Name: ____________________________________________. Date: ____________________ Stars & The Sun Study Guide Part 1: Examining Stars – Critical Vocabulary Term Star Definition/Notes Light Year Luminosity Magnitude Absolute magnitude: Apparent magnitude: Nebula Main Sequence Star Super Nova White Dwarf Black Dwarf Neutron Star Concept Questions: 1. Stars are mostly made up of _____________________ and ___________________. 2. How is a light year different from the Astronomical unit (AU) that we learned about in our previous unit on planets? ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 3. What is a Hertzsprung – Russell Diagram? ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. What two factors does the HR diagram examine? ______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 5. According to this graph, which color of star is the coldest and brightest star? _______________________________________________________________________ 6. According to this graph, which color of star is the coldest and dimmest? _______________________________________________________________________ For questions 7 – 9 on the next page, use the following Word Bank: Main Sequence Giants & Super Giants White Dwarfs . ___________________ . ___________________ 9. ___________________ and _________________ 7. ___________________ 8. ___________________ . _______ _______ _____ . ___________________ 10. Outline the life cycle of a Sun like star (a star that is roughly the size of our sun) . ___________________ 11. Outline the life cycle of a Large star (larger than our sun, but smaller than the super giants 12. Outline the life cycle of a Very large star (the super giants) Part II: Examining the Sun 1. What are the 6 main parts of the sun? a. _____________________________________________ b. _____________________________________________ c. _____________________________________________ d. _____________________________________________ e. _____________________________________________ f. _____________________________________________ 2. What is a fusion reaction? _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. Of the layers/parts of the sun in question one, highlight the ones that belong to the category “Parts of the Atmosphere” yellow and the ones that belong to the category “Layers of the sun’s interior” pink. 4. What is a solar eclipse? ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Sun Vocabulary Term Corona Chromosphere Photosphere Convective Zone Radiative Zone The Core Definition/Notes Name: -------- Date: ---------- SCIENCE WORKSHEET: LABEL PARTS OF THE SUN 1 Word Bank: Which part? Radiative zone Corona Convective zone Photosphere Chromosphere Core 5 [±I 1. 2. 6 3. 4. 5. 6.