Mississippi State Conference NAACP Personnel Committee Meeting March 7, 2022 Via Zoom The meeting was held on Monday, March 7, 2022 via Zoom platform. The meeting was called to order by Chair Dr. Earl Watkins at 6:35 p.m. The prayer was given by President Reverend Robert James. Those in attendance: President Robert James, Dr. Earl Watkins, Mr. Charles Hampton, Mrs. Anner Cunningham, Rev. Jimmy Richardson, Ms. Ashley Wilson, Mrs. Shirley Mock, Mrs. Eula Crowell, and Mrs. Monica McInnis, and Corey Wiggins Approval of Minutes: Moved by Rev James and Seconded by Mr. Hampton to approve March 1, 2022, meeting minutes. Role of the Personnel Committee: The personnel committee is to be made aware of a new hire. To review the name, resume, duties, and responsibilities. The committee needs to be informed and updated on the current employees’ status. Review, Edit, & Approval of Job Description for Executive Director: a) The announcement of the Executive Director will include the scope of work from the NAACP bylaws. b) To keep transparency with the committee c) To hold the ED accountable for their duties. d) To add the letter K; to the scope of duties: Develop and initiate a plan to establish and revitalize the branches. e) To add the letter L; To collaborate with the Youth & College Division to establish and revitalize the youth and college chapters. f) To add A - J and K – L to the adenium g) To include Section 4 Article 7 section 7 to the adenium h) To develop and coordinate protocol with the State President to manage media relations and dissemination press releases. i) To rearrange the score of duties to highlight the major points. Potential Interim ED Recommendations (with resumes) from Personnel Committee All agreed to hire an Executive Director instead of an interim. President James will ask Corey for a set date of his exiting. There was a 30-day preference from the committee. Next Steps: Dr. Watkins and Monica will work on additions to the two pages of the adenium, and bring it back to the next meeting. Question: Is the committee still accepting resumes? Yes, the personnel committee will keep collecting resumes. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 p.m. Closing prayer by Ashley Wilson. The next meeting is Monday, March 14, 2022, at 6:30 pm.