An Exact Theory for Curved Beams with Any Thin-walled Open Sections Genshu Tong* and Qiang Xu Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China Abstract: Currently available theories for thin-walled curved beams lack rigorous theoretical development. This paper provides a detailed derivation of an exact theory for biaxial bending and torsion of thin-walled circularly curved beams with any open profile. The derivation is based on two well-accepted assumptions in the theory of thin-walled members. Exact expressions for longitudinal displacement, longitudinal normal stress and shear stress and their resultants are presented. Simplified theories are also given for practical applications. Key words: curved beam, thin-walled beam, bending and torsion 1. INTRODUCTION Curved girders having a streamlined shape find wide applications in highway bridges and city transit services, in public buildings, in industrial buildings and in oil-sealed dry gas-holders, etc. The cross-sections of these curved girders have different shapes (P , I, C, box and H with no axis of symmetry ). A curved beam usually bends and twists simultaneously under practical load conditions. The earliest investigator of curved girders is St. Venant (McManus 1969). Vlasov (1961) proposed a systematic bending and torsion theory for curved beams. Dabrowski (1964) studied bending and torsion of curved girders with P -shaped sections that were used mainly in bridges. Timoshenko (1965) investigated the buckling of I-shaped curved beams without considering warping resistance. Kristek (1979) introduced the theories of curved box girders both with and without the assumption of a rigid contour of the cross-section. Most of the research work has the common feature that the internal force-curvature relationships of a curved beam were obtained by modifying the counterparts of the straight beam considering the effect of initial curvature. Substituting these relations into the force equilibrium equations of curved beams (Vlasov 1961, Timoshenko 1965) or into the total potential energy expression (Yoo 1982), the differential equilibrium equations in terms of the displacements and twist rotation were obtained. Dabrowski (1964) studied curved beams by assuming strain distributions on the cross-section. Kristek (1979) assumed the warping displacement in the curved beam. Yoo’s (1982) paper aroused further researches on curved beams and a series of discussions were made on Vlasov’s and Yoo’s theories. New theories were also put forward by Rajaskaran and Padmanabhan (1989), Yang and Kuo (1987), Kang and Yoo (1994). However, all these studies are applicable only for curved beams with doubly symmetrical cross-sections. Rajasekran and Padmanabhan (1989) and Kang and Yoo (1994) adopted the longitudinal displacement presented by Usami and Koh (1980). To determine the longitudinal displacement of the centroid of a curved girder, Usami and Koh (1980) introduced a fictitious thin- *Corresponding author Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 195 An Exact Theory for Curved Beams with Any Thin-walled Open Sections coordinate systems are set up: ¬r 2 f 2 Y is a cylindrical coordinate system whose positive direction is shown in Figure 1a; ­x 2 y 2 z is a Cartesian coordinate system set up on the cross-section. x axis has the same direction as the radial r-coordinate and z axis is directed in the direction of f increasing; ®n 2 s 2 z is a right-handed coordinate system on the middle surface of the thin-walled section where n is a normal positive when outwards directed, s is tangent to the middle surface positive when counterclockwise relative to the shear centre S. The radius of the centroid line is R. The following two widely accepted assumptions are used to derive the general theory of curved beams with thin-walled sections: (1) the shape of the cross-section does not deform in its own plane during the deformation; (2) shear strain on the middle surface may be neglected. Other assumptions are that the material is linearly elastic and deformation is small. The displacements of any point on the middle surface in x and y directions are – v– respectively. The displacements in the n denoted as u, and s directions are j and h and the longitudinal – The deformations displacement in the z direction is w. of the shear centre S (xs, ys) are u and v and the twist angle is u , positive when the x-axis rotates towards the y-axis (counter-clockwise). a