ECSENGINEERING PIPINGSTANDARDS NO COPYRIGHT PART II CONTENT ABBREVIATIONS USEDON DRAWINGS EXAMPLEDRAWINGS GUIDELINESANDCHECKLISTSFORDRAWINGS PIPINGDETAILSTANDARD SHORTCUTPROCESS EQUIPMENT DENOTATIONS SHORTCUTMEDIADENOTAÏIONS STANDARD ECSDRAWING TITLEBLOCKS LINELIST STANDARD SYMBOLS TO BE USEDON DRAWINGS (TOBE EXTENDED ANDIMPROVED) ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.007 PIPING DEPARTMEI\T LIST Abbreviations used on drawings and in documents. REV DATE SIGN REV DATE SIGN PROJECT DOC. FTR CLIENT PROJ. I\iR CLIENT l0 PIPING.STD 07.I ECS ENGINEERING B.V. DESCRIPTON 8CS.02.007 ABBREVI,ATION DESCRIPTION A Absolute AmericanNationalStandardsInstitute AmericanPetroleumInstitute AmericanSocietyfor TestingandMaterials BeveledBoth Ends(pipenipple) BeveledLargeEnd (iribeniàbtei ' peyeledOnàEnd 1pïpênippfel Bolt Circle BottomFlat Bottom of BasePlate Bottomof Pipe Bottomof Stèel Branch Butt Welded CS C CL CM CONC CONN Degrees DeutscheIndustrieNorm Diameter Drain Drawrng ECC ELET EBW EFW ERW EL Female/ Force Fibre ReinforcedPipe Field Weld Flange Flansed GALV GR Hexasonal Honzóntal Hour ID IS IS&Y INS ISO IPS Jacketed KG Lap Joint I-atrolet(pipenipple) Lrquto Long Radius FIat Ëace }IEX HOR HR J K Kilogram F FRP FW FLG FLGD FF H I Inside Diameter Inside Screw (valve) Inside Screw & Yoke (valve) lnsulation Isometric drawing kon Pipe Size DEGR DIN DIA DR DV/G F G Galvanized Grade BOE BLE BOE BC BF BOB BOP BOS BR BW D E Eccentric Elbolets Elbow Electric Fusion Welded Electric Resistance Welded Elevation ABBREVIATION B ABS ANSI API ASTM C CarbonSteel Celcius CenterLine Centimeter Concentric Connection PIPING.STD 07.2 JAC L M LJ LLET L LR N Machured MACH Male M MalleableIron MI Manufacturer MFR MFR's Standardization SocietvSTD Practice MSS SP Material MAT Maximum MAX Meqa m Meler mtr Millimeter mm Minimum MIN Minute min Motor ControlCenter MTC NationalPipe ïuead (taperedthread) Net PositivêSuctionFlead Nippolet(pipenipple) Non RisingStem(valve) NormallyClosed(valve) ' Normally Open(vàve) North Not Applicable l1 NPT NPSH NLET NRS NC NO N NA 8CS.02.007 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION ABBREVIAÏON o oil OutsideDiameter OutsideScrew(valve) OutsideScrew& Yoke Overleneth S U UndersiteConcrete UndersiteSteel w Wall Thickness Water Weld WeldingNeck (flange) Weldolet ïVest WorkrngPoint (elevationof slopedline) ABBREVI,AÏON P o Piping Detail Standard Piping & lnstrumentDiagram PlàinEottrEnds(pipenifple) PlainEnd (pipenipple) PlainLargeEnd(pipenipple) Plain OneEnd (pipe nipple) Plain SmallEnd (pipenipple) Plate Poundsper SquareInch Poundsper SquareInch Absolute Poundsper SquareInch Gauge OD OS OS&Y OL a SamplePoint Scheïule (pipe wall thickness) Screwed Seamless Short Radius (elbow) Slip On (flange) Socket Welding (fittings) Sockolet South Stainless Steel Standard Steam Swage (reducing pipe nipple) PIPING.STD 07.3 R Raced Face Random Length Reducing Reinforced Ring Tlpe Joint (flange) Rising Stem (valve) T SP SCH SCR'D SMLS SR SO SW SLET S SS STD ST SWG Ternperature Thickness ThreadedBoth Ends(pipe nipple) ThreadedLnge End (pipe nipple) ThreadedOneEnd (pipe nipple) ThreadedSmallEnd (pipe nipple) Threadolet Top 'Iop Flat (eccentricreduceror swage) Of Concrete Top Of Steel Tracing Tubular Exchanser " ManufacturersAssociation Tack Welded Typical UC US Vertical WT WTR WLD WN WLET DoubleExlra Strong(pipe wall flrickness) Exlra Strong(pipe wall thickness) v x w WP Z Y l2 PDS P&ID PBE PE PLE POE PSE PLT PSI PSIA PSIG RF RL RED REINF RTJ RS TEMP THK TBO TLE TOE TSE TLET TF TOC TOS TR TEMA T\ i TYP VERT )o(s XS ECSENGINEERINGB.V. PAGE 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 l0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ECS.02.0lg PIPING.STD 19.I DESCRIPTTON Front sheet Site Plan drawingdivision ExampleSitePlan drawing Plot Plan drawingdivision ExamplePlot Plan drawing ExamplePlot Plan drawing(Area divisionfor piping plans) Piping,Fencing,GreenDecorationandRoads&ParkingPlandrawingdivision ExamplePipingPlan drawingwith HeatExchangers ExamplePiping Plan drawing with Pumps ExamplePipingPlan drawingwith Tower ExamplePipingPlan drawingwith Pumpsections ExamplePipingPlan Elevationof Tower ExampleF'encingPlan drawing ExampleGreenDecorationPlan drawing ExampleRoads&Parking Plandrawing Erample Isometricdrawing ExampleTestIsometricdrawing ExamplePipe Spooldrawing ExampleSpecialPipe Supportdrawing ExampleProcessEquipmentData Sheetdrawing ExampleSpecialPipingItem drawing 35 (O S ) (O.S.) (O.S.) (O S ) (O S ) fC5 Ol-g -.S I T" g. PL A N -ryPl j IHEtT DRA\J f RL F-ORT AT ' AI6 Ar DIVf -SIDN A.A " ]DIVI5ION -Sll-E PL'gN .DF|AL/ING-S TYPICAL -SIT-T REIIRRK: . f ) I T 1 E N _ 5 I O N 5F O R S I T E P L A N A R E A A R E M R X I N U H A L L O W E D D I M E N . s I O N S . FNY PLRN VIABLE .DRêL/'NC -5CALE FOR-5IT-E ' PLAN5 I5 êLLO\JI.f). _ SI T E PL Ê N Íl q 60 R EHêRK : -DIT,lEN SI ON 5 IN MILLITlETERS rCS CII.g FIRNPLE DRÊ\^/IN6'. PLFNÏ NORTH TRU E NORTH -SITE PLAN ÀI -SHFET trOR DV6 I.IEADTR -SEtr _St{EtrT5 TYT}CAL DIVISION 360 lac FENtr E QUn)r v1 g -5OUTH 60. ooo "l LOADIN6 FACtLfTIE.s CRUDE FLARE PROCESS PART I .STORRGT ---T 5TA CK t) U q L o AJ Or a a c; -5TORA GE P R O CE S S PART TTT ó (r o = a (f a (f ; u4 vl D q rf t+r N l.!J U z I 3 q PROCESS 5TORA6 E PRCIDUCT PÊR:T r [; td ,fl \iJ q a o 6 0 s o J cr J ?i D tot INTER}'IEDIAT.E IJ FUTUR T uïrLlTfES UTILITIE5 PRDC E SS PART IT PÊRT T PART g rj t PROtrE55 PART Ï f r LITILITIES .SERVICE.5 PÊRT TlT AND ADT'INIsTRATION FUTURE FrNcE R E 1 1 AR K : DIMEN.SI FU.rU RE iouTr.i ON 5 IN 3A0. O00 MEÏER 5 , C O O B D I N ê T Ë 5 I N I 4 I L I . I } 1 E T E R 5" .L i N - L FOR IIAT 6 OA 'N -SCÊLL_ .DRRW IN 6 . r , ,J 15 tÁ Zl UJ lrl B.IJ. EI::gEHT.iIHEEHIHG EC-s .5I TEÊ l-'1trt.4i, llhÍi:f' F.EFERE] t'lLlt4ÉEF nEËf,RlFTlr-lf"ltrRAi'Jll'lË l'-'l- l-rl ln Tf REV {} FC}RFLÁH[}RÀ}VIHI].q HEÀT}ER OI g -sFIEE T PLAN _5 .DRA\^/IN6 HtrAI]ER llltJL! I nEV POO i"itu nÀTtr |I r-:lË!.1 |I Etr\J II rtÈe srurr Ut-rlL ïITLE : -S I T.T BF.$,'#ii"iE t''lUt4EEFl FF.r_l-lEf,T i'{ilF4FEP, PL A N : .g3oot- sP- ol . -3 3 ool rlllEf'{Ï nP,q\,J!l'{Ë f'lF illiEr.firtrFmEeT-EFi nÁTF II tlf;l.i -,-,t srrrE I tFil.ii E.Y. ECS ET{GIHEERIT.I{J EC-S FLOTPLAN TYPI 6 O f -g C AL r?EMRRI< -I]T?A\JïN6 TY?lC,CL .DRA\JIN .. -f]I]-1ENJ-5ION-S ANY : FORMA-T' PLO-T- PLAN VI AËLE G F-DR -56êLE -SHtET R- I]IVI DlVl5lON F-oR PLOTPLAN .DRA\JINGS 1SI ON t = L O - 1 -F L R N FOR i oREA PLOTPLRN-5 FrR E "I5 tl Aï | l-1Url ALLO l)lÈ1FN 5 | ON 5 ALLOWTD { I IN K E Y P L A NO F S I T E PLAN. PLDT PLAN J 61 I RENARK : -DI}íÉN5ION5 )N NILL\t-1E-]*ER-5 íÍAicHLrruEJ0url-t trOR CONT. -SEE .D\^/6. l=c5 rl FXBIIPLf scALE, jl r{l a t-\ c) a a l! {l oio o,c o o È(3 c! NN N L! I N a ul nr I, i I t Írr t*f tt ll T:T il tl lt ++ ll lil -U-l Fl o c i 0r,l f L tlj Cl.g 3E t t 0-' 00-À IJJ: btJ () c) C] ; u I I a c 1.- I td ] - FI O r Ld I E- Ld BRTDGL Vl "tP_F I rI F z e U v1 i $r ; trr tri EI -ï FoKmRT lfw6 I FI íl R.1 I UUI t- trl rl* 0N 150 t4 Nl clr o ,t IJ LJ' Flt : , ,l ol fl D;( 1t -sIÏE PI.ANAREAT? IN F1H 70004 É] 3ln _-SHEET -? PLOTPLAN DIHEN 5ION5 L20A0 at ul 0t-g +I ROAD E 01 Ct b t-J iÀ I o L L r-\ tv o a o c; Ít lí1 t/ N € .D S - O O t _ _ ln E trR_OAt t! il ir il e' Ël Lu z = T \.J c) c] È Ê tt ,/o00 28000 l- -----l 3Z 1t000 OOO ----/ - -- r N M A T C H L I N E - S O U T H 220.000 t r O Rc o N T . _ s E E D w 6 E. RO AD zoooCI ron cqr.rrS_!E_!Y-G.:_:---FoR.rNr.sFE .oU6.-- --- - i4qy1qt1g_g4=1T_êre-oeo- FoRcoNr.sFFp_u6.,-----[ _- 11 I =i 3t I l' ----ïr---ï---rr ii-TT-- l:= li lls llF ;l ;n I ls lS il ill ii li I lrlvril Ii$ N I |II|r lo Iil il | ,i I ,,i: |rfi I-r | I' I ii | ei i;l :;?-"-';-------l-Íl '-_i rr iïl izl ili q-rr'HÊooz q-rr'HÊooz Ë i ;i |ïL, i ,Ë*"if i.l #rrii l^ { è' i; ..,-------------,= i,H:l - - - 1,f;?l -.T - "q' ol t I EePPlo'l ï" 1". I ;i I I si lÈ I I l.; lI n i Pl |i | | iË :l ii r;il iiiÉ Il--L;-J[ il :[i-.*iL iïl itt* liu iÍl lFlf-r.- ]+1 Hml il il rll [|ili llL,r ifll ii ll i% ilf + lEJ l*:rl.E ln l ^ l\r lz a ru _0al q ru -a_92 lï l l l^, lóliË ; ri iF ; lil , iil e.PP_ i s--'"jT:ii F I li I -ll , t r u - o o s t I -l oi Ël _r+_ L L I i 1,6.0OO I '1"6. oDo -+< I II I I I € }IATCHLINE EE.ST li= o I L I ROÊg] | - I ? _ O , A O OF _ O KC O N T : 5 t r 5 --DU.-. -- - I B.V. EL:SEH{iINEEHIHË T C5 ÊËl'{[E trHA".,'llf.{G -q REFE trR,s,wtt.lË i.iui.4ÉEFï --SHE E-T S HEADER IfRAWIN6 O I.3 PLOTPLRN ,Tg REY {} HEATIER FLTRFLAHDRAWINGS IREV FT TIN PROC tr-S S trLow Dfe6Rall T | T L E: P L O T P L A N ftP " { l C l l .JE l .,l U t' i E E R i1W= A R E R1 2 .53oot :_s:_qql EA'diu_Ë__ilF, i..{Fi FF,DJEI-T |]LlEl..{,r -P L - t? ECS O I.9 PIPIN6 PLAN TYTI CAL REMAR!{5: 5HËET IO FORNAT PIPINF DRR\JINtr : .DII'IEN SI ONs 155L/I;.D trOR PIPIN6 PLêN . PORTA}T ORIENTA-TION , PLAN YIEIJ . : PLAN.DIVI5ION .DRA\JINI 6 DIYISION Ê.I, FOR SCALE F-OK F PIPING _S-IIRLL CE RTAIN FLAN BE AREA I.:33'/3 ARE OR NAJ(II1UT"I ALLOVTD 1:sIJ FOR ALL .DI}4EN.SIONS. PIPING PLAN VIE\J P R O J E .L T -t "l f-F ol I Lol I lï-- it ]l il 5IÏE PIPIN6 PLAN il r PLOT KEY PLAN FOR PIPING PLRN i"l hl 5f i Ll KEY PLAN FOR PLOTPLANS. i'i il il i i ii li ;^i i*__ ïf- ---ï-rL lr l -l REFIRRl< : _Dlï1tN_s1OttS lN ï1lLLlt1ETE.T<5 -DRAWINtrS I'IATCHLINE EA.ST troR coNT. _sEg Dw6 338.OOO a 150 -r'l G-EL +5rBrt(I/P) ï n 3 -{ n Í TTYP] g E L + - S O I 9 L I ( Ï Y P ]L I N E N R . _ - VLY EL +IíOO rTTP) I € E L+ 9 8 0 cl vl 2 !'{l -1 I Ín C) L^ I t4 (] \ n Lï N E N R . 'LtNE * +-EL+5?3?rTyP) r ITYP)__ _ J*t0l19_ *_j:60 /TYP) LINE NR.- v o P rn I I I NR i_ t r F L +3 1 5 I I I ' 0'l ri A E E L+ 5 t t O t r Y r l f T (ryn ( 500 r'l l" CTYP] Ê lj In I I rqqa 4t6 0 (TYP) i -->+<------ +-r íTYP) G R - C A 1 , - _ _ __ t T v P ) >l a I ti ;l' <lo --T Jio Inx I ql | trPioFlcryp) t) t l II L)N E NR () o iTyPl NR. -- Fi LA I J J LlNf - o0? n sào \\ I I i 'h ILJ l> lJ Y lÍ fl* \i- ,l-- lgl l'l ,, ls L)IVE NR. - {oX 5000 (ÍYP) sP5 00 | ffYP) LINE NR ír - lrr -:- _ -. 5" 6" LIN E NR --1 {ot o o , { c c' I , _r 4.- 2 H -4 't --t ï}/P) -! I rI rtr z oË t, á -r(f ur -rl O JZ*" q.EL+ tSAO rr') 7 Ul êfn'JN Tlo -È' C) LINE NR I IATLHLtNETEÀl-:saooo i-'l il ll It 4 ' < ;tt-n I >O 7 6-l -r m.^J í^ -tz: t - { rt t-lt Tra LINE NR 5 000 H E _ O O3 l s p o o- : I i r Y P ) FoR coNï.ffi-T- IO" zZ :fln ( TYP) 5l P -; T] r'! l" ()l +i z--. rn E T a o ïOí- ) è v t Á \*Q:-- x '1 ? o I lll i tl; 'l' o ll' N ;F lti ; ,r ll; P B ils Èr" lli ll; HEÀNERF{'R PLÀI'IDRÀWIN{:i$ B.V. Ei]S EI"IGII.TEERIN{--i ECs P Il".lG FIErif,E IrRA",.,,i -Ë F,EFE IEECFiIPïIEI..I L l n H r l b 'l l ï t l l ï U l " i E l C . n l-rl-r PLOT PL AN P& i t. Jlt lr- r lt tt lirl-l-r . 9 3 0 0r . P L , O l 0r-9 --SHEET U L I I ?oo PO0 NÈTtr ID nE ool 33001- I ?Otl 6 -HE O0 | HE 53DO' . 'ZOttG UE OOL OO2 HE OO3 5 3 0 0 1 .f z 0 q G . H E o a 3 HEV {} tZ 5tËt,l -.-t a trÉ,TE c!Gh.l 12,04 TITLE: PIPIN6 PLAN AREÊ F , A t ' j i i .r . ., l E u t 4 E E R ' e 3 D 0 t , t 2 0 L t G ,P P l'iUt"lËEF, PP,O-lEilT r-'l lELÍT Í-tC'.{i'rl}.lf: .-.r I I RB.-, FHt rFr F tFtr.t! Ll-t|--t I rFF? tFt :.93ool }..lll I r tr, |r.tF: 1 | E.if. ECS EÍ{GIHEERIHI-i n1nTcHLtNt lt F'OR CONT. I}W6- -+ ;l ,50(TyP, F ! U n nl _ll I E- PP_ OOI ï J I 1. P lN IO lo io l^ L-=-_+ fr | HI el \ e EL + _s2_1o _Lll!5_xE rÍl Íl - 5 - EE 11 U fFl il 5l 550,OOO ?5{TYP) 3 I tAST CEL r-5lBeí rr LINE NR._*_- _ I I I t; r{ I i EEL +5ZtO a LTNE NF lï i J E rP_- oae__*) o o o j iÍ-n lï N o LJ €EL +5I8LI iol io lo jo EEL +_SZIO t_ lj LINE NR._ € PP_ ooq I rI ro LINtr NR 1Q __ _1 '*--r l= l G trL + 5IBLI EEL+5ZtO NI o o D _tlrg ry&-._-- - -{'.l!p9 b ; <lo a o Jlo Í N il l\ | i 7DO EAs T. 36 o. oloo _..-l ;'"fnh !utn)!5 A I; z H 6t 2 i s fi i P o N pDi l Èbr E E L r - ' r B r - f LINE NF |a-----ri _ Llir""l MATCHLINT 6 AOO Á i B z z ! tl --r -t 0 --tri : Hn ri:Ín3l/l )ÍT LINE NR E PP. OD L] _rL.'__ - t l ' 1! L n m F l 7 t: F-OR CONT -sE E -Dw 15 z llI 1 I FOR 1 1 R - TC H L I N E CONT sEE SOU TH ; I I I I Aí = I I I I L! z = -{ I 0. z NI ;'l Íl ri I I r N t-! .