handle low temperatures. Thermal 4.2.3 Traceability Table 2: Requirements Objectives Accurately measure the mass flow rate of air up to 32,480 meters. Design and construct a payload that can measure PDR vFINAL Requirements Design circuitry for sensors to measure the pressure, temperature, humidity, and air velocity. Incorporate sensors that can detect small changes in the environment and provide 19 Functional Components The accuracy of the pressure, temperature, and humidity sensor shall be within 3%. The accuracy of the air velocity sensor shall be within 5%. All sensors will be powered during ascent and controlled by the CPU The accuracy of the pressure, temperature, and humidity sensor shall be within 3%. Team Fly Boys measurements accurately. data accurately, survive flight conditions and impact, and remain within weight budget. Payload sensors and circuitry must be able to operate within a temperature range of -70˚C to 25˚C or payload housing must insulate interior enough to stay within manufacturer’s specified operational temperature. Payload must be able to attach to flight strings. The accuracy of the air velocity sensor shall be within 5%. The pressure sensor has an operating temperature down to -40˚C. Payload shall be insulated such that interior does not go below -20˚C. The temperature sensor has an operating temperature down to -65˚C. The humidity sensor has an operating temperature down to -40˚C. Payload shall be insulated such that interior does not go below -20˚C. The air velocity sensors have an operating temperature down to -40˚C. This sensor will be located on the exterior of payload; therefor sensor housing will need to be heated by at least 30˚C for compensation. Payload exterior will be designed to withstand the impact speed and will be shock tested with force tests to simulate the impact. Holes for flight strings must be 17 cm apart. Present measurements Data storage must not and calculations of exceed 64 kilobits (8 findings from ground level kilobytes). to 32,480 meters. Data must be able to be downloaded to external software. Design circuitry for sensors to Gather data on air mass flow from ground level up measure the pressure, temperature, humidity, and air to 32,480 meters velocity. Design software to control sensors. The CPU will gather and store data onto EEPROM. Data storage will not exceed 4.2 kilobytes RS2 Serial port will be used to connect BalloonSat to computer for data download. Air pressure, temperature, and humidity will be measured every 30 seconds during balloon ascent and stored with time-stamp. Payload must withstand an impact of 6.1 m/s. PDR vFINAL 20 Team Fly Boys Air velocity sensors will send and receive an ultrasonic pulse every second during ascent. After 30 second increments, the maximum, minimum, and average velocity will be determined by CPU and then stored along with time-stamp. 4.3 Electrical Design 4.3.1 Sensors Temperature Sensor The temperature sensor shall be the 1N457 silicon p-n junction diode. A p-n diode consists of ptype and n-type semiconductors that are joined together. This construction allows current to flow easily in only one direction. As current flows through the diode, the voltage decreases linearly at the rate of about 0.0022V for each degree increase in temperature. The magnitude of voltage change depends on the current through the diode and the temperature at the junction of p-type and n-type semiconductors. The voltage will range from 240 to 300 millivolts (mV) during flight. This change in voltage versus changes in temperature makes the diode a useful and inexpensive temperature sensor. The temperature range of the diode is -65 C to 200 C. To ensure accurate calibration Team Fly Boys must take a series of careful measurements using both the prototype temperature circuit as well as a know-accurate reference instrument. To calibrate the temperature measuring circuit Team Fly Boys will utilize the WBEE sensor test set provided by the LaACES staff. The first step in calibration is to record the ambient temperature as value TA. Next plug the temperature sensor into the sensor interface board and use a digital multimeter to measure the voltage from the circuit at the same ambient temperature record, at TA, value as VA. With TA and VA known Equation 14 can be solved for Vo. Equation 14 Equation 14 is also needed to predict the diode voltage at the highest expected temperature (25C) and the lowest (-70C) expected temperature. Knowing the range of temperature, the WBEE sensor test set, in conjunction with calibration software, can be used to set the TEMP HIGH until the ADC count is 5 and the TEMP LOW until the ADC count is 250. Once calibration is completed the ADC value should be consistent with the ambient room temperature TA. Pressure Sensor The pressure