Highways Decision Making Tools HDM Tools EBM-32 Version 1.0 Expenditure Budgeting Model For 32 Bit Personal Computers February, 1999 Rodrigo Archondo-Callao This report presents the Expenditure Budgeting Model (EBM-32) prepared by Rodrigo Archondo-Callao. The EBM-32 Model is a modified version of the Expenditure Budgeting Model (EBM ) developed by Thawat Watanatada and others, The World Bank. Although the EBM-32 Model does not require any other program to be used in order to perform budget optimizations, being a stand alone program, it is well suited to be used with the Highways Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM-III) and the HDM Manager, the Highway Development and Management Model (HDM-IV), and Pavement Management Systems. Copyright © 1999 Rodrigo Archondo-Callao All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America First printing February 1999 EBM-32 is designed for use on 32 bit personal computers running Windows 95, 98, and NT4.0. It requires a hard disk of 20 megabytes and minimum installed memory of 16 MB. The author makes no representations or warranty with respect to the EBM-32 Model. The user assumes all risk for the installation and use of, and results obtained from, the program. The author shall not be liable for any error contained in the program or in the supporting manual or documentation supplied with the program or for incidental or consequential damage resulting from furnishing, performance, or use of the program. Although every effort has been made to test EBM-32 and ensure its accuracy, the author is not in a position to provide user support. 2 The EBM and EBM-32 Models The Expenditure Budgeting Model (EBM-32) is a customized enhanced version of the Expenditure Budgeting Model (EBM) included in the 1989 release of the World Bank's Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model (HDM-III). The EBM model, a product of collaboration between the World Bank's Transportation Department and Economic Development Institute (EDI), is an analytical tool for optimizing multiyear programs of expenditures under multiple budgetary and other resource constraints. For a group of projects and a series of feasible project-alternatives, the EBM is an optimization program used to select, under budgetary constraints, for each project an alternative that maximizes the net benefits for the group of projects. EBM-32 is customized to analyze highways investments or maintenance projects (e.g., maintenance, construction, reconstruction projects) that are subject to two budgetary constraints: (a) capital expenditures, and (b) recurrent expenditures. EBM-32 is particularly useful when used with the HDM-III and the HDM Manager programs or the Highway Development and Management Model (HDM-IV), because it reads the project data generated by these programs. If EBM-32 is used with these programs, each project represents a road to be improved or maintained; or a homogeneous road class that is part of a representative matrix used to analyze a road network. EBM-32 main enhancements in relation to EBM are the capability to handle up to 400 projects with each project having 17 project-alternatives (EBM can handle 50 projects with 5 alternatives each), the capability to export the results to Excel, the inclusion of a front-end/back-end Excel workbook, and the possibility to link EBM-32 to Pavement Management System. The differences between EBM and EBM-32 are given in Table 1. Table 1 - The EBM and EBM-32 Models Maximum number of projects Maximum number of alternatives Maximum number of years Maximum number of budget periods Maximum number of resources Default resource 1 name Default resource 2 name Improved optimization report Quicker reading of HDM output files Quicker reading of simplified budget problem Optimizations in batch mode Display optimization report Save optimization report Print optimization report EBM EBM-32 50 5 20 20 3 RES1 RES2 No No No No No No No 400 17 20 12 2 CAPITAL RECURRENT Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 Export optimization report to Excel Automatic linkage with a PMS system Excel front-end/back-end workbook Stores roughness, traffic, vehicle operating costs No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes This manual presents the EBM-32 description, the program installation, the program commands, and two demonstration runs. The EBM-32 Model EBM-32 is an optimization program used for selecting an optimal set of projectalternatives for a series of projects under multi-period budget constraints. EBM-32 solves the problem described below. First, you define a set of up to 400 projects (e.g., road maintenance, construction, widening projects). Each project contains up to 17 mutually exclusive projectalternatives. Each project-alternative has annual values (up to 20 years) of economic costs and benefits relative to some base alternative and annual amounts of the two resources needed to implement the alternative (financial capital and financial recurrent resources). All this information constitutes the project data. Next, you define up to twelve budgetary periods. For example, if your analysis period is 20 years, you could define two budgetary periods: (a) the initial period (4 years), and (b) after the initial period (16 years); or you could define five four-year budgetary periods. Next, you enter one budgetary constraint per budgetary period