= z ,r + J L|., tJl a + LD 111 r.d LI \ \.qrl .n. /l lz,' t50*RF ^N 8". '() í 01 b'a \Ír r^. v( '.o vÀ v^ /v (y t50O /- F v1 r z + : tu È L} \V I 2962 = azo I c.l nV êc 0 v n t! À ^\ \ fi (t % o o o o É z J ft-F Niy FOR CONT, .SEE t É z tlJ 7 J \ OOO " I I N ut N I IB 15" z \r" LrJ l hJ 7 3D" ï _3O' U F r{, f OI.g -5HEET I&' 8tr5 EXAMPLE PIPING PLFN -SITE PLAN AREA 1Z PLOTPLAN AREA 09 CRLE 1:33L/3 0N -DW6 FORI.,1AT A I E- XRNHDLES -3?.5' \ -), b \l q F R _0 0 1 10"_ L50* RF FO.F EL+ tDZS=q a To'oqo È t\I tt o iG \q,, \\u.i : \\ \-l / M A Ï C F I LI N E \\$ \ .SOLITH ZO3 OOO E.EL + 5,8q + _s o?o T O'5, EC_S PIPIN6 Dt-g -SHEET r-S PLRN _SECT'ON5 --T *v ,llv n L v t EL +{ NI -T €.E:L + \P AEL+ CONC. OO7 I n7_S _ t_ G P?OOA _OOL| 5" FED. x 4{" rí" RF -^Z 150l* ECC REDUCER B'' X 6" _a_.I F. _F_ l_t:T_.5_-l'__ PP OO' _ OO4 q- EL + ,SOO E. EL + _íOD T-O.C. EL + 200 t20O- TOP FLAT. T o.C. EL + ZO0 ( --SECTfON R-fl T>PICAL FOR PPOOL ÍO PPAO'1 _SEC TION -B- B TY?I C AL FOR, PP- OOI ÏO PP- OO'4 _SHEET EC 5 0rg |6 PLAN VI E\^/ PI PIN6 € EL + tO4.g0O E Ë-L + l O ï . O O O qN LINF NR LINF NR. _-, -- EL + 30OOO E EL+ EO O0O lo" ttruENR ______ E EL t tl0.oao I2'' L'NE NR - FR- OOT EL + 30000 _ s P0 r o 5P O0-3 € EL + ZOODO lS" LINENP____ T-O.5 EL + AOO0 TOS EL+ 6000 EL + 6.'6LI F-OF q EL +5.25q 20" LINFNR---. -roc vl E\^/ c_c EL +_-500 ,q EC.s - 93 EXAP'PLE aí ,,,. -EH 1-? - O l.3 '.sOMEÏRItr DUG Fl 'r*" v '9f I 5 0 REIíARKS : - FOR DLJG HEANER SEE NEÍT SHFE T. - ONL:1 BELONG ITEM NRs DI AND OZ TO THI-:. DwG r ALL tsE INT}íCRTE D ON THF RELEVAN T -SPOOLDKAW'N65. : ITEM NR 55ï.íBOL \i \i ;l $dïil'; l-l )\I íl \/ r lL! \ rla tlZ , tn (.) r..,r |tr 2'z 1Q JLJ - cvl ", Q.-./ .' .ó -,'.t1v oil " ,rNY7 ^N' cv' .' \/' @ 5C5_ 5+{ rB 53-Olg =-ÁAI'1PLE r i-:r i L. I5OXETRIC NWG HEAEER !- l'-t:-:.-:! !-' Lr : :_' i_r i_'_r ol o1 rïtrir.l lriF: l lTill-t:i.iÈ 01 I ilËr:iPitrTlniri l--__- lenrEvlv FL6'D DN I5O f - - - - - i r ; e e +È . LiND nN oz iio lt r1 I F.F-..-,f.rF,?:F.r I F:tr :r rr aÊ,FF. l-r !- r. .' ; r.L r.! -,FF,.-,F.rF,-r.-.r PIPIN6 r FLAN ?IPl-- SUPFORT Èa P 0r Ír f .-.i '-.L | --' -' -- r-. r-. trHl ii ïi- f-r n ïli l . { l r e I -' i ;.ritrTrlliui Ttr.::T F,Étrtt tii!-!ii i ' '-:i-'i-l ' :'.'LLU --.r Itt,,| L i:! i-r l- : ll-iE,tli"ltiï! il-ri L - . j - i : r I I l:-, r_.1I I 1'J i t l : 1 t r | - - : . j | , , . - l l É trii I lt- r-' rD ?LAN I I \ -\ i-f v ---'oo) \ 0ài>.-- qq.$\ _lt-- od b___ .@ @-.' .\ I \ \\ / /' a" 1I I 1,, \ ,.tz \../\-.r lat )-33ns 3 3 -S- 5 > r al- L3- 1 3HI AQ ?NINY'I-J No c[N3331 C l 3 = l :? è l l 2 N = =H I. LJSf = | èt.L 3l^l (75 I tto-5t= 61- H-s >TOJ:>{àJVLJS}J SFT o/ -t-r,-==L ,,,./ -"', ^ft" \ , ECS--g3-Org ]SHZO E Ï AMPLE PIPE SPOOL DRAWTN6. 5PDoL ---- O3, RENARK : NEIT t.-.[\\ t\ \ i4 \ ,oniSe ,/ /7, FOR f)WG / [ir, í?) \\--__// / t J t HIADER -SHEE-T. .SEE EC.s_ 33 _ Otgl -5H Z, EXÊ}íPLE --.Ht Dr_ 0z tF PIPE il.rt ii I F PIPE F:r S?AOL È r 5CH lDfr l50 l-- - mtt' t_;; o{ PIPE -SfH IENr5o ?IPE 5TH DN I OO t!s"LR A\/ FTBOU n N 1 5 0 o5 EW TEE EOUAL ó_q--- B \ ^ ' R E D U T F R t O N Ci n u r s o r D N ri o - to cl3 mtr z oN r50 l ;Y-I, J !'-if f u,ï|tr t I F'-- 'llt : i t_ t_t_r rr i. ï F - .r rrr,----. l-iïi-. F:F'--'-- ljl t-,r ,_r:-r ..:i I l-'Fitilr I tïiF gr I r_ . iF: | ill ltlii !.i*TrÍ1tnl í-ÊlETini.i Fr írTr Í-,,,L Ut-rli:ili HEADER. NWG . - t t - n l I L L r l itlrl1,rF.ttitrE :lFili-]L frii-rif i.ilil...iEEFi : I_ L_. iï l-r-tl-r l-L lr-'-ll lrl-Í'lll f r-'È trlïlrliïtrtrnilfl-r l.rt Fr tl E-f sFL - 03 ECS _53 PIPIN6 RtrMFIRKS: _Olg -SH Z?. f)ETAJL 5TD oNLS REFUTRED NEED TO BE IlATEKIAL I_O bE lF WELDS T-RAYED CI.tA$?68 6IVEN - FOR .D\J6 I)L,G. OR NR'-S I,IAVE , \,IEADER -SFT 5H 2.3. rcS_33EÏ.AMPL D\"/6 Ol-g E _sH 23 PIPIN6 .DETAIL .5TANDARD I.IEADER " rf rT:E ËI*GIHEERII.IG Ë.V Rtrtri-'ltl .Jf Lr_,tnL -s_ o t-g _ _sr.tzq gHEET trl ltrtrr-rtiT rJr_rt r_rttr I = I I I i :r 300 /r^, NE _'-ri-r_ r#, i.TvP) -:i,*L r- 9, 7-q I t P G - D D q- 7 c r y p ) I z,fd 4r 4,*11 LIN E zqo t\ 1110 tzo _A iT}P) 11R_Oil_B F. F.-..-. -.rÊ,?r.-. 1 l L : 1 ! . : : : ï ! : : . _ : : . i I HEA-r2.O HEA-IZD z L z HEA -IZO ?GW_ IOO_AB PG -DOLl- 7 LG IA?D LG t:9 \AOO LlL[ D - 1 FE'\60 FË _350 F E _3 - q 0 ! iL r-r l-t:,'il !-;F',; L-!-: FiEF FlFiiiG Fl,s,f.l[uiË : i-iii :lDr-r i-\Uiï]Èlfiil- REi,j I r-r lJï,"jli Ë r-r ..... iiti; ECS ENGINEERII\G B.V. CHAPTBR 8CS.02.011 PIPING.STD I,I.1 DESCRIPTION PAGE Front page I 1 Site Plan Draudngs z ) Plot Plan Drawines 3- 5 J Piping PlanDrawings ó-10 4 Isometric Drawings :) TestIsometricDrawnes 13 6 Pipc SpoolDrawings I4 7 SpecialPipe SupportDrar,r'ings t5 9 Data Sheet llrarn'ings 10 Special Piping Itern l)rar,r'ings 11 Fencing Plan Drawings t2 Green Decoration Plan Drawinss 13 Draughting of Roads and Parking Plans It-t2 o.s. o.s. o.s. o.s. o.s. SIGN 22 REV DA SIGN ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 1 SITE PLAN ECS.02.0lI PIPING.STD II.2 (for exampledrawingssee8CS.02.019sheet3, 4 and 5) 1-1 GUIDE LIFI-ESTO PREPARE DRA\ilINGS Determine the maximum available area for the plant If not available then produce a scaled drawing with the total available area, rail roads if present, quay's if present, accessroads, pavement and boundaries Determine estimated required area's for process, utilities, crude storage, intermediate storage, product storage, loadrng and unloading facilities Determine the geographic true north and an assumed plamed north and indicate both with their angular seperation on the drawings Subdivide the above mentioned area's as far as possible into seperateunits I.2 PREPARING A KEY PLAIT Divide the Site Plan into area'sin a logical way to produceseperatePlot Plan drawingsfor thosearea'swithout splitting up under 1-1 mentionedarea'sor units Numberthe thus createdarea'sin accordancewith the NUMtsERING SYSTEM PROCEDURE A small reproductionof this key plan needsto be put on the right top of the Plot Plan drawingswith the consideredareashaded 21 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 2 PLOT PLAN 8CS.02.011 PIPING.STD I1.3 (for exampledrawingssee8CS.02.019sheet6 to 9) 2.1 GTIIDE LINES TO PREPARE DRA1VINGS AÍï.erthe Site Plan hasbeenapproved,the Plot Planscanbe madewith the Site Plan as startingpoint. Trv to eet data sheetsof all main equipmentas mentionedon the ProcessFlow Diaeramsor Pioine and InJtrumëntDiagrams.If somedatasheeitsàre not yet available,try to get the overalldimeníionsfrom the pïoject management. Make Plot Planswith accessroads,rail roadsif present,quay'sif presentandboundariesindicatedon thern. Make scaledcardboardcopiesof equipmentoutlinesmarkedwith the equipmentidentificationnumber(seeECS 02. 0 0 9 ). Make a numberof viable equipmentaÍïangements,consideringauthorotyregulationsand ownersprescriptions concerningsavedistancesbetweenthe severalpiecesof equipmentandmakecopiesof the aÍrangements. Usethe mentionedcard boardcopiesfor this exercise.Seefor recommendedclearancespgIêEIg&h2:LL If possible,groupsimilar piecesof Equipmentbecause: Lessfoundationpiles necessaryfor groupedEquipmenton onefoundation. Using onelargemaintenance and operatingplatformfor groupedEquipmantif possible. Usineonesupportconstnrctionfor a srouDof Equipment. Usin! lessspaèedue to the simrlarfo-rms'and máinienanceandoperatingrequirements. If possiblegroupEquipmentcontaininghazardousmedia becauseof the requiredbund wall. Make sure that large diameterpipe lines of expensivematerial betweenEquipmentstay as short as possible. This is also requiredfor pipe lines for which the pressuredrop may not extenda certainamotrntdne to process conditions. On the Plot Plansthe coordinatesof equipment centerlineshaveto be givenaswell asthe locationof major steel structuresand pipe bridges. The outlines of buildings and other main architecturalitems haveto be shownwith their coordinates. Outlines of equipmentfoundationshaveto be shownon scaleif possibleand the dimensionsand locationsof the pumpfoundationshaveto be given. The coordinatesof the pump location have to be given by meansof the shaft centerlineand either of the centerlineof the pump dischargeor of the faceof the pump foundation. 2.'-' RECOI{\ffiNDED CLEA CE BetweenProcessUnit and : Boiler Room or Generator Main PumpHouse WareHouse GasHolder OpenOil Reservoir CoveredOil Seperator Flare Stack 30 - 60 mtr 30 - 60 mtr 15 - 30 mtr 45 - 60 mtr 30 - 45 mtr 15 - 30 mtr 60 mtr Betweenthe centerlinesqf : 15 - 40 CoolineTowers 3 - 3.5 Columis with Reboilers 2 Betweentwo Reboilers HorizontalPressureVessels 1.5 VerticalPressureVessels 2 - 3 mtr timesthe diameterof the Columns times the diameterof the Reboilers times the outsidediameterof the Vessel(min. 1.5mtr for largeVessel) times the outsidediameter. 22 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. ECS.02.011 PIPING.STD II.4 HorizontalFurnaces 1.25- 1.5timesthe averageFurnacewidth (min. 3 mtr betweenoutside) Vertical Furnaces 2 times the averaÉediameterof the'Furnaces. HorizontalHeatExchangers2 - 3 timesthe avera[ediameterof the HeatExchangers(min. 750 mm.) ' Vertical HeatExchangeis 2.5 - 3 times the averalediameterof the HeatExchanlers HorizontalPumps 1.5- 3 times the CL tdCL distance(min. 900 mm) VerticalPumps^ 2 -2.5 mtr ReciprocatingCompressors1.5 times the total width of the Compressors u"ith a minimumof 2.5 mtr Remarks: Take care of space for removal of a pipe bundle of Furnaces and Heat Exchangers Min. means the minimum clearancsbètween pieces of Equipment Between a Storage Tank and : ProcessUnits Coolins " Towers Flares Furnaces Car LoadineStations RailwavLoádineStations Buildines InstallatÏonBoundary Bund Wall Other StorageTank 40 mtr 30 mtr 60 mtr 60 mtr l0 mtr 15mtr 30 mtr 60 mtr 3 mtr or .33timesthe lareestTankO.D. .5 timesthe lar[estTankO.D. Minimtm }Iead Roomfor : Main Roads Secondary Roads kr Buildings In Stnrctures ln Process Area's 5 mtr 3.5mtr 2.2 mtr 2.2 mtr 2.5 mtr (groundlevel) At one sideof a row of ReciprocatingCompressors1.5timesthe width of the Compressors At the backof the ReciprocatingCompressors2.5 mtr BetweenPressurizedElectricalDistribution Stations,TransformerStationsetc.andProcessEquipment 15 mtr BetweenAtmosphericElectricalDistribution Stations,TransformerStationsetc.and ProcessEquipment 30 mtr Betweena ControlRoomandanyUnit Structure 12 - 15 mtr BetweenPresstreVesselscontainingLPG and anyotherpieceof Equipment 20 mtr BetweenFurnacesand otherEquipment 15 - 20 mtr BetweenPipe RacksandBuildings 2 - 3 mtr 2.2 PREPARING A KEY PLAIV Divide the Plot Plan into area'sin a logical way to produceseperatePiping Plan drawingsfor thosearea'swithout splitting up piecesof Equipmentandto produce-seperaté PipïngPlansfor the pipe bïdges. Number the thus created area's in accordancewith the NUMBERING SYSTEM PROCEDURE A sm.all qeprodqcti.on of this key plan needs to be put on the right top of the Piputg Plan drawings with the considered área shaded 23 CTTECKLIST FOR PLOT PLA}I Is North orientationgivenfor the true North as well as for the plant North on all the Plot Plan. Are all piecesof Eq[ipment as per ProcessFlow Diagramor Êiping and lnstrumentDiagramslocatedon the Plot Plan. Are the distancesbetween- aswell as the locationof - the severalpiecesof Equipmentin accordance with : Authoroty regulations ABOwnerprescriptionsif not ovemrledby authorotyregulations CRecommended minimum distancesif not ovemrledby ownersprescriptions of the piecesof Equipmentguaranteed. Is accessabilityfor maintenance Are emergencyescaperoutesguaranteed. Is thereenoughspacereserv€dfor future extensions. Is all main stiuctural steelfor as far as known rndicatedand locatedby drmensionsor coordinates. Are all main architecturalitemsindicatedand locatedby dimensionsór coordinates. 23 ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. ECS.O2.O11 PIPING.STD I1.5 2.4 MAKING A PLOT PLAN TRANSPOSITION If the Plot Plansare finishedonecanmakepreliminaryPiping Planswith the useof a copyof the Plot Plans. This is doneby transpositioningthe processlines and major utililv lines from the ProcessFlow Diagramsto the mentionedcopyof the Plot Plans.Give diameter,media,valve locationsand estimatedelevationsof the lines and bundlelinesiïbossible. Mark up all linès for which authorotyapprovalis requiredwith a red marker. Mark locationswere additional structural steelis required for supportingpurposes. 24 ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. 3 PIPING PLAN ECS.O2.OII PIPING.STI) [1.6 (for exampledrawing seeECS.02.019sheett0 to t6) 3.1 PLAIT VTEWS Draw plan views for eachsectionof the Plot Plan andfor eachlevel of a (large)building or structure Plan views of levelsof buildingsor structureshaveto showthe piping lay out betweenthe consideredfloor and the next floor viewedfrom abové. 3.2 SECTIONS AI\ID DETAILS drawings(sectionviews) shall be handledandnumberedas a normalPiping Plan (see Qqrytptetp-gleyatioqpiping ECSI2.0l9 sheet12). Draw sectionsand/ordetailsof pipile plgns(parts)if it is not possibleto put all the requiredinformationon the plan drawingand a noteon the plan drawingdoesnot convene. Denotesectionson a PipingPlan with lettershke SeclipgÁ-A and detailsby a numberlike Detail l. For standard details one can refer to the appropriatedetail numbers and letter(s) from the PIPING DETAIL STANDARDlike PDS.07.BA.3seeECS.02. 