sensor shall be the ICS1230. This device employs a piezoresistive strain gauge in a Wheatstone bridge configuration. Pressure changes applied to the internal strain gauge produce PDR vFINAL 21 Team Fly Boys resistance changes that result in a differential output voltage of 0-100 millivolts. The device’s operating temperature is -40 C to +125 C. Although this temperature is out of the desired range specified in the requirements, the pressure sensor will be housed inside the payload and thus insulated. The device has an accuracy of 0.5% if and only if the temperature doesn’t drop below -20 C. A variety of pressure ranges exist for this product. The range that Team Fly Boys will need is the 0 to 15 pounds per square inch (0 to 103 kilopascals (kP)). To calibrate the pressure sensor, Team Fly Boys will analyze the data given from LaACES staff to set a binary number for the highest pressure our payload should encounter. Knowing the analog to digital converter (ADC) will convert measurements to a binary number in a range of 0 to 255, we will set the binary number 250 to the highest pressure. Using the WBEE sensor test set interfaced with the pressure sensor, adjustment to the GAIN trimmer on the sensor interface board, in conjunction with the calibration software, until the count is 250. Humidity Sensor The humidity sensor shall be the HIH-4031. This sensor is a covered condensation-resistant integrated circuit. This circuit can measure relative humidity (RH) from 0% to 5% with ±3.5% accuracy. The operating temperature is -40 C to +85 C. This does not meet our requirements but will be housed inside the payload with a probe located outside the payload. This integrated circuit has three pins that need to be connected in order to function, a 5V power supply, a 0V ground, and and a Vo that will be connected to the ADC. Construction Operation Principles This PDF catalog is downloaded from the website of Murata Manufacturing co., ltd. Therefore, it’s specifications are subject to change or our products in it may be discontinued without advance notice. Please check with our ales representatives or product engineers before ordering. This PDF catalog has only typical specifications because there is no space for detailed specifications. Therefore, please approve our product specifications or transact the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering. 2 In order to calibrate the relative humidity sensor, the manufacture measures the characteristics of each sensor and supplies that documentation with the sensor. Team Fly Boys will use data the data from the manufacture to set up the WBEE sensor test set to simulate the humidity sensor. 2. Enclosed type The gain willUltrasonic be adjusted to Sensor the manufactures relative humidity measurements. Ultrasonic sensors for outdoors use are sealed to protect Air Velocity them from dew, rain and dust. Piezoelectric ceramics arethat attached toused the top inside ofthe air The sensor shall be to measure the metal case.velocity The entrance of the case isascovered is the MA40S4R/S seen inwith Figure 14. resin. (See Fig.This 4.) sensor is a transducer that is surrounded in a Metal Case Piezoelectric Ceramic metal case to protect against weather. When a voltage is supplied or received, the piezoelectric ceramics will induce mechanical distortion, which is generated according to the voltage and frequency. For transmitting circuits mechanical distortion creates an ultrasonic wave and for receiving circuits mechanical distortion from the ultrasonic wave produces an electric charge. By applying this principle, the transducers can either receive or transmit an ultrasonic wave. Lead Wire Base Shielding Material Cable Fig. 4 Construction of Enclosed Type Ultrasonic Sensor Figure 14: MA40S4R/S 3. High Frequency Ultrasonic Sensors For use in industrial robots, accuracy as precise as 1mm PDR vFINAL and acute radiation are required. By flexure vibration of the conventional vibrator, no practical characteristics 22 Team Fly Boys Ultrasonic Radiation Surface Acoustic Matching Layer S15E.p 08.10. The use of two vertically aligned sensors shall be used in the payload to detect changes in air velocity, as seen in Figure 15. To detect a change in air velocity, one sensor will be an ultrasonic pulse transmitter and the other will be ultrasonic pulse receiver. The exact characteristics of these sensors are unknown until further testing but the main characteristics of the sensor are known. The operating temperature range is -40 C to +85 C. Although the temperature range does not meet the 0 0 requirements of our mission, we plan to heat the housing of the sensor to stay within the manufacturer’s suggested temperature range. Figure 15: Two vertically aligned ultrasonic sensors. The theory behind the sonic anemometer