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ISP User Support Project Report

Project 1
Project 1 - Chapter 1
Research and determine the types of user support available to you through your Internet service
provider (ISP).
According to the Spectrum website (SALES AND SUPPORT, 2021) there is phone support, in
store help, a dedicated support app and help available via their website thru FAQ and video
tutorials (Internet Troubleshooting, 2021)
Is there help desk support?
Yes via the phone support mentioned above.
Is there a toll-free hotline? If so, what hours is it available? Phone support is available via a toll
free number 24 hours a day 7 days a week. (SALES AND SUPPORT, 2021)
Does the support extend to your own computer and software? The FAQ and tutorials address
problems with personal computers and software. (Internet Troubleshooting, 2021)
Internet Troubleshooting. (2021, 10 21). Retrieved from Spectrum Internet:
SALES AND SUPPORT. (2021, 10 21). Retrieved 10 21, 2021, from Spectrum Internet: