CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK AND ACCOUNTING STANDARDS (CHAPTER 1-5) 2.MEASURING – technical, assigning of peso amounts (Philippine Peso) CHAPTER 1: Accountancy Profession Historical Cost – original acquisition cost, most common measure DEFINITION 1. ASC “Accounting is a service activity, useful in making economic decision” 2. AICPA “ - is the art of recording, classifying, and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money, transactions and events which are in part at least of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof” 3. AAA “ the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgment and decision by the users of the information” Purpose – provide quantitative info to be useful in making an economic decision IMPORTANT POINTS 1.Quantitative information 2.Financial in nature 3.Useful in decision making COMPONENTS 1.IDENTIFYING – analytical -Recognition – accountable/quantifiable -Effect on A,L,E -Non-recognition – hiring, death, contract, meeting -External transactions – involving one entity and another Current Value – fair value, value in use, current cost, fulfillment val 3.COMMUNICATING – formal, preparing/distributing accounting reports to potential users. -Accounting is the universal language of business -Recording/Journalizing – record business transactions -Classifying – sorting/grouping similar interrelated transactions -Ledger – group of accounts -Summarizing – preparation of financial statements -Financial Statements – key product of the info system -Financial reports “how well an entity is performing in terms of profit and loss and where it stands in financial terms” -Overall Objective: provide quantitative about a business useful to statement users (owners/creditors) in making economic decisions Primary Task: supply financial info to help users make informed judgment and better decision Essence: decision-usefulness -Internal transactions – involving the entity only ACCOUNTANCY PROFESSION -Production – resources transformed into products RA No. 9298: Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004– law regulating the practice of accountancy -Casualty – unanticipated loss from a disaster (act of God) Board of Accountancy (BOA) – body authorized by law to promulgate rules affecting practice of accountancy profession in PH, preparing/grading the PH CPA Exam Certificate of Accreditation – issued to CPA in public practice, min of 3 years of experience in taxation/auditing Securities and Exchange Commission – not register any corporation for practice of public accountancy Certificate of Registration – valid for 3 years, renewable every 3years Custody and Administration of Public Funds BIR, COA, DOBM, SEC, BSP CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) Inculcation and acquisition of advanced knowledge skill, and moral values after the initial registration of the CPA for assimilation into professional practice and lifelong learning Technical skill and competence of CPA RA No. 10912 – mandating and strengthen the CPD program for all regulated professions. MAIN AREAS (Profession) 1. PUBLIC ACCOUNTING CPD Credit Units/Hours 1. Auditing – primary service -120 CPD credit unit’s accreditation External Auditing – attest function -15 CPD credit units for renewal 2. Taxation – preparation of annual income tax returns and - CPA -Permanently exempted from renewal 65 y/o determination of tax consequences ACCOUNTING VS. AUDITING 3. Management Advisory Services – services to clients on Broad sense, accounting embraces auditing. Phases of business conduct and operations 2. PRIVATE ACCOUNTING Acctg staff, chief accnt, internal auditor, controller (highest) Major Objective(private accountant): assist management in planning/controlling the entity’s operations Private Acctng : Maintaining records, producing financial reports, preparing budgets, controlling/allocating resources of entity, determination of taxes 3. GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING – involving receipt, disposition of gov’t funds and property Focus of Govt Acctng: Auditing is one of the areas of accounting specialization. Limited sense- accounting is essentially constructive in nature. Auditing is analytical, the work of an auditor begins when the work of the accountant ends. Works after the financial statements are prepared. ACCOUNTING VS. BOOKEEPING Bookkeeping is procedural and largely concerned with development and maintenance of accounting records. -the “how of accounting” Accounting is conceptual and is concerned with the why, reason or justification for any action adopted. Bookkeeping -element of accounting as arithmetic. FRSC – Financial Reporting Standards Council -Replaced the Accounting Standards Council -Accounting standard setting body created by