used in Team Fly Boy’s payload is that a constant ultrasonic pulse of 40kHz will be transmitted from the south transmitting transducer to the north receiving transducer. The mass flow rate of air will pass downward through the open-air tunnel and produce a hesitance to the amplitude of the ultrasonic wave. This hesitance will be measured by the decrease or increase in electric charge on the receiving transducer. Team Fly Boys can calibrate the circuit using the WBEE sensor test set interfaced with the air velocity circuit to set the ADC counts. When there is no resistance the circuit should produce the maximum voltage, so the GAIN trimmer on the sensor interface board is adjusted until the calibration software’s count is 125. A wind tunnel can then be made measure the exact velocity of air and the value of the voltage from the receiving circuit. This data can be compiled into a graph and with the use of data analysis determine a function to calculate the velocity with known voltage. PDR vFINAL 23 Team Fly Boys 4.3.2 Sensor Interfacing Temperature Sensor The p-n junction forward voltage will vary over a range of 240 to 300 millivolts (mV) due to flight temperatures. Due to this small change, a voltage gain will need to be incorporated into the design. +12 V Constant Current + 12 V Temperature Temperature Sensor Signal Conditioning ADC 2 Figure 16: Temperature sensor system diagram. Pressure Sensor This device results in a differential output voltage of 0-100 millivolts. This signal must be amplified in order to meet ADC requirements. +12 V Constant Current + 12 V Pressure Pressure Sensor Signal Conditioning ADC 3 Figure 17: Pressure sensor system diagram. PDR vFINAL 24 Team Fly Boys Humidity Sensor The humidity sensor is an all in one sensor that only needs five volts to operate. No additional amplifiers are needed. +5 V Humidity Integrated Circuit Humidity ADC 4 Figure 18: Humidity integrated circuit system diagram. Air Velocity Sensor The Air velocity sensor measures the voltage of the ultrasonic wave that is transmitted. The magnitude of the decrease in voltage determines the velocity of the air in the opposing direction. I/O ADC 1 +12 V Oscillating Circuit Signal Conditioning Ultrasonic Sensor (Transmitter) Ultrasonic Sensor (Reciever) +12 V Medium Figure 19: Ultrasonic sensor system diagram. 4.3.3 Control Electronics The main electrical components will be housed in the payload as seen in Figure 21. The RS-232 serial port will interact with the microcontroller on the BalloonSat board. With this communication the data stored onto the EEPROM can be collected and transferred to external software. From the equations in Technical Background and Requirements as well as Electrical Design section the data can be calculated into useable data and graphs. PDR vFINAL 25 Team Fly Boys Payload Mechanical Support System Thermal Support System BalloonSat Board Ch 4 Pressure Sensor Humidity Sensor Data Archive (EEPROM) ADC RTC Ch 3 Ch 2 Temperature Sensor Serial Air Velocity Sensor CPU Microprocessor Ch 1 Power Ground Control Data Processing and Analysis Figure 20: Payload system diagram. 4.3.4 Power Supply The BalloonSat, temperature sensor, pressure sensor, and air velocity sensor requires 10V to 12V to operate properly. With the use of 8 AAA lithium batteries, 12V can be sufficiently supplied to these circuits. For the humidity integrated circuit the voltage needs to drop to a range of 4V to 5.5V. The BalloonSat features a voltage regulator that supplies the range needed for the humidity circuit (Figure 21). 12V Lithium Battery Temperature Sensor Pressure Sensor V out (10-12) BalloonSat V out (4-5.5) Air Velocity Sensor Humidity Integrated Circuit Figure 21: Power system diagram. PDR vFINAL 26 Team Fly Boys The power source for prototyping will be the bench power supply. This power supply should have a range from 0V to 15V perfect for simulating the 12V battery that will be used for flight. 4.3.5 Power Budget Table 3: Power budget. Component BalloonSat Temperature Sensor Pressure Sensor Humidity Integrated Circuit Air Velocity Sensor Total Required Amperes 60 mA 2 mA 2 mA 0.2 mA 15 mA 94.2 mA The total pre-flight and flight time is estimated to be four hours. To achieve data collection and storage throughout the entire flight a power budget with every component in the payload taken into account. The required amperes for Team Fly Boys payload is 94.2mA. The use of AAA batteries rated at 1100mA/h will ensure that the four hour operation requirement is accomplished. PRODUCT DATASHEET US/CAN With a load of approximately 100mA discharge time will decrease with faster1-800-383-7323 with a decrease in temperature as seen in Figure 22. ENERGIZER L92 AAA Typical Discharge Curve Characteristics Constant Current Discharge at 21°C (low and high