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Brain Training Techniques for Creative Genius

5 Brain Training Techniques to Cultivate Your Creative Genius
Brain science reveals creativity is just as much a skill you can develop as it is a gift to be thankful
By Deep Patel June 28, 2017
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
The ingenious inventor, the savvy entrepreneur, the innovative scientist, the imaginative writer…
No matter what our field or area of expertise, we all seek to be more creative and innovative. We
all want to be original.
Martin Barraud | Getty Images
Many of us regard creativity as an awe-inspiring, almost magical gift that some people are simply
born with. But just as creativity can be expressed in many different ways, it can also be learned
and sharpened like any other skill.
In the modern world, there is no room for the humdrum or mundane. A clever and inventive mind
opens doors to success. Here are five ingenious ways you can begin training your mind to be
more creative and innovative.
1. Seek to use both sides of your brain.
Don’t fall for the myth that right-brained people are more creative while left-brained people are
more analytical. True creativity comes from using both sides of your brain.
The most imaginative ideas must be logical and rational in order to work. The most scientific and
analytical of approaches must still be unique, thoughtful and ingenious.
Roger Sperry’s research into his split-brain hypothesis in the 1960s showed that some activities,
such as spatial reasoning and appreciation of beauty, stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain,
while things like analytical thinking and language stimulate the left hemisphere.
But creativity requires a whole-brained approach because it requires lateral thinking, or thinking
about things in new ways. When we “think outside the box,” we devise fresh approaches to solving
problems and meeting challenges.
Work to build your whole brain by using both right and left sides. Try juggling or doing origami, or
just do daily activities like writing your name or brushing your teeth with your non-dominant hand.
Start looking at things differently -- literally -- by wearing your watch upside down or using your
phone upside down. Try writing backward: it worked for Leonardo da Vinci, who wrote his notes
in “mirror writing.”
Related: Surprising Truths About the Left and Right Halves of Your Brain (Infographic)
2. Cultivate a thirst for knowledge.
A lifelong thirst for knowledge will fuel your creativity. A thoughtful and intelligent mind demands
a constant flow of information. By continually learning and growing, you feed your mind with ideas
and expand your thinking. Seek to be broad-minded and open to new concepts and approaches.
This includes being willing to try different ideas and not just dismissing something you disagree
with out of hand. Communication isn’t a one-way street. It means being willing to question
everything, to keep yourself motivated and curious about the world around you.
Work to develop both vertical knowledge, which is a deep dive into a particular topic, and
horizontal knowledge, which means having a solid amount of understanding in a wide variety of
Having a broad range of knowledge in different areas will give you the background to pull new
ideas from. But being deeply familiar with one area will give you the insight necessary to innovate
within that field.
Related: Why You Should Strive to Be a Lifelong Learner
3. Explain things back to yourself.
Being creative also requires that you understand the information you have been given. It’s one
thing to read a book and study a subject, but it’s another thing entirely to be able to explain that
topic to someone else (or yourself). Being able to explain new knowledge shows that you have
processed and internalized the information on a deeper level.
If you can explain something back to yourself, you can also expand on it, reshape it in your own
unique vision or integrate your own ideas. You can follow threads of ideas and create new
To be a good explainer requires you be a good listener. After all, you can’t fully absorb and retain
information if you haven’t really heard what has been said.
Get in the habit of explaining things back to yourself to further solidify knowledge. This process
can also help you think through areas that may be improved, which will boost your ability to
brainstorm and build on concepts.
Related: 7 Hobbies Science Says Will Make You Smarter
4. Take breaks to “switch on” your creative side.
Have you ever been hard at work at a task that required problem-solving, feeling like you're on a
roll, only to realize later your ideas were mostly redundant and uninspired?
According to Harvard Business Review, our natural inclination is to keep working on a problem
even when we aren’t making headway. When working on an idea that requires creativity, we often
reach a dead end without realizing it. Research shows that it’s crucial to take breaks at regular
intervals to give your mind a chance to refresh.
Set a timer, and when it goes off, switch tasks. Do something else for a while, and then return to
your original task. Doing this will help you switch on your creativity and keep your problem-solving
productive and innovative.
If you’re having trouble, try approaching a problem from a different perspective. It may help to
work backward, starting with the solution, or to turn a problem on its head and conceptualize it
from a different angle.
Related: How to Train Your Creative Mind
5. Let your imagination run wild.
One of the best things you can do to hone your creativity is to tap into the natural imaginativeness
and ingenuity that you had as a child. We loved to play and pretend as kids. We learned how to
create imaginary worlds where anything was possible. We enjoyed challenging ourselves with
games and tests of skill.
Give yourself time to let your mind wander, to explore, to daydream, and then use the ideas that
surface as part of your brainstorming. Challenge yourself with creative exercises, such as
doodling in a sketchbook or writing flash fiction.
Keep a journal of your ideas, however fantastical or impractical they might be. Giving your mind
time to dream and problem-solve is a great way to build your creative muscle.
If you cultivate a mind that is imaginative, open to all possibilities, balanced, full of knowledge and
refreshed frequently, your genius and creativity will start to flourish.
Eight Important Mental Shifts You Should Make Immediately
Mindset Shifts Entrepreneurs Must Make to Achieve Their Ultimate Goal
Success is all about the right mindset, as these tips will hopefully prove.
By Deep Patel August 23, 2019
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.