PRC ACCOUNTING VS. ACCOUNTANCY -To assist the Board of Accountancy in its power and functions Accountancy- refers to profession of accounting practice -Highest hierarchy of GAAP Accounting- is used in reference only to a particular field of accountancy such as PA, PA, GA. -Approved statements: PAS – Philippine Accounting Standards PFRS – Philippine Financial Reporting Standards Composition of FRSC 1 Chairman and 14 Representatives PIC – Philippine Interpretations Committee -By FRSC and replaced the Interpretations Committee -Prepare interpretations of PFRS for approval of FRSC -Authoritative guidance GAAP – generally accepted accounting principles -Like laws that must be followed in financial reporting -Political process incorporates political actions IFRIC – International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee -United Kingdom and replaced the Standing Interpretations Committee IASC – International Accounting Standards Committee -Independent private sector body Accounting Standards -Identify proper accounting practices for FS -Create common understanding -Ensure comparability and uniformity -Achieve uniformity around the world Objectives: IASC -Formulate and publish in the public interest accounting standards -Promote worldwide acceptance and observance -Improvement and harmonization relating to FS. IN THE RNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS BOARD IASB – International Accounting Standards Board -Replaces IASC -Publishes standards in series of pronouncements (IFRS) -Continue to be designated as International Accounting Standard CHAPTER 2: OBJECTIVE OF FINANCIAL REPORTING CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR FINANCIAL REPORTING -Complete, comprehensive, single document promulgated by IASB -Summary of terms and concepts that underlie the preparation/presentation of FS for external users -For general purpose financial reporting and overall theoretical foundation for accounting FOUNDATION FOR STANDARDS 1. Contribute to transparency – Enhancing international comparability and quality of financial information Standard-setting process -Research Discussion paper -Exposure draft 2. Strengthen accountability- reducing information gap 3. Contribute to economic efficiency- helping investors to identify opportunities and risk across the world. -Accounting standard PURPOSES OF REVISED CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standard a) Assist IASB: develop IFRS Standards -Uniform and globally accepted FR Standards b) Assist preparers of FS: develop consistent accounting policy (when no Standard applies) -Factors deciding to move to IAS -Common language and removal of free choices of accounting treatments PFRS – Philippine Financial Reporting Standards -Corresponds to IFRS -PAS numbered same as their counterpart IAS -Philippines Interpretations which correspond to Interpretations of IFRIC, SIC, PIC c) Assist preparers of FS: develop accounting policy (when allows a choice) d) Assist all parties: understand/interpret IFRS Standards AUTHORITATIVE STATUS OF CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 1st – Standard/Interpretation (overrides CF) 2nd – Conceptual Framework (not an IFRS, not overrides Standard) USERS OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION -Provide resources to the entity -Primary Users – general purpose financial reports are primarily directed (must rely) SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF FINANCIAL REPORTING (to provide information) -Existing and Potential Investors – risk/return a) Economic Decisions – investors to buy, sell, hold equity/creditors to provide or settle loans provided by investment -Lenders and Other Creditors – if amounts owing to them will be paid b) Assessing Cash Flow Prospects – principal and interest payments, future net cash inflows to entity Other Users – reports are not directed to them primarily c) Economic Resources and Claims Employees – stability/profitability of entity and their benefits Customers – continuance of entity Governments and their Agencies – allocation of resources and activities, determine taxation policies Public – trend and the range of its activities OBJECTIVE OF FINANCIAL REPORTING -Forms the foundations of the CF -Overall objective of Financial Reporting: provide financial info about the reporting entity useful to primary users in making decisions about providing resources to the entity -Why, purpose, goal of accounting -Financial Reporting – provision of financial info about an entity to external users useful for economic decisions and effectiveness of entity’s management -Annual financial statements – way of providing FS to external users -Nonfinancial information – description of products/listing officers and directors TARGET USERS/PRIMARY