Uploaded by Susie Logan

World as a Village: Global Demographics & Statistics

There are 6 billion (6,000,000,000) people in the world.
In a village of 100…
59 Asian
14 African
12 European
14 American (north, south, central)
1 South Pacific (Oceania)
70 non-white
30 white
49 women
51 men
30 children
70 adults
15 speak Chinese, Mandarin
7 English
6 Hindi
6 Spanish
5 Russian
5 Arabic
3 Bengali
3 Portguese
50 Other
33 Christian
21 Muslim
15 Hindu
6 Buddhist
5 Animist
14 Atheist
6 own 59% wealth (all in USA)
74 own 39% wealth
20 share 2%
7 have computer/internet access
20 undernourished
1 dying of starvation
15 overweight
20 don’t have access to safe drinking water
56 have no sanitation
10 control weapons
90 watch with anxiety