is the angle between the normal n and x-axis. walled branch connecting the centroid and any point on the middle surface of the thin-walled section (when the centroid is not on the middle surface of the cross section), and defined a warping coordinate on this fictitious branch. After introducing a further simplification, Usami obtained an approximate longitudinal displacement for the curved beam. Although Usami and Koh derived their theory starting from the two fundamental assumptions of thinwalled members (i.e. the shear strain on the middle surface may be neglected and the cross-section does not deform in its own plane), his longitudinal displacement would not satisfy the zero shear strain assumption on the middle surface and introducing a fictitious thin-walled branch is hardly justifiable. To the authors’ knowledge, Yang (1987) was the only researcher who derived the correct longitudinal displacements of curved beams based on the two fundamental hypotheses of thin-walled members, but his research was restricted to beams with doubly symmetrical H-shaped sections. Pi and Trahair (1997) also analyzed a doubly symmetrical I-section curved beam. Tong (1996) presented theories of curved beams with mono-symmetrical H-sections where the effect of mono-symmetry was calculated. Tong (1997) proposed a general theory of curved beams with any open foldedplate cross-section. This paper presents a new general theory for curved beams with arbitrary thin-walled open cross-sections. The theory is exact within the framework of classical thin-walled members. Simplified theories with good accuracy are also proposed for practical applications. 2.2. Longitudinal Displacement A thin-walled circularly curved beam can also be viewed as a shell generated by the revolution of section contour B0E about Y axis. Then the curvilinear coordinate s is along the meridian of the shell and the coordinate z is in the circumferential direction. The shear strain on the middle surface of curved beam is the same as in a shell of revolution (Flugge 1973): 2. THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT 2.1. Fundamental Assumptions Shown in Figure 1 is a thin-walled circularly curved beam with arbitrary open section. The following My y Qy Qx Mz S y Mx S ( x s , ys ) s x Js n a E z P(x,y) N r C s f B x q O 0 ( x0 , y 0 ) Y (a) (b) Figure 1. A thin-walled curved beam with arbitrary open cross section 196 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 Genshu Tong and Qiang Xu g sz = ¶h – ¶w + r¶f ¶s – w + sin a r (1) s_2 _ s_2 in which Dy = e0 Rr2 cos a ds 2 A1eA Rr e0 Rr2 cosa dsdA, s_2 s _ _2 D v = e0 Rr2 r sds 2 A1 eA Rr e0 Rr2r sdsdA, they satisfy the following equations: The first assumption leads to the following equations: u– = u 2 ys)u and v– = v + (x 2 (y 2 xs)u h = 2 u– sin a + v– cos a = 2 u sin a + v cos a + r su (3) where r s = (y 2 ys)sin a + (x 2 xs) cos a is the distance of shear centre S to the tangent of point P (x , y) on the middle surface, positive when s is counter-clockwise relative to the shear centre. Substituting Eqn 3 into Eqn 1 and using the second assumption, the following equation + ¶s – w r 1 sin a = 2 r (r su 9 + v9 cos a 2 r r0 w0 + x0 2 r0 x e s u9 2 r cos a r2 0 sr e r dsu 9 (5) dsv9 2 r 0 s 2 where w0 is the longitudinal displacement of a reference point 0 on the middle surface of the thin-walled section and x0 is its x coordinate, r0 = R + x0. It is noted that point 0 may be any point on the middle surface and is not necessarily the centroid. When the centroid is not on the middle surface, the longitudinal displacement of the centroid cannot be determined because the integration route is not through the centroid. Here the average longitudinal – is displacement of the whole cross-section w = A1 eA wdA introduced as a basic unknown (A is the cross section area). Then the longitudinal displacement can be expressed as: r R w2 x R u9 2 r Dy R2 v9 2 r R R A dA = 0 (7) When the cross section has multiple branches, taking the point 0 as a single reference point, the longitudinal displacement may be calculated for each of the branches from Eqn 5 and Eqn 6. As a comparison, the longitudinal displacement presented by Usami and Koh (1980) is reproduced here in a linearized form: w– = w 2 x R 1 u9 2 ys w+ Rs 2 y v9 2 Rs v v9 2 Rs 1 u 9 2 v9 Rs 2 (8) where Rs = R + xs is the radius of the shear centre line, v is the warping function of the thin-walled crosssection. As a general expression, Eqn 8 doesn’t satisfy Eqn 4. 