USERS -Have the most critical and immediate need for financial information -Economic Resources – assets -Claims – liabilities and equity -Liquidity – availability of cash in near future to cover currently maturing obligation -Solvency – availability of cash over a long term to meet financial commitment -Financial Position – financial strength and weakness d) Changes in Economic Resources and Claims -Financial Performance – results of operations, assess ability to generate future cash inflows from operations ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING -Financial Performance must be measured in ACCRUAL BASIS ACCOUNTING -No money involved -Only recognized when they occur -Income when earned and Expense when incurred LIMITATIONS OF FINANCIAL REPORTING a) Don’t provide all information needed by primary users b) Not designed to show value of entity, estimate value of entity c) Provide common information, can’t accommodate every request for info d) Based on estimate and judgment rather than exact depiction MANAGEMENT STEWARDSHIP – predicting how management will use entity’s economic resources in future periods Your peso today is worth more than tomorrow.” TIME VALUE MONEY CHAPTER 3: QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Qualities/attributes that make info useful to users 1. FUNDAMENTAL QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS Application: -Identify if economic phenomenon is useful -Identify type of information (relevant and faithfully represented) -Determine if information is available 1. RELEVANCE – capacity of information to influence a decision - known as “Doctrine of Convenience” -Subquality of relevance based on nature/magnitude - depends on Relative size rather than absolute size, may be immaterial for another 4. ITEM MATERIAL - if it could reasonably affect economic decision of the primary users of FS. 5. Rounding off amounts IMPORTANT ASPECTS a) Could Reasonably be Expected to Influence -Expected to influence threshold insures that information is capable of influencing economic decision. b) Obscuring Information – omitting or misstating the information - FS is not readily understood/not clearly expressed c) Primary Users – primarily affected by general purpose FS are primarily directed 1. FACTORS OF MATERIALITY 1. Size of the Item -Information that does not bear on an economic decision is useless. 2. Size of the Entity INGREDIENTS: 3. Nature of the Item 1. Predictive Value – forecast/predict future outcome 2. Confirmatory Value – if it provides feedback about previous evaluations 2. FAITHFUL REPRESENTATION –represented in words and numbers, description/figures must match what really existed, properly accounted INGREDIENTS MATERIALITY – practical rule that strict adherence to a) Completeness – facilitates understanding and avoids erroneous disclosure, all necessary description/explanation GAAP is not required when items are not significant enough to affect the FS. Standard of Adequate Disclosure – principle of full disclosure, clearly reported Notes to FS – narrative description/disaggregation b) Neutrality – without/free from bias, principle of fairness c) Prudence – exercise of care and caution, deal with uncertainties d) Conservatism – alternative that has least effect on equity •Contingent Loss – as a “provision” if the loss is profitable and amount can be reliably measured •Contingent Gain – not recognized, disclosed only Horizontal Comparability (Intracomparability) – within an entity, one accounting period to another Comparability between entities – 2 or more entities engaged in same industry -Dimensional Comparability (Intercomparability) – across entities -Consistency – uniform application from period to period within entity, helps to achieve comparability Comparability- the goal Consistency- helps to achieve that goal •Full disclosure of the change It is to emphasized that conservatism is not license to deliberately understate net income and net assets. b) Understandability – comprehensible/intelligible, clearly/concisely, for users who have reasonably knowledge of business c) Free from Error – no errors/omissions, accurately as an estimate c) Verifiability – implies consensus that is supported by evidence to assure users Measurement Uncertainty – monetary amount can’t be observed, estimated -Direct Verification – direct observation -Can affect level of faithful representation if the level of uncertainty in providing an estimate is high. -Indirect Verification – uses formula, technique, recalculating Substance Over Form – substance prevails d) Timeliness – financial info must be available and communicated early enough when decisions are to be made. - Not considered a separate component of faithful representation because it would be redundant -Cost – is a pervasive constraint on information that can be provided by financial reporting. 