and type of resource constraint (capital or recurrent), and the discount rate used to compute present values. The budgetary periods, the budgetary constraints, and the discount rate constitute the problem data. Finally, when you give the optimization command, EBM-32 examines the resources consumed and the NPV produced from the implementation of each project-alternative. Within the constraint that it must choose only one alternative for each project, the program selects the group of alternatives that produces an optimal (maximum) total NPV for all projects within the resource constraint limits for the defined budgetary periods. This is the optimization process. In addition, the program allows pre-selection of a particular project-alternative for any project to be part of the final solution. The program then selects alternatives for the remaining projects to produce the optimal NPV with the remaining uncommitted resources. The project data is stored in a text file in one of the following formats: a) a free format data file that contains annual values of economic costs, economic benefits, and financial resources for all project-alternatives, b) a simplified fixed format data file that contains only the present values of economic net benefits and financial resources for all project4 alternatives, c) an HDM-III or 1995 HDM Manager generated data file that contains the economic net benefits and financial resources information in a fixed format file, and d) an HDM-IV or 1999 HDM Manager generated data file that contains the economic net benefits, financial resources, roughness, traffic, and vehicle operating costs information in a fixed format file. Therefore, you can create the project data file (free format or simplified fixed format) using a text editor or you can use the project data files created by the HDM programs. The project data is defined only once, while the problem data is defined differently for each desired budget scenario to be analyzed. Consequently, the project data is stored in a text file before EBM-32 is executed and it is read once by EBM-32. The problem data, however, is defined interactively (i.e., on-line) so it can be changed repeatedly. After EBM-32 performs an optimization, you have the option of displaying, printing, saving, or exporting to Excel the optimization report. If you wish, you can then change the problem data (for example to change the budgetary constraints or the discount rate) and perform another optimization. EBM-32 may be represented as shown in Table 2. Table 2 - Road Network under Budgetary Constraints ROAD 1 ROAD 2 ROAD 3 ROAD 4 ROAD 5 Possible maintenance alternatives ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT0 ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT0 ALT1 ALT3 EBM-32 solution with no budgetary constraints ALT2 ALT2 ALT0 ALT3 ALT3 EBM-32 solution for moderate budgetary constraints ALT2 ALT1 ALT0 ALT2 ALT1 EBM-32 solution for severe budgetary constraints ALT1 ALT0 ALT0 ALT1 ALT0 Installing EBM-32 To install EBM-32 on your hard disk, follow the steps below: 1. Insert the program disk in drive A: 5 2. At the DOS prompt or Windows Start & Run prompt, enter the command: A:INSTALL The installation program expands the EBM-32 compressed files located on the system disk and copies them into a directory called EBM-32. The files supplied on the system disk are the following: EBM-32.EXE EBMHELP.DAT EBMSTD.TXT READ.ME TESTHDM.EBM TESTNETW.NET TESTLOAD.TXT TESTREAD.TXT EBM-32.DOC EBM-32.XLS EBM-32 program EBM-32 help file EBM-32 standard options file EBM-32 latest news EBM-32 HDM-III format demonstration data file EBM-32 HDM-IV format demonstration data file EBM-32 simplified fixed format demonstration data file EBM-32 free format demonstration data file EBM-32 documentation EBM-32 Excel front-end/back-end Using EBM-32 Interactively You can use EBM-32 interactively or use an Excel front-end/back-end workbook to execute EBM-32 within Excel. To start the program interactively, follow the steps below. 1. Change to the EBM-32 directory using the Windows Explorer. 2. Run the EBM-32 program by clicking the file: EBM-32.EXE If you wish you can create a shortcut to EBM-32.EXE in Windows. If EBM-32 is loaded successfully, it displays the logo, and the ==> prompt. At this prompt, enter your desired command. After checking your input, the program either performs the required action and returns to the ==> prompt, for a new command, or gives an error message and returns to the ==> prompt. To get help, enter the command HELP and to exit the program, enter the command BYE. The Commands The EBM-32 commands are format free. That is, additional spaces between names and numbers do not matter. An input line (72 characters long) is composed of names, numbers, and delimiters, defined as follows: 6 Names are defined as a string of letters (A-Z) and/or digits (0-9). Note that a name must begin with a letter and not with a digit. Numbers are defined as a string of digits (0-9) with or without a decimal point and with or without a minus sign. Delimiters are defined as a space, a comma, or a hyphen. One or more of these must be used to separate one name or number from another. Names are used for commands, project names, and alternative names. Only the first four characters of a name are significant. Hence, all project and alternative names are only four characters long and all commands