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Global Issues in Finance: Tax Avoidance & IFRS

MSc in Professional Accountancy
Module: Global Issues for the Finance Professional [PAM100]
Coursework 1 (July 2021)
Submission Deadline: Monday 6th September 2021 by 1pm (1300
hours GMT)
1. Introduction
This coursework assignment carries 25% of the total of 100% for this Module. It is an
individual not a group-based assignment. The tasks/requirements are detailed in
point 5 on page 3.
Please take careful note of the following points:
The coursework draws upon selected issues from Themes 1: Selected issues
in Sustainability (topics 1, 2, 3) and Theme 2: Harmonization of Accounting
standards (topics 4, 5, 6).
The upper limit of the word count should not be exceeded – see point 3 below
on page 2.
You must ensure that you cite references consistently. Harvard referencing
system is preferred
However, other well-known referencing systems (e.g. APA) are allowed but
must be used consistently.
No appendices (other than the list of references) are allowed.
Figures, diagrams, tables will count as part of your word count
At the end of your response you should state your word count, excluding your
list of references.
Submitted coursework assignments are subject to a range of quality control and
scrutiny checks including, as appropriate, double marking and/or moderation
and/or scrutiny by the module’s Internal and/or External Examiners. All
submitted coursework assignments are subject to Turnitin checking for
plagiarism (see point 2 below). All results when first published are provisional
until confirmed by the Examination Board.
Assessment criteria are referred to in point 4 on page 3/Appendix A on page 5.
2. Plagiarism
This is cheating. Do not be tempted and certainly do not succumb to temptation.
Plagiarised copies are invariably rooted out and severe penalties apply. All assignment
submissions are electronically tested for plagiarism. More information may be
3. Penalties for exceeding the word count
There are penalties for exceeding the specified word count.
The maximum word limit for this coursework assignment is 4,000 words
(excluding the list of references).
You may use less than 4,000 words but in so doing you may be penalizing
yourself as it is likely to be challenging to respond to the coursework brief.
You MUST state an accurate word count (excluding the list of references) at the
end of your work. If you do not state an accurate word count your mark will be
reduced by 5 marks.
Diagrams and pictures and charts are not counted within the word count but
any list(s) of words or any other form of narrative placed in Tables in the main
text and will be included in the word count.
If you submit more than 4,000 words the following penalties apply:
a. up to 10% more than 4,000 words - your mark will be reduced by 5
b. for more than 10% than 4,000 words you will receive zero marks for
this work.
4. Guidelines regarding criteria for achieving particular grade boundaries
Appendix A details the criteria for achieving particular grades of marks, criteria being
derived from the Higher Education Qualifications Framework (HEQF) at Masters
level (Level 7). Meeting the specified criteria in each category results in the following
range of marks being awarded in each respective category:
Mark range
Grade standard
86 - 100
Distinction at very high level
70 - 85
60 - 69
50 - 59
40 - 49
Fail standard
0 - 39
In Appendix A, the areas in focus are:
Bad fail standard
A. Knowledge and understanding of field and intellectual skills;
B. Research and enquiry;
C. Scholarly practices;
D. Professional skills and attributes.
This particular coursework assignment is concerned with A, B and C. There are other
assessments within the MPAcc degree programme which focus on D. These areas of
focus should be combined within an independent piece of work.
5. The Coursework Task
There is one requirement in this section. The response to the requirement should be
submitted in no more than 4,000 words. Penalties apply for exceeding the word count.
No formal penalties apply for using fewer than 4,000 words but in so doing you may
be penalizing yourself as it is likely to be challenging to respond to the requirement in
less than 4,000 words.
This coursework will be based on Themes 1 and 2 of your study materials.
In Theme 1, topics 1, 2 and 3 there has been a focus on tax avoidance by firms and
the implications for those firms when they claim adherence to corporate social
responsibility. As a result of the earnings management process, senior financial
managers may reduce corporation tax liabilities by reporting earnings at a lower level
of profits.
Theme 2 has highlighted a number of potential benefits associated with IFRS and the
harmonisation of accounting processes. Benefits include improvements in the quality
of financial reporting and the standardisation of reporting earnings which are relied
upon by shareholders, potential investors and other external parties such as banks
and suppliers.
It can be seen that from these two themes that potential conflicts can arise between
the desire to improve financial reporting and the earnings management process.