005 pageg One shall allwaystry to put the section(s)or detail(s)on the appropriatePipingPlan.If this is not possibleone llall makea.sepêratêdravringfor section(s)and deàii1s;. Never^putthe section(s)and/ordetail(s)Ío'ronePiping Planon anotherPipingPlan. " 3.3 GUIDE LINBS TO PREPARE DRAWINGS (Remark: References are madeto PDSnrs which canbe foundin documentECS.02. 006) 3:3:1--CENERAL All.piping of RotatingFluinmelt, Boilers andFurnacesexceptfor feedinganddischargelines witl be engineered designedandsuppliedbl'manufacturer or supplierasa packaÈed unit. Be a-wareof the fossibility -of -of freezingor solidifyingof media at decreasingtemperatureand/orpressureand of freezingdue to eipanding mediaatátmospheriêpiessureandtemperaturel BrancË connectiónsconïeying gas or vapour shafi be connectedón top of the headerand branchcormections conveyinsliquid shallbe ccinnected to thebottom of the header. Consiilerlntrbductionof block valvesfor removaland/orisolationof Equipment. Determine the exactlocationof floor an<lwall penetrationsa.s.a.pand sènddocumentswith exact coordinates, elevation,type of penetrationi.e. floor or wall and mimmum requiredopeningdiameterconsideringinsulation, tracingand/orstrppbrtingto documentcontrol(seeECS.02.002fof informàtionIorm). lntroduce removablePipe Spoolswhere ever Equipment(parts) may have to be removedfor maintenanceor replacementpurposes. Referto Piping Detail Standardswhen everpossible. Steam,water or air cornectionsto Processpiping and -Equipmort(PDS 12) shall consistof a block valve,a 3/4" bleeder,a checkvalveanda blind plate. Take carethat PlantAir, PurgingSteam,CoolingWaterandFire FightingWateris still availableafter emergency shut down. 3.3-2 ROT]ÏNIG OF PIPELhIES Allways preventobstructinganypassageby pipe lines or piping items. Do not routepipe lines underfoundations,roadsor largeequipment. If possibleroirtèpipe hnesto outside.locáted equipmeit or stórage-or loadingfacilities on sleepersif thereare no shortterm future extensionsexpected. ln generaltake.careof goodaêcessabilityof valves,instrumentsand other items for which thrs is necessaryfor purposes. operatlonor malntenance Try to keep suction.anddischargelines from reciprocatingcompressors low (for instanceon sleepers)to facilitate appropnatesupportmg. 25 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. ECS.02.011 PIPING.STD II.7 When changing direction of a pipe line in the horizontal plane, allways change the elevation as well, unless this is completely irnlógi cal . 3-3-3 BIIRRYING PPE LN{ES If possiblethen bury drain lines, water supplylines and gassupplylines belowthe frost level thuspreventingthe neèessaty of tracing'them. Neverbury steamlines,if installationbelow groundfloor is requiredthenput theselines in trenches. 3-34 VE].N TG. DRAtrVSTGAND SAÀffLIb'G 4voidpockets in lines with no drain pointswhich haveto be drainedin Equipmentor otherlines. Considernecessa8of pump-outconnêctionon Equipment. Doubleblock andbleeil valvesshall be usedon diains and ventsconnected. to closeddrarnagesystems(PDS0Z). Drains andlorvents(PDS 07) shall be providedon locationswherehazardousmediacan Ëe trappedduring shít off. Drains, vents and sampleconnectionswith an openend shall allways be provided\l"ith a NPT threadedplug, unlessCodeor client prescribeotherwise. If .possibleslopesuciionlines towards a rotatingpump and allwaysslopesuctionand dischargelines from a rotatingcompressoruntill a checkvalveor otherpiec-eofequipmentís reached. lntroduceventingpointsat hrghestpointsof suctibnlines bèforerotatingEquipment. Samplecorurections (PDS 13) shall be providedon all feedaÍrdproducïlinès'wrlesssamplingfrom Equipmentis possible. Takecareof ventingpossibilitiesof all high pointsanddraininepossibilitiesof all low pointsof a line. Vents and drains Shallbe installed in piocèsslines in a way u'hich makesit possiblèto purge,drain and vent theselines. 3-3-5 PPE LDTESn\{ PPE RAC Allways try to grouplines togetherputting themin a pipe rack or on sleepers. Grouphot'linesin á pipe rack or on sleepérstogetherat one sidedueto éxpansionloops. Locate utility stations,steamstations,bontroi-valvestationsand fire ho'sepoints nèar a pipe rack stanchion if possible. Placethe largestlines if possibleat the stanchionsto get the bestloadingdistribution. 3-3-6 PPIII{GTO EAUPNG}II 3-3-6-I COMPRESSORSUCTTONAND DISCFIARGE A checkvalve shallbe providednext to the dischargenozzleqf rotatingcompressors (if not part of the assembly) Considerthe necessaty of tracingald/or insulationóf the suction line from tie knock'outdrum (if not part of thê compressor) to the suction nozzledue to moisturedevelopment. Takeinto considerationthe temperatureincreaseof dischargepiping. 3-3-6-2 FIRED FIEATER Permanentsteam-airdecokingsystemshall be installed on heatersrequiring frequentdecokingturlessmechanical decokingis prescribed. 3-3-6-3 IIEAT EXCI{ANGER Cooledmediumshall enterthe erchangertop and exit the exchanserbottom. I{eated medium shall enterthe exchan[er bdttomand exit the exóanger top. 3-3-64 PUMP SUCTIONAND DISCFIARGE A checkvalve shall be providedin the dischargeline (if possiblein a verticalleg) of rotatingpumpsbetweenthe pump nozzleand the bl^ockvalveand if a reducéris requiiedthis shall be instailëádown stràainnéxt to the block valve. Suction line reducersshallbe top flat installednext to the pump nozzle. TemporaryConetype strainersshall be installed at pump sirctión nozzleif no permanentstrainer is provided. 26 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. ECS.02.011 PIPING.STT) I I.8 3-3-6-5 RELIEF VALVE Gasor non flammableVapouroutlet pipine shallbe providedwith a drain corurection onlv. $ydro .carboqor$letpip+È shall be pigïidgq -it\ I óombrneddlain and steamconnectiorito grate(PDS l4). Iniet piping shall be às shórt as possïble with an OD >= NPS valve inlet and self draining. Liehfhtdró Lisht hïdró carbons shall be vented to atmosphere atmosohere at a hieh hish location. pressure relief valve collectine header which is Lióuid and condensable able hvdro carbons shall be discharsêd dischareéd in a pre alsà useo also arso used Ior for emergencY emergencvblow blów Dlow qown down anc and -Equrpment Equipment oepressunzlng. deprëssurizine. This depressurizine. lnrs neaoeT header snall shall eno end m in a blow Dlow do\ryn down drum to seperate liquid an-dvairour. vaóour. The liquia liouia sfuitl be collected and the"vapour the"vaoour shall be vented to atmosphere atmosohere through throush a leperate- l.iqui{ flare- or blow down statk. OD outlet piping shallbe >= NPS valveoutlet. Takeinto considerationthe installationof a sparerelief valvefor processcontinuityreasons. 3-3-6-6 STORAGE TANK Provision shall be made for water draw of (i.e. open drain to sewer or special piping with cross over to tank discharge hne). Suction and discharge can take place through the same pipe ^ hne, cormectedto the bottom of the tank. Take into considerationtank setilement anèÍexpansion.' 3-3-7 llT[-nY PIPn'iG 3-3-7-I AIRPIPING Air headersshall be slopeddown to a dry drum or a moisturetrap. If there is a reasonabledemandlbr Plaht Air as well as for In-strumentAir one shall considerinstallation of a seperatePlant Air and InstrumentAir headerwith connections. 3-3-7-2 STEAM AND CONDENSATE All low points andheaderendsshall be providedwith dnp legsand traps(PDS08 and 09). All (pre'ssure)vesselsrn FVto carbonserviceshall be piovided \Mithà steamhoseconnéctionor a (blankcdoff; permanentsteamconnectlonïor purgmg. In most casesone shall considerthree systems:l) Medium pressureSteamof 20 - 40bar,2) Lowpressure Steamof 5 - l0 bar and3) Condensate exhaustsystémofless than2 bar. Steammay be.used for : Smothering,Snufïing,Spaceheatrngand Auxiliary or Protectiveheatingby meansof companionor jacketedpiping. Tracedlinesshallbe groupedtosetherif possible. Tracer lines shall be [imitèa to à lengthóf ZSmtr. Everytraceline shall startwith a block valvenearthe header, and ending with a trap. Provideaddïtionalspacewherénecessaryfor differentialexpansion.Apply couphngsaÍ non weldeiÍjoints of the tracedline. ï'racer lines shall have a minimum nominal OD or IPS (for tubing) of l/2" U.N.O. exceptfor the tracing of instrumentsand instrumenttubrne. Tracinsshall be performedbv Loiv Pressureor ExhaustSteam. Trap liáes shall lie slopedto à drain systemandbe as shortaspossible. 3-3-7-3 WATER PIPING Fire Fishtins svstemandCoolingsvstemshallbe inter-connected for emersencvsituations. If salt i'ater"wril be usedfor Fiie Ëigtrtingand Coolingone shall consideíthe useof Drinking water for Process aswell. purposes -. ,- . In most casesone shall considerthree systems: l) High Pressuresystemfor Fire Fighting, 2) Low Pressure systemfor ProcessandCoolingand 3) Drinking system. Provisionsshall be madefor enoushsafetvshowersandevewashfountainsi.a. Take into considerationthe danler of Éeezrngwhich ian be preventedbv burrying the line deep enough,by tracingand insulationor by providinga strongeáoughcontinuousflow throughbypássés. purposes.If the Low to"theCooÏinganï Processwater systemfor liy:drotesting Take óare of enoughconrieètions Pressuresystemcannotprovideenoughpressureto reachthe top of the highesttower one shall providethe Fire Fightingsystemwith enoughhvdrotestconnections. 3-3-8 SEWERPIPN.{G 27 ECSENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.011 PIPING.STD I1.9 In most cases one might consider at least two, sometimes three systems : I ) Sanitary se\iler, 2) Oily water drain and 3) Relative oil free water drain includine surface u'ater. Procesá Unit sewers shall be gastight and-of the gravity type with a compartmented gastrap with gastight manwavs and vents which discháee íapours at safe lóations. The diácharee of steam. condenáte ór other hot material directlv to the sewer system shall be avoided, for instance by'using an atmospheric flash drum with quench water iniection to cool iarge quantities of disposed condensate. Trapped or sealed drains shall be provided for all paved area's ofthe process units except under hred heaters. 3-3-9 USE OF FrIT${GS. 3-3-9-1 FITTINGS For conveyingextremeabbrassivemedia deadendtee's and deadend crossesshall be preferredinsteadof bends andtee's. Min. 5 D bends sball be_preferredto BW elbows^forreciprocatingcompressorsuctionand dischargepiping as well as for vaporrelief valvedischargepiping andfor conveyingabbrastveor corrosrvemedia. ThreadedCasthon httings shallnot be usedin oil refinerypiping Welded fittings shall be preferredto flanged fittings. 3-3-9-2 VALVES All>=3/4'Cast kon and>=21l2"BrassGate-Globe-andAnglevalvesshallhaveOutsideScrewandYoke. All valves>=2l/2" shallbe flangedin oil refinerypiping and-BWfor HP steamin powersteamplants. Block valves(i.e. openor close)shallpreferablvbe Gatevalves. If a regulating valïe >=2 ll2"'is requirednot for accurateflow control and not for wet steam,one shall apply a Gatevalvein steadof a Globevalve. for temperatureor pressureequalizingduring startup if differencesare large. One shall considervalvebypasses on valves. ofinteeratedvents.drainsor bypasses One shall considerconvenience One shall apply gearoperatorsfor lubrícatedPlug íalves >=6" and for Gatevalves)=14". Split wedge áddouble disk Gate valvessha[ ónly be usedfor cleanliquids and dry gases.For all othermedia oie shall uïpty a solid wedgeor flexible wedgeGatêvalve. 3-3-9-3 FLANGES If a Cast Iron flaneeof 125lb or 250 lb will be boltedto a steelflangeof 150lb or 300 lb. the raisedfaceof the steelflangeshall bë removedanda full facegasketshall be applied. The usedf threadedflangesshallbe avoidedin oil refinerypipïng. 28 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.011 PIPING.STD 11.10 3.4 CHECK LIST F'OR DRAWINGS 34-I -GENEBAL Are all foundationsandbuildingsoutlinedon the drawine. Are all otherrelevantdrawingsleferencedwith title andïevision. Are match lines and continuaïionsheetnumbersgiven in a correctway. Has a clashcheckwith all otherreferenceddrawings(if applicable)beenperformed. Is title blockof PioinsPlanfilled in comoletelv. Is North Íurow ori'tntátionequalto that dtthe Plot Plan. 34-2 EOIiFN{E}m Are all centerlineelevationsof EquipmentnozzlesandEquipment(if applicable)given. to Equípmentidentifiedrvith ffan-getype,rating andíominal diameter. Are all flangeconnections Are coordinatesof Equipmentequalto thoseon the Plot Plan. Are faceof flangeeleïaiionsof áll verticalEquipmentnozzlesgiven. Is all Equipmentoutlined,correctlocatedandnumberedon the drawing. 