can be reduced to the first four characters of each word. Note that a name must begin with a letter and not with a digit. Table 3 lists the EBM-32 commands. Table 3 - EBM-32 Commands COMMAND ACTION READ LOAD Read project data in free format text file Read project data in simplified fixed format text file Read project data in a HDM-III format text file Read project data in an HDM-IV format text file Read problem data from a text file Define discount rate Define budgetary periods Define capital resources Define recurrent resources Pre-select project-alternatives Perform the optimization Display last optimization report Print last optimization report Save last optimization report Export last optimization report Display help screens Exit the program HDM NETWORK STANDARD OPTIONS DISCOUNT RATE <i> TIME PERIODS <t1-t1> <t2-t2> . CAPITAL <c1> <c2> .. RECURRENT <r1> <r2> .. PRESELECT <prj-alt> <prj-alt> OPTIMIZE DISPLAY OUTPUT FILE EXPORT HELP BYE The Project Data The project data consists of a set of projects that are composed of project-alternatives that contain annual values for economic costs and economic benefits relative to some base case and the resources necessary to implement the project-alternative (capital and 7 recurrent financial expenditures). You should store the project data in a text file in one of the following possible formats: a) Free Format Data File. Each project-alternative can have up to 20 years of economic costs, economic benefits and financial resource requirements (capital and recurrent). The information stored in this file is free format. That is, the number of spaces between names and numbers does not matter. b) Simplified Fixed Format Data File. Each project-alternative contains only one value that represents the net benefits of implementing the alternative (net present value) and, similarly, it contains only one value that represents the financial capital resource requirements and another value that represent the financial recurrent resource requirements (present values of the capital and recurrent resources). This file has a fixed format. That is, the position of the names and values does matter. c) HDM-III Format Data File. Each project-alternative has up to 20 years of economic net benefits and financial capital and recurrent resource requirements. This file is created by the HDM-III or 1995 HDM Manager programs and has a fixed format. d) HDM-IV Format Data File. Each project-alternative has up to 20 years of economic net benefits, financial capital and recurrent resource requirements, roughness, daily traffic, and vehicle operating costs. This file is created by the HDM-IV or 1999 HDM Manager programs and has a fixed format. Free Format Data File A free format data file is a text file created with a text editor. A maximum of 400 projects can be defined and each project can consist of up to 17 mutually exclusive alternatives. To each project and to each project-alternative, you give a four-character name (e.g., PV01, ALT0) and annual values are entered in rows. An example of a free format project data file is given in Figure 1. Figure 1 - Free Format Data File Sample PROJECT PV01 MAINTENANCE ALTERNATIVE ALT0 ANNUAL VALUES 1 0. 0. 2 0. 0. 3 0. 0. 4 0. 0. ALTERNATIVE ALT1 ANNUAL VALUES 1. 60. 0.000 2. 0. 33.456 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 75.000 0.000 1.396 1.396 1.436 1.729 1.396 1.396 8 3. 0. 68.594 4 0. 19.204 PROJECT PV02 MAINTENANCE ALTERNATIVE ALT0 ANNUAL VALUES 1 0. 0. 2 0. 0. 3 0. 0. 4 0. 0. ALTERNATIVE ALT1 ANNUAL VALUES 1. 70. 0.000 2. 0. 7.275 3. 0. 7.716 4 0. -3.761 0.000 46.598 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.436 1.396 1.182 1.182 1.210 1.242 88.000 1.182 0.000 1.182 0.000 1.229 26.606 1.182 The data is specified as follows: PROJECT <name 1> MAINTENANCE ALTERNATIVE <name 1> ANNUAL VALUES <year-1> <costs> <benefits> <capital resources> <recurrent resources> <year-2> <costs> <benefits> <capital resources> <recurrent resources> . . <year-n> <costs> <benefits> <capital resources> <recurrent resources> ALTERNATIVE <name 2> ANNUAL VALUES <year-1> <costs> <benefits> <capital resources> <recurrent resources> <year-2> <costs> <benefits> <capital resources> <recurrent resources> . . <year-n> <costs> <benefits> <capital resources> <recurrent resources> . . ALTERNATIVE <name m> ANNUAL VALUES <year-1> <costs> <benefits> <capital resources> <recurrent resources> <year-2> <costs> <benefits> <capital resources> <recurrent resources> . . <year-n> <costs> <benefits> <capital resources> <recurrent resources> PROJECT <name 2> MAINTENANCE ALTERNATIVE <name 1> ANNUAL VALUES Each alternative has a four-character name and up to 20 years of annual data. The annual data consist of economic costs, economic benefits, financial capital resources and financial recurrent resources. Economic costs and benefits are relative to some base, which may or may not be present as an alternative. Note that in the project data file shown in Figure 1 there are two maintenance projects (PV01 and PV02), each project has two maintenance alternatives (ALT0 and ALT1), and 9 each maintenance alternative has data for four years. Note also that the number of spaces between names and numbers does not matter. READ Command The READ command instructs the program to read the project data from a Free Format Data File. EBM-32 analyzes each line on the file and collects valid