2.3. Normal Stress and Its Resultants The longitudinal normal stress on the cross-section may be calculated from the circumferential strain in the shell of revolution (Flugge 1973): s = Ee e= Dv R2 u 9 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 (6) u– r + – ¶w r¶f = (9a) w9 2 u0 R u2 + u0 r (9b) 2 y2 ys Dy r u 2 R2 v0 2 Dv R2 u 0 Its resultants are: Axial force Bending moments e s dA M = e s ydA, M = 2 e s xdA B = e s v dA N= x A A y Bimoment w– = y r e dA = 0, Dv u9 sin a ) (4) is obtained. Here r = R + x, ( )9 = d( )/df . This is a partial differential equation with variable coefficients, with the curvilinear coordinate s as a variable. Unlike the straight beam, the longitudinal displacement in a curved beam cannot be obtained by direct integration. Although a , r, r s are functions of the curvilinear coordinate s which is varied for different cross sections, it may be verified that the exact solution of Eqn 4 is: w– = A r (2a,b) So the displacement along curvilinear coordinate s is: – ¶w eD v (10a) (10b,c) A A (10d) Substituting Eqn 9a,b into above equations and denoting 197 An Exact Theory for Curved Beams with Any Thin-walled Open Sections C0 = Cv = e r A v e A r e dA, Cy = dA, Cyy = A y r y2 e x e ¶f u N y A A e yD dA, C = e v A v vv A v vx DydA, Cu y A = v ev EA R (w9 2 r ¶q ¶s 2 2q sin a = 0 2 A Et 2q sin a = 2 Et(y 2 Dv dA, the following expressions are obtained: N = EC0(u + u0 ) + ¶s (12) dA, r A ¶q +r Substituting Eqn 9a,b into Eqn 12: yv e ¶s t dA, r A dA, Cyv = r A dA, Cx = e D dA, C = e D dA, C = e yD dA, CvN = Cu x = 1 ys) r R (w0 2 u 9 + Et Et u- ) 2 r Dy Dv R R2 v- + Et 2 (u9 + u- ) + u - Again this is a partial differential equation with variable coefficients and q cannot be found by direct integration. But it can be solved exactly by taking a free edge B as the start point of integration and the exact solution is expressed as follows: u0 ) 2 (11a) E(Cy 2 ysC0)u 2 E CvN R2 v0 2 E Cu N u 2 R 0 E(w0 2 q=2 u- ) Rr 2 EAs(u9 + u- ) (RAs + Sys) 2 r2 + (13) My = 2 ECx(u + u0 ) + E(2 RCy 2 E(Sxs 2 ysCx)u 2 (11b) E CvN R v0 2 Mx = ECy(u + u0 ) 2 E Cu N R u 0 ysCy)u 2 E(Cyy 2 (11c) E Cvx R2 v0 2 Bv = ECv (u + u0 ) 2 E Cu x 2 R u 0 Cvv R2 v0 2 E Cu v R2 + R2r2 EFv u R 2r 2 where A = eB tds, Sys = eB xtds, Sxs = eB ytds, Fy = eB rDytds, s s Fv = eB rDv tds. The resultants of the shear flow q are: s s s s shear force in x direction Qx = 2 e q sin a shear force in y direction Qyl = 2 e q cos a E B E B e qr E B sds ds (14a) ds (14b) (14c) Hv = es A Dy r R dA and Hu = es A Dv r R dA (15a,b) u 0 2.4. Shear Stress and Its Resultants The shear flow q on the middle surface is shown in Figure 1b, positive when it has the same direction as s. The equilibrium condition of the revolutionary shell element in the circumferential direction is (Flugge 1973) 198 EFyv- where Qyl is the shear force in y direction corresponding to the shear flow q. Here two new notations are introduced: (11d) E u 9 + warping torsion moment Mv = y s C v )u 2 E(Cyv 2 ysAs) r2 Since Eqn 12 may be rewritten as: r ¶s t ¶f + ¶ ¶s (r2q) = 0 (16) we obtain: Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 Genshu Tong and Qiang Xu e Qx = 2 E B e (r q)d12 E 2 x 2 rR B = e R B e Qy1 = 2 1 e E E B 1 er R E Mv = 1 R2 e E B R e qr E B (r2q)dDv = 1 R2 sds = R2 R 2 2 (r q)Dv R2 2 2 2 B es E R ¶f e B (r2q) u B 2 Dy B E ¶ R2 r2 1 R2 e y ¶s r R B Dv tds Tsv = GJ where 1 ¶ ¶s (r2q)ds J= B r R tds (17a,b,c) 1 3 v9 R2 e A R2 r2 (18) t2dA. du _ 1 drdu g 1’ r (a) e s Dv 1 _ drdu 2 dr df (R + xs)u 9 2 g 2’ dr r R ¶f E Thus the total torsion moment of a curved beam is Mz = Tsv + Mv . It should be noted that there is another shear force related to the St.Venant torsion Qy2 = 2 Tsv/Rs required by the equilibrium condition of torsion moment. The total shear force in the y direction is Qy = Qy1 + Qy2. dvv- 2 g (r2q)ds r sds = E ¶f 1 ¶ D v ds = 2.5. Free Torsional Moment Unlike the straight beam, the displacement out of the plane of curvature v– produces a shear strain that is similar to the St.Venant torsion, as shown in Figure 2. The total – twisting rate of any point is u r9 2 rv29 which is also derivable from Vlasov’s general theory of shells if the displacements of a shell are represented by Eqn 2a,b and Eqn 6. If the shear modulus of the material is G, one has cos a ds = E B ¶(s t) Based on these equations, we find that Hv and H u may be seen as modified definitions of bending moment and bimoment