34.3 PIPELINES Are all centerline-,centerlinework point- and bottomof pipe elevationsgiven. Are all instrumentconnectionslocatedand identified with the appropriatepipins detail standardnumber. Are all tag numbersof block-,check-,control-andpressuesafetyvalvesarid'ofínstrumentsgiven. Are drip-legs, steamtraps,drains,íents and steam-,water-, aii- and sampleconnectionslócatedand identified with the appropriatepiping detail standardnumber. Are flaneeto flangedimensionsandpressureratingsof all flaneednon standarditems shown. Are flooi- and wa[ penetrationslocatedand given"withelevatiu:ns if applicable. Are following items clearly identified : Non Standard Flanges Reducine Elbows Reducin! Tees Reducers Short Radius Elbows Special Piping ltems. Swages Are line direction changesunequal to 90 degrees completely given with two dirnensions and the angle. Are specihcation breaks clearly indicated. Are sirpport locations, type and numbers given (if no seperate support plans are made). Can all lines completely be vented and drained. Is insulation and/or tracing indicated as required by the line list with the line diámeter and -number siven for all the different line numbers Is the flow direction toEether according to the P&ID's. 29 ECS ENGNEERING B.V. 4 ISOMETRIC DRAWING 8CS.02.011 PIPING.STD 11.11 (for exampledrawing seeECS.02.019sheet17 and 18) 4-1 GTTIDELII\.ES TO PREPABE DRAWINGS 4-1-1 GENERALGTIDE LN{ES An isometric drawineshall showa completeline from onepieceof Equipmentto anotherpieceof Equipmentor another line. If this-is not possibleonè shall use a flangèconnectión,a freld weld, a iveld at a Ïtting or a specificationbreakas a breakpoint. Continuationdrawingnumberi shall be notedon the isometrictogetherwith the matchingline numbers. For as lar as possible-theexampleisometricshallbe usedas a euïdeline. For line diarireterssmallerthaÍr DN 50, field run isometrics5hall be drawn, on which only overall dimensions from directionchangeto directionchangeshallbe givenand all materialshall-befilled in unáerfreld material. For the useof abbreviationsseestandarddocumentECS.02.007. For the useof correctstandardsymbolsseestandarddocument8CS.02.008. If an isometricdrawingis meanf'tobe field run this shallbe clearly stampedon the drawing. will be made,all shopweldedmaterialsótrattUèlisted on the pift spooldrawings.This If pipe spool drawrng-s includesall -oletswhichallwayswill be weldedin shop. If possible try to introduceftí every total line a frelá weld (FW) in all three directionswith at least 150 mm ovêrlensthíOL). Isometrïcdiawíng doesnot haveto be on any scale,howeverfor easeof understandingit is betterto draw them roughlyin propoÍion. Maieri'alsdecificationbreaksshallbe avoidedon an isometric. Norht arrow orientationshallbe equalto the oneon the Pipine PlaÍr. One shall give materialsand quantitiesof the piping itémJindicated on the isometricin accordancewrth the exampleisometric. 4-1-2 DI]vDNSIOND{GTFD ISOIvIETruC All diÍIerentline elevationsshall be siven. All drmensionsfrom flangeto flanee"andfrom flanseto hne directionchanseshall be given. All dimensionsfrom lineïuection-changeor flange-todrain, vent or instnriíent conneàtionshall be given. All dimensionsfrom line directionchanle or flanle to suppórtsshall be given. All dimensionsfrom line directionchangeor flangeto wall penetrationsshallbe given. to ánothershàttUesiven. All dimensionsfrom oneline directionc-hanee Elevationof floor penetrationsshall be eivefr. Horizontaland Vertical set offs shall be"drawnin a way which makesclearwhetherit is a horizontalor a vertical setof[. eivine all the dimensionsaswell asthe ansleof the setoff The lo'cátion-ofthc isometricshall be madeclearbïvsivine dimensionsto a referencepoint like the C.L. of a piece or"afloor- or wall penetrationïdentifiedwith the elevàtion of Equipment,a stanchionidentihedwith coordináte"s, and coordinates. Try to get informationconcerningthe maximumspooldimensionsa.s.a.p. When ïhere are straightpipe leigths longerthan^sixmeteron the isomètric,give a field weld f-oreverylengh of six meter and denotethe overall length as randomlengÍh (RL) 4-l-3 nmonvanow ro nEpm oN ru lSo\/ÍETRIc All sooolnumbersshallbe siven. All sirooortnumbersandtyóesshall be siven andrndicatedon the isometric. Anv diàmeter chanseof th,eline shall le indicatedon the isometrictoeetherwith the tvpe of reduceri.e. conc. qong..swlrgqwith diametersor ecc.reducer,ecc.-swage with dianiétersand TF or BF (for reducer,_redUginflëg, swaqesálsoBLEPSE.BBE or PBE). CenïerlinelocationanÍl identificatioírnumberof Equipmentshall be given. Flow direction,line numberandnominaldiametershallbe given. If required the drawingshall give spacesfor writing down the weld- and weldersnumberfor all Íield welds by meansof flaes accordinsP&ID's shall be given. Instrumentn-umbers Insulation and tracing shal bé indicatedon the isometric. nozzlesshall be given. type andratrngaf flangesconnectedto_Equipment Nominal diameter., Tagnumber,nominaldiameterand stemorientationof valvesshall be grven. Thë referencenumberof piping detailsas mentionedin the piping - detaïl standardshall be given. Wall- and floor penetratiónlstr-allbe indicatedon the isomeiric. 30 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. ECS.02.0l l PIPING.STI} \I.I2 4.2 CHECK LIST FOR DRA}VINGS Are all continuationdrawine numbersand correspondineline numbersgiven. tó Equipme4tidenlifieï wrthlange type,rating andnominaldiameter. Are all flangeconnections êofrectlocatedandidentifred Are all instíumentconnections Are all other relevantdrawingsreferencedwith title and revision. Are all ovgralldimenqions,Ílangeto flangeandflanggtqdjrection changedimensionsgiven. andnoríinal diametersgivën. Are all valve tas numbers.'stemïrientatións Are floor- and frall oenetrbtionsindicatedon the isometrictosetherfi,ith their locationand elevation. Are flow direction,line numberand nominalline diametergiVen. Are following piping itemsclearlyidentified ' Flanges : ilgá.r:Hdard - ReducineElbows - ReducinETees - ShortRaïius Elbows Piping Items - lpecial swages Are insulationandtracineindicatedon the isometric. Are spooldimensionswithin the maximumallowabledimensions. Are sboolnumberssiven. tvpe andnumbergiven. Are sïrpportlocatiofr's. Can.flêfd.weldandwel'dernur4berq,.ifréqgirgd,-begi.venon lhe drawing. Is all Equipmentcorrectlocatedand'identffredoir thë isometric. Is Nortti afrow orientationequalto that of the PiprnePlan. to the exarirplëisometric. Is the materiallisl {illed rn a^crc-ording Is the title block filled in completelyl 31 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 5 SYSTEM ISOMETRIC Dennition : ECS.02.011 DRA\ilING PIPING.STD 1I.I3 (for exampledrawingseeECS.02.or9 sheetle and20) same medium' *,it"i;*i,iHye'"ïlË,1iJs:eï,Ë *ïïïËtË,ït $LÍï$H"ïlï?,[Ësit'ïïÍ3i"tïË"11,: 5-1 CHECK LIST FOR DRAUGHTING SYSTEM ISOMETRICS Are all valvetag numbersgiven. Are Equipment: andnozzlenumbersqiven. Are pdnetrationsindicatedand floor pënetrgtionelevationsgiven. Are testins,and/orflushinelettersanil numbers$ven. Are testpíessure.testmecÍiumand test duration"eiven. Diagram. Is flow dreclion liven and accoldingPiping andïnstrumentation Is locationof svslemisometricclearlv eivenï. Is North arrow"orientationaccording?iping Plan. Is systemisometricdrawingnumbergiven. 5.2 TESTING AND FLUSHING LEGEI\ID TESTING LEGEND A B C D E F G H J K L M N o P R S T U V w X Y Z Blank OpenEnd ConnectionPoint for SecondTestGauge ConnectionPoint for TestMaÍrifold,Recorderand Gauge Connectwith Flexible Hose Fully CloseValve Fully OpenValve Install Blind Flange Install Blind Union hstall Dummy Spool Install GraylocBlind Hub hstall Plug or Cap Install Test Spade Item Reinstalledfor Testing JoinUp Existing PipeWork Lock CheckValve Openor Removelnternals RemoveBlind Flange RemoveSpecialltern RemoveVvalve RemoveValve Internals RotateSpool SpectacleBlind to be Closed SpectacleBlind to be Open Turn Ball Valve Half Open Vent throughFlangeCorutection F'LUSHING LEGEND I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l t2 l3 t4 15 ló t7 18 l9 2A 2l 22 23 32 Flushing Entry Point FlushingExit Point Flush throughRemovedPipe Spool or Pipe Work Fully CloseValve Fully OpeÍrValve HydroblastEntry Point Hldroblast Limit Install Blind Flange hstall Dummy Spool hstall Plug or Cap hstall Test Spade Join Up Flanges Lock CheckValve Openor RemoveInternals RemoveBlind Flange RemoveInstrumentif Installedand consider: Instrunent IsolationValve to be in OpenPosition. InstallingPlug or Cap if necessary RernovePipe Spool RemovePipe Work RemoveSpecialltem RemoveStraineror StrainerBasket RemoveValve RotateSpool SpectacleBlind to be Closed SpectacleBlind to be Open ECSENGINEERINGB.V. ECS.O2.OII 6 PIPE SPOOL DRA\ryING (for exampledrawing see8CS.02.019sheet2l and22) PIPING.STD II.I4 6.1 GUIDE LINES TO PREPARE DRAWINGS All eccenkic reducersand swagesshall be denotedtogetherwith the appropriatediametersand with the remark TF or BF for top flat or bottomflat. All -olets shall allways be welded to the pipe in the shop. All reducers and reducing tees shall be denoted togcther with the appropriate nominal diameters. Drawings do not have ïo be on any scale, howëver to overcomê^mi^sinterpretationsit is better to draw them roughly in proportion. Horizontal and vertical set offs shall be drawn in a way which makes clear whether it is a horizontal or vertical set offincludure the three dimensions and ansle of the sèt off. If required the"drawing shall give spaces for"writing down the ueld- and welders number for all welds by means of flairs If reqïrired the material charge numbers of pipe material shall be written under stocknr in the drawing header. Out of spec flanges which have to be tapered shall be marked up on the drawing as . Taper under .... degrees to match WT pipe (-maximum ansle for tapêrine shall be 30 deerees). Piping detaïlïtaàdaras shall aÏlways bé fieldwelded with eiceptíon of any -olet used for the branch connection. Short radius elbows,. Reducing elbows, -- D bends, Mitered bends and Special piprng items shall be special indicated on the drawrns. The cutting lenglh of pi[e ends shall be mentioned on the spool drawings as well as in the spool drawings header under dimënsioás. The drawing shall mentionthe nominal diameter,type and rating of flanges. The flow diiection and nominal diameter shail bé iíàicated/eiveá on thefuawine. The shopmaterial list shall specifyall materialsdenotedoï the spooldrawin[ indicatedby meansof encircled numbersrefering to that list. 6.2 CIIECK LIST FOR DRAWINGS Are all flansesidentifiedwith flaneetwe. ratine andnominaldiameter. Are flow diiectiuonandnominaldiamétergivenl Are next items clearlv " identified : Bends Non standardflanges Reducers Reducineelbows ReducinË tees Shortrac[iuselbows Specialpipingiterns DWAgeS Are welded atlachments detailed on the {raying and is the material of them given in the material list. Is material list filled in accordinq example dradine. Is the relevant isometric drawinÈreferehced with frumber and revision. Is title block of drawing filled iícompletely. .rJJ ECSENGTNEERTNG B.V. 8CS.02.011 7 SPECIAL PIPE SUPPORTS (for exampledrawing see8CS.02.019sheet24) PAING.STD 11.15 7.1 GUIDE LINES TO DRAIV SPECIAL PIPE SI]PPORTS All requiredmaterialsshallbe listed as qivenon the examoledrawine. PlantNorth orientationshall be siven in-thelocationplan in the left tóp of the drarn'ine. clearlvnotedotherwiseon the'drawins. Suooortsshall be drawnon scale"unless Thè^supported lines shallbe drawnclottedwitÉ identiÍicationof the lines involvedincludingtheir elevation. The supportlocationshallbe given on a seperatelocationplan in the left top of the drawing. The supportshall be clearlylocatedwith respectto a referencepoint i.e. structuralsteelor Equipmentcenterline. and if The sdplportshall be comfletely detailedby meansof one or more views,one or more sectibns/elevations with details. necessary 7.2 STEEL PROFILES TO BE USED PROFILE DIMENSIONS ANGLE S]EEL 4040-5 70-70-7 100-100-10 UNP 80 120 160 200 240 300 400 IPE 80 120 160 200 240 300 400 120 160 200 240 300 400 40-6 8 0 -8 120-10 150-10 FIEA STEELFLATS 204 7.3 CI{ECK LIST F'OR DRAWINGS giyen-!!!.Canthespppo{be fabricatedin the shop!!! Are all relevan!{imensiolrs -line includingelevatiorisgiven. ls/aresupported number-s Is locatidriand elevationsiven. !s 4aterial list f,rlledin iri'accordancpwith example ' supportdrawing. Is North arrow orientationgivenand correct. Is the materiallist filled in-bomnletelv. Is title block filled in completely. 