2. ENAHNCING QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS – increase the usefulness of the financial Information -Cost Constraint – consideration of the cost incurred, judgment process -enhance qualitative characteristics to presentation of FS. a) Comparability – ability to bring together, likeness and difference •Benefit should exceed cost incurred -Judgemental Process- Evaluation of Cost constraint -Cost Benefit Principle, financial information is not free CHAPTER 4: FS AND REPORTING ENTITY, UNDERLYING -asset recorded at cost, As a rule market value are ignored ASSUMPTIONS -abandoned when there’s persistent losses and operations terminated FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – info about economic resources, claims against entity, changes in economic resources and claims -Statement of Financial Position - ALE -Statement of Financial Performance - IE -Other Statements and Notes TYPES OF FS 1. Consolidated FS – Provide information about ALE IE to both parent and its 2. ACCOUNTING Entity –specific business org. Sole, Part, Corpo. - entity is separate from the owner to have fair presentation, each business is independent, single economic entity 3. TIME PERIOD – completely accurate report and can’t be obtained until entity is dissolved/liquidated, one year period subsidiaries Calendar Year – 12month ends on Dec. 31 2. Unconsolidated FS – parent alone Natural Business Year – 12month ends on any month 3. Combined FS – comprises 2 or more entities not linked by a parent and subsidiary relationship REPORTING ENTITY – entity required to prepare financial statements, not necessarily a legal entity REPORTING PERIOD – period when FS are prepared ALE – end of reporting period IE – during reporting period - Provide Comparative Information for at least one preceding reporting period ACCOUNTING ASSUMPTIONS (POSTULATES) – basic notions or fundamental premises, accounting process is based, bedrock/foundation of accounting inorder to avoid understanding 1. GOING CONCERN – continuing in operation indefinitely/ foreseeable future -very foundation of cost principle (slack season) 4. MONETARY UNIT -Quantifiability – stated in peso (PH) -Stability of the Peso – purchasing power of the peso is stable/constant •Stable Peso Postulate – adjustments are unnecessary to reflect any changes in purchasing power, not necessarily valid CHAPTER 5: ELEMENTS OF FS ELEMENTS OF FS – quantitative information reported in the statement of financial position and income statement, building blocks Equity – residual interest in the assets after deducting liabilities ASSET – present economic resource by entity as a result of past events Economic Resource – produce economic benefits Economic Benefits – no longer need to be expected to flow to the entity ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS -Present economic resources -Right to produce economic benefits -Controlled by entity as a result of past events 1. Right a. Correspond to an obligation of another entity (favorable terms) -Present obligation as a result of past event -Liability is not recognized if not incurred. 1. Obligation – duty or responsibility that can’t be avoided Legally enforceable – as a consequence of binding contract/statutory requirement Constructive obligations – maintain good business relations and equitable manner 2. Transfer of an Economic Resource – unfavorable terms and uncertain future event 3. Past Event b. Don’t correspond to an obligation of another entity -exists as a result of past events c. Established by contract/legislation – has already obtained economic benefits and must transfer economic resource 2. Potential to Produce Economic Benefits -Don’t need to be certain that the right will produce -Right already exist 3. Control of an Economic Resource -Ability to prevent others from using such asset -If an entity enforces legal rights -No legal rights, no other party can benefit from asset LIABILITY – present obligation to transfer economic resource, IAS 37 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERISTICS A) Entity has an obligation -entity liable must be identified B) Obligation to transfer an economic resource INCOME – increase in AE, decrease in L Revenue – ordinary regular activities, regularity Gains – don’t arise ordinary regular activities, disposal, expropriation EXPENSE – decreases in AE, increases in L Losses – ordinary regular activities Losses – don’t arise if resulting from disasters STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE Profit or loss and presenting other comprehensive income Recycling – permitted as long as it would result to relevant and faithfully represented information about financial performance