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Break-Up Letter & Text Writing Guide - Worksheet

How to write the perfect
Be upfront about why you are writing the letter: It is important that you are fully
honest and open from the very start of the letter. While it might seem that
easing someone into a break-up is the kinder route, it is actually more cruel as
you are giving the partner hope when there isn’t any. Make sure that your
intent is clear from the very beginning of the letter.
Be specific: The body of your letter should include open communication
about why you feel it is best that the relationship comes to an end. Your
partner deserves to know the specific reasons why you think things are not
working out. By being open and honest about your feelings, you are more
likely to end on a positive note.
Be kind: It is okay to bring up specific behaviors that were not working in your
relationship, but try to do it in a respectful way. If you take the route of being
spiteful and angry, remember that those words will stay there forever and may
come back to haunt you. In anger and sadness, we sometimes say things
that we do not mean. Take the high road and use a respectful tone.
Try not to play the blame game: Placing all the blame on your partner will
certainly lead to a bad break-up. Name-calling and blame are worth
avoiding because it can lead to hurt feelings and anger. Take a long, hard
look at your relationship and your contribution to the issues. Try not to blame
the individual, but rather the incompatibility between you or an issue in the
relationship that you feel you cannot get over.
End on a positive note: It is important to be kind
and reflect on what attracted you to this person
in the first place. End the letter by saying
something positive about the time you spent
together or what you wish for the person
in the future.
© Presto Plans
Writing the perfect
Use this area before writing to develop more detailed information about the couple who are breaking up.
How did the couple meet? How many years have they been together? Describe their relationship.
Describe the personality traits of the first member of the couple:
Describe the personality traits of the first member of the couple:
Describe the personality traits of the Second member of the couple:
© Presto Plans
Writing the perfect
Use this area before writing to develop an outline for your letter.
Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 2
© Presto Plans
© Presto Plans
How to write the perfect
Be upfront about why you are writing the text: It is important that you are fully
honest and open from the very start of the text message. While it might seem
that easing someone into a break-up is the kinder route, it is actually more
cruel as you are giving the partner hope when there isn’t any. Make sure that
your intent is clear from the very beginning.
Be specific: The body of your text should include open communication about
why you feel it is best that the relationship comes to an end. Your partner
deserves to know the specific reasons why you think things are not working
out. By being open and honest about your feelings, you are more likely to end
on a positive note.
Be kind: It is okay to bring up specific behaviors that were not working in your
relationship, but try to do it in a respectful way. If you take the route of being
spiteful and angry, remember that those words will stay there forever and may
come back to haunt you. In anger and sadness, we sometimes say things
that we do not mean. Take the high road and use a respectful tone.
Try not to play the blame game: Placing all the blame on your partner will
certainly lead to a bad break-up. Name-calling and blame are worth
avoiding because it can lead to hurt feelings and anger. Take a long, hard
look at your relationship and your contribution to the issues. Try not to blame
the individual, but rather the incompatibility between you or an issue in the
relationship that you feel you cannot get over.
End on a positive note: It is important to be kind
and reflect on what attracted you to this person
in the first place. End the text by saying
something positive about the time you spent
together or what you wish for the person
in the future.
© Presto Plans
Writing the perfect
Use this area before writing to develop more detailed information about the couple who are breaking up.
How did the couple meet? How many years have they been together? Describe their relationship.
Describe the personality traits of the first member of the couple:
Describe the personality traits of the first member of the couple:
Describe the personality traits of the Second member of the couple:
© Presto Plans
Writing the perfect
Use this area before writing to develop an outline for your text message.
Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 2
© Presto Plans
© Presto Plans
© Presto Plans