drains) Low Drain Performance High Drain Performance 50mA Continuous (21°C) AAA Lithium 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0 6 12 18 AAA Lithium 1.6 24 AAA Alkaline 1.4 Voltage (CCV) Voltage (CCV) 1.6 600mA Continuous (21°C) AAA Alkaline 1.2 1.0 0.8 30 0.0 Service (hours) 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 Service (hours) Figure 22: Battery discharge curve. Constant Power Performance Constant Current Performance Typical Characteristics to 1.0 Volts (21°C) Typical Characteristics to 1.0 Volts (21°C) AAA Lithium Service, Hours Service, Hours AAA Lithium 1000 1000 100 10 100 10 1 1 10 100 10 1000 Application Tests (21°C) oltage (CCV) PDR vFINAL 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 REMOTE 24 ohm 15 sec/min 8 hrs/day REMOTE AUDIO 1000 Industry Standard Tests (21°C) 27 oltage (CCV) ELECTRONIC GAME / DIGITAL AUDIO 100 mA 1 hr/day 100 Discharge (mA) Discharge (mW) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 DSC 1CAMERA (DSC) DIGITAL STILL .9/.4K mW 2/28 sec 10x per hour Team Fly Boys 4.4 Software Design 4.4.1 Data Format & Storage The EEPROM on the BalloonSat provided to Team Fly Boys by LaACES has 8 kilobytes of available space for data storage. An Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is also available on the BalloonSat and converts analog data into an 8 bit digital signal. The pressure sensor, temperature diode, and relative humidity circuit require a byte each of storage space and shall measure its environment every 20 seconds once the payload flight software begins. The air velocity sensors will have a subroutine for collecting air velocity during a 20 second increment. During this interval, the ultrasonic sensor set up to receive frequencies will collect data in pulses every second. These data points will be temporarily stored onto the Basic Stamp Microcontroller RAM along with corresponding time. The Basic Stamp Microcontroller has 128 bytes of scratch pad RAM and the velocity data and associated time stamp will use 80 bytes of memory during the 20 second time interval. After twenty seconds, the highest, lowest, and average wind velocity data during this time interval will be computed by the microcontroller and stored onto the EEPROM. All data points taken after 20 seconds will have a time stamp stored in the format HH:MM:SS, and will require three bytes of storage. For an estimated ascent rate of 304.8 meters per minute, 6000 seconds shall be a sufficient amount of time for the sounding balloon to reach 30,480 meters. For 8 kilobytes of available data storage, roughly 533 data intervals can be taken. Taking data every 20 seconds will result in a data acquisition time of almost three hours. This timeframe should be sufficiently long enough for the balloon to make a complete ascent to 30,480 meters and also leave enough time for any launch delays. 4.4.2 Flight Software The flight software for the payload will be written and downloaded onto the BalloonSat using the Basic Stamp programming software. A flow chart of the flight software can be found in Figure 23. Once the payload is powered up, the internal flight software will initialize sensors, the Basic Stamp Microcontroller, and Real Time Clock. The microcontroller will then determine if the EEPROM used memory is equal to 7995 bytes. If the memory is not equal to 7995 bytes, a 20 second loop will begin for data acquisition. At the end of the event loop the microprocessor will acquire data from the temperature, pressure, and relative humidity sensor to be stored on the EEPROM after analog to digital conversion. In addition to temperature, pressure, and relative humidity data that is stored at the end of the event loop, three data values will be stored to the EEPROM from the air velocity sensors. These values are a result of a subroutine that takes place during the 20 second time interval. The flow chart for this subroutine can be found in Figure 24.During this subroutine, air velocity data will be acquired every second during the event loop. The ultrasonic sensor dedicated to transmitting will transmit a constant frequency aimed towards the receiving dedicated ultrasonic sensor, which will be controlled by the Basic Stamp Microcontroller to receive data every second. Data received from the receiving dedicated ultrasonic sensor will be temporarily stored onto the Basic Stamp Microcontroller scratch pad RAM along with a time stamp from the RTC. At the end of the 20 second subroutine loop, the maximum and minimum velocity readings during the event loop will be stored onto the EEPROM with its corresponding time stamp. In addition, the microcontroller will compute the average air velocity during the event loop and store value onto the EEPROM. Velocity data PDR vFINAL 28 Team Fly Boys from subroutine will be