information. Follow the steps below: 1. Enter the READ command. READ 2. Enter the filename of the file you want to read. After you enter a valid filename, EBM-32 loads all project data. Simplified Fixed Format Data File A simplified fixed format data file is a text file created with a text editor. You can store the project data in a simplified fixed format data file if you want to solve a simple optimization problem defined as follows: - You define up to 400 maintenance projects - You define up to 17 maintenance alternatives per project - You provide the present value of net benefits (NPV) of each project-alternative - You provide the present value of the resources required (capital and recurrent) to implement each project-alternative In this case, you enter the present value of the net benefits and the required resources, not the annual values as in the free format file. Therefore, only one budgetary period is defined. An example of a simplified fixed format data file is given in Figure 2. Figure 2 - Simplified Fixed Format Data File Sample PRJ1 ALTA ALTB ALTC PRJ2 ALTA ALTB ALTC 1 | 4 4.000 7.000 8.000 3.000 6.000 8.000 2.000 5.000 7.000 1.000 3.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 9 Columns 10 Information in a simplified fixed format data file is defined as follow: Project Name Alternative PV of Name Net Benefits (NPV) PV of Capital Resources PV of Recurrent Resources Columns 1 to 4 Columns 6 to 9 Columns 11 to 20 Columns 21 to 30 Columns 31 to 40 PRJ1 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 . ALTn ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 . ALTn ALT1 . . bb.bbb cc.ccc rr.rrr PRJ2 PRJ3 . PRJm where PRJx is the project name, ALTx is the alternative name, bb.bbb are the net benefits, cc.ccc are the capital resources, and rr.rrr are the recurrent resources. LOAD Command The LOAD command instructs the program to read the project data from a simplified fixed format data file. Follow the steps below: 1. Enter the LOAD command. LOAD 2. Enter the filename of the file you want to read. After you enter a valid filename, EBM-32 loads all project data. HDM-III Data File 11 The HDM-III and 1995 HDM Manager programs create EBM-32 ready HDM-III data files. These files are similar to the free format data files, but the annual economic cost column is always zero and the economic benefits column represents net economic benefits. That is, positive values represent benefits and negative values represent costs. An HDM-III data file can be read using the READ command but this procedure takes time because the READ command considers the file a free format file and has to examine and break-up each line. The fastest method of reading an HDM-III data file is to use the HDM command. HDM Command The HDM command instructs EBM-32 to read the project data from an HDM-III data file. Follow the steps below: 1. Enter the HDM command. HDM 2. Enter the filename of the file you want to read. After you enter a valid filename, EBM-32 loads all project data. HDM-IV Data File The HDM-IV and 1999 HDM Manager programs create EBM-32 ready HDM-IV data files. These files contain, for up to 20 years, economic net benefits, financial capital and recurrent resources, roughness, daily traffic, and vehicle operating costs in a fix format. To read these files use the NETWORK command. NETWORK Command The NETWORK command instructs the program to read the project data from an HDMIV data file. Follow the steps below: 1. Enter the NETWORK command. NETWORK 2. Enter the filename of the file you want to read. After you enter a valid filename, EBM-32 loads all project data. 12 The Problem Data The problem data consist of budgetary periods (up to twelve), budgetary resource constraints (one per resource type and budgetary period), a discount rate for computing present values, and pre-selected project-alternatives (if any). Budgetary Periods The budgetary periods (up to twelve) are specified in the following form: TIME PERIODS <begin year-end year> <begin year-end year> <..> <..> <..> The years may be calendar years or relative years. For example: TIME PERIODS 1-4 5-20 Defines two budgetary periods TIME PERIODS 1981-1981 1982-1983 1984-1988 1989-1995 Defines four budgetary periods Time periods must be specified before entering resource constraint levels, and time periods must neither overlap nor leave any gap between successive periods. For example, the following time periods are invalid: TIME PERIODS 1981-1985 1984-1988 Overlapping years TIME PERIODS 1981-1985 1987-1988 Gap left in the periods In case you loaded the simplified fixed format data file, you do not need to specify the TIME PERIODS command. The program automatically assigns: TIME PERIODS 1-1. Budgetary Resource Constraints The commands for entering budgetary resource constraint are the following: To define capital budgetary constraints CAPITAL <constraint-1> <constraint-2>. . . .<constraint-n> To define recurrent budgetary constraints RECURRENT <constraint-1> <constraint-2>. . . .