34 ECSENGINEERINGB.V. ECS.O2.OO6 PIPING DETAIL STANDARI) PDS.STD 06.1 ECS ENGINEERING 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.2 NTENT DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 2 PDS NR Front Sheet Content ThermowellConnection lnstrumentPressureCorurection J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t1 t2 l3 t4 l5 ló 17 18 19 20 2l 22 23 24 01 a2 Level Glass Connection Level Switch ILevel Transmitter Connection Orifice Flange Level Transmitter Connection Drains and Vents Driplegsfor Trap Connection SteamTrap Piping Spectacle Blind and Blind & Spacer Drip Ring Steam, Water or Air connection to ProcessPiping or Equipment Sample Connections ----------Drain and Steam Connection to relief valve outlet for hvdro-carbons utility Station Vertical TracerSupplyHeader Horizontal Tracer SupplyHeader Vertical Pressurized Tracer Return Header Horizontal Pressurized Tracer Return }leader AtmosphericTracerReturn Header(Horizontal and Vertical) Dimensionsof Gussetsif required. PDS ProjectSummarySheet NUMBERING SYSTEM PDS##.$$.## 03 a4 05 06 01 08 09 t0 11 t2 l3 t4 15 l6A 168 t7A t7B l8 PDS2dets.2Ltrs.2dsts PDS standsfor Piping Detait Standard number First two digits standfor the PDS sequence The two letters standfor a type of the relevantPDS The last two disits standfor a mark numberfor the PDS REMARKS I) 2) 3) 4) -Olet standsfor Weldolet,Sockoletor Threadolet Consultthe piping engineer,beforeapplyinga pipe to pipe connection(if allowedby the pipe specif,rcation). A hexagonHead Plug NPT shall only be usedfor a ThreadedConhguration,for a Butt Welded ConÍigurationone shall apply a WN Flangeand a Blind Flangeand for a SocketWelded ConÍigurationone shall apply a Nipple PBE L=I00, a SocketWeldedFlangeanda Blind Flange. For headersizessmallerthan 2" applya Tee (with reducerif necessafy)in steadof an -Olet. ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.3 THERMO\ryELL COT${ECTIOI{S 0D,- (D -t '"oD @ r.q? ED @@(ap@ ,ï A B- Straight on Horizontal DN min =100mm e Lateral on Horizontal DN min = 80 mm Straighton Vertical DN min = 100mm ,à ---uo) óa\ ":/ ín(óà @) ' -,.XÁ tÀl f--+- Flow Direction i @@ @@@ r/ \ i \ ,rJr# l. I r-@ I ,+ D BEMARK: Lateralon Vertical DN min = 80 mm E ,, T + Flow Direction \ Flff Direction > F Straiehton Elbow For line DN < 50 useF > Straisht on Tee DN min = 40 mm IfDN lir€ rmaller than DN mil then usereducersand/u swageswith pipe piece of250 mm or tee. Swageonly to be usedfor Socketwelcledand Threadedconfigurationswith oneend srnallerthan DN 50 elseuseReducer. DESCRIPTION OF COMPOI\TI NTS ITEM 01 02 03 TYPE MARK -Olet DN 40 Nipple DN 40 Flanee DN 40 04 05 06 Ecc. Red. Ecc. Cou $ve 07 08 09 DESCRIPTION Latrolet DN 40 C o n cR. e d . 4 "x . . . l0 Conc.Swg 2" x ... 12 ITEM l3 14 Ecc, Swg 1.5"x.., EqualTeeDN40 15 Elbolet DN 40 DESCRIPTION C onc.Swg1. 5"x. . . Pipe 4u L=250 Pioe 3" L=250 A = Thermowellcormectionlocatedstraiehton a horizontalpipe line. B = Thermowellcorurectionlocatedundeï an angleof 45 degrêeson a horizontalpipe line. C = Thermowellconnectionlocatedstraiehton a verticalpipe line. D = Thermowellconnectionlocatedunde"ran angleof 45 àésreeson a verticalpipe line. E = Thermowellconnectionlocatedon a 90 deeréesline diràctionchanse.Line diameter)= DN 50. F = Thermowellcornectionlocatedon a 90 deóeesline directionchanËe.Line diameter< DN 50 A = Butt Weldedconfiguration. Secondletter standsfor B = SocketWeldedcori-fieuration. the executionSpe : C = Threadedconfiguratión. I = Nipple lensth is 100mm for uninsulatedlines. First disit standsfor the 2 = Nifirle lenlth is 150mm for straightlocatedthermowelland insulationthickness(= 50 mm. lengthdf Nipple 02 : 3 = Nibple lenÉthis 200 mm for thermowelllocatedunder45 degreesand insulationthickness<= 50 mm. 4 = Nib^plelenÉthis 250 mm for straiehtlocatedthermowellandlnsulationthickness> 50 mm. 5 = Niible len[th is 300 mm for therÀowell locatedunder45 degreesand insulationthickness> 50 mm. 4=DN40 5=DN50 3=DN25 2=DN20 Seconddisit standsfor the l = D N 1 5 7 = DN 100 and larger. 6=DN80 nominalliíe diameter: First letter standsfor the thermowelllocation: (seealsodrawings) See the relevant pipe class for . l) Branch Connection 4) Matenal 2) Flange Facing 5) Thread Type 3) FlaneeRatine 6i wall-Thicknèss ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.4 PDS 02 @ -=@ (eJ!_"@ r_1--_=:11 l ; ii-r* Ui ) I ) / B Corurected to a Pipe line Connected to a Vessel DESCRIPTION OF' COMPON|ENTS ITEM DESCRIPTION Nipple DN 20 Block Valve DN 20 04 05 06 Nipple DN 20 L=100 Conc.Red.DN 50 x DN 20 Flange DN 50 TTEM 07 DESCRIPTION Nipple DN20 L=100 BOE * * For Butt Welded configuration do not use Nipple 07, Valve shall be welded straight on the reducer. TYPE First letter standsfor the location: Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : MARK First digit standsfor the lengthof Nipple 02 : Seconddigit standsfor the diameter: See the relevant pipe class for : A = Connectedto a pipe line. B = Connectedto a vessel. A = Butt Weldedconfiguration. B = SocketWeldedcorifiewation. C = Threadedconfiguratión. 1 = Nipple lenethis 100mm for wrinsulatedlines. 2 = Niffle len[th is 150mm for insulationthickness<= 50 mm. 3 = Nipple lengthis 200 mm for insulationthickness> 50 mm. 2=DN20 l) Branch Cormection 4) Material ?) Wall Thickness 2) Flange Facing 5) Thread Type 3) Flange Rating 6) Valve Type ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. PDS 03 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.5 LEVEL GLASS COI{NECTIOI{ - ,.-) ' \ g - - \ I I I I I i l . 'fl .ll i r-.ti I T-; I II I r t '-11 il'-t II I I I i. _l'1 lr l---ri rll i--ï i:l rl -l l' l . rl t' l rl #i lr L =__.1 ;ll I l X I I i I I t I ï AA WeldedConfiguration \.. AB Socketweldedor ThreadedConfreuration re I I m 'r I I I I I jlt-J I I I I I I i ft-I I I I II I I \-y' I i ru BB BC WeldedConfreuration Socketweldedor ThreadedConfieuration DESCRIPTIONOF COMPONENTS ITEM 01 02 03 DESCRIPTON WN Flanse DN 50 Conc.Reó. DN 50 x DN 20 NippleDN20 L=100 BOE TYPE First letter standsfor the drainingand venting: A = Drains and Vents with double block valves and blind flanges. 04 05 06 Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : MARK First digit standsfor the insulation: Seconddigit standsfor the piping diameter: PIPE CLASS : Seethe relevantpipe classfor : Block Valve DN 20 NippleDN 20 L=100 FlangeDN 20 Blind Flanse DN 20 Hex Head Plug DN 20 (NPT) only to be used lor Threaded Conf,reuration else use Flanges. B = Drains and Vents with srrgle block valve.. A = Butt Welded confrsuration. B = Socket Welded corïfigwation. C = Threaded configuratión. 1 = No insulation or lnsulation not relevant for PDS 2=DN20 I ) Flange Facing 4) Thread Type 2) FlangeRating 5) Valve T1,pe 3) Material 6) Wall Thickness EN TNEERIN __rl -+ I tr .1., --'tl LI ---,:a B Lower connection to Bottom Both connections to the Side VENT & DRAIN DETAIL foT WELDED COITTFIGTJRATION DBSCRIPTION OF COMPOI\.ENTS 01 02 03 Block Valve DN 50 WN Flanee DN 50 Pioe DN 50 L=500 * ITEM 04 05 06 DESCRIPTON LR Elbow DN 50 PipeDN 50 L=250 -Olet DN 20 ITEM 07 08 DESCRIPTÏON Nipple DN 20 L=100 Block Valve DN 20 l0 II Bld Flange DN 20 Hex Head Plug ** Includingoverlengthfor freld weld. Hex HeadPlug (I.{PT)only to be usedfor ThreadedConfigurationelseuseFlanges. TYPE First letter standsfor the connectiontype : Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : MARK First digit standsfor the insulation : Seconddigit standsfor the piping diameter: Seethe relevantpipe classfor . A = Lower corurectionon bottom of cilinder. B = Both connectionson one sideof cilinder. A = Butt Weldedconfisuration. B = SocketWeldedcorifizuration. C = Threadedconfiguratón. 1 = No Insulationor Insulation not relevantfor PDS 2=DN20 l) Branch Connection 4) Material 7) Wall Thickness 2) Flange Facing 5) Thread Type 3) FlangeRating 6) Valve Type 8CS.02.006 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. PDS.STD 06.7 ORIFICE FLAI{GE of and Seal Weld 45" n A)C of and Seal Weld B Lro]lrp GAS l-- + SIDE VIE\il DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS 0l a2 TYPE Nipple DN 15 L=100 TBE NPT Rlóck Valve ThreadedNPT First letter standsfor the connectiontype : Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : MARK First digit standsfor the lengthof Nipple 0l : Seconddigit sknds for the piping diameter: See the relevant pipe class for : A = Connectionon lowr sideof flangefor liquid medium. B = Connectionon uppersideof flangefor gasmedium C = Threadedconfiguration(NPT). I = Nipple lensthis 100mm for uninsulatedlines 2 = Nibble lenÉthis 150mm forinsulationthicknes(= 50 mm f = Nibble len[tJris 200 nrm for insulationthickness> 50 mm 1=DN15 1) Material 2) Valve Type 3) Wall Thickness ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.8 PDS 06 //- \- I I ,F)(_ I Connectedto a standpiE - ,-'-j ---z' | ,r ---l I : tl l---'l tl II i I Ií I l- 'n- t -.i I tl '_._J r tLl I I 02) *-/--.' 91, Cormectedto a Vessel DESCRIPTION OF COMPOI\IENTS 0l 02 WN FlaneeDN 50 Conc.Reó.nN 50 x DN 20 03 04 Nipple DN 20 L=100BOE * Block Valve DN 20 ITEM 05 06 A7 DESCRIPTION NippleDN 20 L=100 -Olet DN 20 Nipple DN 20 * For Butt Welded conÍiguration do not use Nipple 03, Valve shall be welded straight on the reducer. TYPE First letter standsfor the locationof the connection: (seealsodrawings) Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : MARK First digit standsfor the langthof Nipple 07 : Second diqit stands for the diameter : PIPE CLASS : Seethe relevantpipe classfor : A = Connectedto a pipe line or standprpe. B = Connectedto a vessel. A = Butt Weldedconfiguration. B = SocketWeldedconfisuration. C = Threadedconfiguratión. I = Nipple lensth is 100nrm for wrinsulatedlines. 2 = Nibble lenlth is 150mm for insulationthickness<= 50 mm. 3 = Nipple lengthis 200 mm for insulationthickness> 50 mm. 2=DN20 l) Branch Connection 4) Material z) watt Thickness 2) Flange Facing 5) Thread Type 3) Flange Rating 6) Valve Type ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. PDS 07 8CS.02.006 DRAINS Al{D PDS.STD 06.9 (Ventsareidenticalto showed drainsbut locatedontopof pipe) VEI{TS ,- W l* rl A 300 -l r /-.:--- 1 v ) e{( au-+ g Double Block Valve ? ---r-_- . 30 x 6 L=250 To be drilled and cut on site DoubleBlock Valvewith Elbow r,'Tf ,3 ëx (íi: D MA-001-2for DN 20 S;@-3rorDN2s Double Block Valve with Bleed corurection Double Block Valve with Bleed connection and with Elbow DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS ITEM 01 A2 03 04 DESCRIPÏON -Olet Nipple Block Valve Flanse ITEM TYPE First letter stands for the type ofvent or drain : Second letter stands for the execution type : First digit stands for the length of Nipple 02 : Second digit stands for the venídiain diameter : PIPE CLASS : DESCRIPTION ITEM DESCRIPTION l3 Hex Head Plug (NPT) only to be used for Threaded Configuration, else use Flanses A = SineleBlock Valve B = DoribleBlock Valve C = DoubleBlock Valve with Elbow and additionalSupport D = DoubleBlock Valve with Bleedconnectionin between E = DoubleBlock Valve with Bleedconnectionin betweenandwith Elbow and additionalSupport A = Butt Weldedconfiguration. B = SocketWeldedcorifieuration. C = Threadedconfrguratión. 1 = Nipple lengthis 100mm for uninsulatedlines. 2 = Nipple lensth is 150mm for insulationthickness<= 50 mm. : = Nibble len[th is 250 mm for insulationthickness> 50 mm. To be used on header diameters of 10" and smaller. 2=DN20 3=DN25 To be used on header diameters larger than 10". See the relevant pipe class for : 1) Branch Connection ,\ I í^+^-:^1 + t lvlalgllal 2) Flange Facing -I'--<\'r-í--^^l J/ rrlreóu r y[,€ 3) Flange Rating r \ rrr^11 .rLi ^l--^ ^-u t wall tlllul\rlËss TD PDS 08 06.10 (For verticalHeaders,Drip Leg sizeis equalto Headersize) a\ r.\ t.;t v_ 0Lr --sEE PIfs Og i . 0q .ttxtr(odpt, Driples FOK DN 50 NND sNEL LFtr DR}PLF(; ONf f RN It5É OLFT'.S AND BW C N 7. RtrD. TFF AND íWAGtr N IPPLF FO'< ïI*Ë DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS DriplegPipe BW Capof Dri TTEM 03 04 DESCRIPTION -Olet NippleL=100 TTEM 05 06 DESCRIPÏON Block Valve Flanse ITEM 07 08 DESCRIPTION 67 l2u 8" 450 8 14-76. > 1 6 " l0' 12* 600 500 Blind Flange Hex Head Pl Hex Head Plug (|IPT) only to be used for Threaded Configuration, else use Flanges, First letter standsfor : A = Dripleg Secondletter stands for the executiontype : A = Butt Weldedconfisuration. B = SocketWeldedcorifiguration. C = Threadedconfiguratión. First dieit standsfor the size"ofthe dnpleg . Dieitl234 NPBHeaderin inch NPSDriplegin inch LengthL of driplegin mm Seconddisit standsfor the Trap díd Drarn size : 2 = DN 20 3 = DN 25 PIPE CLASS : See the relevant pipe class for: <3" 3" NPSHe 2u 300 250 4u 3u 300 6" 4u 350 To be used on header diameters of 10" and smaller. To be used on header diameters larser than lOu. l) Branch Connection 3) Thread Type 2) Material 4) Wall Thickness -l I ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD Oó.II PDS 09 -sEt- PDs OB @ {i i 011 03; ffi 05 :.