CROP PRODUCTION LESSON PLAN MYCAREERTECH.COM UNIT TITLE: TEACHER: SUBJECT: WEEK NUMBER/ DATE: UNIT SUMMARY T his lesson is mea nt to educa te students a bout cr op pr oduc tion. Depending on the level of inter a ction a nd discussion with c la ss pa r ticipa nts, this lesson ca n la st 45-55 minutes. OBJ EC TI VE: Upon completion of this c ur r iculum, students will know the ba sics of cr op pr oduction a nd how it effects our ever yda y lives. MAT ER I ALS AND R ESOUR C ES NEED ED : Cr op Pr oduc tion V ideo Ru n Time : 16 min u t e s , 42 s e c on d s Student inter net a cc ess for test INSTRUCTIONAL OUTLINE What is crop production F a c t or s in the c r op pr oduct ion pr oce ss Im por t a nce of c r op pr oduct ion T ypes of c r ops Lifecycles Annua ls Biennia ls Per ennia ls E c onomic Use Food F eed F iber Oil Or na menta l Industr ia l Common equipment/ ma c hiner y Steps involved in the cr op pr oduc tion pr oc ess Soil pr epa r a t ion Se e d s owing Fertilizing Water management Crop protection Harvest Storage CROP PRODUCTION LESSON PLAN MYCAREERTECH.COM UNIT TITLE: TEACHER: SUBJECT: WEEK NUMBER/ DATE: OPTI ONAL AC T I VI T Y: C l assr o o m Ac t i vi t y: Ha ve students identify a nd disc uss the va r ious steps in the cr op pr oduction pr ocess. LESSON EVALUAT I ON: Students Complete Cr op Pr oduction test on MyCa r eer T ec h. com