<constraint-n> where n is the number of defined budgetary periods. For example: 13 CAPITAL 40 500 Defines two capital constraints: 40 for the first time period and 500 for the second time period RECURRENT 10 25 30 Defines three recurrent constraints: 10 for the first time period, 25 for the second time period and 30 for the third time period. Discount Rate A discount rate is defined with the command: DISCOUNT RATE <percentage> For example: DISCOUNT RATE 12 Defines discount rate equal to 12% Pre-Selected Project-Alternatives You can pre-select an alternative for a project to be part of the solution. To pre-select a project-alternative use the following command: PRESELECT <prjname-altname> <prjname-altname> <prjname-altname> where prjname-altname is a four-letter valid project name and a four-letter alternative name separated by a hyphen (-). If more than one project alternatives are selected for the same project, the last alternative specified will be used. Any number of projects can have pre-selected alternatives. Project-Alternatives may be continued on another line without re-specifying the PRESELECT command. Note that an input line is only 72 characters long. The Standard Options Command You may opt to store some problem data commands that you use repeatedly in a text file that is read whenever the STANDARD OPTIONS command is used. For example, you may choose to define the discount rate to be 12 and to use two budgetary time periods (14 and 5-20), so after entering the STANDARD OPTIONS command these options will be active. 14 The STANDARD OPTIONS command causes EBM-32 to read a standard options file (EBMSTD.TXT) in which you can store a standard set of commands. To use this command, the file EBMSTD.TXT must be on your default directory (i.e., the EBM-32 directory). The Optimize Command The OPTIMIZE command causes EBM-32 to select project-alternatives that produce the optimal (maximum) NPV for the set of projects, given the resources required for each project-alternative and the resource constraints for each budgetary period. The optimization cannot be performed unless the following conditions are met: 1) At least one project, one time period, and one resource constraint have been defined. 2) The time periods are properly defined (without overlapping periods or gaps between the periods). 3) The resources required for the pre-selected alternatives do not exceed the resource constraints. 4) The minimum resources required to implement one alternative for each of the projects do not exceed the resource constraints. 5) The budget constraint for each resource (capital or recurrent) and time period is greater than zero. To perform the optimization enter the command: OPTIMIZE After EBM-32 performs the optimization, the program displays continuously the optimization report that is, without pausing when the screen is full. This is done on purpose to allow the program to perform a series of optimizations unattended. After EBM-32 displays the optimization report, you have the option of displaying it again (this time with pauses) using the DISPLAY command. To examine the optimization report, you have the following options: - Display the report - Print the report - Save the report - Export the report A sample of an optimization report is given in Figure 3. 15 Figure 3 - Optimization Report Sample EBM-32 SOLUTION (METHOD TOTE) AT 12.0 % DISCOUNT PROJECTS 4 PERIODS 2 RESOURCES 2 YEARS 20 ALTERNATIVE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE SELECTED OF NET BENE_ OF CAPITAL OF RECURRENT FITS (NPV) RESOURCES RESOURCES ------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------IRI2 ALT3 34.354 14.146 2.804 IRI4 ALT3 104.022 64.213 2.774 IRI7 ALT3 94.849 64.213 2.774 GRAV ALT3 112.326 22.321 6.446 PROJECT ALL PROJECTS YEAR ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CAPITAL RESOURCE -----------98.00 .00 28.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 81.67 49.00 16.33 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 345.551 164.894 14.798 RECURRENT RESOURCE -----------1.10 1.10 1.10 3.52 3.52 3.52 1.32 1.33 1.35 1.40 1.37 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.35 1.37 1.38 1.38 1.41 1.43 BUDGETARY RESOURCE PERIOD ---------- ----------CAPITAL 1 TO 4 5 TO 20 RECURRENT 1 TO 4 5 TO 20 TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE ---------10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 NETWORK NPV AT 12.0% = 345.55 TOTAL RESOURCES USED ---------126.00 147.00 6.82 26.14 RESOURCES USED PER YEAR ---------31.5000 9.1874 1.7050 1.6339 Display Optimization Report Use the DISPLAY command to display the last optimization report. The scroll stops when the screen is full. Press the <Enter> key to continue. 16 Print Optimization Report Use the OUTPUT command to print the last optimization report. Make sure your printer is ready before sending this command. File Optimization Report Use the FILE command to save (into a text file) the last optimization report. The program will prompt for the filename to save the report. Export Optimization Report Use the EXPORT command to export to Excel or other spreadsheet the last optimization report. The program will prompt for the filename to save the report. The program saves the report in a delimited with commas text file that can be imported into Excel or other spreadsheet package. It is suggested that you should give this file a .CSV extension, because Excel recognizes .CSV as the extension of delimited with commas text files. To import the file into Excel, just open the file. The delimited text file created by EBM-32 contains not only the optimization report, it also contains for the alternative selected for each project the following useful information: - Annual net benefits - Annual capital resources - Annual recurrent