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Classroom Management Strategies for Teachers

Classroom Management Strategies
Effective Classroom Management is designed to assist all teachers
regardless of how many years they have been in the classroom.
These sessions will help teachers to be successful in implementing a
management plan that allows all students to learn and be successful.
The basic structure of the plan follows and is flexible to meet the
needs of the participants.
Model ideal behavior
Use polite language
Maintain eye contact
Keep phones in your pockets
Let one another speak uninterrupted
Raise concerns about one another’s statements in a
respectful manner
Let students help establish guidelines
Students can help build classroom rules
Print and distribute the list of rules that the class discussion
Avoid punishing the class
Address isolated behavior issues instead punishing an entire class,
Call out specific students in a friendly manner.
Encourage initiative
Promote growth mindset, and inject variety into your lessons, by
allowing students to work ahead and deliver short presentations
Offer praise
Improves academic
Behavioral performance,
● Inspire the class
● Improve a student’s self-esteem
● Reinforce rules and values you want to see
Use non-verbal communication
Complement words with actions and visual aids to improve
content delivery.
Many differentiated instruction strategies and techniques are rooted
in these communication methods. For example, running learning
stations — divided sections of your classroom through which
students rotate — allows you to deliver a range of non-spoken
content types. These include videos, infographics and physical
objects such as counting coins.
Hold parties
Throw an occasional classroom party to acknowledge
students’ hard work, motivating them to keep it up.
Even if it’s just for 20 or 30 minutes, they should be happy
with snacks and a selection of group games to play. Clarify
that you’re holding the party to reward them and they can
earn future parties by demonstrating ideal behavior,
Give rewards
Reward specific students at the end of each lesson, in front of the
class, as another motivational and reinforcement technique.
give them raffle tickets. To later submit them tickets for a shot at a
prize that changes each week..
Make positive letters and phone calls
Keep students happy in and out of class by pleasantly
surprising their parents, making positive phone calls and
sending complimentary letters home.
When the occasion arises, letting parents know has a trickledown effect. They’ll generally congratulate their kids; their
kids will likely come to class eager to earn more positive
Conferring is a regular scheduled time devoted to meeting 1-to-1 with each
student to discuss the assignment they have chosen.
Every assignment they have selected tells a part of their story.
We learn about their interests, their understanding of their own abilities.