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Unit Activity Analyzing an Essay

Unit Activity: Analyzing an Essay
Task 2
Analyzing an Essay
In this task, you will read George Orwell’s Politics and the English Language . You will write your reactions to the
parts of the essay that cite rules for writing or state methods for preventing the decline of the English language.
Part A
Choose one point from Orwell’s essay “Politics and the English Language” with which you agree and one point
with which you disagree. Include reasons for your arguments.
Write your response in the space provided.
I would say that by not using language correctly we can give incorrect meaning to our words and language has
the power to influence people and to stir people to action if used properly, so I agree with Orwell in that sense. I
would say though that I disagree that language is not well used in politics as there are many examples of
powerful language like Martin Luther King's speech of I had a dream which stirred many Americans to support
the civil rights movement of the '60s and early '70's for example or the poetry of Muhammed Ali to poke fun at his
opponents and also to show that he had no quarrel with the Vietnamese.
I would say that by not using language correctly we can give incorrect meaning to our words and language has the
power to influence people and to stir people to action if used properly, so I agree with Orwell in that sense. I would
say though that I disagree that language is not well used in politics as there are many examples of powerful language
like Martin Luther King's speech of I had a dream which stirred many Americans to support the civil rights movement
of the '60s and early '70's for example or the poetry of Muhammed Ali to poke fun at his opponents and also to show
that he had no quarrel with the Vietnamese.
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Part B
George Orwell gives examples of bad writing in the essay “Politics and the English Language.” Choose two
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Unit Activity: Analyzing an Essay
examples from the essay and discuss how you feel about the quality of writing. Do you think Orwell’s criticism is
valid? What other comments would you make about his examples? Do you think people write in similar ways
now, and if so, is that a problem?
Write your response in the space provided.
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Unit Activity: Analyzing an Essay
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1. In my opinion, nowadays the quality of writing declined due to wider and more accessible platforms and lack
of literary authorities which enables basically anyone to write and publish a book. Authors of modern prose or
poetry don’t pay attention to the text, they attach together words or phrases which are cliché: “…prose consists
less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like
the sections of a prefabricated hen-house.” Apart from using clichés, modern time writers strip word from their
real meaning and degrade language and art, unlike in Russian Realism, for example, where Tolstoy and
Dostoyevsky kept low level writer out of literary scene: “…there is a huge dump of worn-out metaphors which
have lost all evocative power and are merely used because they save people the trouble of inventing phrases for
2. I believe Orwell’s criticism is valid.
Speaking for myself, Orwell’s criticism in essay “Politics and the English Language” is valid. This is not only the
problem in English language and literature, but in all of the world’s languages and literatures. If not nourished,
language becomes full of bad habits which are spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to
take the necessary trouble. Therefore, Orwell has the right when criticizing modern society for letting language
3. I believe his examples are given systematically and accurately.
In this essay, Orwell systematically and accurately points out the problems in English language and modern
literature and gives adequate examples to prove them. For each of his reproaches, Orwell quotes or writes
examples to prove their point and explains how and why authors make those mistakes.
4. I do believe that people are writing in similar way now and that mostly is a problem.
Most of the Orwell’s biggest fears about society’s development came true and one of those is this degradation of
language and are, which is not incurable. The literary scene became swamped with various works due to wide
platforms and public. But, most of them write clichés that sell well, but the problem is that they have no true
literary worth.
1/31/2022, 8:26 AM
Unit Activity: Analyzing an Essay
1. In my opinion, nowadays the quality of writing declined due to wider and more accessible platforms and lack of
literary authorities which enables basically anyone to write and publish a book. Authors of modern prose or poetry
don’t pay attention to the text, they attach together words or phrases which are cliché: “…prose consists less and less
of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a
prefabricated hen-house.” Apart from using clichés, modern time writers strip word from their real meaning and
degrade language and art, unlike in Russian Realism, for example, where Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky kept low level writer
out of literary scene: “…there is a huge dump of worn-out metaphors which have lost all evocative power and are
merely used because they save people the trouble of inventing phrases for themselves.”
2. I believe Orwell’s criticism is valid.
Speaking for myself, Orwell’s criticism in essay “Politics and the English Language” is valid. This is not only the
problem in English language and literature, but in all of the world’s languages and literatures. If not nourished,
language becomes full of bad habits which are spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take
the necessary trouble. Therefore, Orwell has the right when criticizing modern society for letting language degrade.
3. I believe his examples are given systematically and accurately.
In this essay, Orwell systematically and accurately points out the problems in English language and modern literature
and gives adequate examples to prove them. For each of his reproaches, Orwell quotes or writes examples to prove
their point and explains how and why authors make those mistakes.
4. I do believe that people are writing in similar way now and that mostly is a problem.
Most of the Orwell’s biggest fears about society’s development came true and one of those is this degradation of
language and are, which is not incurable. The literary scene became swamped with various works due to wide
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Part C
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Unit Activity: Analyzing an Essay
Language changes with time and context. What is your opinion about what constitutes good or bad usage? Is it
necessary for speakers or writers to follow a particular standard of correctness? Do such standards vary with
the audience and the situation?
Do you think an individual or a group of individuals can actually maintain a certain quality of language and
usage? If your answer is yes, state how these rules can be applied e�ectively. If your answer is no, then state
the reasons why such control should not be exercised. Write a short essay to state your position on these
Write your essay in the space provided.
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Language is like a chameleon: it changes its colors according to the place where it is. What can be considered as
good use is using language with certain standards in mind. Such standards do not necessarily have to do with
grammatical correction; it is actually a matter of social context. Depending on where one is and whom one talks
to, language will certainly have to be used differently, that is, in a particular, sometimes even peculiar way, if one's
goal is to get himself or herself across.
A certain level of grammatical correction is necessary, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it has to be there.
After all, certain elementary rules must be followed so communication can be achieved. There are language
conventions that cannot be taken for granted if one wants to be understood.
A certain quality of language and usage must be maintained. That does not mean one has to talk like a scholar
who is giving a lecture all the time. One should simply bear in mind the various situations of communication, the
many different contexts in which individuals from all walks of life interact and talk. The rules of context
correctness can be applied by always using common sense. Language effectiveness requires sensibility and
empathy. Depending on the context, this or that approach must be used.
1/31/2022, 8:26 AM
Unit Activity: Analyzing an Essay
Language is like a chameleon: it changes its colors according to the place where it is. What can be considered as good
use is using language with certain standards in mind. Such standards do not necessarily have to do with grammatical
correction; it is actually a matter of social context. Depending on where one is and whom one talks to, language will
certainly have to be used differently, that is, in a particular, sometimes even peculiar way, if one's goal is to get
himself or herself across.
A certain level of grammatical correction is necessary, sometimes more, sometimes less, but it has to be there. After
all, certain elementary rules must be followed so communication can be achieved. There are language conventions
that cannot be taken for granted if one wants to be understood.
A certain quality of language and usage must be maintained. That does not mean one has to talk like a scholar who
is giving a lecture all the time. One should simply bear in mind the various situations of communication, the many
different contexts in which individuals from all walks of life interact and talk. The rules of context correctness can be
applied by always using common sense. Language effectiveness requires sensibility and empathy. Depending on the
context, this or that approach must be used.
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