in a curved beam. The boundary conditions are also expressed in terms of these two quantities, see Table 1. s xtds eD R E 1 e R2 r Qx = 2 M 9y/R, Qy1 = H9v/R, Mv = Hu 9 /R E B 1 ¶ (r2 q)ds rR ¶s 1 B 1 which means: B u Dyds = ¶ x e (r q) r E e E = B R ¶f 1 sin a ds = 2 E 1 ¶ E g v- u2 e rR (r2q)Dy 2 2 ¶f r E x 1 ¶(s t) 2 B (r2q) B ds = q cos a ds = (r2q)dDy = = rR 1 E B ¶f E 2 B 2 = (r2 q) ¶(s t) x r e q sin a ds = 2 2 df (b) Figure 2. Twisting rate in curved beams Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 199 An Exact Theory for Curved Beams with Any Thin-walled Open Sections moment about the x axis caused by a component of shear force Qx (which is through the shear centre) on a infinitesimal segment of the curved beam (Figure 3). Eqn 19f is a equilibrium equation about the shear centre axis zs, ysNdf is a torsion moment about zs axis generated by a component of N on the segment (Figure 3). These terms may be verified using virtual displacement principle (Usami and Koh 1980). Eliminating the shear forces leads to Qx x Qx d f Q x+dQ x N Ndf (s N+dN xs (ce df zs ntr he oid R ar ce nt e r) ) M0 y + RN = qx(R + xs)R RN9 2 RMx0 2 Figure 3. Equilibrium of a curved beam segment 2.6. Differential Equilibrium Equations Assuming the transversely distributed loads are qx, qy whose action lines are through the shear centre, the distributed torsion moment about the shear centre is mz, the axial load qz is through the centroid, then the equilibrium equations in terms of the internal forces are: N2 M 9x 2 Qx9 = qx(R + xs) ysM0y = 2 qyR(R + xs)2 (20c) ysN = 2 mz(R + xs) (20d) Substituting the force-displacement relations into these equations, four equilibrium equations with constant coefficients are obtained in terms of four displacements u, v, w, u . They are omitted here because of their lengthiness. The boundary conditions are given in Table 1. Table 1. Boundary conditions for curved beams (19b) N9 + Qx = 2 qzR (19c) Mz 2 QyRs + Qxys = 0 (19d) M9 y + Qx R = 0 (19e) ysN = 2 mz(R + xs) M9 z + M x 2 (20b) (19a) Q9 y = 2 qy(R + xs) M9 z + Mx 2 RMz9 2 M9 y = 2 qzR2 (20a) (19f) It is noted that the term Qxys in Eqn 19d and ysN in Eqn 19f were not included by Vlasov (1961) and Tong (1996,1997). Eqn 19d is a moment equilibrium condition about the principal x axis, Q xysdf is a bending Displacement w u u9 /R Force N 2 M y/R Qx = 2 M9 y/R My Displacement Force v Qy = H9 v/R 2 Tsv/Rs v9 /R 2 Hv Mz = Hu9 + Tsv u u 9 /R 2 Hu 3. COMPARISON WITH CURRENT AVAILABLE THEORY Because the equations presented above are lengthy, simplified theories are needed for practical applications. This section gives simplified theories for curved beams with specific types of cross-sections and comparisons with current available theories are given whenever possible. Figure 4. A curved beam with mono-symmetrical H-section, web perpendicular to the curvature plane 200 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 Genshu Tong and Qiang Xu 3.1. Mono-symmetrical H Section with Web Perpendicular to the Curvature Plane (Figure 4) For a mono-symmetrical H section whose web is perpendicular to the curvature plane, one obtains R D y = y, Dv = v r , v = 2 x(y 2 ys) M x = ys EIy R3 x R 1 u9 2 w + ys v9 R 2 R v v9 2 R 1 v9 u 9 2 R e= r 5 x 2 R R2 1 R 1 u + v0 R 2 v w9 + ys 2 R2 1 v0 u 0 2 R My R 2 v0 R 2 2 26 R EIy R3 Bv My = R2 R (25a) EIy(uIV + 2u0 + u) + EAR2(w9 + u + ysu ) = qxR4 (25b) EIv (u IV v0 ) = qyR4 + 2u 0 + u ) + EIxR(v0 + Ru ) 2 GJR(Ru 0 2 ysEAR2(w9 + u + ysu ) = m zR4 e= (25c) v0 ) + (25d) R w9 + u x 2 R R2 (u0 + u) 2 (26) (23) 1 y v0 +u 2 v 2 R2 1 u 0 2 v0 R 2 and the equilibrium equations are: EIv EIx(vIV + Ru 0 ) 2 R2 (Ru IV 2 vIV) + GJ(Ru 0 2 (u + u0 ), (u + u0 ) Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 v0 ) = qyR4 (27a) (24a,b) EIy R 2 v9 u 9 2 The longitudinal normal strain given by Vlasov is: It is found from Eqn 17c that the relation Mv = the theory of straight thin-walled member is also valid for curved members with this type of cross section because of Hu = Bv . The force-displacement relations are: (w9 + u + ysu ) + 1 GJ EA(w0 + u9 + ysu 9 ) = 2 qzR2 R R EA (u 9 + u - ) , R3 EIx(vIV + Ru 0 ) + GJ(Ru 0 2 dB _v dz in N= (u + u 0 ), R3 where A = eAdA, Iy = eAx2dA, Ix = eAy2dA, Iv = eAv 2dA. Substituting Eqns 24a~f into Eqns 20a~d, one obtains: Two quantities defined in Eqns 15a,b are simplified ys EIv Tsv = as: Hu = Bv , Hv = Mx 2 2 (24e,f) (22) y R EIv 2 2 2 u0 2 1 v0 (u + u 0 ) R2 Mv = 2 Usami and Koh (1980) gave the same longitudinal displacement for this of type section and therefore gave the same results as the present paper. Eqn 21b becomes identical to Yang and Kuo (1987) when the section is doubly symmetrical. The longitudinal normal strain is: R w9 + u + ysu EIv Bv = 2 (21a) (21b) y R u + (24c,d) The longitudinal displacement is: –=w2 w EIx (u + u0 ) 2 1 EIv u IV 2 vIV R 2 + EIxR(v0 + Ru ) 2 GJR(Ru 0 2 v0 ) = mzR4 (27b) 201 An Exact Theory for Curved Beams with Any Thin-walled Open Sections Vlasov’s (1961) theory required that both x and y axes are the principal axes although the cross-section may be non-symmetrical. 