INFORMAL VS. FORMAL ORGANIZATION Reported by: Engr. John Leslie M. Dizon 1. DEFINITION FORMAL ORGANIZATION • is a system of consciously coordinated activities of two or more persons toward a common objective. – Chester Barnard VS. INFORMAL ORGANIZATION • is an aggregate of interpersonal relationships without any conscious purpose but which may contribute to joint results. – Chester Barnard 2. OBJECTIVES FORMAL ORGANIZATION To facilitate the accomplishment of the goals of the organization To facilitate the co-ordination of various activities To aid the establishment of logical authority relationship To aid the establishment of division of labor Create group cohesiveness VS. INFORMAL ORGANIZATION • Informal Leader- is elected by the members of the groups for different reasons such as age, seniority, technical, competence, work location, and responsive personality, etc. depending upon the work situation. • Role of Informal Leader: a) To help the group reach its goals, and b) To maintain and enhance group life. 3. CHARACTERISTICS FORMAL ORGANIZATION VS. INFORMAL ORGANIZATION 1. Well defined rules and regulation 1. Evolving constantly 2. Arbitrary structure 2. Grass roots 3. Dynamic and responsive 4. Excellent at motivation 5. Requires insider knowledge to be seen 6. Treats people as individuals 7. Flat and fluid 8. Trust and reciprocity 9. Difficult to pin down 10. Essential for situations that change quickly or are not yet fully understood 3. Determined objectives and policies 4. Limitation on the activities of the individual 5. 6. 7. Strict observance of the principle of coordination Messages are communicated through vertical chain Status symbol 4. FUNCTIONS FORMAL ORGANIZATION 1. Set specific Goals for organization 2. Establishing working relationship 3. Create group cohesiveness 4. Organizational Development 5. Discipline 6. Human Resource Development VS. INFORMAL ORGANIZATION 1. Perpetuate the cultural and social values 2. Provide social status and satisfaction 3. Promote communication among members 4. Provide social control 5. BENEFITS FORMAL ORGANIZATION a) Financial Aspects of benefits: Security Slow but steady promotion Commissioned ranks open to men and women graduates Can't be fired Good retirement benefits VS. b) Social Aspects of benefits: Many different branches appeal to different interests Social Status See interesting places and people INFORMAL ORGANIZATION Better Total System Lighter workload for management Work group satisfaction A safety valve for emotions Cohesiveness Fill up gaps Channel of employee communication To plan and act more carefully Encourage Cooperation Encourage improved management practice 6. LIMITATIONS FORMAL ORGANIZATION VS. INFORMAL ORGANIZATION 1) Limited Flexibility 1) Resistance to change 2) Slowness of processing 2) Role conflict 3) Communication Barrier 3) Rumor 4) Quality of decision 4) Conformity 5) Slowness in Problem detection 5) Undermine discipline 6) Power politics 7) Interpersonal and intergroup conflicts THE END! THANK YOU!