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Annexure I-About MIND your DNA 10032022

Annexure I
About the book…. “MIND your DNA”
Key selling points of this project and what makes it distinctive……..
In this current digital era, there is an enormous amount of information available and are
easily accessible through several books and various digital media platform; documented
by scientists, Medical professionals, philosophers, religious heads, on to how MIND holds
key to health and wellness. Recent past has seen several new theories emerge, linking
quantum realms and its subatomic particles healing the MIND and BODY.
Whereas this book MIND your DNA has gone one step further and elucidates how this
healing takes place at the molecular level at the DNA level, not by using scientific jargon
like epigenetics and quantum biology but by step-by-step explaining the mechanism of
Aryabhata (476 AD) was the first of the great astronomers of the classical age of India
who gave this world the concept of the digit "0" (zero). Similarly, this book MIND your
DNA has revealed for the first time where exactly is our MIND located, its exact nature
and composition and its minute-by-minute workings discussed at the Molecular Level.
The mysteries associated with spiritual Saints and mysterious happenings mentioned in
different religious scriptures, so also various para-normal phenomenon have been
scientifically explained in simple language. Basically, this book is a Divine Fusion of
Science and Spirituality; it’s a fusion of the Eastern Philosophy with its esoteric science
and the Western scientific research and observations in a way that can be appreciated
by both Scientists and Spiritual practitioners and will inspire the readers to explore what
lies beyond the manifest universe and hence enable them to transcend the physical
nature of the human body.
This book is an attempt to understand our Mind– Consciousness– DNA (Genome) – as one
single unit and take the support of Cosmic Meditation to comprehend this wholeness and
transcend beyond the physical boundaries of our body. Cosmic Consciousness is
synonymous to an operating platform for the SOUL to undertake the journey of life and
in the process comprehend itself.
Our individual Consciousness is the energy field of our Soul which is constantly nourished
by the Cosmic energies and the moment the Cosmic energy stops its input, the Soul
liberates itself from the shackles of the physical body and continues in its journey into
eternity. However, our Soul, which is the very engine of our life, needs the support of the
body and mind to unleash its power and realize its full potential. This is possible through
regular practice of Cosmic Meditation. During deep states of Meditation, MIND is held in
a state of silence – a state when the mind stops its flurry of activity of receiving, processing
and transmitting THOUGHTS. During this state of MIND, our individual Consciousness
takes control of our DNA. Thus Consciousness, MIND and DNA are closely associated with
each other.
During Meditation, a connection is established between the Human Consciousness and
the Cosmic Consciousness through the MIND. Meditation has been described as a method
to attain “enlightenment” and this process actually takes place in a human body starting
at the DNA level. This is the main theme of this book. The Gross or Matter form of DNA
transforms itself into photons or light particles during Meditation. This is reflected in the
Aura; usually as a halo seen around a self-realized person and this halo is generally visible
to those who are on the path of Meditation. At the fundamental level, literally at the
genomic level, Meditation transforms the human at the DNA level from matter into LIGHT.
This leads to a complete change in the Human Physiology and the Biochemistry.
During Meditation when your MIND is held in a state of silence or a state of NONTHOUGHT, the individual Consciousness merges with the Cosmic Consciousness and a lot
of information gets down loaded from the huge data bank of Akashic (Cosmic) records
called the Cosmic Consciousness. Everything that humans have created, invented,
designed, discovered right from the stone age till this era of artificial intelligence has
been possible because they are endowed with this possibility.
"MIND your DNA" is the result of various inputs received from the COSMIC
CONSCIOUSNESS during regular practice of COSMIC MEDITATION under the guidance of
my spiritual master Guruji Kumar Krishnamoorthy, author of Inner Light Cosmic
Speciality of the book MIND your DNA:
A lot of research in the field of Molecular biology, genetic engineering, quantum physics,
particle physics, study of consciousness by neuroscientists and neurobiologists,
biophoton research by a certain set of scientists, experiments on water crystals are all
inadvertently converging into understanding the secret of functioning of the universe.
This book is thus a wholesome diet to the intellectual Minds seeking to get to the
depth of the mysterious universe.
The entire book can become a part of education curriculum, since it encompasses diverse
subjects like molecular biology, quantum biology, biochemistry, neurobiology,
biophotons, morphogenetics, epidemiology. MIND your DNA is a product of thorough
research into the esoteric science of East and corroborated with the Western scientific
studies and observations. For the first time in the history of Science and Spirituality,
MIND has been located in body physical and methods to handle it suitably so as to
remain healthy has been elucidated. Impact of Meditation at the Genomic level and how
Meditation brings about positive transformation of the MIND has been explained at the
molecular level.
This book can also be read and understood by Corporates especially in the Healthcare &
Wellness industry and used in their training programs, motivational programs in
schools, colleges, business houses, counsellors – students, corporates, professionals.
Medical doctors and psychotherapists can use the knowledge presented in the book
“MIND your DNA” in handling their patients.
The title of the book is like a pun – DNA is your MIND; so, MIND your DNA for wellness
and happiness.
Anandi Ravinath – Author “Mind your DNA”
Author of MIND your DNA - Fusion of Science and Meditation
Available in Amazon: https://www.amazon.in/MIND-your-DNA-SCIENCE-MEDITATIONebook/dp/B0827NYQLH
For details visit: www.mindyourdna.com
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