removed from Basic Stamp Microcontroller scratch pad RAM. Data for the temperature, pressure, relative humidity, and average air velocity will have a common time stamp associated with the values. After data is stored to the EEPROM, the microcontroller will determine if the EEPROM’s used memory is equal to 7995 bytes. If the used memory is not equal to 7995 bytes, the event loop will begin again. If the used memory is equal to 7995 bytes, the flight program will end. After the payload has landed and is retrieved, it will be powered up (if necessary) and connected to a computer so that collected data can be downloaded and analyzed. Start Flight Program Set Variables, Initialize Hardware Set Real Time Clock YES Does Stored Memory on EEPROM = 7995 Bytes? Store Final Data End Flight Program NO Request Data from Pressure Sensor Request Data from Temperature Sensor Pause 20 seconds Request Data from Humidity Sensor Request Data from Air Velocity Sensors Request Data from RTC Store Data to EEPROM Figure 23: Flight software flow chart. PDR vFINAL 29 Team Fly Boys Request Data from Air Velocity Sensors - Subroutine Transmitting Ultrasonic Sensor Transmits Constant 40 kHz Frequency Note Time T1 from RTC Request Data from Receiving Ultrasonic Sensor Request Data from RTC Pause 1 Second Send Data to BASIC Stamp Microcontroller RAM NO Does T2 = T1 + 20 seconds? YES Request Highest Velocity During 20 Second Interval and Associated Time from BASIC Stamp Microcontroller Request Lowest Velocity During 20 Second Interval and Associated Time from BASIC Stamp Microcontroller Request Average Velocity During 20 Second Interval from BASIC Stamp Microcontroller Figure 24: Air velocity sensor flow chart PDR vFINAL 30 Team Fly Boys 4.5 Thermal Design The payload will encounter a decrease in pressure from 101 to 10 kilopascals, temperature ranging from -70 C to 35 C, and relative humidity from 0% to 100%. Because of these harsh environment conditions certain precautions must be taken to ensure mission success. The shell of the payload will be constructed of polystyrene, a composite foam board that has been used in tested in many LaACES flights. This material is also used to insulate the payload’s components from low temperatures in order to ensure that electrical systems remain in working order. The shell will be glued together with any of the following: Gorilla Glue ®, Elmer‘s ® High- Performance Glue, Elmer‘s ® Carpenter‘s Wood Glue, or a glue similar to hot glue. All glues have been used in previous payloads and are rated for low temperatures. Components for the payload have been selected to work properly in low temperatures. If a component is not capable of withstanding the low temperatures of flight, heating elements will be incorporated to ensure the device will work properly. Some sensors will be inside the payload with a probe outside that can operate in low temperatures. PDR vFINAL 31 Team Fly Boys 4.6 Mechanical Design 4.6.1 External Structure The payload housing will consist of two separate rectangular tubes. The reasoning for this construction design is to keep the electrical compartment separate from the open-air tunnel in order to reduce condensation exposed to the circuitry. The electrical compartment of the payload will be a rectangular cube that has the dimensions 18 cm long, 13 cm wide, and 18 cm high. These dimensions have been chosen to give enough room for the BalloonSat board, the humidity integrated circuit, and the three sensor interface boards. The sides will be constructed with 2cm polystyrene and glued together. There will be a removable top that will allow access to the components inside. Temperature, pressure, and humidity sensors will be wired outside the payload. The open-air tunnel of the payload will be a rectangular cube that has the dimensions 10cm long, 7cm wide, and 22cm high. These dimensions have been chosen because the ultrasonic sensors need to be spaced face to face by 20cm. The ultrasonic sensors will be mounted inside the tube vertically with the transmitter at the bottom and the receiver at the top. At the top and bottom of open-air tunnel, noise deadening foam will be glued around the perimeter of the square hole to eliminate any whistles that horizontal wind may create. The reason for this is to reduce any frequencies caused by the whistle that may affect the readings of our air velocity sensors. Figure 26: Section of payload Figure 25: ¾ Veiw of payload 4.6.2 Internal Structure On the inside of the payload the bottom will house the battery. A battery compartment will be surrounded by extra insulation that will help the battery store the thermal energy loss and keep the battery warmer than its surroundings. A top for the battery compartment will also be constructed to separate the battery box from the electronic box. The electronic boards will be mounted vertically above the battery box in the payload via a wood board that will fit into PDR vFINAL 32 Team Fly Boys vertical slots on the payload so that the electrical boards can be removed easily. The electrical boards will then be screwed onto the wood board on either side. The electrical wires for the external sensors will be connected to the board via color-coded connectors. 