Lakeridge Middle School Winter 2022 The MBTI assessment provides a simple, positive foundation for personal development and selfawareness. The MBTI assessment will help you get to know yourself better, enhance your interpersonal skills, have better relationships with family, friends, and others. It also provides a common language for appreciating differences. How Does Knowing about My Personality Type Help Me? Self-awareness is an important step to any type of success in life. If you don’t recognize and understand your weak areas and unhelpful habits, you’re less likely to advance beyond them. That can limit what you accomplish in any part of your life. This survey will offer research-based information about personality type tendencies. It opens the door to objective self-awareness, helping you see aspects of yourself that could be improved and how to use your existing strengths even better. That can reduce stress and help you engage in beneficial opportunities, get along with others, and generally be your best. Understanding your personality type helps you make the most of your potential. MBTI Test Results After taking the test you are given lots of information, this project was created to help you sort through that information, document what you learned from this assessment, and reflect on that information. In order to do so, you will need to keep the assement results readily available in a tab and working to complete the tasks/promts on this Slide Presentation. Introduction On the Introduction page, capture your results and replace the examples down below. Introduction Read through the introduction page and complete the following task in the chart below. Copy and paste the sentence that applies to the prompt: I agree with this most: I disagree with this most: I was most surprised by this: Explain & Elaborate why you chose this sentence Strengths and Weaknesses Read through the “Strengths and Weaknesses” page and complete the following task in the chart below. Record three strengths of your type you feel will be critical to success in your future Strengths and Weaknesses Read through the “Strengths and Weaknesses” page and complete the following task in the chart below. Record three weaknesses of your type you feel may prevent your from achieving all your potential success in your future Strengths and Weaknesses Read through the “Strengths and Weaknesses” page and complete the following task in the chart below. For each of the 3 Weaknesses you listed on the previous slide, explain what habit/strategy you can start to develop to improve. Example Response: - I have to engage when working in groups, and start giving others the opportunity to take over important roles, trusting their capabilities on doing a good job. Friendships Read through the “Friendships” page and complete the following task in the chart below. Explain what it says and how this might affect your ability to make new friends. (3-5 sentences) Career Paths Read through the “Career Paths” page and complete the following task in the chart below. Explain what it says and then evaluate it by answering the following prompts: Identify 2 accuracies this section has about you. Identify 2 inaccuracies this sections has about you. Overall, how well does this section represent you on a scale of 1-10, 10 being 100% match. Explain your response. What is your ideal career path and list 2 traits from this section that would help you be sucessful in this career. Workplace Habits Read through the “Workplace Habits” page and complete the following task in the chart below. Explain how your personality type approaches work and others in the workplace? Explain how might this impact your approach to school and group work? Conclusion Read through the “Conclusion” page and complete the following task in the chart below. 1. Reflect on what you learned from this personality test. (2 - 5 sentences) 2. How will this help you in this class and your life? (2 - 5 sentences)