@i 7 1 12 D Confieurationfor DrainedCondensate DESCRIPTION OF COMPOI\TENTS ITEM 0l 02 03 04 DESCRIPTON Nipple Elbow Pipe Strainer * rF Onlv requiredif not intesratedin Trao ' Only reciuiredfor BuckeiTypeTrap If requiredfor Trap ** *rF* TYPE 05 0ó A1 08 TeeEqual Block Valve CheckValve ** Union First letter standsfor the type of Condensate : Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : MARK First digit standsfor the lengÍh of Nipple 01 : Seconddigit standsfor the piping diameter: See relevant the pipe class for : 09 l0 II l2 Swage*t* -Olet Flanee Blinó Flanse ITEM l3 DESCRIPTïON HexHeadPlus(NPT)onlv to be usedtbrThreadêd Configuration, else use Flanges 1q Nfrppfe L= 700 A = For CollectedCondensate B = For DrainedCondensate A = Butt Weldedconfisuration. B = SocketWeldedcoífisuration. C = Threadedconfrgtnatón. I = Nipple lengthis 100mm for uninsulatedlines. 2 = Nipple lengthis 150mm for insulationthickness<= 50 mm. 3 = Nipple lenglhis 250 mm for insulationthickness> 50 mm. 2=DN20 3=DN25 To be used on header diameters of 10" and smaller. To be used on header diameters larqer than 10". I ) Branch Connection 4) Valve Type 2)Material 5) Wall Thickness 3) ThreadType ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD T6.12 +1?*-+-- d'B' F_*,_l tl I *_*_ -- ---+ / I -'--7i I I I I - ---* -1 rÍ a u ll I \ J . I 7'75 ri r .T ' i Bi I I Blind and Spacer lor : 150# Rf' 8" and smaller 300# RF 6" and smaller è't' I '11 | t, ln' I l-, Í --v I !_, l -+-i ii l i -x*-* ,. t iI I +-* I l'i I , ï - l \ 'T'lI ,,_,1 ,l '' ,- :l l-ll-l '-+' :-*r {" -L i BA BB SpectacleBlind (out of onepiece) for : 150#RF all sizes 300- 'E' 1500#RF 4" andsmaller (hole only for ó" andlarger) First letter stands for : Second letter stands for : Thetwo dieitsare: PipeDiameterin inch Dirnension'B'in mm Dimension'C' in mm Dimension'Tf in mnr PIPE CLASS : A B A B Spectacle Blind (welded) for: 300 - 1500#RIr 6" and larser = Blind and Spacer which shall not be used for pipe diameters of 10" NPS and larger : Spectacle Blind which can be used for all pipe diameters = Out of one piece = Welded 01 l 32 2s N.A. 02 03 1.5 2 48 60 25 25 N.A. N.A. Seethe relevantpipe classfor : 05 04 06 4 3 6 88 114 168 5u 50 i 00 N.A. N.A. 10 07 8 218 i 00 13 08 l0 272 i20 1ó 09 12 322 i20 19 10 14 354 izn 25 1I 16 4A6 i40 25 12 18 456 i40 25 13 20 508 i40 30 14 24 610 i50 35 1) Flat Closuresfor dimensions'A' (= O.D. Plate)and 'T' (= PlateThickness*) 2) Flangesfor dimensions'D' (= Bolt Circle)and 'E' (: Bolt HoleDiameter) 3) Material * Given plate thickness needs to be incremented rvith 1.5 mm for corrosion allowance if applicable. DRIP RII\G PDS 11 PI}S.STD 06.13 8CS.02.006 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. (Only for max. 900#RaisedFaceFlanges) +'E' A Drip Ring A=DnpRing stairdstbr: B = Socket Welding Configuration The second letter stands for : MARI( The two digits stand for the pipe diameter with the corresponding dimensions Thetwo disits are : PipeDiameterin inch Dimension'B' in mm Dimension'C' in mm Dimension'D' in mm * Dimension'E' in mm * Dimensions PIPE CLASS : 'D' 01 234 60 40 27.2 2t 02 03 88 40 27.2 2t ll4 4A 27.2 2l 04 6810 168 40 27.2 21 'B' 05 06 2t8 40 27.2 21 272 40 27.2 2l , 'C' 07 , 'D' and 'E' 08 and'E' are dimensions required for DN 20 and DN 25 3000# SW connections. Seethe relevantpipe classfor : l) Flat Closuresfor dimension'A' (=O.D.Plate) 2) Material (identicalto materialflat closures) : 09 10 II 20 508 50 34 27 12 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.14 PDS 12 P D S 7 D F }B 0 1 trN Z5 ll L -\ ,Àf3--1F-JXl= PermanentSteam.Water or Air connection 06 7 3 Dg A i9@ Confi quration for Permanent Connection 4 _s__ B Temporary Steam, Water or Air connection ConÍieurationfor Temg)rary Connection DESCRIPTION OF COMPOI\TENTS 0l 02 03 04 05 DESCRIPTION NippleDN 25 Block ValveDN 25 NippleDN 25 L=100 Tee Red DN 25 x DN 20 CheckValve DN 25 ITEM 06 07 08 09 10 DESCRIPTON FlangeDN 25 Blind FlanseDN 25 PDS10-1InNZS; NippleDN 20 L=100 Block ValveDN20 ll t2 13 L4 TYPE First letter standsfor the type of Connection: Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : First digit standsfor the lengthof Nipple 01 : Seconddigit standsfor the diameter: PIPE CLÀSS : Seethe relevantpipe classfor : FlangeDN 20 Blind FlangeDN 20 Hex HeadPlugDN 20 (NPT) only to be usedfor ThreadedConfiguration, elseuseFlanees. Ë,N 25 OLET A = For PermanentStearn,Water or Air Corurection B = For TemporarySteam,Water or Air Cornection A = Butt Weldedconfiguration. B = SocketWeldedconfiguration. C = Threadedconfiguration. I = Nipple lenethis 100mm for uninsulatedlines. 2 : Nibble lenlth is 150mm for insulationthickness<= 50 mm. > 50 mm. 3 = Nifile len[th is 250 mm for insulationt-hickness 3=DN25 l) BranchConnection 4) Material 7) Wall Thickness 2) FlangeFacrng 5) ThreadType 3) FiangeRatrng 6) Valve Type ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD Oó.15 PDS 13 SAMPLE POINT Sample Connection DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS ITEM 03 04 DESCRIPTON Elbow Nipple L=100 ITEM 05 06 DESCRIPTION Block Valve ** ITEM 01 02 DESCRIPTION -Olet Nipple r :t* Elbows onlv ifreq[ired to run the piping from the Branchcomection to the SamplePoint Block Valvê near SamolePoint onlv reo-uiredif there is a considerabledistancetretweenBranch Connectionand samDlePoint. TYPE First letter standsfor : Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : First digit stands for the length of Nipple 02 : Second digit stands for the piping diameter : See the relevant pipe class for : Pioe + Elbows * A = SampleConnection A = Butt WeldedconÍieuration. B = SocketWeldedcori'fieuration. C = Threadedconfiguratón. I = Nipple lenethis 100mm for uninsulatedlines. 2 = Nibble lenËthis 150mm for insulationthickness<= 50 mm. : = Nibple len[th is 250 mm for insulationthickness> 50 mm. To be used on header diameters of 10" and smaller. I =DN20 To be used on header diameters larser than 10". 2=DN25 l) Branch Connection 4) Valve Type 2)Material S) Watt Thickness 3) ThreadType ECSENGINEERINGB.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STI) 06.16 PDS 14 Drain and SteamConnectionto Relief Valve Outlet Pipine for Hazardousíinflammable)Media. To other Relief Valve Outlets sloned toward uratn ^::l--::.--__ Field Run to Ooen Drain íunder slope) OPEN DRAIN A B For oneRelief Valve Outlet For multi Relief Valve Outlets DESCRIPTION OF COMPOI\-f,NTS 0l 02 03 04 TYPE NippleDN 25 L=100 Elbow45 deereesDN 25 BlockValve"DN25 N.O. Union DN 25 | | I I ITEM 05 06 Ol 08 DESCRIPTION SwageDN...x DN 25 TeeEoual Pipe+ Elbows Union First letter standsfor the type of Connection. Secondletter standsfor the executiontlpe : MARI( First digit standsfor the insulation: Seconddigit standsfor the line diameter: PIPE CLASS : Seethe relevantpipe classfor : ITEM 09 10 II 12 DESCRIPTION NippleL=100 SwaseDN...xDN 20 lllocÏ<ValveDN 20 N.O. NipoleDN 20 L=100 ITEM 13 14 15 16 DESCRIPÏON Block Valve Union Pipe DN 25 -OLET DN 25 A = Drain and Steam Connection for one Relief Valve Outlet only. B = Drain and Steam Connection for more than one Relief Valve-Outlet. A = Butt Welded configuration. B = Socket Welded corifiguÍation. C = Threaded configuratión. I = No Insulation or lnsulation not relevant fbr PDS 3 = DN 25 NPS U.N.O. for one connectedRelief Valve Outlet 4 = DN 40 NPS U.N.O. for two to fiye connected Relief Valve Outlets 5 = DN 50 NPS U.N.O for more than five comected Relief Valve Outlets l) Branch Connection 4) Valve Tlpe 2) Material 5) Wall Thickness 3) Thread Type ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. PDS.STD z'l 06.17 . ) \ \___- >/t\ t t r n/ -=====.-o/ Remark : Steam and Water lines should be insulated together to prevent ïreezing DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS ITEM DESCRIPÏON i ITEM DESCRIPTION Elbow 90 degrees Hose Coupling ITEM DESCRtrTION *T0""*-Etbffi45 ,Ë*"* 9ll:J{ul.. -.----J First letter stands for Steam piping : Second ietter stancisforWater piping : First digit stands for Air piping : Second digit stands tor the line diameter : ASS : See the relevant pipe class for : A = Socket Welded Configuration B = Threaded Configuration A = Socket Welded Confisuration B = Threaded Configuratión 1 = Socket Welded Confisuration 2 = Threaded Configuratión 2 = DN 20 for Steam and DN 25 tor Water and Air 3 = DN 25 for Steam, Water and Air 4 = DN 40 for Water and DN 25 for Steam and Air 1) Branch Connection 4) Valve Type 2) Material 5) Wall Thickness Dimension'A'= 45 Dimension'A'=50 Dimension'A'=ó0 3) ThreadType ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.18 PDS 16A l---------.--See PDS 07 \ inÁ ,1'4 I -t___ Steam Header II i l'fi' v --\--'-\-Tracer Lines I I i II i rR' À ,Fi'.,'Z i (T'"P) + See PDS08 & 09 a '1'- ,l- l'^'I ï/ A t w VERTICAL SUPPLYIIEADER if !iI DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS ITEM 0t 02 03 04 05 DESCRIPTON -Olet Nipple L=150 GlobeValve Nipple L=100 TeeEqual DN II DNtr DN Ii DNtr DN 50 TYPE First letter standsfor the orientation: Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : MARK DNtr 20 25 40 50 First digit standsfor the : Tracer Seconddigit for the : Supply Line A = Vertical Subheader B = Socket Welded conÍisuration. C = Threaded configuratión. DN I : I = D N 8 DN II : 2 = D N 2 0 2=DNl0 3=DN25 l ) N I = 8' A ' 'Íl' 67A 10 20 34 3=DN15 4=DN40 4=DN20 5=DN50 -__ï__-_' 1A 70 70 See the relevant pipe class for : 1) Branch Comection 4i Valve Type 2) Matenal s) watl Thickness 3) ThreadType 5= DN 25 ECS ENGINEERING ECS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.19 -.- .- SupplyLine - *' ----- Tracer Lines g í, tÍ FutureExtensions J' f . See PDS08 & 09 B - HORZONTAL SUPPLYFIEADER DESCRIPTION OF COMPOI\-ENTS ITEM 0l 02 03 04 05 06 DESCRIPÏON -Olet Nipple L=150 GlobeValve Nipple L=100 TeeEqual Pi TYPE First letter standsfor the orientation: Secondletter standsfor the executionRpe : MARK First digit standsfor the : Tracer Seconddigit for the : Supply Line ITEM 07 08 09 l0 l1 t2 I DNtr DNtr DNtr DN II DNtr DESCRtrTTON DN II DNtr Swage DN 50 x DNtr Tee Equal DN 50 Pipe DN 50 BW Cao DN 50 B = Horizontal Subheader B = SocketWeldedconhsuration. C = Threadedconfiguratión. DN I : I = D N 8 2=DN10 DN U : 2 = D N 2 0 3=DN25 ITEM 13 14 15 16 ll DESCRIPTION -Olet Nipple GlobeValve Union Hex Plug DN I DN I DN I DN I DN I 3=DN15 4=DN40 5= DN 25 (from onesupplyline with diameterDN tr) togetherwith dimension'A' : DNI= 10 DN II 20 25 40 50 DNI=20 DNI=25 1290 490 890 2 4 tn' 6 l0 20 34 70 70 70 70 480 680 t2 l8 See the relevant pipe class for : 80 80 280 480 880 12 80 1) Branch Connection 4) Valve Type I 3) ThreadType ECSENGINEERING 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD A6.20 PDS 17A .*---. ReturnLine CondensateFleader -r_.-<-' /[ /ï\ rtr I I 'e' I ' ,;} ii'l) L:. ri\ï lrli\ L-=[\-rl*{Jr.r{rl-. -j\F-rlr-fl-rlr+ I I t- *i-\T 'Fl , LTVP) _y _. 'F',/ A ^ÉI =.-rlr-[[--rlr-=VF----r I 2_ TracerLines -rlr{{E-W-----r I lL{ - --\7 ï .f:]|r l-- --{ --{ i -'---Tracer '\- I _,_._-_>\Future Extensions I + Return Header DIt{ 50 See PDS08 & 098 VERÏCAL RETURN IIEADER DESCRIPTION OF COMPOI\TENTS ITEM 0t 02 03 04 05 06 I DESCRIPTION DN II DN II DN II DN II DN II DN II Nipple L=150 GlobeValve Nipple L=100 lee Equal Pipe t I I I I ITEM 07 08 09 10 11 DESCRIPÏON Elbow 90 deereesDN II Union DNtr Swase DN 50 x DNtr Pipd DN s0 -Olet DNI ITEM l3 l4 l5 t6 I DESCRIPTION DN DN DN DN Union Steam Trap Check Valve * Hex Plug ___lz___Njptl-"*!_= Lqq_._-_D_N_l ___.__ * ",1 * CheckValve only requiredfor Buckettype Trap. TYPE First letter standsfor the orientation: Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : MARK First digit standsfor the : Tracer Seconddisit for the : Return Line A = Vertical Subheader B = Socket Welded confisuration. C = Jhreaded confrguratión. DN I : I = DN 8 DN II '. ) = DN 20 2 = DN 10 3=DN25 4=DN20 5=DN50 RETUPNIINE TABEL with maximumallowed numberof tracer lines 'n' (ftom one sr*cder v/ith diameterDN II) togetherwith dimension'A' : DNI=8 670 t0 2A 34 70 70 70 10 'A' 4 6 t2 l8 See the relevant pipe class for : 80 80 80 80 DNI= 15 DNI=20 DNI=25 n' 280 480 880 t2 80 1) Branch Connection 4) Valve Type 1290 490 890 2) Material 5) Wall Thickness 1 2 4 3) ThreadType 5= DN 25 PDS.STD T6.2I 8CS.02.006 ECS ENGINEERING S tt' ï \--Tracer Lines ï Á T ? -ïr *ííi" ï 11 iii ' R ' I | 'Ffi --ï i*à-----*+.