Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Radio Communications Circuits Trinh Xuan Dung Department of Telecommunications Engineering Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 1 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Course Overview Instructor: Office: Office Hours: E-mail: Website: Trinh Xuan Dung, Ph.D. Department of Telecommunications Engineering - 114 B3 Telecommunications Lab – 209B1 Saturday 8:00-11:00 AM dung.trinh@hcmut.edu.vn http://dte.dee.hcmut.edu.vn/en/people/faculty/ Textbook and References: [1] B. Razavi, “RF Microelectronics”, Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2012. [2] T. Lee, “Design of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits,” Cambridge Uni. Press, 2nd Edition, 2004. [3] J. Rogers, C. Plett, “Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design,” Artech House, 2nd Ed, 2010. [4] F. Ellinger, RF Integrated Circuits and Technologies, Springer Verlag, 2008. [5] Telecommunication Circuits And Technology, Andrew Leven. Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 2 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Assessment GRADING: Homework and Quiz: 20% Mid-term Exam: 30% Closed book and One single-side A4 note sheet are allowed Final Exams: 50% Closed book and One double-side A4 note sheet are allowed Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 3 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Course Outline COURSE OUTLINE: This course provides comprehensive knowledge on basic principles of high frequency circuit designs and illustrate how such circuits are used in communication systems. By the end of this course, students can be able to: Contents: • Chapter 1: Review and Basic Concepts • Chapter 2: Noise and Nonlinear Distortion • Chapter 3: Modulation and Multiple Access • Chapter 4: Passive Components, Resonators and Impedance Matching • Chapter 5: Transceiver Architectures • Chapter 6: Mixers - Frequency Conversion Circuits • Chapter 7: Power Amplifiers • Chapter 8: Oscillators and Frequency Synthesizers Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 4 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Learning Outcomes After completing the course, students should be able to: Understand constitute components of a radio communications system and characteristics of various radio frequency (RF) transceiver architectures for radio communications systems. Understand the basic concepts used for the design of radio communications circuits. Understand effects of noise and nonlinearity distortion on RF systems and system parameters such as noise figure, input/output referred noise, 1-dB compression point, third-order intercept point, sensitivity and dynamic ranges. Understand analogue and digital modulation schemes and multiple access techniques. Analyze and design electronic circuits for communication systems, including LNA, Mixer, Power Amplifier, Oscillators and Frequency synthesizer. Read English textbook and to solve related problems. Work as a team to solve a given problem (team project). Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 5 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO RF COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Trinh Xuan Dung, PhD dung.trinh@hcmut.edu.vn Department of Telecommunications Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 6 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems Wireless Communication Systems: A system allows the communication of information between two points using Radio Waves. Radio waves are generated (then propagate) and received by antenna. The word radio refers to techniques that are used in transmitting and receiving information or power in the atmosphere or free space, or in transmission lines utilizing electromagnetic waves—so-called radio waves. Radio Waves ≡ Electromagnetic waves ≡ Radio Frequency (RF) signal. Radio waves propagate in a vacuum with the speed of light. Each radio wave is characterized by magnitude (power), frequency and phase. The radio waves are classified based on their frequencies or applications. Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 7 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems The field of radio frequency (RF) and microwave engineering generally covers the behavior of AC signals with frequencies in the range of 300 KHz to 300 GHz. RF signals : 300 KHz to 3 GHz Wave length: 1 Km – 0.1m Microwave signals: 3 Ghz – 300 GHz Wave length: 0.1m – 1mm Millimeter-wave signals: 30 GHz – 300 GHz Dept. of Telecoms Engineering Wave length: 10 mm – 1mm 8 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems ISM: Industrial, scientific and medical DBS: Direct broadcast satellite Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 9 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems Major Worldwide Cellular and PCS Telephone Systems Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 10 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems A typical communication system can be partitioned into a transmitter, a channel, and a receiver. In this course we will study the circuits that interface from the channel to the receiver/transmitter. These circuits are at the “front-end'” of the transceiver and operate at high frequency : TX Front-End and RX Front-End Transmitter Front-End Receiver Front-End Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 11 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems Modulation refers to a process of turning information into (electrical) signals which are suitable for transmission. TX: Drive antenna with high power level Dept. of Telecoms Engineering RX: Sense small signal (amplify with low noise) 12 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Receiver Architecture - Hyterodyne “Heterodyning is a radio signal processing technique popularized by Canadian inventorengineer Reginald Fessenden in 1901, in which new frequencies are created by combining or mixing two frequencies.” “The two frequencies are combined in a nonlinear signal-processing device such as a vacuum tube, transistor, or diode, usually called a mixer. In the most common application, two signals at frequencies f1 and f2 are mixed, creating two new signals, one at the sum f1 + f2 of the two frequencies, and the other at the difference f1 − f2. These new frequencies are called heterodynes. Typically only one of the new frequencies is desired, and the other signal is filtered out of the output of the mixer.” f1 + f2 f1 f1 − f2 f2 Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 13 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Receiver Architecture - Superhyterodyne Move the incoming RF signal to a much lower frequency for detection • It is easier to build detectors at lower frequencies • It is easier have gain at lower frequencies • Gain can also be distributed across different frequencies to avoid oscillation • Great performance Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 14 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Receiver Architecture - Superhyterodyne Block diagram with a more modern look Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 15 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Receiver Architecture - Superhyterodyne Block diagram with a more modern look Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 16 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Integrated Circuits Jack Kilby, 1958 How many transistors? Intel i7 3.4 GHz, 2019 How many transistors? Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 17 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 RF/Microwave Integrated Circuits In a similar way as you put digital logic into the form of an IC, RF and microwave circuits can also be integrated. Both silicon and more exotic materials are used. • GaAs, mature, high frequencies. • GaN, emerging, high power. • InP, maturing, extremely high freq. • Silicon, mature, low/high power, low cost, high frequency. Today’s silicon IC technologies are extremely fast • Consider, your Intel i7s are running at a clock rate of close to 4 GHz; that’s higher than the RF carrier frequency of your cellphones; also higher than the high power microwaves in a microwave oven. • 65nm CMOS transistor can now generate frequencies up to 300 GHz (over 1,000 GHz if harmonics are used). Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 18 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 RF/Microwave System on Chip Complete wireless communication transceiver on a single chip Complete radar system on a single chip, even with the antenna Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 19 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Realization of RF/Microwave Systems PCBs with Integrated Circuits (IC) RF IC suppliers • Skyworks • Analog Devices • RFMD • Freescale • Triquint • Hittite Microwave • … Dept. of Telecoms Engineering Skyworks Analog Devices 20 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Realization of RF/Microwave Systems With discrete transistors (RF/Microwave PCB): Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 21 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems Receive Transmit Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 22 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems Block diagram of the CC1020 IC – Texas Instrument Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 23 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee-ready RF Transceiver Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 24 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems RADAR SYSTEMS Transmit Receive Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 25 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems IWR1642 77GHz FMCW Radar EVM Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 26 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems Vector Network Anayzer Dept. of Telecoms Engineering Spectrum Analyzer 27 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Wireless Communications Systems IWR1642 77GHz FMCW Radar EVM Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 28 Dung Trinh, PhD HCMUT / 2019 Q&A Dept. of Telecoms Engineering 29