1. Beams with doubly symmetrical H sections Loaded by mid-point concentrated vertical forces or uniformly distributed loads, curved beams with its ends simply supported or fixed are analyzed by using Vlasov’s equations and Eqns 25c,d (setting ys = 0). Comparison of this paper and Vlasov’s theory shows that, for simply supported beams, the results of two theories are almost identical. For beams with fixed ends, both theories also give the same deformations and bending moment as well as torsion moments, but difference exists between bimoments, especially when flanges are wide, the subtended angle is large and the radius is small. In most cases the maximum discrepancy is still less than 6% (the present paper gives smaller bimoment). For beams with hot-rolled I-section or narrow-flanged H section, the differences are negligible. 2. Beams with mono-symmetrical H sections In this case Eqns 25a~d show a coupling between inplane and out-of-plane deformations while Vlasov’s equations are uncoupled. Usually the axial load qz = 0, one obtains w9 + u + ysu = C by integrating Eqn 25a. For simply supported beams whose end may move freely along circumferential axis, the mechanics boundary conditions are: N = 0 and My = 0. Using Eqns 24a,b, C = 0 is obtained. Substituting w9 + u + ysu = 0 into Eqns 25c,d, we get the decoupled equations governing out-ofplane deformations of curved beams, which are identical to those equations when the cross section is doubly-symmetrical. So the conclusions for simplesupported curved beams with doubly symmetrical H sections are also applicable for curved beams with mono-symmetrical H sections when only out-of-plane behaviors are concerned. For curved beams with fixed ends, the problem is more complex because C cannot be determined easily. But it is still possible to find an exact solution to Eqns 25a~d. A curved beam with fixed ends under mid-span vertical load P = 2 1.0 kN is solved. Beam length is 3.2m and the subtended angle varies from 10° to 180°. The dimensions of cross section are: -3003 12(upper flange), -1503 12(lower flange) and -3763 8(web) and corresponding section properties are A = 84.08cm2, Ix = 22424cm4, Iy = 3039cm4, J = 32.34cm4, Iv = 451632cm6 and ys = 10.93cm. The material properties used are E = 206GPa, G = 79GPa. The results are tabulated in table 2. The locations where the maximum deflection and twist rotation occur are always at the mid-span. For the curved beam discussed, the maximum bending moment occurs at the end. The location of maximum bimoment may appear at the mid-span or at the end, depending on the subtended angle. So the deformations listed in table 2 are at the mid-span while the forces are at the end if no additional statement is made. It can be seen from Table 2 that, the difference in the internal forces is not great, but the twist rotation of the present theory is 10% smaller when the subtended angle is small. Another difference is that the present theory predicts an axial force (see Table 2) and an in-plane moment although these forces are small. It is interesting to note that the vertical deflection increases with the value of subtended angle, while twist rotation increases first until b = 30° then decreases until b = 60° and then increases again. Figure 5 shows the deformations along half of the curved beam with the subtended angle varying. One can find that the deflection mode is similar but the twist mode is changing when the subtended angle increases. When b reaches 40°, inverse twist rotations near the ends begin Table 2. Beam with fixed ends (b is the subtended angle ) b 10° 30° 50° 70° 90° 120° 150° 180° v (102 5 m) -0.399 -0.495 -0.569 -0.647 -0.742 -0.931 -1.186 -1.519 Vlasov m) Mx (N · m) -0.204 425.5 -0.289 497.7 -0.268 525.1 -0.260 533.6 -0.267 535.0 -0.296 530.8 -0.339 522.0 -0.396 