Ê n7P )l HoRZoNTAL RETURNHEADER B DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS ITEM 01 02 03 04 05 06 -Olet Nipple L=150 GlobeValve Nipple L=100 TeeEqual 13 t4 l5 l6 17 l8 DN II DN tr DN tr DN II DN II DNtr -Olet Nipple L=100 Union SteamTrap CheckValve * DN I DN I DN I DN I DN I Hex Head Plue DN I * CheckValve only requiredfor Buckettype Trap. B = Horizontal Subheader B = Socket Welded configuration. C = Threaded configuratón. First letter standsfor the orientation : Secondletter standsfor the executiontype : First digit standsfor the : Tracer Seconddigit for the : Return Line DN I : I = D N 8 DN II : 2 = D N 2 0 with maximumallowednumberof tracerlilres D N I = 8( A ) r I I I 2=I)Nl0 3=DN25 3 = DN 15 4=DN40 4=DN20 5=DN50 5= DN 25 'n' (from onereturnline with diameterDN II) togetherwith dimension'A' : DNI= 15 'n' 'A' DNI= tnt DNI=20 'n' DNI=25 .nr .A' I 7A 70 70 7A I 4 6 I2 18 See the relevant pipe class for : 80 80 80 80 280 480 880 12 80 1) Branch Connection 4) Valve Type 1290 490 890 2) Material 5) Wall Thickness l290 490 3) ThreadType 8CS.02.006 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. PDS.STD 06.22 PDS 18 ,Ê/ ï L-TYFl t I I I I 'n',/ z C'ï YP) 'P' ii-'_l(f-:lr-fi-: Pqlq ; ni: l_\ riilf-rlr:lzl-: ! TracerLines 'rlr-ff-rlr--lrrl -rlr-[F-rIL-V| L--;\[-rlr-[-:lt- L-- --f+-{lr-ff-rlr .A' Futwe Extensions 08 & 098 See PDS----..-- A \ | -_---l @ VERÏCAL RETURN FMADER ,1, Z t; ï t-t rJ- r ?T L*l @ rï -t B IIORIZoNTAL RETI'RN IIEADER 1'n'l DESCRIPTION OF COMPONENTS 01 02 03 t Pipe BW Cap BW Elbow 90 o DN 50 DN 50 DN 50 f€l (TYP} 04 05 06 DESCRIPTTON -Olet DNI Nipple L=100 D N I Union DNI iTEM 07 08 09 DESCRIPÏON Steam Trap Check Valve * HS:*BgadPl"g DNI DNI nwl_ I Check Valve only required for Bucket tlpe Trap. TYPE First letter stands for the orientation : Second letter stands for the execution type : MARK First digit gives the Tracer Diameter DN I : 'A' Second digit stands lor the Dimension Seethe relevantpipe classfor : A B B C = = = = Vertical Tracer Return Header Horizontal Tracer Returrr I leader Socket Welded confisruation. Threaded conhguratión. 2=DN10 3=DN15 I =DN8 I = 70 ; for TracerDiameterDN 8 2 = 80 ; for TracerDiameterDN 10andDN 15 3 = 90 ; for TracerDiameterDN 20 andDN 25 l) Branch Connection 4) Vahe Type 2) Material 5) Wall Thickness 4=DN20 3) ThreadType DN 25 ECS ENGINEARINGB.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.23 ,/, i I I I l 8A' (.7/r) A 3C" ( rrP)i , . ' !t. í.i .\ L ] FRONTVIE\ry For headerdiametersI)N ): 150 ífour qussets apnlied). '1, 1' F'RONT VIE\ry B TOP VIE}V For headerdiameters DN ( 150 (Íwo gssets anplied). TABLE FOR GUSSETDIMENSIONS DN BranchI Lensth Wall Thickness CS SS std XS XXS 5-10s 4OS 80S DN l5 L=100 Flat Steel SS CS 2 5x 3 2 5x 2 2 5x 4 2 5x 3 25x6 25x4 D N 20 L= 110 Flat Steel CS SS 2 5 x 3 2 5 x2 2 5 x 4 2 5 x3 2 5x 6 2 5 x4 For Material, Coatingand Welding seeSupportStandard. Gussetsonly to be applied for urneinforcedBranchConnections DN 25 L=l l5 Flat Steel SS CS 2 5x 4 2 5x 2 2 5x 6 2 5x 3 2 5 x 8 2 5x 4 DN 40 L=130 Flat Steel CS SS 2 5x 4 2 5x 2 25x6 25x3 2 5 x 8 2 5x 4 i ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. 8CS.02.006 PDS.STD 06.24 * I}ESCRIPTION OF REMARK NUMBERS : 0l= 02= 03= 04= 05= 06= 07= 08= 09= FlangedSteamTrap required FlangedValvesrequired Gussetsrequired Pipeto pipe Branchcorurection(s) applied StèamTráp Buckettype SteamTrap DiameterDN 15 SteamTrap DiameterDN 20 SteamTrap DiameterDN 25 SteamTrap with integratedStrainer -- affil1+fiffibiand 3.J" (notmentioned if aclditional elbows ontherlrawing) arerequÍedthengivethesealsoin thiscolumn. --l-.,-,-. .,.,_. I I I f ! I --I I s f It l - ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.009 PIPING.STD 09.I PROCESSEQUIPMENT ABBREVIATIOI{ LIST PAGE I 2 DESCRIPTION Front Sheet Abbreviationsfor equipmentdenotations CLIENT DOC. I\R. CLTENT PROJ. NR. CLTENT 15 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. DESCRIPÏON ABBR. tsin Boiler DA DF DP DI DC DV DM DR Eiector Elevator Evaporator ExlractionColumn DESCRIPTION GH GN Heat ExchaÍrger Belt Conveyer BucketConveyer BucketElevator Centrifuge Compressor Condensor Convector Cooler CrystallizingVessel Cyclone EJ EL EV EC Filter FlotationTank FractionationColumn Furnace FL FT FC FU }IE Impeller Injector Ion Exchanger IP IN IE F K L LeachingDrum M N o a R P PP Screen Screw Conveyer Scrubber Seperator Settline Tank Shakmg Conveyer Storage Tank Storage Tower Storale Vessel Strainer Stnpper SR SC SB SE SL SH SO ST SV SN SP Reactor Reboiler U T TH TU Thickener Turbine w X WD WashingI)rum Y LD ML lvfr Pump V CE CP CD CV CO CR CY H J MilI Mixer ABBR BI BO BC BU BE E G GasHolder Generator ABBR. PIPING.STD 09.2 C AC AP AD D Deaerator Defoamer Depressurizer Dialyser Distillation Column Divertor Drum Dryer DESCRIPTION B A AbsorbtionColumn Adaptor Adsorbe 8CS.02.009 Z 16 RC RB ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.010 MEDIA ABBREVIATIOI\S LIST PAGE I 2-3 DESCRIPTION Front Sheet. List with media abbreviations and suggestedmaterials. CLIENT DOC. IYR CLIENT PROJ. NR. 17 PIPING.STD I.0.1 ECS ENGINEERINGBV MEDIUM ECS02.010 RECOMMENDEDMATERIAL PIPING STD IA.2 MEDruM RDCOMMtrNDEDMATX,RIAL <ARO> Absorbed substancedictatesmaterial Absorbtion Oil <BAC> CS ; T<60, PVC ; 304(L) for Refined Product Barium Chloride <ACS> CS : 3040) '304&) Acetate Solvents to Dreventdiscoloration <BAH> CS ;304(L) for Valve Trims Barium Hydroxide <ACA> Red Brass' <BAS> CS ;304(L) for Valve Trims Acetic Acid (Hac) Barium Srilphate ; T<:60, PVC <BAP> CS <ACN>Barium Sulphide Acetic Anhydrine (water free) Alluminium ; Glas lined piping <ACT> CS <BER> 304(L) ; PVC if cleaning solventsoermit it Acetone Beer <ACY> Red Brass for low P : CS <BEN> CS iAllovpipineforhió T Acetvlene Benzeno <AET> CS Aethlanol <BEZ> CS ; 316(L) for ÓontrofValves Berzine <AIC> Berzol Air CompressedHP <EIEO> CS ; Monel for Valve Trims CS ; 30a(L) for Valving <AIV> Bleaches Air Convevins (with product) 321' <BLE> Glas, PVC, Rubber or Saran lined pipe at low T <AID>; <AIS> Air Dilutidn oï Seperàtion ALMG3 Hastelloy C for higher T .-AIP>; <AII> Borax Air Plant or Instrument CS Galvanized <BOR> CS : Monel for Valve Seats <AT C> CS ; 304(L) for Perfume and Pharmaceuticals Alcohols <BOW> Bordeaux Mixtures (wine) CS ; Monel for Valve Trims <ALD> CS <BOA> T<60, PVC ; 304(L) or Monel Aldehvdes Boric Acid AlumJ; Alluminium Sulphates316(L) ; T>50, Inconel or Monel <ALU> ' <ALS> Brines (road salt etc.) <BRI> T<60, PVC ; Red Brass or Monel ; Glas lined pipe at <AMA> Ammonia (liquers) CS hi'glier P <AMC> Bromine (lethal!!!) <BRO> Glas lined pipe ; HastelloyC for higher P or T AmmoniuÀ ÓhloÉde CS : 304(L) in ourifrcation svstems <BL-IT> CS and Reà Brás : Hardfuetall foiValve'trims Ammonium Hydroxide (pure) 304(t-1fiir óheriricalpure aná reagentgrades<AMH> Rutane " <AMN> Ammonium Nitrate 304(Li <AMP> Ammonium Phosphate CS <AMS> Calcium Bisulphate <CAI!> T<60, PVC ; 304(L) Ammonium Sulphate CS ; Freeacid requires316(L) Valves <AMT>CS : 304(L) to prevent discoloration Amvl Acetate Calcium Hvdrcixide <CAH> CS ; Ha-(ellóv ' foiValve Trims <AMY>CS l:O+ft-l for Perfrrmeand Pharmaceuticals Amíl dcohol Calcium Hypochlorite <CAC> T<60, PVC <ANE> CS ; 304(Li for Perfrrmeand Pharmaceuticals aniline <CAS> CS ; 30a(L) for Valve Trims Calcium Sófphate <ANO> 304(L) or Monel dependingon product value Aniline Oils <CAN> CS ; Monel or Hastelloy Cane Sugar Liquers ' - for Control Valve Trims <AND> 304(L\ Aniline Dves <CAA> AI. Monel and 316(L) Carbolic*Acid ' - (oaint) " <ASP> CS Asphalts <CAD> CS : CS Allov for Valve Trims Carbon Dioxide <CAR> Red Brass or:O+(l) ; Al for low P Carbonic Acid <CAP> CS for Crude solution ; Ni pipe for Product ; T<60 Caustic Potash <DIS> T<60, PVC;304(L) Distilled Water P<10, PVC if concentratíoÀ,<75o/o Sodium Hydroxide -<CEL> <DIW> Tinned Copper Distillery Wort 316(L) Celluloseíhish Cl corÍent) <DRC> 3l6L Drain Chemical <CEA> (depèndingon used fluidizing solvenls) Cellulose Acétate <CEN> ideàendinËon the presentsolïents) Drain Non Chemical <DRN> CS Cellulose Nitrate <DRO> CS ; Al or 304(L) for refined product. Drying Oils <CHO> CS'; Al oilO+11-; ïor refined prodíct China-wood Oil Chlorinated Solvefis <CHL> T<60, PVC; Monel <CHG> T<60, PVC ; CS ifno tnoisture is present Chlorine Gas <EDO> T<60, PVC or Glas lined pipe ; Al, 304(L) or Monel Chloracetic Acid <CHA> Silver or Hastellov Edible Oils <ETH> CS <CHR> T<60, PVC;304(L) Ethers Chromic Acid <CIA> 304(L) or Monel Citric Acid <COA> CS ; Monel for Valve Trims Coal-Tar Solvents <FAC> 321 Fatg- Alcohol <CON> CondensaGAtmospheric CS <FAT> Red Brass ; 30aG) ; T<:60, PVC Fat Condensate LP: MP <COP> 304(L);31ó(L) <FAA> Red_Brass-; !_0-1(L) ; _T<_:60,P.VC <COC> I.qg P_l!q, PVC ; Saran lined flanges Fatty Acids Copper Cyanide - pipeivalves <cos> T<60, PVC ;304(L) <FEC> T<60 P<10, PVC or Glas lined pipe ; Ti or Ta pipe cobiro sólphate Ferric Chloride <CQT> TÍ60J PVC or Glas lincd pipe ; Al, 304(L) or Monel < F E S > T < 6 0 P < 1 0 ,P V C ; 3 1 6 ( L ) F e n i cS u l p h a t e CottonseedOil <FEH> T<60 P<10, PVC ; Monel or Nickel (Alloy) <CRE> Al, Monel and 316(L) Ferrous Chloride Creosotes <FEP> CS Ferrous Sulphate Ferrous Sulbhate.Chlorinated T<60 P<10, PVC ; Monel or Nickel (Alloy) <FEL> <FLR> CS <GAl> lvÍonel or Nickel (Allov) Flare (mediirm in) Gallic Acid <FOM:'CS <GAF> CS and Red BrasÀ; Hásellov for Valve Trims Foamite Gases,Fuel CS <GAH>CS and Red Brass; Hard MrJtall for Valve Trims <FOII> Gases, Hydrocarbon Formaldehvde <FOA> T<60 P<10, PVC ;316(L) Tubing <GAI> CS Formic Acíd (ants) Gases,lnêrt <FRJ> T<60, PVC <GAR> CS ' Copper or Brass if no moisture is Dreszent Fruit Juices Gases.Refrieeranl <GAN>, <GAO>, <GAP> CS Gas Natural:Oily, Pilot <GAS> CS;316(L) for Control Valves Gasoline CS <GEL> T<60 <IIEL> P<10, PVC ; Al and 316(L) Gelatin Helium <HYC> T< 10, Glas lined pipe ; Hastclloy B or C and Ti <GLA> 304(L) or 316(L) Glauber Salt Hydrochloric Acid <HYN>CS ; Red Brass for gas purification <GLC> CS Glucose HÍdrocyanic Acid <HYF> Ha-stelloyC <GLU> CS HydrofÍuoric Acid Glue <GLY> CS ; 304(L) for Perfume and Pharmaceuticals Glycerin (Glycerol) Hïdrofluosilic Acid <HYt> HaSelloy C <cLC> CS Glïcol HÍdroeen Peroxide <HYX> Al and 304(L) <HYG>CS <GRH> CS ;304(L) for Perfirmeand Pharmaceuticals Gráin Alcohol HïdroËen T<60 P<10, PVC; CS <HyS> HídroËen Sulohide <Hyp> 304(L), Inconel or Monel for refining ; CS Hypo <IOD> Glas lined pipe ; Hastelloy C or Ti Iodine Magnesium Chloride <MAC>T<60, PVC , Red Brass or Monel ; Glas lined gle at Masnesium Sulphate Meicurie Chloride Mercurie Methane Methanol Methvl Alcohol Milk' Milk of Lime Mine Waters Ir4ixedAcids Molasses <MAS> T<60, PVC ; 304(L) <ygg>Hastelloy C and Monel <MER>CS <MET> CS <MEN>CS ; 304(L) if productneedsto be pure <MEA'CS ; 304(L) if productneedsto be pure <MIK> 304(L) or PVC and Saranlined pipe <MlL> CS ; use flanged Crossesfor elbows ay11ry>PVC <MIA> 316(L) Passivated: Ti or Ta for hiCh T <MOL>T'-60, PVC ; CS or Teflon lined pipe Nïf,,ïf o* :Nffi'33 i#lgrg;tr*:T# <NEO> CS Neon Nickel Chloride Nickel Sulnhate Nir". CrtdffruOtl Nitratins Aèids Nitric Aïid Nitrobenzene Nitrogen <NIK> <NlS> <Nit> <NIA> <NIC> <NIB> <NIG> \A^oryI.;30.4(l-) in the elcctroplating industry 304(L) and Monel T<60 P<10. PVC : Red Brassand IBMM Valves Glas lined pipe for low P Glas lined pipe for low P & T ; 316(L) Passivated CS ;304(L) fbr Valve Trims CS Kerosene <KER> CS ; 316(L) for Control Valves Lacquers Limd Sulphur Linseed óil Lubricating Oils Lye <LAK> <LIM> <LlN> <LIIB> CS ; Al and 304(L) for expaxive product CS ; 304(L; or Hastelloyfor Valvè l'rims CS ; Al or 304(L) for refined product. QS-;f t-6-(L).forControl Valvês olil of Vitriot (66-deg H2SO4) 20 CB3.with Tqflo." diaphragm Valves.;-RedB.rassfor dilute solutions; PVC for cold dilute solutions <OOV> <OOM> CS ; 304(L) for Valve Trims Oil of Mirbane <OLA> 316(L) in industry '; Monel for destilling Oleic Acid .