resources - Annual roughness - Annual traffic - Annual vehicle operating costs You can also use the TAB command to create a tab delimited text file containing the same information as the comma delimited text file created with the EXPORT command. The Print Commands The EBM-32 program allows you to display the project data or the problem data by using the PRINT command. The PRINT INPUT command displays the project data showing annual economic costs, economic benefits, and resource requirements for a given project or alternative. It can also print a summary of the data entered for all project alternatives. The formats of the print commands are: 17 PRINT INPUT <prj1-alt1> <prj2-alt2> Prints the annual values for the project-alternatives prj1-alt1 and prj2-alt2. PRINT INPUT <prj1> ALL Prints all alternatives for project prj1. PRINT INPUT ALL Prints all the project for all project-alternatives. PRINT INPUT SUMMARY Prints a summary of input data for all the projects. The PRINT PROBLEM command displays the project data as they are used in the optimization, i.e., all annual data are aggregated by budget period and NPV, computed using the current discount rate. It can also print a summary of the problem data including the resource constraints, discount rate, and pre-selected project-alternative choices. The PRINT PROBLEM command works the same way as the PRINT INPUT command, except that instead of printing annual values it prints out the total resources required for each time period and the computed net present value. The Help Command The HELP command provides on-line description of EBM-32 commands. For example: HELP Displays the help screens The Bye Command The BYE command terminates the EBM-32 session. For example: BYE Quits EBM-32 EBM-32 Interactively Demonstration Runs First Demonstration Run To execute the first EBM-32 demonstration run, follow the steps below: 1. Change to the EBM-32 directory using the Windows Explorer. 2. Run the EBM-32 program by clicking the file: 18 EBM-32.EXE EBM-32 displays the logo and the ==> prompt appears on the screen. 3. Start off by reading in the project data stored in TESTREAD.TXT. Use the READ command: ==>READ The program prompts: Enter filename => Enter: TESTREAD.TXT The program displays the message: Reading file: TESTREAD.TXT After the file is read, the program displays: End reading file. 0 errors found. The TESTREAD.TXT file contains project data for four road maintenance projects, each project has annual values (twenty years) for four possible alternatives. Note that since the TESTREAD.TXT file was created by HDM-III, you could have used the HDM command to read the file. If you had used the HDM command, the reading procedure would have taken less time. 4. To display a summary description of the current project data, enter: ==>PRINT INPUT SUMMARY The program displays the following report: ANNUAL DATA : SUMMARY PROJECT ------IRI2 TYPE ----------MAINTENANCE IRI4 MAINTENANCE IRI7 MAINTENANCE ALTERNATIVE ----------ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT0 FIRST LAST YEAR YEAR ---------1- 20 1- 20 1- 20 1- 20 1- 20 1- 20 1- 20 1- 20 1- 20 YEARS OF DATA ------20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 GRAV ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 MAINTENANCE 1111111- 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Note that the project names are: IRI2, IRI4, IRI7, and GRAV, and the alternatives names for each project are: ALT0, ALT1, ALT2, ALT3. Once all the project data is loaded, the next step is to define the problem data interactively. 5. Define the discount rate: ==>DISCOUNT RATE 12 6. Define two budgetary periods. One for the first 4 years and the other for the following 16 years. ==>TIME PERIODS 1-4 5-20 7. Enter the financial capital and recurrent resource constraints for each time period. For the first optimization, enter very high constraints inputs to obtain the solution for an unconstrained budget scenario: ==>CAPITAL 10000 10000 ==>RECURRENT 10000 10000 8. Before doing the optimization, display the current problem data. ==>PRINT PROBLEM The program displays the following report: PROBLEM DATA : SUMMARY ---------------------RESOURCE NAME ---------CAPITAL RECURRENT PERIOD --------14 5- 20 14 5- 20 DISCOUNT RATE = PROJECT ------IRI2 IRI4 IRI7 GRAV CONSTRAINT LEVEL ---------10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 12.0 % PREDETERMINED CHOICE ------------- ALTERNATIVES DEFINED -------------------------------------------------ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 ALT0 ALT1 ALT2 ALT3 20 9. Issue the command to perform the optimization. ==>OPTIMIZE The program produces the following optimization report. EBM-32 SOLUTION (METHOD TOTE) AT 12.0 % DISCOUNT PROJECTS 4 PERIODS 2 RESOURCES 2 YEARS 20 ALTERNATIVE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE SELECTED OF NET BENE_ OF CAPITAL OF RECURRENT FITS (NPV) RESOURCES RESOURCES ------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------IRI2 ALT3 34.354 14.146 2.804 IRI4 ALT3 104.022 64.213 2.774 IRI7 ALT3 94.849 64.213 2.774 GRAV ALT3 112.326 22.321 6.446 PROJECT ALL PROJECTS YEAR ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CAPITAL RESOURCE -----------98.00 .00 28.