Genetic Technologies Complete the table below to outline the characteristics of a range of genetic technologies Name of the technology Description of the process Description of the outcome Medical Uses Industrial Uses Agricultural uses Reproductive Technologies Artificial Pollination Artificial Insemination Increases pollination success rate Introduce favourable phenotype humans intervene with natural pollination process Placing male sperm into vagina/uterus of suitable female. Used as medical fertility treatment in humans and also agriculture Allows for broader choice of fathers for breeding cattle: Overcome barrier of: - Distance - Cost - Stress to animals Reduces risk of: - Injury to animals - Disease transmis sion Humans when having difficulties Can increase genetic diversity by having access to sperm from species Introduce desired traits and reduce complexity Impact on Biodiversity Social Influence Cultural Influence Economic Influence IVF Cloning Whole organism cloning Takes the unknown out of the genetic process by controlling traits aka controlling genetic diversity Creates genetically identical organisms Increased genetic mutations as adult somatic cells used for cloning have larger have more mutations Reduce Genetic SCNT Plant cloning Embryo Twinning Gene Cloning Recombinant DNA Technologies Recombinant DNA Neg public view People less likely to purchase cloned organism Very expensive Gene Delivery Animal Transgenic Organisms Plant Transgenic organisms CRISPR-Cas 9