Change of any kind starts internally, within the mind. If you want to alter your life, whether in big
or small ways, you first have to adapt your mindset. The best way to liberate yourself from old
ways of thinking is to shift your perspective on situations and become more innovative in your
Shannon Fagan | Getty Images
If you’re ready to change and enhance your life, here are eight important mental shifts you should
make immediately.
1. The mindset to live with intention
Most people don’t wander through life, haphazardly finding employment and forming
relationships, without any real sense of what their potential is or what they are hoping to do with
their life. If you want to live your best life, you have to act with intention and be willing to sustain
your effort and motivation over the long haul. You have to believe you have it in you to create your
best life. In everything you do, ask yourself: Does this help me build the kind of life I want to live?
Once you make this shift, you will be empowered to pull yourself away from things that pointlessly
suck your time, energy and finances. Focus on what you need to do to create your best reality
and start living happily and prosperously.
2. Own your power
Everyone has a source of inner power that fuels them. It’s the strength you draw from to overcome
obstacles. But most of us aren’t really aware of what makes us powerful or how we can wield our
abilities most effectively. The problem is that we don’t tend to see ourselves as capable, dynamic,
forceful or influential. We dwell on our faults and mistakes, and this diminishes us. Eventually, we
let our power slip away.
Spend some time reconnecting with yourself and acknowledging your limiting beliefs. What if you
banished them? Own your power by understanding what lights you up. What gives you a thrill?
What do you feel passionate about? Hold on to those things. Continually envision yourself as the
badass you know you are.
Related: Creative Mindset Shifts You Can Learn from Richard Branson
3. Focus on quality over quantity
Learn to keep things simple by focusing on quality over quantity. By doing this, you’ll ultimately
get more bang for your buck. This mental shift keeps you concentrated on using your resources
wisely, so you’ll carefully and thoughtfully guard your time, money and mental and physical
energy. Quality has more to do with depth, such as ensuring a task or goal is entirely completed,
which usually leads to better results. For example, if you’re selective about who you hire, you’ll
get quality workers who are a better fit with your business and your team.
By being thoughtful about what projects you undertake, you'll focus on areas that you have
expertise in; this is where you will naturally thrive and excel. Thus, you have a better chance of
not only standing out for your exceptional work but also building your reputation and continuing
to propel your business as a whole.
4. Give value to others and stop being self-centered
Helping others isn’t just a nice thing to do. When you help others, you also gain in return. After
all, while giving leads to getting, more importantly, it leads to personal growth and feeling good.
The first step in giving value to others is to stop being self-centered. Practice taking a real interest
in others, and be authentic in your dealings with other people. Recognize that it’s not all about
you. Stop focusing so much on how people react toward you, and you'll stop taking things so
personally. This will allow you to stop reacting -- and overreacting -- to things.
Nothing is as mind-broadening as allowing yourself to really see the world from another person’s
perspective. When you focus on the value you give to others, you start seeing other people’s
needs more clearly.
5. Understand your worth
Nothing will cast you in a negative light faster than a “woe is me” mentality. People see you
through the lens of how you project yourself. The energy, confidence and attitude you bring with
you are key in projecting yourself as someone who is self-assured and upbeat. As such, never
underestimate your value and worth. This isn’t just about your credentials, education and
experience (though those things are great). Rather, it’s about your ability to show the world how
awesome you are in your everyday dealings with others.
Every interaction is a chance to show exactly what you have to bring to the table, and exactly why
you stand out from the rest. You have to appreciate and fully utilize every bit of your talent and
mojo. Find your inner grit, hone your savvy and embrace your worth. Be in control of you.
6. Think and act big
Great success comes when you’re inspired and go after what you want. But, like most things in
life, there are levels to this. You may feel inspired but too scared to fully embrace your passion.
You may be heading in the right direction, but are too reserved. If that’s the case, even if you
manage to attain your goal, you’ll never feel the sense of triumph you might have with more
Stop being “business as usual.” Step one: Banish the phrase “We’ve never done it like this before.”
Instead, ask yourself how you can act bigger. How can you go beyond? What is the next level
you’re hoping to reach? That is where you’re aiming. Stop allowing old patterns of thoughts, fears
and archaic beliefs to hold you back. Embrace bigger thinking.
Related: 12 Signs You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset
7. See failure as a necessary step toward success
Failure is an absolute necessity for success, but the trick is that failure is also all about how you
frame it. Instead of seeing it as a fault you can never live down, recognize that failure isn’t
personal. Your approach failed, and mistakes were made. You, as a person, didn’t fail. Don’t allow
your ego to blind you to the lessons you need to learn. Analyze the problem that led to the mistake.
Where did you go wrong? Allow yourself to fine-tune a problem and see how it can be fixed. What
path could you have taken to get a different result? Learn how not to make those same mistakes
again. Most importantly, learn to move on.
8. Focus on your “why.”
Take a moment and ask yourself: “Why do I do what I do?” Understanding your “why” will inform
your purpose and help you tap into your deeper motivations. This is key to understanding how to
achieve the things you really want in life. Why do you focus on the things you do? At the end of
the day, are you fulfilled by what you’re doing? Is your focus leading to success you feel good
about? If not, you don’t have the right “why.”
When you’re feeling lost in the weeds, uncertain about the next steps to take in business or in life,
you can always come back to the “why.” It will act as an internal compass, always pointing to your
own due north.