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Android O Sony UI Specification rev-2.2

Android O
UI Specification
For Sony Android TV Partners
Revision 2.2
Sony Electronics
North American Specifications
Android O
UI Specification Preface
Important Notes
This document is intended to familiarize our partners with the user interface (UI)
changes coming to Sony TVs with Android O.
The icons and poster images and example text used in this document are FPO
and do not necessarily represent the actual images and text used by Sony
For each Poster image please provide a single 204x206 image where the lower
portion is the partner brand logo. Please follow the sizing guide on page 5
For the upper portion of the Poster image please use imagery from content or a
visual metaphor showcasing what customers will find within your app.
The Text message appears when your app is highlighted. The Text message must
be 55 characters or less.
New HOME screen
Home View
Android L, M, N
Home View
Android O
8 icons above fold at default
6 icons above fold when row is in focus
Android O
Sony Select Channel Poster Scrolling
Scrolling the selections in the Sony Select channel on the main screen
Service Name
Short Description
Scroll the items
Selecting a Poster will go to either the Google Play store or to the app if it’s been downloaded
Android O
Images and Text
Image and text specifications
The ICON image to appear on
the Home View and inside Sony
POSTER image to appear within the
Sony Select channel.
Upper portion is contents image, lower
design is ICON design resized to fit
the poster. This is a single image with
two visual elements.
The Service Name will
appear below the ICON
and POSTER image.
The Short Description will
appear below the Service
Name on the Sony Select
Ex) “Sunyflix”
Ex) “Sunyflix is the world
leading subscription
service for watching
shows about sunny days.”
NOTE: Maximum length:
55 characters
Unicode 2 byte format
Short Description
NOTE: Maximum length:
23 characters
Unicode 2 byte format
24 bit PNG format
Service Name
24 bit PNG format
Must include three
versions: English, French,
Android O
Poster Refresh
Important Notes on uploading new Posters
Posters can be updated once a month at roughly thirty day intervals
Poster update timing will spread the updates across the month. If your poster is
updated on the 15th of May, the next version will be shown on the 15 th of June
(approximate, plus or minus four days).
You can send a set of Posters in advance and we will change to the next one
each month. Once the last Poster in the set has been shown the following month
will rotate to the first poster in the set unless we are instructed otherwise. For
example, a set of two Posters will show on alternate months.
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