4.6.3 Weight Budget Table 3: Weight budget. Components Payload Structure Temperature board Pressure board Humidity circuit Ultrasonic Anemometer BalloonSat Total Weight Weight Approximation 150g 75g 75g 5g 100g 80g 485g The total weight budget comes out to be 485 grams (g), which is under the 500g requirement. This approximation includes: wires, connectors, and sensors. Because the payload structure is large the majority of the weight will come from its design. PDR vFINAL 33 Team Fly Boys 5.0 Payload Development Plan 5.1 Electrical Design Development In order to determine circuit schematics for the CDR, Team Fly Boys must finalize the power budget and all choices of sensors. To do this each sensor will be tested and calibrated to determine actual accuracy and measurement capabilities, as well as undergo cold and pressure tests. From this prototyping we can further determine current and voltage supplies. Using the system level diagrams from the PDR we can determine the circuits by knowing the desired output and the voltage supplied. Further research will be necessary to determine various components 5.2 Software Design Development The details of the software design shall follow the software flowchart in the PDR. This flowchart gives the necessary information to successfully write the outline of the program. As the program is written it will be tested to make sure the newly added code will function properly. This data retrieved from the program will then be compared to determine accuracy. 5.3 Mechanical Design Development For the mechanical design Team Fly Boys will follow the construction outline provided in the PDR this includes dimension, materials, and sensors. The decision of where to place each sensor and circuit is unknown but will be determined before the CDR. Mechanical engineering drawings will completed in detail showing the complete placement of circuits and sensors. 5.4 Mission Development Circuit prototyping will be utilized as well as thermal, shock, and vacuum testing to ensure mission success. A calibration process will be needed along with sensors testing for accuracy to determine measurements within a certain range. The use of external software such as excels and PBASIC will be used to collect data and calculate such data into corresponding graphs. PDR vFINAL 34 Team Fly Boys 8.0 Project Management 8.1 Organization and Responsibilities David Branch • Team Lead – Contact point for LaACES staff and management of project goals • Software Design Lead – Design and write software for payload hardware • Report Editing Lead – Quality control of documentation. Jared Pellegrin • Payload Design Lead – Thermal and structural design and construction of payload housing. • Hardware Design Lead – Design and construct working circuitry for sensor readings. Due to limited staff, the members of Team Fly Boys will work simultaneously on different tasks throughout the research, design, and construction of the payload in order to reach time sensitive goals. Team Fly Boys contact information: David Branch (318) 344-8580 Jared Pellegrin (985) 852-0651 8.2 Configuration Management Plan • Because decisions cannot be determined by majority vote, the primary system designer will determine final decisions. If issues are deemed detrimental to the success to the payload, Team Fly Boys will seek advice from an advisor. • Meetings will take place every Monday and Wednesday between seven and eight Post meridiem. • Additional meetings may be required in order to accomplish team goals. No less than four hours’ notice must be given to team for any previously unscheduled meeting. • Meetings will take place in the LaACES lab unless otherwise specified. Meetings will begin and end promptly. • Any unresolved issues at the end of a meeting will be documented and discussed at the beginning of the next meeting. • If any member cannot attend a meeting or believes he will be late, he must give prior notice of no less than three hours. PDR vFINAL 35 Team Fly Boys • A team notebook will be used to record team notes, general ideas, and meeting agendas and will remain in LaACES lab at all times. • All data sheets will be stored in team binder and will remain in LaACES lab at all times. • All calculations will be made using the International System of Units. • Electronic data will be shared via the QNAP Web File Manager provided by LaACES. • Electronic data files will also be kept on LaACES computers in organized folders and personal USB jump drives for backup purposes and at-home access. • When documentation and software versions are updated, a maximum of four versions must be saved at all times. For example: Versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 have been created during the drafting process. 