509.3 u (102 4 Bv (N · m2) -3.808* -6.788* -8.233* -12.54 -18.39 -27.0 -35.76 -44.93 v (102 5 m) -0.396 -0.481 -0.555 -0.635 -0.732 -0.921 -1.174 -1.505 u (102 4 m) -0.190 -0.258 -0.251 -0.251 -0.261 -0.291 -0.336 -0.392 This paper N (N) -86.22* -168.5* -118.6* -77.48* -52.41* -31.68* -20.70* -14.24* Mx (N · m) 423.7 485.5 514.3 526.3 530.3 528.5 521.1 509.3 Bv (N · m2) -3.643* -6.399* -8.067* -12.31 -17.91 -26.23 -34.76 -43.73 Note: The asterisk * bimoments or axial forces at the mid-span. 202 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 Genshu Tong and Qiang Xu Figure 5. Deformation of the curved beams with I-shape section Figure 6. A curved beam with mono-symmetrical H-section, web on the curvature plane to occur and the maximum twist rotation decreases slightly. Thereafter the maximum inverse twist rotation increase with the value of subtended angle while the maximum twist at mid-span decreases first until b = 60° and then increases again. The longitudinal displacement presented by Usami and Koh (1980) is slightly different from Eqn 28b for this type of sections. Eqn 28b becomes identical to Yang and Kuo (1987) if the section is doubly symmetrical. The longitudinal normal strain is 3.2. Mono-symmetrical H Section with Its Web Lying on the Curvature Plane (Figure 6) For a mono-symmetrical H section whose web is lying on the curvature plane, one has r y Dy = y R2 r2 R2 , Dv = v r2 , v = y(x 2 xs ) R (28a) 5 R w9 + u e= R 1 u + v0 Rs 2 x 2 2 (u0 2 R2 v rR w9 ) 2 1 v0 u 0 2 Rs 26 (29) Here the quantities defined in Eqns 15a,b are reduced The longitudinal displacement is: – =w2 w x R (u9 2 w) 2 y Rs v9 2 v r to: 1 u 9 2 v9 Rs Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 2 (28b) Hu = e s v A R r dA Bv , Hv = R R2 1 Mx 2 Hu R 2 (30) 203 An Exact Theory for Curved Beams with Any Thin-walled Open Sections dHv u It can be seen that the relation M v = dH — dz — dz in this case. So it is much more convenient to use Hu in curved beams instead of Bv . The force-displacement relations are: N= EA (w9 + u) + R EIy R3 EIy(uIV + 2u0 + u) + EAR2(w9 + u) = qxR3Rs (32b) 1 EIx u 0 + EIy EIx R 1 Rs 1 ESyv 2 R2 1 u 0 2 v0 Rs IV vIV 2 Rs ESyv R 1 u + v0 Rs u 2 2 Rs + v0 Rs 2 = qyRRs2 2 2 EIv R2 1 u 0 2 v0 Rs 2 1 v0 + EIxR2 u + Rs 2 2 (32d) 2 1 GJR2 u 0 2 (31c,d) Hu = 2 1 R2 GJ u 0 2 1 2 v0 2 vIV (u + u0 ) R2 u + 2 IV (32c) EIv u Mx = 2 R EIv (u + u0 ), (31a,b) My = vIV 2 v0 Rs 2 = mzR3Rs Here Syv < 0 is used for convenience. 3.3. Channel Section (Figure 7a) For channel-section, we can obtain: Mv = 2 ESyv R2 1 u + vRs 2 2 EIv R3 1 u - 2 vRs 2 (31e,f) Tsv = GJ R2 (Rsu 9 2 1 R2 R2 R12 R1 R12 y, Dv = y 2 r 2 2 Rs , (33) v9 ) v where Syv = eAyv R– r2 dA. The corresponding differential equilibrium equations are: 2 EA(w0 + u9 ) = 2 qzR2 Dy = (32a) = 2 y(x + xs 2 2x1) where R1, Rs are radius of the web and the shear centre axis, and x1, xs are their x coordinates, respectively. Eqn 33 is also valid when the channel is open to the right. The normal strain is: Figure 7. A curved beam with channel section or nonsymmetrical H-section 204 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 Genshu Tong and Qiang Xu e= w9 + u R x 2 rR Substituting Eqns 36a~d into Eqns 20c~d, one obtains: (u0 + u) 2 (34) y r yRs (u + u 0 ) + R12 1 2 v0 u 0 2 Rs EIx(vIV + Rsu 0 ) 2 Here the quantities defined in Eqns 15a,b are: RRs R12 3 Bv + (xs 2 x1)2 Mx RS 4 , (35) Hv = R Rs 1 Mx 2 Hu R Mv = 2 EIx R12 (v0 + Rsu ), EIv R12R Hu = 2 2 (u 9 + u - ), Tsv = EIv R12 GJ R2 (u 0 + u IV )+ R12 2 R (Rsu 0 2 v0 ) = qyRs2R12 EIv (u 9 + u - ) + EIxR(Rsu 2 v0 ) 2 (37b) GJ The force-displacement relations for out-of- plane problems are: Mx = 2 R (37a) GJ Hu = EIv (u + u 0 ) (36a,b) (Rsu 9 2 v9 ) (36c,d) R12 R2 (Rsu 0 2 v0 ) = mzRsR12R Figure 8 shows a comparison of solutions of a fixed curved beam whose section is given in Figure 7a. The section properties used are A = 78.08cm2, I x = 21615cm4, Iy = 3306cm4, J = 29.46cm4, Iv = 873321cm6, xs = 13.93cm. Beam length is 2.8m and the subtended angle is 50°. The beam is subjected to a midspan vertical load P = 2 1.0 kN which acts through the shear centre. Figure 8. Deformations and internal forces of a curved beam with channel section Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 205 An Exact Theory for Curved Beams with Any Thin-walled Open Sections Here Hu and Bv defined above are also given in Figure 8. It is seen from Figure 8 that the bending moments are essentially the same for both solutions but differences between the deformations and the bimoments are nonnegligible. This paper predicts greater bimoment and vertical deflection for this example. When the subtended angle becomes greater and the radius smaller, differences will be greater. It is also noted that the maximum positive bimoment is not at the fixed support, but at a section away from the support in this example. 