b82f3e72 INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SLIGO JANUARY EXAMINATIONS 2021/2022 MODULE: MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME(S): SG_SENVP_O09 STAGE: ENVR09016-38762 - WATER RESOURCE Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Protection 5 EXAMINER(S): Lisa Cronin Dr Salem Gharbia Dr Brian Doyle EXTERNAL EXAMINER Dr Patricia Ennis TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hours INSTRUCTIONS: Answer 3 questions. One question must be answered from each Section. All questions carry equal marks. PLEASE DO NOT TURN OVER THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. The use of programmable or text storing calculators is expressly forbidden. There are no additional requirements for this paper. ENVR09016-38762 – WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT January Examinations 2021/2022 Page 1 of 4 b82f3e72 SECTION A (ANSWER ONE QUESTION FROM SECTION A) QUESTION 1 (Answer all parts) Part A “People with water-borne diseases occupy more than 50% of hospital beds across the world. Does the answer lie in building more hospitals? Really, what is needed is to give them clean water.” Manoj Bhargava a) Set out your reasoned arguments and opinions (at least 5) on how drinking water safety planning can effectively prevent outbreaks of water borne diseases. (30% of marks) b) In Europe what are the challenges (at least 5) for countries in implementing the requirements of the Protocol on Water & Health? (30% of marks) Part B Disinfection is considered one of the most important water treatment barriers. Compare and contrast two methods for disinfection outlining the process for each of the options chosen, the comparative advantages and disadvantages specific to each and your reasoning as to which would be the most suitable to install on a lowland river source. (40% of marks) QUESTION 2 (Answer all parts) Part A ‘Involving all stakeholders to do their part in protecting, preventing deterioration and restoring waters and to play a part in river basin management planning is essential’. An important stakeholder group is farmers, outline a strategy for increasing farmer involvement in the next and subsequent cycles of the river basin management plans. (50% of marks) ENVR09016-38762 – WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT January Examinations 2021/2022 Page 2 of 4 b82f3e72 Part B Evaluating the sources of pollution or other significant pressures on water quality is important as we enter the next cycle of river basin management plans. What are the four most significant pressures on Irish water quality? Describe the impacts associated with two of these pressures and outline how these should be most effectively addressed to meet the objectives of the WFD? (50% of marks) SECTION B (ANSWER ONE QUESTION FROM SECTION B) QUESTION 3 (answer all parts) a. Briefly describe and illustrate a typical Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) System for biological wastewater treatment. Outline the principal factors that might negatively impact the reliable functioning of an RBC system. (50% of marks) b. Briefly describe and illustrate a typical operation of a trickling filter system. What are the principal advantages of this process compared with conventional suspended growth (Activated Sludge) processes? (50% of marks) QUESTION 4 (answer all parts) a. What is MLSS and MLVSS, and how they can be used to control the activated sludge process? (25% of marks) b. List and explain three of the unit process that could be included as part of the preliminary wastewater treatment. (25% of marks) c. Define BOD and discuss the influence of temperature on the BOD values. (25% of marks) d. Discuss the mass transfer mechanism of oxygen and nutrients across slime interfaces in the biofilm process with the aid of a neat sketch. (25% of marks) ENVR09016-38762 – WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT January Examinations 2021/2022 Page 3 of 4 b82f3e72 SECTION C (ANSWER ONE QUESTION FROM SECTION C) QUESTION 5 (Answer ALL parts) You have been asked to deliver a short talk for a Community Group on the Irish regulations that transpose the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The group is located in an area of the country where the catchment has both a major abstractive surface water and an important groundwater body. Prepare a summary of the material you would present to them. Your summary should: a. Outline the key objectives in the WFD. (6%) b. Identify and briefly explain the provisions of the main legislation that implements the Directive in Ireland. (60% of marks) c. Outline the roles and responsibilities of the EPA and local authorities in the implementation and enforcement of these Regulations. (14% of marks) d. Do you think that these regulations alone will be able to achieve good water quality in the catchment? Justify your answer. (20% of marks) QUESTION 6 (Answer All parts) Part A Discuss in detail the provisions of the legislation that deals with agricultural sources of nitrates and phosphates. Include a brief overview of the history of this legislation. (70% of marks) Part B (i) Outline the steps that farmers can take to ensure compliance with the regulations that deal with agricultural sources of nitrates and phosphates (10% of marks) (ii) What contribution would comprehensive implementation of this legislation make to the problem of eutrophication (10% of marks) [END OF EXAM] ENVR09016-38762 – WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT January Examinations 2021/2022 Page 4 of 4