Critically examine the potential conflicts that exits between the desire to
improve the quality of financial reporting and the need for an earnings
management process aimed at reducing corporation tax liabilities.
6. Submission of Assignments
Please Note: You are permitted to upload your Coursework in the final
submission area as many times as you like before the deadline. You will receive
a similarity/originality score which represents what the Turnitin system identifies as
work similar to another source. The originality score can take over 24 hours to
generate, especially at busy times e.g. submission deadline – so don’t leave
things to the last minute!
· If you upload the wrong version of your Coursework, you are able to upload the
correct version of your Coursework via the same submission area. You simply need
to click on the 'submit paper' button again and submit your new version before the
In doing so, this will delete the previous version which you submitted and your new
updated version will replace it. Therefore, your Turnitin similarity score should not be
affected. If there is a change in your Turnitin similarity score, it will be due to any
changes you may have made to your Coursework or an increase in the number of
papers that your work is checked against.
· Please note, when the due date is reached, the version you have submitted
last, will be considered as your final submission and it will be the version that
is marked.
· Once the due date has passed, it will not be possible for you to upload a
different version of your assessment. Therefore, you must ensure you have
submitted the correct version of your assessment which you wish to be marked, by the
due date.
Appendix A
Work of outstanding quality, showing mastery of the subject matter with a highly developed and
mature ability to analyse, synthesise and apply knowledge and theory. All objectives of the task
are covered and work is free of errors. There is evidence of critical reflection and the work
demonstrates originality of thought. Ideas are expressed with fluency and elegance.
This work meets and exceeds the standard for distinction, as described in the 70-84 band, across
all sub-categories of criteria: knowledge and understanding of subject; intellectual skills;
capacity to solve more unusual or demanding scenarios involving application of deep
understanding of the subject and its methods/techniques, research skills, use of researchinformed literature and other scholarly practices.
Produces work of exceptional standard, reflecting excellent understanding. Displays mastery of
the subject matter, with notable critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights at
forefront of the field. Shows excellent ability to select and apply appropriate and relevant
methodologies/techniques/theories as well as the ability to evaluate methodologies critically.
Deals with complex issues systematically and creatively, making excellent judgements. Conducts
research highly effectively, using technical and/or professional skills as appropriate. Shows
originality in application of knowledge and the ability to communicate at a very high level
arguments, evidence and conclusions to diverse audiences. Clear understanding of the subject
area producing work with a well-defined focus.
Shows some originality of ideas; appropriate use of analytical techniques; appreciation of
methodology; critical analysis of data; evidence of independent reading; adequate referencing
and professional bibliography, adequate structure and style; reasonably professional standard of
presentation with some errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar. Shows understanding and
critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, much of which is at, or informed by,
the forefront of the academic discipline, field of study or area of professional practice. Able to
communicate very effectively arguments, evidence and conclusions to specialist and nonspecialist audiences.
Demonstrates a sound general knowledge and understanding of material and subject area;
Shows limited originality of ideas; straight forward application of analytical techniques; limited
commentary on methodology; limited critical analysis of data; limited evidence of independent
reading; adequate referencing and adequate bibliography; adequate structure and style;
moderately professional standard of presentation with errors of spelling, punctuation or
grammar. Able to communicate effectively with a given audience. Work shows a grasp of
relevant concepts and material, but with some errors, gaps or areas of confusion. Only the basic
requirements of the work are covered. There is a heavy reliance on course materials and little
evidence of additional reading.
Demonstrates limited understanding and lacks the core knowledge of the subject area; lacking
originality of ideas; limited application of analytical techniques; lacking commentary on
methodology; limited critical analysis of data, little evidence of independent reading; adequate
referencing and adequate bibliography; adequate structure and style; poor to moderate
standard of presentation with errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar.
Offers some appropriate analysis, but with some significant inconsistencies which affect the
soundness of argument and/or conclusions. Demonstrates very limited critical ability producing
work that is too descriptive.
Demonstrates significant weakness in the knowledge base and understanding of the subject
area; simply reproducing knowledge without evidence of understanding. Shows few original
ideas; limited application of analytical techniques; limited understanding of methodology; lacks
commentary on methodology; no critical analysis of data; poor, inconsistent analysis; very little
or no evidence of independent reading; very poor referencing and poor bibliography; poor
structure and style; poor standard of presentation with significant errors of spelling, punctuation
or grammar.