8.3 Interface Control Upon the first meeting, Team Fly Boys will set short and long term goals within a Work Breakdown Schedule that must be met on time. Short-term goals will change upon completed milestones throughout the semester in order to micromanage the project. Tasks will be assigned by the Team Lead during scheduled meeting times; however subtasks may be assigned via any form of communication at any time. All reports are to be completed five days before the hard deadline and submitted to Jennifer Hay for review. All presentation slides are to be completed three days before the hard deadline and submitted to Jennifer Hay for review. Each member is to be accountable for his obligations throughout the semester. This includes, but is not limited to school and the LaACES program. PDR vFINAL 36 Team Fly Boys 9.0 Master Schedule 9.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Figure 27: Work breakdown schedule. PDR vFINAL 37 Team Fly Boys 9.2 Timeline and Milestones PDR vFINAL 38 Team Fly Boys Figure 28: Gant chart PDR vFINAL 39 Team Fly Boys 11.0 Risk Management and Contingency Table 4: Risk Detection. System Electrical 1 2 3 4 5 Software 6 7 8 Mechanical 9 10 11 Other 12 13 14 15 Risk Likelihood Impact Detection Difficulty When Condensation in electrical area Components failure Sensor failure Power failure Loose solder connection 2 4 1 During Flight 1 1 3 1 5 5 5 5 2 3 3 2 Before Flight Before Flight During Flight Before Flight Forgot to load correct program Didn’t factor in enough time for data retrieval and ground calibrations Didn’t test new programs modifications 1 5 2 Before Flight 1 3 2 Before Flight 1 3 1 Before Flight Loss of Payload Payload breaks during testing Lid is not secured properly 2 3 5 2 5 1 After Flight Before Flight 2 3 1 During Flight Interface expenses exceed budget Team deadlines not met on time LaACES deadlines not met on time Team cooperation issues 2 2 1 Before Flight 1 3 1 Before Flight 3 4 1 Before Flight 1 4 1 Before Flight Key: Likelihood – 5 is very likely, 1 is not likely Impact – 5 is most impact, 1 is least impact Detection Difficulty – 5 is difficult to detect, 1 is easy to detect PDR vFINAL 40 Team Fly Boys Table 5: Risk Severity Matrix. 5 Likelihood 4 10 14 4 11 1 9 7 8 13 6 15 2 3 5 6 3 4 5 3 12 2 1 1 2 Impact PDR vFINAL 41 Team Fly Boys Table 6: Contingency Plan per Risk. System Electrical 1 Risk 2 Condensation in electrical area Components failure 3 Sensor failure 4 Power failure 5 Loose solder connection Software 6 7 8 Mechanica l 9 10 11 Other 12 13 14 15 PDR vFINAL Contingency Plan Trigger Who is responsible Make Final Report Engineering Jared See other teams who used similar See other teams who used similar See other teams who used similar See other teams who used similar Weather Jared Bad Part Jared Bad Part Jared Bad Work David Forgot to load correct program Didn’t factor in enough time for data retrieval and ground calibrations Didn’t test new programs modifications Reload Engineer David Use measurements up until no data Engineer David Hope they work Engineering Jared and David Loss of Payload Payload breaks during testing Lid is not secured properly Failure analysis Failure analysis Engineering Engineering Jared Jared Re-secure Engineering David Interface expenses exceed budget Team deadlines not met on time LaACES deadlines not met on time Team cooperation issues Downsize Bad Leading David Downsize Bad Leading David Pray and downsize Bad Leading David Resolve Bad Leading David and Jared 42 Team Fly Boys 12.0 Glossary Term Definition LaACES CDR FRR PDR WBS Component Sensor Interface WBEE sensor test set Binary Analog Digital HIGH TEMP Physics & Aerospace Catalyst Experiences in Research Critical Design Review Flight Readiness Review Preliminary Design Review Work breakdown structure Systems, circuit boards, and integrated circuits An electrical device used to measure An interconnection between systems LaACES provided circuit board used to calibrate sensors Digits or numbers used in the binary system Represents data by measurement of a continuous physical variable Data measured in binary Potentiometer integrated into the WBEE sensor test set used to adjust the high temperature Potentiometer integrated into the WBEE sensor test set used to adjust the low temperature Potentiometer integrated into the WBEE sensor test set used to adjust the gain voltage LOW TEMP GAIN trimmer PDR vFINAL 43 Team Fly Boys