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 81.67 49.00 16.33 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 345.551 164.894 14.798 RECURRENT RESOURCE -----------1.10 1.10 1.10 3.52 3.52 3.52 1.32 1.33 1.35 1.40 1.37 1.34 1.34 1.34 1.35 1.37 1.38 1.38 1.41 1.43 BUDGETARY RESOURCE PERIOD ---------- ----------CAPITAL 1 TO 4 5 TO 20 RECURRENT 1 TO 4 5 TO 20 TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE ---------10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 NETWORK NPV AT 12.0% = 345.55 TOTAL RESOURCES USED ---------126.00 147.00 6.82 26.14 RESOURCES USED PER YEAR ---------31.5000 9.1874 1.7050 1.6339 Note that the program displays the optimization report without pausing when the screen is full. To display the report with pauses give the DISPLAY command: ==>DISPLAY 21 If you have a printer attached, give the OUTPUT command to print the report. ==>OUTPUT Note that for this unconstrained scenario (input constraint levels much higher than resources needed) the best alternative for all projects is alternative ALT3, we need 126.00 capital resources in the first budgetary period to implement the solution, and that the NPV for all projects is 345.55. 10. To find the solution for the scenario in which we have only 100 available for capital resources in the first budgetary period, reduce the available capital to 100. ==>CAPITAL 100 10000 11. Once again, perform the optimization with the OPTIMIZE command. ==>OPTIMIZE This time, the program produces the following optimization report: EBM-32 SOLUTION (METHOD TOTE) AT 12.0 % DISCOUNT PROJECTS 4 PERIODS 2 RESOURCES 2 YEARS 20 ALTERNATIVE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE SELECTED OF NET BENE_ OF CAPITAL OF RECURRENT FITS (NPV) RESOURCES RESOURCES ------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------IRI2 ALT3 34.354 14.146 2.804 IRI4 ALT3 104.022 64.213 2.774 IRI7 ALT3 94.849 64.213 2.774 GRAV ALT1 83.632 .000 5.366 PROJECT ALL PROJECTS YEAR ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CAPITAL RESOURCE -----------98.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 81.67 49.00 16.33 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 316.857 142.573 13.717 RECURRENT RESOURCE -----------1.64 1.64 1.65 1.65 1.66 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.71 1.64 1.62 1.58 1.57 1.57 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.59 1.60 22 BUDGETARY RESOURCE PERIOD ---------- ----------CAPITAL 1 TO 4 5 TO 20 RECURRENT 1 TO 4 5 TO 20 TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE ---------100.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 NETWORK NPV AT 12.0% = 316.86 TOTAL RESOURCES USED ---------98.00 147.00 6.59 25.88 RESOURCES USED PER YEAR ---------24.5000 9.1874 1.6465 1.6173 Note that with the 100 capital constraint, the best alternatives for the GRAV project has changed to ALT1, the NPV for all projects has decreased to 316.86, and of the available capital resources (100) we are using 98 to implement the solution. 12. Next, reduce the capital available in the first period to 50 and optimize again. ==>CAPITAL 50 10000 ==>OPTIMIZE The program produces the following optimization report: EBM-32 SOLUTION (METHOD TOTE) AT 12.0 % DISCOUNT PROJECTS 4 PERIODS 2 RESOURCES 2 YEARS 20 ALTERNATIVE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE SELECTED OF NET BENE_ OF CAPITAL OF RECURRENT FITS (NPV) RESOURCES RESOURCES ------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------IRI2 ALT3 34.354 14.146 2.804 IRI4 ALT3 104.022 64.213 2.774 IRI7 ALT0 .000 48.935 2.761 GRAV ALT1 83.632 .000 5.366 PROJECT ALL PROJECTS YEAR ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 CAPITAL RESOURCE -----------49.00 .00 .00 .00 77.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 49.00 32.67 16.33 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 222.008 127.295 13.704 RECURRENT RESOURCE -----------1.64 1.64 1.65 1.65 1.66 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.71 1.62 1.61 1.58 1.57 1.57 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.59 1.60 23 BUDGETARY RESOURCE PERIOD ---------- ----------CAPITAL 1 TO 4 5 TO 20 RECURRENT 1 TO 4 5 TO 20 TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE ---------50.00 10000.00 10000.00 10000.00 NETWORK NPV AT 12.0% = 222.01 TOTAL RESOURCES USED ---------49.00 175.00 6.59 25.84 RESOURCES USED PER YEAR ---------12.2500 10.9374 1.6465 1.6150 Note that the best alternative for link IRI7 has changed to alternative ALT0 and the NPV is reduced to 222.01. Note also that in this exercise we are maintaining the recurrent resources and the capital resource in the second budgetary period unconstrained. 13. To create a file containing the last optimization report to be retieved by Excel, enter the command: ==>EXPORT Enter the filename with a .CSV extension: TEST1.CSV Later, you can retrieve this file in Excel by opening the file. This file contains the optimization report and also the annual net benefits, capital resources, and recurrent resources. Note that if the project file was created with HDM-IV or 1999 HDM Manager and the NETWORK option was used to read the file, the exported file would also contain the length of each project and the annual roughness, daily traffic, and vehicle operating costs. 14. Finally, exit EBM-32 with the command: ==>BYE Second Demonstration Run To execute the second EBM-32 demonstration run, follow the steps below: 1. Change to the EBM-32 directory using the Windows Explorer. 2. Run the EBM-32 program by clicking the file: EBM-32.EXE EBM-32 displays the logo and the ==> prompt appears on the screen. 