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Performer Roles & Skills: Year 12 Assignment Guide

Year 12- Learning aim a – UNIT 2
Learning Aim A: To Understand the role and skills of a performer
& Explore the roles and
skills of a performer
You now need to write a report demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the roles and skills of a
performer with reference to examples of disciplines, such as acting, dance and singing. Collate
knowledge from your case study, research, workshops and your own practice into a detailed, analytical report.
You must reference your case studies and your university prospectus’.
Conclusive report headings:
Training, qualifications and progression
Inter relationships with various positions within the industry
Working conditions
Factors affecting lifestyle
Personal Management
Skills required for a performer
Help for each heading:
Training, Qualifications and Progression: You should compare and
contrast the difference between different routes. Throughout the
comparison you should refer to case studies or interviews of people that
you have carried out as well as showing that you have conducted a lot of
research into the different options.
o Section one: Research into university training routes including 2
examples of different courses and an outline of how courses are
delivered and assessed e.g. lectures, practical exploration,
dissertations etc. include a quote from at least one person who took
this pathway.
o Section two: Research into Drama School/College including 2
examples of different courses and an outline of how courses are
delivered and assessed e.g. full time practical, long hours, industry
requirements. Include a quote from at least one person who took
this pathway.
o Section three: Alternative routes such as Adult Education, on the
job training, agencies etc. Include a quote from at least one person
who took this pathway.
o Section four: A conclusion based on your research of which pathway
would best suit you.
Interrelationships: This can refer to the relationships that performers
make in the industry and how important they can become. This could be
about relationships made between lyricists and composers or writers and
o Section one: An overview on why good relationships are important
in the industry.
o Section two: An example of an interrelationships e.g. actor and
director with a quote from a case study to explain the relationship.
o Section three: A second example of interrelationship e.g. dancer
and choreographer with a quote from a case study to explain the
Working Conditions: Within this section consider the life of a performer
and what its like working in this industry. As always refer to case studies
but also think about your own experiences. Giving up social time to
rehearse and making sure your fit and healthy.
o Section one: An overview of experiences with quotes from case
studies to give examples and evidence of your conclusion including:
o Working hours
o Lifestyle expectations
o Conditions of theatre/film sets
o Pay
Factors Effecting lifestyle: What could prevent a performer from
having a ‘normal’ lifestyle?
o Section one: An overview of experiences with quotes from case
studies to give examples and evidence of your conclusion including:
o Working hours impact on family and friends
o Lifestyle expectations – impact on diet and exercise and activities.
o Irregular Pay affecting accommodation and regular bills – impact of
being self employed.
Personal Management: Refer to things like looking after yourself and
making sure that a performer stays ‘relevant’ by having lessons and
keeping fit and healthy.
o Section one: Looking after yourself
o Section two: Classes and lessons to improve your work
o Section three: time management and organization.
Skills required: What skills do they need to have? Do they need to know
different styles of dances, singing, acting? Do they need to constantly
continue their professional development?
Section one: Personal Skills
Section two: Employability Skills
Section three: Practical Skills
Sections four: Technical Skills
Conclusion: Round everything off. Tie everything together and compare
and contrast your case studies and interviews. A well-argued and
supported conclusion.
Evidence to go before the report in your folder:
Skills needed for a performer. A list of skills needed that you have
found out about. I.e. facial expression, character development,
posture etc.
Personal management skills- Kit, being on time, contribution,
warming up, Responding to direction and choreography etc.
With your university and college research – be sure to compare the
difference between the two. What are the differences between
university and college and the training that is on offer and what is
your research telling you about where is good to train and what
paths they can lead you? All research behind this title page.
Interviews- Laura Selwood- Musical Theatre Performer (Your
primary research) You also need to include your case studies that
you have carried out on other people (secondary interviews).
Please Note these case studies mean nothing in your folder if you
do not annotate them and include your own Analysis of the
research that you are carrying out.
Monitoring progress- all of your skills audits so far (you should have
3). Again these need to be annotated. What are you doing about
those reds or room for improvements. You need to annotate or
include things behind the skills audit that you are doing to improve
your skills. Ie. If your vocal is your weakest are you going to
arrange singing lessons or ask for one to one help or constantly
listen to the songs and warm up properly etc.