ór-Ct seeÓiÍ of Vitriol' Oleum Acid <OLS> C'S ; 316(L) for Control Valves Oleum Spirits <OXA> Red Brass and lr{onel Oxalic Acid <OXG> CS at low T ; Bra.ssat medium T Oxygen Red Oil Return,' Conderuate Rosin 18 <REO> 3t6(L) in industry ; Monel for destilling <REC> :^OJ(l-)!uUAg <ROS> CS for Crude ; Al or 304(L) for product ECS ENGINEERING BV ECS O2.OTO PIPING STD 10.3 MEDIUM RECOMMENDEI'MATERIÁJ, <PAA> Palmitic Acid <PEN> Pentane Petroleum Oils and Solvents <PHE> Phenol <PÍIO> PhosphoricAcid <PHT> PhthálicAcid <PIC> PickJingAcids <PIA> Picric Acid 316(L) for hieh T in soapindustrv : Monel <SAI > CS : 304(L) in purifrcationsvstems Salammoniac CS ànó Red Èrass: Hard Metall foí Valve Trims <SAA> Non Ferràís màtcrial for Cnide ; Ni and Monel for Salasylic Acid <PET> CS ; 316(L) for Control Valves pharmaceuticalgrades; P;rex Glass where necessary Al, Monel and 316(L) <SAT> lee Sodium Chlóride Salt 3l6G) or equivalent <SAC> see Sodium Acid Sulphate Salt Cake T<60, PVC 1 Al or 304(L) tubine CS ; 304(L) if costlyto ieflace CS or Al for molten Acid ; The Pharmaceutical <SAW>T<60 P<10, PVC ; Red- or Al Elrassfor low velocity. Salt (Sea) Water industrv uses304(L) and Glass or PVC tubinp small OD , Concrete (lined) pipe ' ; Rubber lined Valve T<60 P<10. PVC : CS with Hastellovor Monel Trió or254 SMO. Cunifer. Moríel 304(L) if required bv the product cosfs <SEW> VitriÍied Clay, Brick, Concrete(lined) pipe ; Sewage T<60 P<lOi!V! Cast Iron onlv in accessiblenlaces ; Sqrtad lined flanges pipe/valves see Sodium Hydroxide <SHE> Red Brass, NiCrMo or Monel ; accuratéWT Shellac CS <SLU> Glazed vitriÍied clav with Acid proof cement Joints Sludee Acids CS : 304(L) for Valve Trims <SOA> T<60 P<10, PVC ; CS or 430 with tvtonelvalvc trims Soap* 304(L) or 316(L) <SOB> CS for Crude solrrtion ; Ni pipe for Procluct; T<60 Soda 304(L) P<10, PVC if concentrátioÁ175otoSodium i{vdroxide CS and Red Brass I Hastellov for Valve Trims <SOC> T<60 P'<10,PVC ; CS with Hastelloy or Moriel Trim Soda Ash CS and Red Brass I Hard Metall for Valve Trims Sodium Acid Sulphate, T'-60 P<10, PVC ; Red Brassand IBMM Valves Red Brass ; 304(I-) ; T<:60, PVC <SOA>, <SOB> Sodium Bisulphate CS Sodium Bicarbonate <SOD> T<60 P<10, PVC ; 316(L) with 20 CB3 Valves CS ; 304(L) for Perfume and Pharmaceuticals CS for fire fighting service CS ; Red Brass for gas purification <SOE> T<60 P<10, PVC ; CS with Hastelloy or Monel'Irim Sodium Carbonate CS <SOF> T<60 P<10, PVC ; Red Brassand IBMM valves: Sodium Chloride <PYG> AI. Monel and 316íL) (NaCl) Íi and Ta for molten Sodium Chloridé <SOG> T<6-0 P<10, PVC ; Sartan lined flanges pipe/valves Red Brass ; 30a(L) ; T.:60, PVC Sodium 9yapidg pVC Red Brass I :O+(t-l i f<:OO, Sodium Hydroxide / Perborate CS for Crude solution ; Ni pipe for P;odirá ; T<60 <SOH>,P< 10, PVC if concentratioir27sotoSodium Í{vdroxide / Peroxide <sol>, <soK> 304(L) ; Inconel or Monel for higher concentrations Sodium Hypochlorite <SOL> Saran lined pipe/valves ; For low P, epoxy lined duct PotassiumCarbonate <POT> <POS> PotassiumChloride <POC> PotassiumCyanidq PotassiumHvdroxide <POH> <PON> PotassiumNitrate PolassiumSulphate <POP> PolassiumSulphide <POL> <PRI> Printing InksCS <PRG> Producer Ga-s <PRO> Propzure <PRA> Propionic Acid <PRC> Profy! Alcohol Profylene Dichloride <PRD> <PRU> Pru-siic Acid <PYR> Pyridine Pwoeallic Acid íPwosallol) "<PyA) $nolïgneous Acid" {rolipreous Liquor <PYL> fannery Liquors (leaftér próduaion; Tannic Ac-id Tar Tartaric Acid (wine stoneacid) Tiianium Chloridé Toluol Trichloracatic Acid Trichlorethvlene Triethalonalnine <TAN> MD,DIUM azedtiIes <TAA> 304(L) sodiumHncosu lphite<so M> c s ro, proa,lioffiiitïrïïtf"Slgl <TAR> CS Red Bràss with IBBM vàlíes oi lO+fLt : For low P Sodium Meiaohosohate <TAC> Glass, Al, 304(L) or Monel dependingon product cost (Glassy PhoËphafe) <SON> watertreatment work: PVC pipe àíA'fant tining <SOO> Sàdium Nitratè CS <TlC> Glass, Monel or Ti (seeHcl) <SOP> CS Sodium Nitrite <TOL> CS ; Monel for Valve Trims <SOR> Sodium Phosph.Chhodibasic CS <TRA> Silver or Hastelloy <SOS> Orthomonobasic 304(L) .. <TRI> T<60. PVC: Monel fthotribasic .. CS ":SOT> <TRH>'CS <SOtl> CS Sodium Silicate <TSP> SodiumSulohare TSPOrisodium Pho€phare) CS ruÍÊintinê <ruR>cs rorpÍodroioo: pÍad,r Mmer rorpurified vrndlh VeeelableOils vinecar <vAR> Aror3o4(L); csircoloní.io, doca notmaner . \,EO2 304(L) or Mon€l <vlN>304(L) : Monel' Inconel orri if Naclispí€sent oÍNiAllov w.tcrDeaass€d aDd Hvdroeeï.Nr - .**' -phiÍ, -porabt4 -uritity ::BËËrr.Ík fií,fÁtJ r,, 6(L)rbrFbduci :Ë?;f irtrtÍPfl,Ytrlt wArovcs:Mp/Lp:cs,Hp Sl:H"liffr t** 3ÏlB# l3ïÏr io{iff;*liH :SH lg{"t .wAr>. .wAc', <wA.l.'.<wAp>.<wAo>,surihuric Acid 104(l-); Cu endBra$ 304(L) 304íL) ; Cu andBrass <ryE!> SulphuÍousAcid .wHD <WIN ' Xylenc znc chloride <zlc> cs (d€spire corosi-, ** Zinc Sulphale <ZIS> 316(L) ard Monêlifdiscolor.ti@ is noi permitted <SO\D CS 130,{L) for ValveTrirns l$m lilti-ll$r" :|JÏi- .-Y4pt SulbhurChloÍidê T<60, PVC ; Red Brass,Al oÍ 304(L) WaterDeíilled or Der'ii <WAc> CS Wa!€rGla$ WatêÍ-City. -CoolinE"-FiÍe. T<60,PVC(P<10,D< 4")orCS(Galv.)ICuoÍÀ SulDhur TÍioxid€ Whiskey white [iquoÍ Wine REC'OMMENDED MATERIAL wíh temDeratÍe uDto 45d oC : Monel <SUC> cS for moisrre freegasi lrrconêlor Mong.lpipeor Ti tubjngf(,Í \{et gas. <SUT>CS r 3l6íL) Valves <suA>x4sMóluóÍo2o fH,ïffÊ[&*ÉBlo':fiJr"*, <SL'H> 316(L) <xYI> cs ; Monelfor valve Trim6 "*#H"f#ï:.+ff* Remarks: t2- Capital lefters located betweenbracketsi.e. <> are meant to be used as short cut denotationsfbr the medium. Colper and Brass pipe is in general only usedfor small diametersup to 3/4". It is available in diametersfrom 1/8" up to 12". L9 Moner foÍÍefinins rcs ECSENGINEERINGB.V. PAGE I 2 3 4 5 6 ECS.O2.OO3 PIPING.STI} O3.I DESCRIPTION Front Sheet Title block of Plan Drawings Title Block of SpecialPipdSupports Title Block of SystemIsometricDrawings Title Block of IsbmetricDrawings Title Block of Pipe SpoolDrawiígs REV 01 DATE SIGN 20.10.02 REV DATE SIGN REV DATE SIGN REV DATE SIGN ECSENGINEERINGB.V. ECS.O2.OOI PIPING.STD 03.2 TITLE BLOCK OF PLAI{ DRA\ryINGS REFERENCEDRAWINGS DESCRIPTION DRAWING NUMBER REV REV DATE SIGN DRAWING NUMBER PROJECTNUMBER CLIENT DRAWD,TGNR CLIENT PROJECTNR CLIENT ECS ENGIFTEERINGB.V. REV DATE SIGN ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. 8CS.02.003 PIPING.STD 03.3 LOCATION PLAN SPECIAL PIPE SUPPORT OTY DESCRIPTTON DIMENSIONS MATERI,AI, REV DATE SIGN REV DATE SIGN REF PIPING PLAN REF ISOMETRIC ISO REV SPECIALPiPE SUPPORTNR SPS REV PROJECTNI.IMRER CLIENT DWG NR REV CLIENT PROJECTNR CLIENT ECS ENGII\-EERINGB.V. ECStrNGINEERINGB.V. ECS.O2.OO3 PIPING.STD 03.4 TITLE BLOCKFOR SYSTEMISOMETRICS TESTPRESSI]RE MAXIMUM TESTPRESSURE TEST DI.IRATION (YAO FLUSHING FLUSHING MEDIUM HYDROBLASTING DEGREASING íYlN) DRYING íYlI{) SYSTEM ISOMETRIC DWG NR SYS PROJECTNTIMBER CLIENT DWG NR CLIENT PROJECTNR CLIENT ECS ENGINEERING B.V. REV ECSENGINEERINGB.V. ECS.O2.OO3 PIPING.STD 03.5 TITLE BLOCK FOR ISOMETRIC URA\ryII\GS DESIGN PRESSruEMP TESTPRESSA4EDIUM WELD. PROC.SPEC. WELD. OUAL. SPEC. FIEAT TREATMENT NDE PAINT SYSTEM INS. TYPE/THK TRACING SIGN REV DATE COLORCODE LINE NUMBER ISOMETRICDWG NR PROJECTNUMBER CLIENT D\ryGNR CLIENT PROJECTNR CLtsNT ECS ENGINEERING B.V. REV DATE ISO SIGN REV ECS ENGINEERINGB.V. ECS.O2.OO3 PIPING.STD 03.6 SPOOL DRA\ryING TITLE BLOCK TESTPRESSÀ4EDIUM WELD. PROC.SPEC. wELp. OJAL. SPEC. FNEATTREATMENT NDE PAINT SYSTEM SPL SPOOLDWG NR PROJECTNUMBER CLIENT DWG NR CLIENT PROJECTNR CLIENT ECS ENGII\IE.ERITiGB.v. REV ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.028 LINE DESIGNATIOI{ TABLE PAGE 0t 02 03 DESCRIPTION Front sheet Remarksand first line designationsheet Line designationsheet CLIENT DOC. NR. CLIE,NT PROJ. I\ÍR 39 PIPING.STD 28.I ECS ENGINEERING B.V. 8CS.02.028 PIPING.STD 28.2 REMARKS LINE NUMBER : Consistsof successively : The NominalDiameter,an abbreviationrepresentingthe ConveyedMedium, a codeof two lettersand a digit representinsthe approoriatePipeClassand a Sëquence Number. SOURCE : This can be an equipmentn[mbeï, the atrÀospheiê or another^hne number.lf it ïs anotherline number thenonly fill in thè mediumlettersandthe sequence number. DESTINAION: Seesource. INSULAïON : InsulationTHICKNESSshall be givenin mm. All TEMPERATURESand PRESSURESshall be givenin degrees.celciusrespectivelyin bar and needto be suppliedbv the client by meansof flow diagram( maximum,minimum and dperatingtemperatures and -pressuiêsof thê equlpmentmentlonedon the ilagrart} The FLOW RATE shall be sivenin m3/hr. INS = Insulation; LINE NTIMBER THK = Thickness, SOI]RCE DESTINATON TR = Tracing , JAC = Jacketed DESIGN OPERATING TEST INS. TR JAC FLOW TEMP PRESS TEMP PRES PRESS TYPE THK YAI Y/l,I RATE 40 ECS ENGINEERING B.V. LINE NIIMBER SOURCE DESTINATION 8CS.02.028 PIPING.STD 28.3 OPERATING TEST INS. TR JAC FLOW DESIGN TEMP PRESS TEMP PRES PRESS TYPE THK Y/N YA{ RATE 4l ECS ENGINEERING B.V. PAGE I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ECS.02.008 PIPING.STD 08.1 DESCRIPTION F'rontsheetwith content. Generaldenotationsfor pipe to pipe corurectionsand butt welded fittings. Dual end fittrngsand sockètweldèdfittrngsand -flanges. lhreaded fittinls and -flanges. Miscellaneous[iping itemí. Valves,valveconnectionsand valveoperaturgtype. Valve operatingtype (cont'd), branchconnections,supportsand instrumentconnections. Generalremarksconcerningthe useof the drawingsymbols. REV DATE SIGN REV DATE SIff CLTENT PROJ. NR. CLIE,NT t3 /v -/ ,{ 4 /^ I .4, './ V / .d d .tr r v / / V G+r CP5 É€-r re-4: F G_, "/ i i t . . i i : i i ï i ! i i i , - '.:r_rlal4rJ F_+J .r .t' .r ./ F-h 'Jl-, f-x3 ;-iI;-'i''ïI ,-jJ:-j j(- ,/ i lfï-i;-ri' -!-:j:r::_: rir :_jj..: i::: i'i:'-1-.':_-: . J : ' J - ._.!:a_,!_:_r_r-J: r! : l :jj:J lr_,(_, .lr_rJ r_r! !r_r!_l_ ? l_r_,: : : J -j j. l = i - . ; :_J:j j : :-:: Í--::j : J : ffi ,/ 1 T _ _ ' _ . . l|Jrl ;j i | : ir:i ! r i ' t--jj ; ; -:-j-: !J: ;iLi;i':;::.-:;::-i !J._r i:_r l!*i /t/ "tl' N lt "Tft ,hl r' .{ =w-4t-:lr' </) FÏï{-r rr{y J' r+4Ï -t5 3F qj" tu b ,b k ,4 o_/ / / - a t ":( / T. E-l í/ ri-, .( )r *l--.- r+--.j j i : : : i ; J:-tIill_,! -'1 Í_t+Ï &j ::..f': -,--: ï._!: -t-: : i --: a : i-. :;,] - .-. ï,-r .i a ! -t Fr4J :-':-j i -'iiiï it.i rf-:t Ff<fí : i =-= =- ,i i : | !:._!iti-j_Li-j I .. -::,: -1-1 ï i i : iii.i i,f -ii1j : i - - i n i J|,JU!:1 -l:-! | Lr :1:: :i..,i_ :--:i.i,,,i; irï 'ïi-:! :ir'r r-. -:ililri.-r | --! t--: :_' f ri :ïi.,'i: :i-i - -'l :1 ii- -: r.j:ïj :.'j: ::: i-r '-! ir'r :-. ii;.:, i.-' ir,,i Jl! i|. i:J J: , /t/ /6 4'n,al'',a'<( F-llt-t # ,t{' ,{ :--:.tro; 4 F-Hlhí Ï l,|.r T nfrlH #t "{ lr/ "r{ "4 /f (' lx W .(, .{ í\ bta +r4 +/ v k .e .{ .4 HIH 4 ctí C-+; Gj-{ ;ff+ I t+-1-+F#--+ t Í-TJT-) ,#,7 )---ffi ( F+<tJ F--': 'r--+-1 J" J-- tr'TJ' , | jJF4l'trj .' _r-4- **4 F-lil-' --lf.-.'l* L l(|-, ë,k @e hr Jv.# +'g Y í- ,4 -yul ltw/ W1U Ël'{=ii .-i:l{!,ii,j -ï rr=i-.j_=ïj rT=ï:-]TiEF=,iïi r =ï:]Yd '-k=,_t!í_-t lrl +-ï== Jr:-i* '.i' ir i 'a;rï. i_-, -r i * Ii i'i!u= =li r_:liEE-_ïE Lit.ti i td I-? ff, t-i;-ri-'? : irj: :r_:ij j *-)+* $Gj .r F+(-j FDO t-ret---' '# '--m-+ ê Í-K. r-O-{ .-|\l_ a T '-x-t S "-{\l-' rur IA É-D(r 'JJ ::',-' ï 'hG, B @ tr J: i ; : : . : : +:!: .Jr_rL!.JJ.Ja_' a.j. _la: .--..: tr++_, '-lXl.-, FÈff -r i ii._: i L : : ! j - i ' : :J . Ji j j :I;-1i.!i-l j:ri i l r 1::J !9í: -'- r.-..-. 4 "k d / .y .f .{ / / / 4 ,F 4 4 4 ."( # . _:t;:i L it.i!:J .J_!_.J7_trj,J, : . . ; ; 1 . 1 i _ ! _ := = ,.J 1i,.1::: ECS ENGINEERING B.V. ECS.O2.OO8 PIPING.STD 08.8 GEI\-ERAL REMARKS CONCER}IING TÏIE USE OF TIIE DRAWING SYMBOLS Followingdescriptionsof the piping slmbol shall be statednext to the symbolon the drawing: For flaneecorurections f 2 Nomiíd Diameter 3 Flangetype 4 Facing : PoundClassorPNNumber : DN ...... (nominaldiameterin mm) : WN, LJ, SO, SCR'D or SW : RF, FF or RTJ Examples: 15(HDNf00 \ilN RF or PN10 DN40 SO FF For diameterreducinsitems ffi 2 ReducerEccentric BottomFlat 3 ReducerEccentric Top Flat 4 SwageConcentric 5 SwaleEccentric BottomFlat 6 Swa[eEccentric TopFlat 7 TeeReducing : CoNC RED : ECCRED BF : ECCRED TF : CONCSWG : ECC SWG BF : ECCSWG TF : RED TEE Examples: BCC RED BF DN150xDN100, DN .....x DN .....(nominaldiameterin mm) DN .....x DN ..... ,, DN .....x DN ..... ,, DN .....x DN ..... ,, DN .....x DN ..... ,, DN .....x DN ..... ,, DN .....x DN ..... 7, ECC SWG TF DN40XDN25 or RED TEE DN150xDN100 Followingitems shall be referred to as a piping detail standard: Spectacle Blind Instrument Connection Orrifice Flange Assembly Process Vents and Drains Steam Station Steam Trap Utility Station Vents and Drains for Testine For sectionsand/or elevationsof piping plansusethe equivalentof the isometricsymbol. Slmbols for unlistedpiping items shall be clear by either the form of the own inventedsymbolor by a descriptionnext to the symbol. Table with Actual O.D. in mm and correspondingNominal O.D. in mm and in inch : Act. mm Nom.O.D.inmm inch 21.3 26.9 33.7 48.3 60.3 88.9 40 50 80 15 20 25 1.5 2 . 0 3 . 0 0.5 0.75 1.0 tr4.3 139.71 6 8 . 3219.1273 323.9355.6 406.4 457.2508 609.6 100 125 1 5 0 200 2s0 300 350 400 450 500 600 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 t2.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 24.0 24.0 t4