3.4. H Section without any Symmetrical Axis (Figure 7b) For curved beams of H section without any symmetrical axis, which find applications in dry gasholders, the finite element method is proposed for analysis. Figure 7b shows an H-section without any symmetrical axis, the following expressions are used in the finite element analysis: e cos a s R2 0 r2 ds = y R2 R12 , er R2 s 0 s ds = r2 (38) 2 y R2 (Rs 2 2 R1 R1) + (y 2 ys)R2 1 1 r 2 1 R1 2 in which R1 and Rs are radii of the web and the shear centre axis respectively. In this case, Vlasov’s theory cannot be used without great modification. Shape functions used in the finite element analysis are second order polynomials for the longitudinal displacement and third order polynomial for the radial displacement, vertical displacement and the twist rotation. Because the expressions for Dy and Dv are very lengthy, the cross sections of curved beams are subdivided into many small area elements and numerical integration is used to calculate the section properties effectively. Gaussian integration is used to calculate the stiffness matrix. A curved beam with this type of cross section is analyzed here. The section dimensions are given in Figure 7b and the section properties are A = 87.68cm2, Ix = 24332cm4, Iy = 3869cm4, Ixy = 2 2927cm4, J = 34.07cm4, Iv = 941388cm6, xs = 2 5.08, ys = 7.21cm. The length of the curved beam is 3.2m and the subtended angle is 30°. The beam is fixed at both ends, subjected to a uniformly distributed load qy = 2 400N/m, uniform torsional moment m z = 2 20.33N·m/m and a vertical load P = 2 1.0kN acting through the shear centre at mid-span. The deformations and internal forces along half of beam length are shown in Figure 9. Here also Hu is used instead of Bv . Figure 9. Deformations and internal forces of a curved beam with nonsymmetrical H section 206 Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 Genshu Tong and Qiang Xu 3.5. Simplified Equations For those beams with non-symmetrical cross sections, simplified equations may also be needed. Because x and r coordinates have the same direction, as a general theory, it is not required for the x and y axes to be the principal axes, but they must be the centroidal axes. is the normalized warping function calculated as in the theory for a straight member. Additional to section properties defined above, we adopt the following approximations: e 0 s R 2 r2 cos a ds = y 2 y0, e s 0 R 2 r sds = v r2 2 v 0, Hu = 2 EIv R2 u 0, Ixy AR A R + Iy Ixy R R R2 Ix Cyy = R , Cy = 2 2 , Cv = 0, , Cyv = 0, CvN = Ixy, Cvx = Ix, N = 0, Cu x = 0, Cu = Iv v e xydA. The force-displacement relations are: A N= EA R (w9 + u + ys u ) + (39a) EIy R3 My = Mx = 2 (u0 + u + ys u ) + EIy R2 R2 EIxy R3 (u0 + u + ys u ) + EIx (39d,e) (40a) EIy(uIV + 2u0 + u) + E(Iyys + RIxy)(u 0 + u ) + EIxy(v IV (40b) + v0 ) + EAR2(w9 + u + ysu ) = qx(R + xs)R3 GJRv0 2 EIÃ u IV + (40c) (EIxyR + EIyys)(uIV + u0 + ysu 0 ) = qyR3(R + xs)2 EIv u IV 2 GJR(R + xs)u 0 + E(IxR + Ixyys)Ru + (GJR + EIxR + ysEIxy)v0 + (40d) (EIxyR + ysEIy)(u0 + u + ysu ) = mzR3(R + xs) Cvv = 0, Cu where Ixy = u - [GJ(R + xs) + EIxR + EIxyys]Ru 0 + Iy , Cx = 2 3 R3 EA(w0 + u9 + ys u 9 ) = 2 qzR2 , Dv = v then the coefficients in Eqns 11a-d are simplified as following: C0 = EIv The equilibrium equations are: (EIxR + EIxyys)vIV 2 Dy = y 2 Mv = 2 (v0 + Ru ) 2 EIxy R2 (v0 + Ru ) EIxy R2 (v0 + Ru ) (39b) (u0 + u + ys u ) (39c) Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 The simplification made above achieves high accuracy for in-plane deformations, but has less accuracy for Dy and D v . If a higher accuracy is required for the out-of-the-curvature-plane deformation, some new section properties must be introduced and the equations obtained will be lengthier. A curved beam is calculated using Eqns 25c,d and Eqns 40c,d to examine the accuracy of simplified equations (40c,d). The beam has two ends fixed and is loaded by a mid-span concentrated force. The section is a welded H-section with flanges –4003 20 and web –4603 12. Length of the beam L = 4.8m remains constant for all beams and the subtended angle of the curved beams vary from 10° to 180°. Comparisons show that, within the applicable range of the theory of thin-walled members, the two sets of equations give similar results in deformations, the difference in forces related to the restrained torsion is greater but still less than 5% for the majority of the beams. Only when the subtended angle is large (greater than 120°) and the radius is small, does the difference become larger, but is still less than 10%. This indicates that Eqns 40c,d achieve good accuracy in most situations. 