3. Start off by reading in the project data stored in TESTLOAD.TXT. This time, use the LOAD command: 24 ==>LOAD The program prompts: Enter filename => Enter: TESTLOAD.TXT The TESTLOAD.TXT file contains project data for a simplified budgetary problem. The file describes two maintenance projects and each project has three alternatives. For each alternative, we define the net benefits (NPV) and the present value of capital and recurrent resource requirements. Note that in this example the recurrent resource requirements are zero. The contents of TESTLOAD.TXT is given below: PRJ1 ALTA ALTB ALTC PRJ2 ALTA ALTB ALTC 4.000 7.000 8.000 3.000 6.000 8.000 ^ | Net Benefits 2.000 5.000 7.000 1.000 3.000 5.000 ^ | Capital Resources 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ^ | Recurrent Resources Note that the project names are PRJ1 and PRJ2, the alternative names are ALTA, ALTB and ALTC. Since this is a simplified budgetary problem where only the present values are defined, the program sets the budgetary periods to one (1-1) and does not use the discount rate to perform the optimization. 4. Enter the capital constraint input for the first optimization. ==>CAPITAL 1000 5. Optimize and display. ==>OPTIMIZE ==>DISPLAY The following optimization report will be created: EBM-32 SOLUTION (METHOD TOTE) AT PROJECTS 2 PERIODS .0 % DISCOUNT 1 RESOURCES 1 YEARS 1 25 ALTERNATIVE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE SELECTED OF NET BENE_ OF CAPITAL OF RECURRENT FITS (NPV) RESOURCES RESOURCES ------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------PRJ1 ALTC 8.000 7.000 .000 PRJ2 ALTC 8.000 5.000 .000 PROJECT ALL PROJECTS YEAR ---1 16.000 12.000 .000 CAPITAL RESOURCE -----------12.00 BUDGETARY RESOURCE PERIOD ---------- ----------CAPITAL 1 TO 1 NETWORK NPV AT .0% = TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE ---------1000.00 TOTAL RESOURCES USED ---------12.00 RESOURCES USED PER YEAR ---------12.0000 16.00 6. Reduce the capital constraint input and optimize again. ==>CAPITAL 6 ==>OPTIMIZE ==>DISPLAY EBM-32 SOLUTION (METHOD TOTE) AT PROJECTS 2 PERIODS .0 % DISCOUNT 1 RESOURCES 1 YEARS 1 ALTERNATIVE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE PRESENT VALUE SELECTED OF NET BENE_ OF CAPITAL OF RECURRENT FITS (NPV) RESOURCES RESOURCES ------- ----------- ------------- ------------- ------------PRJ1 ALTB 7.000 5.000 .000 PRJ2 ALTA 3.000 1.000 .000 PROJECT ALL PROJECTS YEAR ---1 10.000 6.000 .000 CAPITAL RESOURCE -----------6.00 BUDGETARY RESOURCE PERIOD ---------- ----------CAPITAL 1 TO 1 NETWORK NPV AT .0% = TOTAL RESOURCES AVAILABLE ---------6.00 TOTAL RESOURCES USED ---------6.00 RESOURCES USED PER YEAR ---------6.0000 10.00 Note that if you enter a capital constraint of 2, the program displays a message indicating that it is not possible to find a feasible solution. 26 7. Finally, exit EBM-32 with the command: ==>BYE Using EBM-32 in Batch Processing Mode You can execute EBM-32 within a Pavement Management System (PMS) or any other program in batch mode. In this case, the other system creates the files needed by EBM32, EBM-32 runs automatically, and the other system reads the results from the EBM-32 output files. The steps are the following: a) The PMS has to create the following files and place them in the EBM-32 directory. PMS_IN.HDM with the project data in HDM-III format data file (HDM) or PMS_IN.NET with the project data in HDM-4 format data file (NETWORK) and PMS_IN.TXT with the problem data and sequence of command to execute in batch mode b) The PMS has to execute the EBM-32.EXE program located on the EBM-32 directory with one of the following options: EBM-32.EXE A to execute EBM-32 and read PMS_IN.HDM and PMS_IN.TXT automatically or EBM-32.EXE A B to execute EBM-32 and read PMS_IN.NET and PMS_IN.TXT automatically c) EBM-32 reads the project and problem data from the corresponding input files and creates the following output files: PMS_OUT.TXT a text file with all the optimization results. and PMS_OUT.CSV a comma delimited text file with all the optimization results d) The PMS collects the results from the EBM-32 output files. 27 On the problem data file, you can add the following command after each optimization to save the results of that optimization on a comma delimited file (.CVS). PMS xxxx where xxxx is a four character maximum file name. For examples: PMS out1 creates a file named out1.csv on the EBM-32 directory. The EBM-32 front-end/back-end Excel workbook included with EBM-32 uses these principles to create a front-end to EBM-32, where users enter the project and problem data in Excel, and a back-end to EBM-32, where Excel collect collects the results of EBM-32 and presents them on a practical manner. 28 References 1. Watanatada, T., Harral, C., Paterson, W.D.O., Dhareshwar, A.M., Bhandari, A., and Tsunokawa, K., The Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model, Volume 1: Description of the HDM-III Model, Volume 2: User's Manual for the HDM-III Model, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987. 2. Archondo-Callao, R., Purohit, R.K., The Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model, User's Guide and PC Disks., Washington, D.C.: World Bank Software, 1989. 3. Archondo-Callao, R., HDM Manager Version3.0, User-friendly Shell Environment for HDM, Washington, D.C.: World Bank Software, 1994. 29