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Requirements to Card Western Union
In this section, I reveal the complete requirements you need to card
the Western Union.
Below are the requirements for carding Western Union:
CC Fullz of Credit Card
If you do not have CC Fullz, you can hijack a credit card.
I recommend buying CC Fullz because the vendor would be able to provide
you with complete CC information. You can Buy CC Fullz on
A typical CC Fullz would contain SSN, DOB, MMN, etc.
But if you know the additional information of the person whose credit card
you want to hijack, then you may hijack the credit card.
The CC or credit card should carry the following information:
Last Name:
First Name:
Middle Name:
Billing Address:
ZIP Code:
Phone Number:
Card Type:
Card Number:
Exp. Date:
Card Name:
Mother Maiden Name:
Of course, you will require the information above when Western Union asks
for DOB and last four SSN for identity confirmation.
Socks or VPN
Since Western Union requires electronic carding like every carding method,
you need software for hiding your IP. If you would be using a PC and Firefox
browser, get Socks (Socks 4 or Socks 5) and search how to set up Socks online.
Typically, I use a VPN, but my VPN is a premium version. I recommend
Amazon Gift Card Method
You are going to need to buy some gift cards off amazon with the CC Fullz. On
https://www.kountkwik.net/ you download a full FREE 2022 Amazon Gift
Carding Method to learn how to buy the gift cards correctly. Make sure you
download this method too.
Western Union Account
You can either get a hacked Western Union account or create a new account
that you add CC Fullz or complete credit card information.
If you use a hacked Western Union account, it makes the transaction easier
because the Western Union will not suspect the account much since it has
been used for transactions recently.
If you use a self-created Western account, it will likely go through a careful
assessment by the officials in the Western Union.
Regardless of the Western Union account (hacked with logs or new account)
it’s not common for gift card transactions to get declined so you should be
How to Card Western Union Successfully
In this section, I disclose the latest Western Union carding guide you need to
card money instantly.
Below are the steps regarding the Western Union carding method:
1. Get a CC or Credit Card with Fullz Details
Typically, you need the UK or a US CC. You can purchase CC Fullz off
https://www.kountkwik.net/. Once you have some card info, below is the
information you required:
Credit Card Number:
Card Type: (Credit or debit)
Card Name:
Exp. Date:
Cvv2 or CVV:
2. Turn on VPN
If you are using a VPN, change the country to the US or the UK, depending on
where you are.
Buy the Gift Cards Off Amazon
Using your CC Fullz, follow the steps to the Amazon Gift Carding Method to
purchase some VISA and MasterCard Gift Cards. You will use the gift cards
you purchase with CC to send money on Western Union. By sending money
from the gift cards instead of directly from the CC fullz will allow you to safely
pick up cash money with your own ID if you don’t have a fake ID yet.
3. Register
Provide the information on one of the gift cards. Below is the required
Last Name:
First Name:
Billing Address:
ZIP Code:
Phone Number: (must match the country)
4. Confirm Email ID
If you registered a new account, make sure you confirm the confirmation
email Western Union sends.
5. Send some money to yourself
Once you have bought the Gift Cards and activated them you can send money
to yourself on the Western Union app and use the gift cards as a payment
method. Open the western union app, enter the amount you want to send,
register your account (or log in if you aren't already), add the gift card as a
payment method and then complete the transaction. Repeat if you have
multiple gift cards.
After you have completed each transaction, you will receive a confirmation
email and confirmation code. Go to the nearest grocery store/ western union
location and pick up your cash. Make sure you bring an ID. Pocket your cash.
This is a super simple method for easy cash pick up. Go cash out some money!
Visit https://www.kountkwik.net/ if you need any card information or any
other methods.