207 An Exact Theory for Curved Beams with Any Thin-walled Open Sections 4. CONCLUSIONS This paper presents a new theory for the bending and torsion of thin-walled circularly curved beams with open profiles. Compared with previous researches, the following progresses have been made: (1) An exact longitudinal displacement was lacking in the current general theory of thin-walled curved members. This paper gives an exact longitudinal displacement[Eqn 6] that conforms exactly to the two basic assumptions commonly accepted in the theory of thin-walled members. The longitudinal displacement is applicable for any thin-walled cross-sections with open profile. (2) Based on the exact longitudinal displacement, a new general theory is presented for the linear elastic analysis of circularly curved thin-walled members. (3) Two quantities Hv and Hu [Eqns 15a,b] are introduced from which the resultants of the shear flow may be derived conveniently [see Eqns 17a,b,c]. It is also found that the boundary conditions are simpler if they are related to these two quantities (see Table 1). dBv (4) The relation M v = — dz for a straight member is not always valid for curved beams. By adopting dHu the new quantity Hu , we have Mv = — dz for curved beams with arbitrary open sections. So it is more convenient to use Hu than B v in curved member theory. (5) Because of the complexity of the exact theory, simplified theories are also presented for curved beams with sections frequently encountered. Comparisons show that discrepancies between present theory and Vlasov’s become significant when the subtended angle of the curved member is large, the radius is small and the flange is wide. In these situations, the more rigorous theory presented in this paper may be used for specific type of cross-sections. (6) For curved beams with non-symmetrical cross sections, FEM is recommended for use in analysing the internal forces and deformations. An example is given of the use of FEM to show the application of the theory presented to this kind of beam. A simplified theory is also provided although it is not so easy to solve it analytically. 208 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research work (Grant No.59778037) is financially supported by the Chinese National Science Foundation. The authors are grateful to the reviewers for their discerning comments on this paper. REFERENCES Dabrowski, R. (1964) “Zur Berechnung von gekrümmten dünnwandigen trägern mit öffenem Profil.”, Der Stahlbau, Vol. 33, No. 2. Flügge, W. (1973) Stresses in Shells, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Kang, Y. J. and Yoo, C. H. (1994) “Thin-walled curved beams. I: Formulation of nonlinear equations”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, Vol. 120, No. 10. Kristek, V. (1979) Theory of Box Girders, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester. 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Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 Genshu Tong and Qiang Xu Tong Genshu is a Professor of Civil Engineering at Zhejiang University. He was born in Oct. 1963 and received his B.E. at Zhejiang University in 1983. In 1988 he obtained the degree of Doctor of Engineering at Xi’an Institute of Metallurgy & Architecture. His research work is concentrated on stability of steel structures, including the stability of braced steel structures, curved beams and portal frames and design of dry gasholders. He has authored about 50 papers in refereed archival journals and conference proceedings. Xu Qiang is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Civil Engineering & Architecture at Zhejiang University. He received his B.E. from Zhejiang University in 1996. His research interests are in the behaviour of curved beams and nonlinear finite element analysis. Advances in Structural Engineering Vol. 5 No. 4 2002 209